Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I do hope that Mhen'ga does get an X-Pack though, like JimT's vanae expansion and the Naleen Child that Savin mentioned awhile back. Maybe there could be some more content for the Naleen Female like convincing her to either move out of the jungle and into Esbeth or convincing her to leave Mhen'ga, or at the very least give her some talk scenes.

A man can dream though.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
 the Naleen Child that Savin mentioned awhile back. Maybe there could be some more content for the Naleen Female like convincing her to either move out of the jungle and into Esbeth or convincing her to leave Mhen'ga, or at the very least give her some talk scenes.

Wouldn't hold your breath, much as I'd like to do more for the Huntress.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
I think Myrellion isn't bad in it's content and themes. It practically made antgirls sexy for me for the first time. I think everyone is just weary of it and wants to move onto something new, which is okay. But I really like Myrellion and TiTS story waaaay more than CoC, in CoC it never felt like you had weight or presence. I'd say more but i'm not going to type this out on my phone.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2015
On the subject of the huntress I have two words :Mating Ball.

No make that five: Starting your own mating ball

Back on the CoC/TiTs thing:

I think Myrellion isn't bad in it's content and themes. It practically made antgirls sexy for me for the first time. I think everyone is just weary of it and wants to move onto something new, which is okay. But I really like Myrellion and TiTS story waaaay more than CoC, in CoC it never felt like you had weight or presence.

This is one of the things I was trying to get at CoC doesn't really have consequence, sure you can possibly make marble hate you forever by forcing yourself on her(which is oddly the only rape treated like an actual rape in the game) but other than that and a couple of individual chars nothing you did had real consequence. Corrupting Marae for instance should've been a huge deal with reprecussions for days but in the long run pretty much nothing happened as a result. it was hard to feel like you were corrupting anything (or otherwise if you were playing a pure char) since very few of your actions changed anything. Another example is the harpy queen in the phoenix tower or the never finished dominika quest line which would've destroyed tel'adre if completed in dominika's favor iirc. Yes you can run around sticking your dick in anything with a hole but other than like 2 or 3 characters there's never any children born unless you yourself allow your char to be impregnated.  I distinctly remember there being alot of whining about the lack of meaningful char relationships in CoC untill like Amily and marble were implemented and that's just some of the stuff i can recall off the top of my head. As for plot CoC actually tells you to do the opposite of what you actually do. Guard the portal and if you just thought "what portal?" that's just how inconsequential CoC's story was. The plot was you're a champion sent to guard this portal to prevent demons from ransacking your home village....which you never see again even though the portal is literally right there....and you wander off to 'explore' so often it might as well not even be guarded.You're only even reminded of the portal on the rare occassion someone asks you to move in with them or something and your char suddenly remembers they're a champion and there's a portal that they're supposed to be protecting....even as they're in a swamp or town or whatever miles away from said portal with no one watching it. You do 0 guarding in CoC in fact even once you do move some people into camp that 'night watch' option has basically no use because....there's never any night events or sneak demon attacks or random harpies flying in trying to get through the portal.

Does CoC tell a simpler story yes? Is it a better story? No. It pretty soundly missed the mark of telling a story that fit it's universe since it isn't exactly the story of your champion's fall into corruption but neither is it the story of you standing there guarding the portal like a good kid and fending off wave after wave of would be invaders trying to get to your home. If it had stuck to it's actual plot CoC would've probably played out something like you never actually leave the campsite around the portal but rather experience a number of different events and encounters as time passes and your 'fame' or 'infamy' increases as you defeat more demons/corrupted denizens of mareth and possibly become corrupted yourself in the end resulting in the invasion of your home being led by you or you staying in mareth and becoming someone important there leaving the village to whatever fate awaits it with the portal unguarded. Or holding out until another champion was selected to take over for you then setting out to venture the world or whatever.  

Tits on the other hand at least trying to stick to it's narrative, it acknowledges that 'hey there's all this other stuff out there too' but finding the pods is what gives you the co-ordinates to get to the other planets so it isn't just fluff you forget about it's part of the game. Even in CoC we learned a bit about the world of Mareth so why is it so surprising to end up learning more than a little about the worlds in TiTs? Obviously there's going to be some people will like and some they won't but I see no reason why one should expect the issues of the previous planet to somehow prepare them for the trials of the next. It's not like you're hopping around through some pre-arranged rite of passage. You're wandering the galaxy on your own finding your own fame/fortune and picking up chicks on the way. The fact that you do have real impact on the worlds you travel to is just a bonus in my book. CoC never held my interest for very long simply because it was less interesting than even most H-games.

It seems more like the complaints are basically just because Myrellion is the only really developed world right now mhenga is.....barely an outpost. Tarkus is more interesting but it feels like we moved on to myrellion before tarkus was really 'done' and we haven't moved past myrellion yet so the flavor of the month has gotten a bit stale. NT doesn't really warrant a mention because you don't have to go there and even if your problem with myrellion is the nyrea or myr don't appeal to you well guess what sonny jim? You don't have to bang them...any of them. In fact you can go through all of myrellion without banging anything and only actually needing to talk to exactly ONE myr(either lyralla or nehzara). after that you only need to talk to a couple nyrea deal with taivra and you're done here. In far there's no planet where you have to sex anything you don't want to.

