CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Seems good. Handling it as a key item sounds good, that way it can have its own properties right?

I can try and write some blurbs and stuff for it if you want since i'm not too busy.

Yeah, will be a new Phase somewhere after finalizing Phase 1.
PS: I tried to add you to the list of editors to the docs, but Google doesn't play nicely, when I enter your name there. Could you send me a PM with your E-Mail-address you use at Google-docs, so I can add you?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Ok, after a long session of renaming the branch, creating a new branch and cherry-picking I finally has a clean Branch without all these merges from Kitteh6660/master and other branches and PRs.

You can review it here @GitHub.

I'll file a PR to CoC Revamp soonish.

[Edit:] *DONE*: PR #310: Basilisk Eyes Phase 1 filed.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
I plan to rename the Combat button 'Fire Breath' to 'Terra Fire' and to change the tooltip accordingly.


  • I have heard about a plan to add more Breath attacks including 'Fire Breath' in the future.
  • IMHO it fits better to that attack and its description, when you unleash it:
    A growl rumbles deep with your chest as you charge the terrestrial fire. When you can hold it no longer, you release an ear splitting roar and hurl a giant green conflagration at your enemy.

diff --git a/classes/classes/Scenes/Combat/ b/classes/classes/Scenes/Combat/
index 7f10d9b..b1d3313 100644
--- a/classes/classes/Scenes/Combat/
+++ b/classes/classes/Scenes/Combat/
@@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ package classes.Scenes.Combat
 				addButton(button++, "DragonFire", dragonBreath, null, null, null, "Unleash fire from your mouth. This can only be done once a day. \n\nFatigue Cost: " + player.spellCost(20), "Dragon Fire");
 			if (player.findPerk(PerkLib.FireLord) >= 0) {
-				addButton(button++,"Fire Breath",fireballuuuuu, null, null, null, "Unleash fire from your mouth. \n\nFatigue Cost: 20", "Fire Breath");
+				addButton(button++, "Terra Fire", fireballuuuuu, null, null, null, "Unleash terrestrial fire from your mouth. \n\nFatigue Cost: 20", "Terra Fire");
 			if (player.findPerk(PerkLib.Hellfire) >= 0) {
 				addButton(button++,"Hellfire",hellFire, null, null, null, "Unleash fire from your mouth. \n\nFatigue Cost: " + player.spellCost(20));

PS: Damn, the WYSIWYG-editor sucks ... how can I turn it off? :/

[Edit:] Before I forget to ask: Any objections? Especially @Kitteh6660? I'll open an issue for that in a sec. I'll edit this post, when I'm done.
[Edit 2:] *DONE* Issue #311 [Feature] Renaming the button 'Fire Breath' to 'Terra Fire' opened.
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Apr 16, 2016
Good news and bad news.

Good: I removed the "dickgirl" bullshit and made it where the champion is recognized as male.

Bad: The game won't call you a femboy in the description. That's kinda shitty but it's better than being called a "dickgirl."

Dropping in to say I applaud your dedication to fixingchanging this even though I don't have any intentions to re-play CoC (in any form) anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
Been working with Stadler recently to make Basilisk a unique race and give Benoit(e) a bit more love.  I have written stuff for  basilisk hair and pending editing etc hopefully should be good enough to enjoy. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
... Since when did Basilisks have hair?

Just visit the high mountains and fight a basilisk. Their description reads:

You are fighting the basilisk:
You are fighting a basilisk! From what you can tell while not looking directly at it, the basilisk is a male reptilian biped standing a bit over 6' tall. He has a thin but ropy build, his tightly muscled yellow underbelly the only part of his frame not covered in those deceptive, camouflaging grey-green scales. A long, whip-like tail flits restlessly through the dirt behind his skinny legs, and sharp sickle-shaped index claws decorate each hand and foot. You don’t dare to look at his face, but you have the impression of a cruel jaw, a blunt lizard snout and a crown of dull spines.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
I'm currently working on a table for the reptilum transformation: Reptilum TF table.
Feel free to comment or to suggest changes.
And if this table has matured enough, I'd suggest to add this to the reptilum-page of the CoC Revamp wiki.

