Thanks ! Glad someone likes it !
But yeah, you're right. I'd still like to keep genital removal and multiple breast as super rare side effects, but, if they're gonna be so rare, maybe I should get rid of it all together... I admit, I'm kinda torn about it...
the genitals thing could be on like the 6th dose within a x hour period.
How about this?
So basically, rewiring the entire concept of the effect increasing by multiple consumption. This will be cheaper for all involved to get exactly what they want. So maybe change the tooltip to: A small sachet of clear ointment, with a greek Omega symbol on it. It kinda looks like a pair of buttcheeks. On the label can be read: "You love being plowed, but can’t afford to buy gallons of lube? Then our brand new Omega OilTM is for you! Based on years of research by A.B.O. Corp on the exotic natives of Omega IV, Omega OilTM will make your back entrance perfectly suitable for some anally fun times!" Lower on the packaging are tiny characters you barely decipher: "Use with caution ; May induce a high state of arousal in the subject, and DO NOT apply more than one dose in 24 hours, or side-effects may occur."
So basically, on first dosage, you get the status, "Blood Fevered", which lasts for 6 hours (since the total submission to all cock-having enemies for a 72 hour period is a little too long, because the condition is really debilitating, and basically is an auto-loss-by-lust mechanic for any enemy you come across), then after you recover from that, "Strangely Warm" for the next 12 hours, and "Flushed" for the next 24 hours. Like when you get smashed by drinking a lot of beer at once, as you slowly recover, going from Smashed to Drunk to Buzzed. And of course, drinking more when in a state of mid-recovery like Drunk or Buzzed means you become Smashed again. So like that xD
Essentially, the item is geared towards making your back entrance to be like that of an Omega IV native, also with the effect of getting you into a very lust-induced state. However, further continuous application might actually physically change your appearance to that of an Omega IV native (genderless and androgyne), with the extremeness of said change being inversely proportional to how much time has passed since you've applied Omega Oil (so basically someone that just wants 'anally fun times' like the description, can just take apply once.). Anybody that wants androgyny/genderlessness can just immediately apply once more (or as many as it takes to achieve desired look). Anybody that just wants to shrink their stuff without removing them, can take a pill while 'Strangely Warm', and anybody that wants to just increase wetness again can take while 'Flushed'.
Now that is has less sideeffects (unless you are aiming for it

), you can also make the item more expensive, especially since with this system, less multiple dosages will be needed.
1st dose :
- increasing anal wetness
- increasing anal capacity
- increasing elasticity
- gives status "Blood Fevered" (when status "Blood Fevered" expires after 6 hours, "Strangely Warm" for the next 12 hours, and "Flushed" for 24 hours after that.)
2nd (or more) dose: So basically, here, three situations can play out, depending on how long it's been since you took your last dosage.
1. if status "Blood Fevered" active: (if taken less than a total of 6 hours after most recent dosage)
- increasing anal wetness
- increasing anal capacity
- increasing elasticity
- moving femininity towards 50
- loss of muscle tone
- Removes cock (If >1, remove smallest)
- Removes vagina (If >1, remove tightest)
- If breast set >1, remove lowest set (removal of breasts seems more with the genderless theme, so that you are left only with anal as an erogenous zone to provide you satisfaction)
- gives status "Blood Fevered" (Already in "Blood Fevered" state, but the countdown will reset back to 6 hours left)
2. If status "Strangely Warm" active: (if taken less than a total of 6+12=18 hours after most recent dosage)
- increasing anal wetness
- increasing anal capacity
- increasing elasticity
- moving femininity towards 50
- loss of muscle tone
- Shrinking breasts (if breast set >1, shrink lowest set)
- Shrinking cock (If >1, shrink largest)
- Reduce vagina capacity (if vagina >1, reduce capacity of the one with highest)
- gives status "Blood Fevered" (when status "Blood Fevered" expires after 6 hours, "Strangely Warm" for the next 12 hours, and "Flushed" for 24 hours after that.)
3. If status "Flushed" active: (if taken less than a total of 6+12+24=42 hours after most recent dosage)
- increasing anal wetness
- increasing anal capacity
- increasing elasticity
- moving femininity towards 50
- loss of muscle tone
- gives status "Blood Fevered" (when status "Blood Fevered" expires after 6 hours, "Strangely Warm" for the next 12 hours, and "Flushed" for 24 hours after that.)