CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


New Member
Jun 21, 2016
It's not dead, but Kitteh is taking a break from the Revamp for now, so active development on it has stalled for the while. This will obviously impact the frequency of updates on the wiki as it catches up with the mod, so the wiki will also likely have slowed down in updates. Fear not, my friend. There's still plenty of things on the Trello waiting to be coded in.

thanks n-n


Jun 17, 2016
Okay, I've been able to play the mod on my android, but I'm having problems saving, do anyone have any tips?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Another thing about the dragon-tf, where I think, it wa just forgotten to implement: It doesn't show up in the Appearance-tab, when you're a dragon taur.

This time the fix as a udiff (Same as in attached file):

--- "Corruption-of-Champions-Mod-master\\classes\\classes\\"	2016-06-08 21:49:00.000000000 +0200
+++ "\\classes\\classes\\"	2016-06-22 19:53:59.293928400 +0200
@@ -772,9 +772,13 @@
 			if (dragonScore() >= 4)
-				race = "dragon-morph";
-				if (faceType == 0)
-					race = "dragon-" + mf("man", "girl");
+				if (isTaur() && lowerBody == LOWER_BODY_TYPE_DRAGON)
+					race = "dragon-taur";
+				else {
+					race = "dragon-morph";
+					if (faceType == 0)
+						race = "dragon-" + mf("man", "girl");
+				}
 			if (raccoonScore() >= 4)

Would be nice to have that implemented, too.

View attachment dragontaur.diff


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Stadler That look a little too complicated plus it req. PC to have dragon legs to be considered dragon taur. Easier would be something like that:

if (dragonScore() >= 6)
                if (isTaur()) race = "dragon-taur";
                else {
                    race = "dragon";
                    if (faceType == 0)
                        race = "dragon-" + mf("man", "girl");

And that way most of races could be expanded to allow been called (race name)-taur.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Sorry, but I totally disagree.

  1. To be a whatever-taur you need a certain raceScore() + isTaur() + LOWER_BODY_TYPE_RACE.
    Check the code of "public function race():String" in Every taur is being handled this way.
    And why is the dragonScore() requirement even higher in your code?
  2. race = "dragon" should be race = "dragon-morph". If you're a full dragon it would be GAME OVER although in this case this would probably result in a good ending. ;)
  3. A four-legged dragon(-morph/-man/-girl) with, let's say four roo-legs is no dragon-taur. Its a dragon-roo-taur mashup imho.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I know how looks file and it's 6 cuz I cut this piece of code from Xianxia mod code where dragons req. higer score for higher bonuses rewards.

Plus I looked over orginal vanilla code and Kitteh version. Then I looked at Xianxia code and or like with case of vanilla game not even recognizing taur only centaur but that mean PC must be horse enough. In two mods there is also not any req. to having lower body of particular race to been called taur of said species as long racial score is high enough so I kinda hard to see where you see that taurs are handlet his way you meantioned. I mean as long you point me exactly in which mod or where in that file there is code written way you saying I will humble bow my head low and apologise.

On mash ups let me ask something. How with your version of code will game see PC that got lower body of cat and tauric frame with all rest body parts above waist been demon ones? My mind telling your code will see it as demon. For my version it would see it as demon-taur.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
About the dragonScore: this could be probably discussed to be raised. But I still disagree about the rest.

About the code: I copy-pasted the dragon-taur-part from the dog-taur part from here.

And well: About your demon-example: In this case i would still disagree with that being a demon-taur. But it could be a cat-demon(-taur), If it would have more cat-features. Well, anyway: This is a different topic.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Err I seen Tai Mountain and not recognized it :(

Yeah so you totaly right and I apologise for messing up and telling things that wasn't totaly right. There is actual 2 places where lower body is acounted to be PC named as taur version of race.

On my show how difficult deciding what race actualy PC got can became. And code can't be filled with tons of various possible combinations and names of races for those so sometimes it need to be simplified.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Just a hint: I've installed (e)grep on my windoze-machine from GnuWin32. If you know how to use (e)grep and how to add the bin-dir to the path I'd recommend that. It would make your coders life much easier.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
I know how looks file and it's 6 cuz I cut this piece of code from Xianxia mod code where dragons req. higer score for higher bonuses rewards.

About the dragonScore: this could be probably discussed to be raised. But I still disagree about the rest.