I've added @Ormael and @MissBlackthorne to the list of editor. If anyone else wants to help with editing, tell me. But don't tell me your email unless I ask you to.
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New Member
Aug 7, 2016
I've decided to "new game plus" character that i created with bad end only to learn that it doesn't work anymore and i can only continue,
I checked and it stil is in unmoded CoC version and works, why was this feature removed in revamp mod?
I don't like having to beat the game just so i can ascension character that i don't enjoy playing with as much anymore.
The only way now is to start new game and lose level and gems. (also i always imagined "new game plus" as it being new champion that is send next year and also imagined that my old character is out there somewhere corrupted)
Shouldn't "new game plus" after bad end be still in the game?
I really like this mod, it is awesome and it made me get back to this game after long absence from CoC. This mod adds good stuff into the game making it better than the epic original. All i wanted to say is -> good work!


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
Could anyone take a look at issue #313 Quickload and especially quicksave is a little too quick for me and share your thoughts.
And if anyone volunteers to test my implementation, please tell me in that issue.

Thanks in advance to everyone, who volunteers.

  Christian Stadler (Germany, Schleswig-Holstein)

A confirmation dialog makes it not be quick anymore.

Typically the solution to accidentally hitting F6 instead of F5 is to separate them out. Make quickload F5 and quicksave F9 or vice versa. That big separate between the two makes it impossible to accidentally mix the two, while still allowing quickload/save to be quick.

EDIT: nevermind, it is actually optional
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
This has all been discussed in the issue. Did you actually read the discussion in that issue or did you just hit reply after reading the title? Well, anyway. I've replied to you in that issue.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
I've decided to "new game plus" character that i created with bad end only to learn that it doesn't work anymore and i can only continue,
I checked and it stil is in unmoded CoC version and works, why was this feature removed in revamp mod?
I don't like having to beat the game just so i can ascension character that i don't enjoy playing with as much anymore.
The only way now is to start new game and lose level and gems. (also i always imagined "new game plus" as it being new champion that is send next year and also imagined that my old character is out there somewhere corrupted)
Shouldn't "new game plus" after bad end be still in the game?
I really like this mod, it is awesome and it made me get back to this game after long absence from CoC. This mod adds good stuff into the game making it better than the epic original. All i wanted to say is -> good work!

Well, in many other games New Game+ requires you to beat the final boss so you can start over with a higher level. Chrono Trigger and Dragons Dogma are examples for this.

[Edit] mmh, I wasn't fast enough with replying. Now the auto post merge didn't trigger :/
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Dec 23, 2015
gj so far on what u implemented Stadler

danger totally different topic:

im wondering if u also plan on doing something with the tentacle beast because i feel its a skipped, nice scene for those of us who have a heart for tacles and i feel like the game lacks it a bit...and as u've been the most productive lately from what i can tell this question shoots out to u :D

its no complaint so dont take it that way, just asking if this was possible/planned

if ideas are needed i can help maybeh


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Truthfully if its just tentacle you want then play the scylla of coc wuxia youl have plenty of tentacle stuff


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
mmh, now that I think of it: Naming it scylla can be a bit confusing, since there's an NPC in CoC Mod named Scylla.


Aug 10, 2016
I made an apk of this, for personal use, and I'm happy to share it if that's within any terms of service allowances to post on here. It's basically just an edit of the standard CoC apk with the .swf file replaced and some custom icons that I made.

I'll leave another reply with the apk attached if I receive the go-ahead, otherwise I guess I'll just share my method with anyone who wants to know how I compiled it (I'm a total amateur, so I have no android app building experience, but I could write up a short tutorial to show how people can make their own).


