CoC: HTML Edition (0.1.2 alpha)


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2016
Sometimes when I explore a location I just get a blank screen and the option to explore somewhere else.  I'm pretty sure this is caused by encounters being broken, because no matter how many times I explore I'm not able to access certain content (Jojo and goo-girls are the ones I noticed were absent).  I checked the console for a broken encounter in the forest and it showed this:


Any help?

Also, does running away just not work yet?

So nobody has any idea what the problem is?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well, there goes nothing:

You watch the fish for a few minutes until you notice that you're not alone on the shoreline. Further down the sandy beaches sits a solitary, masculiine figure, his legs parted and arched. A fishing rod is held lazily in his hands. You trace the fishing line with your eyes, seeing a little piece of flotsam bobbing up and down a fair distance into the water.");
        outputText("<br><br>You decide to approach this figure, who notices your advance. You spot him subtly shift his position, as though he's readying his body to bolt if you turn out to be hostile. But still, he lets you approach. The closer you get, the more of his features you can make out. His skin appears to be covered from head to toe with a layer of damp, brown fur. A long, thick tail sticks out from behind him, at least as wide-around as his leg, narrowing down into a rounded tip. A damp mess of sun-bleached blonde, short hair, frames an otter-like face with a cute, black button nose over his muzzle. His body, which is lithe and toned like that of a champion swimmer, is covered only by a set of black swimshorts. Beneath them, a noticeable bulge seems to move from time to times as his legs shift. His chest is flat and chiseled, though not overly muscled, surely thanks to a lot of time spent swimming. Identifying this person as an otter-morph, you'd guess larger muscles would make it harder to swim.");

How is looking?





Hm... I think that you shouldn't focus on masculinity and muscles too much. Morphs IMO should look quite androgynous for human, and otters have a notable amount of body fat because if you want to stay in the water for a long time you need it to avoid hypothermia.

But I'd really like to see what you'll do with sex scenes. They aren't ones to be easily changed to another gender, even if he would still be receiver.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm still working on the game. There will be more fixes and farm will be accessible from Places menu in 0.1.3.

I see the potential in some NPCs being reworked. Maybe a button to give you the choice. Just a few NPCs though.

0.2 will introduce FoE-like navigation as well and you'll no longer automatically return to camp with each scene but instead return automatically at 9pm.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Heh twins but mono or diff gender ones? Seeing as some of npc will get their opposite gender counterparts what if somehow ingame we meet both version of them? Twinception or what ^^


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Heh twins but mono or diff gender ones? Seeing as some of npc will get their opposite gender counterparts what if somehow ingame we meet both version of them? Twinception or what ^^

I think it was about Coalsacks gender-bending work.


Mar 26, 2016
Before continuing I want to clarify that I speak Spanish, and I am forced to use google translator to express my opinion, if I make a mistake of drafting them I apologize in advance

I love that someone finally has thought to change the format for CoC, and Html used is a brilliant idea, personally I was about to propose to use the unity but discovered that certain legal problems prevent the creation of a game of this nature in that language, however, Html is an easy universal option to understand and he does not care tabues, I support the project and if you allow me could create any monstergirl in cgi (except for the sandwitch, it is impossible for me to create a woman cgi with more than 1 pair of tits).

On the other hand if possible I want to suggest some ideas, some small added that the original game does not have (nor the mod Revamp) but that would make your project a work of art.

  • Multiplayer Options

yes, I know this is asking too much, but then if it can imagine the possibilities, we can use our characters to party with other players ... or if you want to go to bed with them xD

  • Create an underground world, and improve quest phylla

Phylla, ant girl at camp does nothing more than give gems when you ask, and their sexual choices are not very interesting, and since it is an ant, I propose to expand the quest for through it is accessed a new location that would be the underworld, besides giving more a practical their sexual games use, use I propose is she to do a threesome she could engender an ant with the skills of those in the group, to give an example, if you have relations with the hero and at the same time amily beget an ant with alchemical skills, and if instead of amily with Izma does beget a very strong combat ant.