About the dragonScore() > 6:
I just found a bug, i think. I went from all dragon tfs done to all lizan-tfs, by enabling debug and holding the 1-key for a few secs. In Appearance I still counted as a dragon-morph. Looking through dragonScore() I calculated remaining 6 points of dragonScore (wings + scales + horns counted twice (yet another bug?) + dragonfire + tongue). This could possibly be fixed by either raising the dragonScore-requirement to > 6 or simply by giving lizans their very own tongue. Actually: I'd like to see the latter and maybe the former to or somewhat both (dragonScore > 5 AND adding a lizard tongue)

[Edit:] Ok, even with a non-dragon-tongue the requirement still has to be >5 at least
[Edit 2:] After lots of try and error combined with checking the code, I found out, that I overlooked, that the dragonScore has to be >= 4 and not just > 4. So with dragonfire (unremoveable as it seems, not even with hummus...) + scales + 2xhorns counted I still get a dragon score of 4. I suppose, I can never be a lizan again ...
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Jun 24, 2016
That's the weird thing, it won't let me download the swf file. :\ when I touch it, it'll act like it's loading, but it won't tell me if it's downloading or not. It's kind of aggravating me. 

Sorry to hear that. See, I neither have an Android nor know how one works for that matter, so all I have to go off of is what others have recommended. I saw SWF Player get tossed around as an idea in the past and started recommending it to others in this thread as it sounded like a pretty good alternative according to other people's testimony. There may be other programs intended to do the same thing that might work better (or actually work in your case). The main issues I've seen is about saves being a hassle to handle depending on how your device stores and reads them. I've also heard you cannot use the editor in many cases, likely due to the saves issues. Until someone with better experience with compiling CoC Revamp into a format that works on Android comes along, a program to allow Android to use the SWF is the only other means I know that can work. Hopefully in your case, it's just some option that needs to get toggled or maybe something simple that can be fixed from fiddling with settings or something, but I honestly don't know of any other way to play CoC Revamp on Android yet. Hope your luck turns up.

Hi guys!

New member, but definitely no greenhorn to the game!

I've checked out this thread for new updates for several months, sometimes I check out what's been said lately.

So, you have a problem playing flash games like this on an Android? Well, let's see if I can help, since I've only ever played this game on an Android.

So, lemme tell ya what I'm using to play the game:

Flash Game Player NEW:

There is a classic version of this, but it loads and plays flash slower than the new version.

FIRST!!! How to download that .swf file!

Simply press and hold on that link, wait for the pop-up options to appear, and click "save link". If any security asks you about it, allow it to proceed.

  • How to find your game...

This should be easy, considering that the downloaded stuff go into the "Download" folder. You will recognize the .swf file you want to play. Click on it, and it will load and begin. (I've never used another Android device, so loading times may differ depending on how powerful your device is.)

  • Bugs! Nasty bugs!

Keep in mind, this may get really unfortunate bugs when you save your file. I've had it multiple times before figuring out what may make my saves not truly saving. My theory is that the FGP(Flash Game Player) does not save information properly if you tab out once or multiple times. So try to stay in that FGP tab at all times, and save and quit whenever you want to quickly check something else outside that tab, or else it may be really risky.

The quickest fix to this is to close the FGP and relaunch it, or restart your device if you want to be extra sure it fixes.

You may lose your current progress with the game when you get this bug, but at least it does not ruin what you last saved before the bug occurs!

One more thing! If you DO happen to go out of tab, try not to change between several different tabs after you leave your FGP on, becauaw it will restart the app.

That is all I can say for this matter.

I hope it works out!
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Jun 17, 2016
Hi guys!

New member, but definitely no greenhorn to the game!

I've checked out this thread for new updates for several months, sometimes I check out what's been said lately.

So, you have a problem playing flash games like this on an Android? Well, let's see if I can help, since I've only ever played this game on an Android.

So, lemme tell ya what I'm using to play the game:

Flash Game Player NEW:

There is a classic version of this, but it loads and plays flash slower than the new version.

FIRST!!! How to download that .swf file!

Simply press and hold on that link, wait for the pop-up options to appear, and click "save link". If any security asks you about it, allow it to proceed.

  • How to find your game...

This should be easy, considering that the downloaded stuff go into the "Download" folder. You will recognize the .swf file you want to play. Click on it, and it will load and begin. (I've never used another Android device, so loading times may differ depending on how powerful your device is.)

  • Bugs! Nasty bugs!

Keep in mind, this may get really unfortunate bugs when you save your file. I've had it multiple times before figuring out what may make my saves not truly saving. My theory is that the FGP(Flash Game Player) does not save information properly if you tab out once or multiple times. So try to stay in that FGP tab at all times, and save and quit whenever you want to quickly check something else outside that tab, it may be really risky.

The quickest fix to this is to close the FGP and relaunch it, or restart or device if you want to be extra sure it fixes.

You may lose your current progress with the game when you get this bug, but at least it does not ruin what you last saved before the bug occurs!

One more thing! If you DO happen to go out of tab, try not to change between several different tabs after you leave your FGP on, it will restart the app.

That is all I can say for this matter.

I hope it works out!

Thank you! Thanks a lot for helping me with that, especially with when it comes to saving.