New Member
Aug 11, 2016
I made an apk of this, for personal use, and I'm happy to share it if that's within any terms of service allowances to post on here. It's basically just an edit of the standard CoC apk with the .swf file replaced and some custom icons that I made.

I'll leave another reply with the apk attached if I receive the go-ahead, otherwise I guess I'll just share my method with anyone who wants to know how I compiled it (I'm a total amateur, so I have no android app building experience, but I could write up a short tutorial to show how people can make their own).

I for one would greatly appreciate a tutorial, as descriptive and painfully detailed as possible. I rooted my tablet just for the revamped version, but just don't know what to do next.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
A charybdis doesnt look at all like a octopus just saying. Scylla is the correct definition. The npc name is Priscylla


New Member
Aug 12, 2016
I made an apk of this, for personal use, and I'm happy to share it if that's within any terms of service allowances to post on here. It's basically just an edit of the standard CoC apk with the .swf file replaced and some custom icons that I made.

I'll leave another reply with the apk attached if I receive the go-ahead, otherwise I guess I'll just share my method with anyone who wants to know how I compiled it (I'm a total amateur, so I have no android app building experience, but I could write up a short tutorial to show how people can make their own).

Please, could you create an tutorial or at least share the apk with us? I tried to compile it with added images (I wanted HN0 image pack), but Adobe Air just doesn't support <img> in RichText and I wasn't able to find other solution than rewritting it (I have no knowledge about AS3, Adobe Air nor Flash, so this looks like dead end for me now).


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
A charybdis doesnt look at all like a octopus just saying. Scylla is the correct definition. The npc name is Priscylla

Wrong. Thats Priscilla. Scylla is the horny Nun at the Tel'Adre bar.

Sigh, I know, I know: screenshot or it didn't happen:
2016-08-12 14_23_44-Adobe Flash Player 11.png

One the other hand: Scylla is just a name of an NPC. Doesn't mean, that Scylla can't be a race, too.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Someone realy did it on purpose to name Npc weirdly


Aug 10, 2016
Please, could you create an tutorial or at least share the apk with us? I tried to compile it with added images (I wanted HN0 image pack), but Adobe Air just doesn't support <img> in RichText and I wasn't able to find other solution than rewritting it (I have no knowledge about AS3, Adobe Air nor Flash, so this looks like dead end for me now).

I for one would greatly appreciate a tutorial, as descriptive and painfully detailed as possible. I rooted my tablet just for the revamped version, but just don't know what to do next.

Your wish is my command ;)


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Someone realy did it on purpose to name Npc weirdly

Maybe ^^

But that doesn't mean, that all scyllas vanish in a puff of logic, just because theres an NPC named Scylla ...

"Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.

... in other words: I'd suggest to go on with implementing scyllas. Srsly, who cares about an NPC being named like a race? It just a coincidence, thats all!
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Basilisk Eyes Phase 2 is at RC state now:

First off, let us all thank @MissBlackthorne for all her ideas and her work, she put into writing all texts and finetuning the basic mechanics.

For those, who volunteer to test it, you can download a bild from my Google Drive: CoC-mod_1.4_dev-Basilisk_Eyes_Phase_2-dev_RC1.swf

It was a lot of work, involved many coding sessions and it affected modifying more, than 20 files.
Although I tested most of it I can't test everything alone. So it would be nice, to get some feedback.
For those, who want to know, what has changed in this phase, I suggest you to read the google docs document: Basilisk Eyes Phase 2
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Maybe ^^

But that doesn't mean, that all scyllas vanish in a puff of logic, just because theres an NPC named Scylla ...

... in other words: I'd suggest to go on with implementing scyllas. Srsly, who cares about an NPC being named like a race? It just a coincidence, thats all!

I'm just saying perhaps you should consider using the name Cecaelia for the race instead? That's the term that generally brings up the most relevant images of the body type in a google search.

Syclla is an individual monster's name while Cecaelia seems more fitting for the race as a whole.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
next to nobody know them under that name however