  • Add melodies and new wallpaper to the game

something that has always bothered me is that in the game of CoC, is that the music is absent, and the wallpaper that has only 2 are of good quality, others are not exactly pleasing to the eye. I propose to do one of 2 things, give the user the option to put your personalized wallpaper or alternatively, add new wallpaper, on the other hand the music was an issue since flash the weight of the melodies were very heavy, but in html midi files can be used which are ridiculously light and perfect when play

those are my suggestions, maybe some very crazy, but others are reasonably possible

forget to mention a very important suggestion, which takes a lot of work, but if done from the beginning should be easy to implement, the choice of language for the game, and I would particularly preferably Spanish :p
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Mar 26, 2016
make a multiplayer game is difficult, I know, but not impossible, especially if it is a rpg game as CoC, it is easier to do than other games, of different nature.

As for the language, it is somewhat problematic to make a reliable translation, because we have to start from the beginning and go by orthographic and editorial corrections, but it just so happens that that is exactly what is being done to implement it in html .

Personally I like to do the translation into Spanish, but my experience tells me not to do more than one job at a time, and I volunteered to do CGI images of the game :p .
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
So two questions. 1. Is this still being worked on? I haven't really seen any updates for a while. And 2. When this is all caught up, will you move the projects you WERE going to do on the original mod onto here?


New Member
Oct 30, 2016
I figure it's time I became more public about this. I've been working on and off on the CoC HTML port for a few months with Kitteh6660, mostly working independently by pushing patches to Github. I can't speak for his plans on this port beyond what is listed in CoC HTML Trello roadmap at But I think I can clear up some of the questions that have been asked if anyone is still reading this.

Is it being worked on? Yes, but sporadically (at least by me.) I'm a freelance writer. When clients slow down, I have time to work on it. When things get busy, it falls by the wayside.

Will requests from the original mod be added into the HTML port? I would imagine so, eventually, but much of the work getting done right now is behind-the-scenes. When I code, I take the latest full version of Kitteh6660's CoC Mod as my baseline. The first priority is converting ActionScript into good Javascript. It seems like with every new piece I add into the game I'm having to learn some new tweak to make it run. We're also working on making the code much more maintainable and extensible. For instance, I've revamped some of the pregnancy code so that any NPC can get impregnated by any other NPC and have it track over time. Pregnancy used to be handled by two different systems but is now handled by one. But it is still very alpha and there's no code to make it happen as of now. I know Kitteh6660 wants to make FoE style navigation. I haven't played much of FoE since very early alpha so I'm not touching that.

One of my main concerns is to ensure that the code can be maintainable in the future and work well across all browsers. This is the biggest reason why CoC is so hard to mod and update. The Lusty Maiden's Armor is proving to be an absolute nightmare because of the how ActionScript handles classes compared to Javascript. Many text blocks use <br> tags to provide line spacing which is bad HTML these days.

That said, if you know how to code and you want to take a crack at porting and fixing things, start participating on the Trello, learn Github, and go to town.

Multiplayer? I wouldn't even know where to begin with this. Sorry.

Translations? Quite possible later, but it would be much easier to do after the engine is fully revamped and a proper translation guide drawn up. But be forewarned. There is a massive amount of text in this game and it's much more complicated than it may first appear.

Music and Wallpaper? Also possible, but this is more bells and whistles than a focus. Still, if you can gather music that can be freely used and want to give it a shot, post in the Trello. Got wallpapers? They need to be 1000px x 800px AND LIGHT ENOUGH TO ALLOW TEXT TO BE READ. Again, post in the Trello.

Blank screen going to next while exploring? This means that there is an option in the exploration selector that isn't implemented and you've hit it. Could be a bug, could be a legitimate option that hasn't been created yet.

Combat bugs? Many and plentiful I'm afraid, especially for things beyond basic attacks. Please post bugs you find in the Trello.

Any other questions? Feel free to ask.


Apr 26, 2016
Are you looking for more people to help? I might have some time to contribute.