William's Wall


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
13000% Fertility seems to be the magic number for maxing out Bored Jumper pregnancies...


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
Wow. That gets you 8 every time? A much lower virility is needed to max out their preg. A couple thousand will do it if I recall. Would have to recheck the formula though.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
You're forgetting that Null_Blank breaks the laws of physics and fertility anyway.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
As a FYI, here is how the number of kids are calculated when getting a jumper preggo (code I wrote):

       var minBabies:Number = 2;
       flags["BJUMPER_NUM_BABIES"] = rand(7) + 2;
        //increase number of babies based on virility and cum volume
        minBabies += Math.round(pc.virility() - 1);
        minBabies += Math.round(pc.cumQ() / 1000);
        if (minBabies > 8) minBabies = 8;

        if (flags["ROXY_NUM_BABIES"] < minBabies) flags["ROXY_NUM_BABIES"] = minBabies;

What it is doing: A random number between 0 and 6,than add 2. Each additional 100% of virility past the first 100% adds 1 kid, each 1000 ml of cum adds 1 kid. With the max being 8.

Now the standard game code for when Steele gets preg does not add anything for the mother or father's fertility or virility. They just increase the odds of getting pregnant. It can add some if Steele has the Broodmother perk. It can also add some based on the father's cum volume, but considering the father is an npc and will always have the same volume, this will always be the same number. There is some override functionality to alter this calculation some, but that is not the standard.

So the code I wrote for jumper preg allows you to consistently get max kids with enough virility and/or cum volume. However Steele's preg is much harder to consistently max out.

edit: added a bit to the code snippet to make it complete and more clear
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
Hey, the wetness just helps you pass more and more. You'll be squirting them out like watermelon seeds if you aren't already. Anything to help repopulate their race and defeat that vile fertility plague!

I think the U.G.C. made the plague on purpose too. I don't have a single fact to back that up, but I know that it's all in the numbers.

And number one is: that's terror.

Lol just like in mass effect


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 16, 2018
United States
As I'm told the Spooning bug got fixed, so looks like Laquine Pregnancy is holding strong at the moment!

Also, today was an Adj Streaaaammm



Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
I’ve read somewhere that William said that your gonna pick up out of the jumpers, and she didn’t look like the jumpers though, I’m confused, did I miss read something?

Also why are did her nipples change color?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 16, 2018
United States
I’ve read somewhere that William said that your gonna pick up out of the jumpers, and she didn’t look like the jumpers though, I’m confused, did I miss read something?

Also why are did her nipples change color?

Has nothing to do with the Jumpers. This is Roxy, WIP art from Adjatha.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Bored Jumper and their subsequent pregnancies were done by William
The concept of Roxy was done by SheepPun, however due to health matters, the project lay untouched. William asked to step in to work on the breedhappy bun.

So yes, they are two separate matters.
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
Oh ok, then I must have confused roxy with the uniquely named jumper that William was planning to add, because the name started with the same letter


Well-Known Member
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Apr 16, 2018
United States
So, after Leila, what's next in the realm of petting zoo waifus? A soft, lonely hamster MILF looking for love, affection and validation?

I want Roo, Bianca, and SecOp stuff done early April. I don't know what Early means, but we'll see. I'm right now writing up Roo's three sex scenes (oral for cocks and pussies, and fucking her on the table) and she'll be done. Good, fun, simple project, then moving on to Bianca today/night!

Afterward, I will do the Rodenian TF, which I want to be on par with Laquine Ears in terms of content and interest factor.

Completing all of this puts me square on Leila, and because of what I want to do with the Shock Hopper, L.D.C., and Mikhail + the Rat Gang, it nicely compacts everything into a compact spring-summertime adventure. Aside from Leila, all these characters will be placed on Zheng Shi's highest deck, so I can move off and on from Leila to do them while I work on her. The Rat Gang at first glance seems like the most work of everything, but they're not companions. L.D.C. and Hopper are going to be pure fuckbait, the latter being a named fuckbuddy to re-encounter.

But Leila is going to be chock full of content, and I'll be treating her like a CoC2 companion, which as you might know are meant to have extremely high standards. I want Leila to have a bunch of modifications to her body and her content, so far manifesting as you being able to:

1) Change Leila's cocks using the Dong Designer, Horse, Human, Cat, Dog, all thoroughly referenced in sex: she'll flare, she'll have foreskin, she'll knot you, and her bristly nubs will add extra pleasure in all sex.

2) She'll be able to take Knot-a-Problem, so knots on all of them if you like the other dicks.

3) Leila will have five tiers of dialogue based on a submission-to-domination scale. Every sex act you engage in determines who is topping and bottoming, and doing too much subby acts leads her to treat you more and more like the sub. There's a neutral middle ground for equality, then there are lead-up dialogues where she starts to think that this is how things are going to be, and then you have the choice of locking in as the sub or dom, opening up unique scenes for either side, such as petplay if you sub.

4) The PC will be able to give her mods that change her cum flavors and increase her cumshots. Tentatively I think that her standard cumshots will be enough to bulk the PC's belly to trigger a 30% bulk effect. Two tiers of mods means 50% and 70% respectively, so she can really make a mess of you. 70% will also cause her to 'all the way through' you during anal; makes her balls bigger too. All flavors and such will be referenced, and I'd write her cumshots like I do the PC's volume when they climax.

5) Leila will be able to turn you into a Cum Addict, which will function exactly the same as Dumb 4 Cum making you one; there are scant references to Cum Addiction in the game, and this will also seriously change how Oral works with her. You will never blunder into being a cum addict, and I theorized sucking her dick many times in a row will be enough to turn you into a cockslut. She's infertile, but she's still a musky laquine with a history of piracy, no doubt some drug she got stuck with made her this way, in my headcanon.

6) And, of course, you can ask her to wear a Steele Tech uniform or have her in the regular all-black Jumper getup. The latter prevents her from triggering blurbs and events on civilized planets, though.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
I'm gonna keep rooting for you, William!

So, about Leila being able to get you addicted to her cum...would it still work if she was part Dzaan? I can practically hear people wanting addictive cum from here if it's a medical change, so...
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 16, 2018
United States
I'm gonna keep rooting for you, William!

So, about Leila being able to get you addicted to her cum...would it still work if she was part Dzaan? I can practically hear people wanting addictive cum from here if it's a medical change, so...

In terms of cum addiction, Dzaan Cum is chemical/narcotic in nature, so it's genetically primed to turn you into a simpering, submissive slut.

Cum Addiction from the Treatment is you just really love cum, so it just becomes a built in fetish that you want to suck down a few ball-draining loads before anything else. I foresee writing a bit of 'nosis into it as well where it just gets trained into you.

I think it'd be worth exploring a route where if you decide to sub she could potentially pursue ingraining you with it, too.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
In terms of cum addiction, Dzaan Cum is chemical/narcotic in nature, so it's genetically primed to turn you into a simpering, submissive slut.

Cum Addiction from the Treatment is you just really love cum, so it just becomes a built in fetish that you want to suck down a few ball-draining loads before anything else.
Aaah, gotcha. I wasn't aware there was such a stark difference, maybe because Ardia is so nice and the scene felt fairly benign. Thanks for clearing that up for me!