Random note, I love your profile picture.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
About the dragonScore() > 6:
I just found a bug, i think. I went from all dragon tfs done to all lizan-tfs, by enabling debug and holding the 1-key for a few secs. In Appearance I still counted as a dragon-morph. Looking through dragonScore() I calculated remaining 6 points of dragonScore (wings + scales + horns counted twice (yet another bug?) + dragonfire + tongue). This could possibly be fixed by either raising the dragonScore-requirement to > 6 or simply by giving lizans their very own tongue. Actually: I'd like to see the latter and maybe the former to or somewhat both (dragonScore > 5 AND adding a lizard tongue)

[Edit:] Ok, even with a non-dragon-tongue the requirement still has to be >5 at least
[Edit 2:] After lots of try and error combined with checking the code, I found out, that I overlooked, that the dragonScore has to be >= 4 and not just > 4. So with dragonfire (unremoveable as it seems, not even with hummus...) + scales + 2xhorns counted I still get a dragon score of 4. I suppose, I can never be a lizan again ...

Well technicaly if you will get all lizan body parts your PC will be lizan even if it have enough body parts that count toward dragon score too. Well if PC had ALL races possible scores at high score each it race would be ultimately called goo one as it about hierarchy. Which race is more important when game deciding of which picking to show in appearance screen. And that dragonScore() > 6 it's not piece of code from revamp mod.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Sure. But I'm quite sure, that this is the reason, why its in Xianxia mod. Not to make it 'harder' to be displayed as a dragon-whatever in the appearance-tab, but to make it easier to switch from dragon to other.
Well anyway: I've created Issue #240 for the dragon-taur and Issue #241 for the dragon to lizan thingy. Maybe we should continue any discussion there?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah disscusion specificaly on that two things could be take to github but I not sure how many people would actualy go there to do it over staying here and try talk about it here. And if you goes with dragon-taurs you should think over making PR to include few other species. As in meantioned Xianxia mod game recognizing not only dragon or dog as either pure race or race+taur ending. In 0.6a Xianxia mod ver was added support for recognizing taurs of thsoe species: salamander, manticore, siren, gorgon, scorpion, mouse, shark, demon, kitsune, dragon and lizan (0.6c added support for newly introdused unicorn, alicorn and mantis). I think if we go for making dragon taurs a thing then why not go all the way till the bottom.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
How about gargoyles (lizan + bat/dragon-wings or a very own race)?

btw: I've just added skin oils for the 7 lizan colors (red, green, blue, white, black, purple and silver) to Rathazuls shop. And now I'm working on ARM_TYPE_DRAGON.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ohh Dragon Arm type ^^

But technicaly one could say in desc lzan and dragon arm will be almsot the same as well...what the diff between them should be? Both for sure can be scale covered and have claws. Some races got too similar desc like...bee and mantis and spider arms desc are practicaly the same save color of chitin on them -_-'

So well I think I mean good luck comming with creative desc for some body parts like the one you meantioned or others you will probably add in future.

As for Gargoyles you better talk to Savin about it. There is nothing worst than you working on htis and ends up enraging Savin.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Lizans don't have lizan arms. I just copy&pasted it from the red mander-arms and altered them a bit to be more dragon-ish.

And about gargoyles: No, I'm not working on them. The only thing, I've added is:

--- Corruption-of-Champions-Mod-master/classes/classes/	2016-06-08 21:49:00.000000000 +0200
+++	2016-06-24 16:39:07.163506800 +0200
@@ -769,12 +769,18 @@
 			if (lizardScore() >= 4)
 				race = "lizan";
+					race = "gargoyle";

Ooh, and sup with Savin? Is he/she working on gargoyles? Could you please enlighten me? */me points at his post-counter*

[Edit:] Attached a patch for how far I've got so far.

View attachment rathazul-oil-dragon-arms.diff
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Sep 30, 2015
Hi guys!

New member, but definitely no greenhorn to the game!

I've checked out this thread for new updates for several months, sometimes I check out what's been said lately.

So, you have a problem playing flash games like this on an Android? Well, let's see if I can help, since I've only ever played this game on an Android.

So, lemme tell ya what I'm using to play the game:

Flash Game Player NEW:

There is a classic version of this, but it loads and plays flash slower than the new version.

FIRST!!! How to download that .swf file!

Simply press and hold on that link, wait for the pop-up options to appear, and click "save link". If any security asks you about it, allow it to proceed.

  • How to find your game...

This should be easy, considering that the downloaded stuff go into the "Download" folder. You will recognize the .swf file you want to play. Click on it, and it will load and begin. (I've never used another Android device, so loading times may differ depending on how powerful your device is.)

  • Bugs! Nasty bugs!

Keep in mind, this may get really unfortunate bugs when you save your file. I've had it multiple times before figuring out what may make my saves not truly saving. My theory is that the FGP(Flash Game Player) does not save information properly if you tab out once or multiple times. So try to stay in that FGP tab at all times, and save and quit whenever you want to quickly check something else outside that tab, or else it may be really risky.

The quickest fix to this is to close the FGP and relaunch it, or restart your device if you want to be extra sure it fixes.

You may lose your current progress with the game when you get this bug, but at least it does not ruin what you last saved before the bug occurs!

One more thing! If you DO happen to go out of tab, try not to change between several different tabs after you leave your FGP on, becauaw it will restart the app.

That is all I can say for this matter.

I hope it works out!

I'm a big time android user as well and I just use the CoC app and manually replace the swf file inside the appdata works like a charm and has no save file bugs; however you need to have your Android rooted to access the appdata folder. 

I... I feel so stupid for asking this, but how do you apply this mod on an android? I've been trying to do so with no success, and there isn't much of anything outside of here that could be of much help

If you have your Android rooted you can just replace the swf file in the appdata folder. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
And about gargoyles: No, I'm not working on them.

Ooh, and sup with Savin? Is he/she working on gargoyles? Could you please enlighten me? */me points at his post-counter*

I mean that Savin created gargoyle girl and place she's living in, similary like Salamanders, Phoenixes, Hel, Helspawn and few other things. So unless you talked with him and he said he not against anything that would change his content would be dangerous thing to do. In past there was some attempts of doing it without asking him about permission and he do went on few rampages. So for your won sake you not wanna make Savin mad. So to be safe if it's something about touching one of things I meantioned it's safer to talk to Savin first.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
I mean that Savin created gargoyle girl and place she's living in, similary like Salamanders, Phoenixes, Hel, Helspawn and few other things. So unless you talked with him and he said he not against anything that would change his content would be dangerous thing to do. In past there was some attempts of doing it without asking him about permission and he do went on few rampages. So for your won sake you not wanna make Savin mad. So to be safe if it's something about touching one of things I meantioned it's safer to talk to Savin first.

Think he's not changing existing content, but a chimera of sorts in a certain combination would make your PC a Gargoyle-morph.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Think he's not changing existing content, but a chimera of sorts in a certain combination would make your PC a Gargoyle-morph.

Probably you're right but I slight oversensitive on this matter. Anyway as Gargoyle was giving me always golem-like vibre rather than another race found in mareth.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
I mean that Savin created gargoyle girl and place she's living in, similary like Salamanders, Phoenixes, Hel, Helspawn and few other things. So unless you talked with him and he said he not against anything that would change his content would be dangerous thing to do. In past there was some attempts of doing it without asking him about permission and he do went on few rampages. So for your won sake you not wanna make Savin mad. So to be safe if it's something about touching one of things I meantioned it's safer to talk to Savin first.

Ok, I've read through the things he did for CoC and I don't plan any work on them (Nice storyline with Hel et al btw. Helspawn could possibly be expanded, but I have absolutely no idea how). And my ideas about the gargoyles would result in some more planning and coding and probably the ability to create a fortress out of the camp using lots of stones. Something I won't do alone and thus involving Savin anyways.

Things I'm planning to do:

  • Fix Ember appearance: Ember only has two horns instead of two pairs. Doesn't make much sense to me to inherit 4 draconic horns, when ember only has 2 :)
  • Neck elongation: From 2' (normal human neck) to up to 2'' (roughly matching arm length). Ember appearance first, then yours.
  • rear body feature, starting with REAR_BODY_TYPE_NONE, REAR_BODY_TYPE_DRACONIC (could be possibly improved with REAR_BODY_TYPE_BEHEMOTH). Again Ember appearance first, then yours.

All of these are just fluff atm. And a 2" neck + a 4" tongue won't give dragon-taurs the chance for a self-BJ :p
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Only thought I had about gargoyle and stones was...that she could have teach some minor magic to make from stones similar guardians to her but we not have camp attacks yet aside those night imps so no point to make guardians for nonexistent threats.

Work well on those ideas of your (at least you not seems perosn that only talked much and not showed anything as you already showed you would do work aside talking :D )


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Just implemented my dragon oviposition-fix: View attachment dragon-oviposition.diff

Now lets give ember a brand new pair of horns ;)
[Edit:] Done: View attachment ember-4-horns.diff
[Edit 2:] The appearance part of the neck length is working now for the player and Ember. Whats left is to code the actual TF: View attachment dragon-neck.diff

About the rear body: I have at least done the part:

// rearBodyType
public static const REAR_BODY_TYPE_NONE:int = 0;
public static const REAR_BODY_TYPE_DRACONIC_MANE:int = 1;
public static const REAR_BODY_TYPE_DRACONIC_SPIKES:int = 2; // Maybe later and if Ember has no mane.
public static const REAR_BODY_TYPE_BEHEMOTH:int = 3; // NYI, Its just there as an example.

Ok, I'll try to get some sleep now or I'll look, like my avatar tomorrow.
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