I understand people wanting new content but personally I'd rather each world get fleshed out like myrellion before moving on rather than each world getting slapped together and moving on thinking 'we'll come back to that later' because all too often later never comes and those places end up incomplete Just look back at the amount of unfinished CoC content. Myrellion is still only planet THREE we've got a long ways to go before we can say for sure whether or not myrellion is out of line with 'the rest of the game' because when you first introduce any heavier subject matter it's going to seem out of place unless that level of depth is maintained. Now if we go forward and when the rest of the planets are in and myrellion is the only planet with a war or some kind of racial conflict or any serious subject matter of any kind (I seriously doubt that'll be the case but it could be) then you'd be right. but if it isn't then the entire basis of the argument is flawed if those wrinting the planets meant for them to have some meaningful issues here any there or feel like they could be real places. It only seems odd now because Mhenga has no plot to speak of and tarkus doesn't have a resolution to it's plotlines....not counting the one where it blows up.

I mean imagine for a moment if the tarkus sidequests had more to them when you deal with nova prime one of your options involves basically murdering her and by extension her entire crew and anno is a witness but there's no negative kickback from that, anno's opinion of you doesn't change even though she litterally just watched you murder people who flat out asked for your help, the goo's don't dwindle and disappear from tarkus or trigger some other event...there's just...nothing. on the flip side getting them bodies or having them absorb the gray goos has no kickbacks either aside from getting you a shiny armor later, goo people don't start hanging out in towns or bars or showing up on other worlds. you don't even have any other interaction with the former nova prime. they just vanish. The pirates that attack the tether are the same. I'd love to run into tam tam again especially with my chars that took her bot or at least have one more run in with captain khorgans crew(I could imagine them being to the black void pirates what jesse and james are to team rocket in pokemon) or find out whether or not there's even a point to flipping the switch for the shields after the first fight with the gray prime or what's going on with the mess or hell even have a conversation with the goo girl/armor you make outside of the whole two scenes she has like the one from CoC where you could talk to her while she was unequipped and do stuff....but it'll probably never happen. Generally we don't get updates for older areas once we've moved on unless it's a tweak or simply shifting things around for some other new content about to be implemented that affects old areas and no one seems to care much about tarkus anyway.

Compared to myrellion's nyrea quest line where you become a royal get a perk, access to a palace  and even queensguard was given a scene where you can talk about her injuries in the battle. It's obvious which of these two events feels more 'complete' The only thing missing from the nyrea quest line is accounting for Taivris since the princess either disappears mysteriously or gets perma locked in a rape orgy depending on whether or not you fight her before you go see Taivra. but aside from that one detail the quest is pretty complete and wraps itself up nicely even Seifyn's dialog options change depending on what you do. very little was overlooked and that's how it should be. If Tarkus had been fleshed out even half as much we probably wouldn't even be having this discussion.

I look at myrellion and see hope TiTs won't end up as much a train wreck as CoC was with unfinished content and dead end quests because before myrellion when i got all invested in the story of the nova crew and then we moved on to myrellion like 'welp that's done' it felt like CoC all over again and I was really disappointed. then myrellion surprised me by being done about as well as could possibly be expected.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
.... I liked banging the scaly rabbit people of Tarkus...

All jokes aside I think the dude above has a valid point. More naleen huntress content isn't a bad idea.

Myrellion is wonderfully fleshed out compared to Tarkus and especially Mhenga, and I think the writing team has done a good job with it. So good one team! 

I lost my train of thought...

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
I'm going to be a jerk and last word, but;

CoC had a forgettable story with lots of deadend would-be content that never actually got completed and lots of content that didn't really do anything outside of the character in itself, "no impact on the world" etc. So... does... TiTs? Granted, the dead-end content is largely under a paid writer with the acknowledgement that Anno and Syri/Reaha/all-waifus-so-far-actually adventures will get done up later, but everything else is true here, too.


This is rapidly becoming a dialog on the failings of Fen-industries overall writing and story integration, less about Myrellion itself. I encourage this line of conversation, I feel that it's something important to keep in mind and probably one of the biggest parts where, writing-wise, the games take a hit. But it's off topic. If you'd like to continue it make a new thread, probably in adult games, and discuss things. This is for Myrellion feedback, though.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
And on that note, I'd like to compliment the addition of the Fungus Queen to the content. It was a nice bit of battle and background that added dimension to the Myr fungus without dragging the story down or making it a hot issue. 


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
CoC had a forgettable story with lots of deadend would-be content that never actually got completed and lots of content that didn't really do anything outside of the character in itself, "no impact on the world" etc. So... does... TiTs? Granted, the dead-end content is largely under a paid writer with the acknowledgement that Anno and Syri/Reaha/all-waifus-so-far-actually adventures will get done up later, but everything else is true here, too.

Yeah, the difference there is that all the "dead ends" in TiTS actually have a chance of getting new content -- they don't, and some never DID, in CoC. Several of those content stops have been advancing steadily, like Saendra's new quest a couple months ago, Kara who's got her big quest about to launch, or Reaha and Syri who have xpaks at various levels of completion. 


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2015
The wiki said there was an Infected Myr Queen that could be encountered in the northeast part of the caverns.  I've been at it for hours but nothing has shown up.  Is she not implemented yet or is she just that rare?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The wiki said there was an Infected Myr Queen that could be encountered in the northeast part of the caverns.  I've been at it for hours but nothing has shown up.  Is she not implemented yet or is she just that rare?

are you playing the public build or backer build?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The wiki said there was an Infected Myr Queen that could be encountered in the northeast part of the caverns.  I've been at it for hours but nothing has shown up.  Is she not implemented yet or is she just that rare?

are you play the public build or backer build?

Instead of only reading the wiki also check the blog posts:

Tainted Space 0.6.15 Changelog:

  • Gardeford’s fungal queen can now be encountered and saved for a handy payday (again, in the deep caves).


Nov 12, 2015
Apologies if this has been answered, but who do I need to talk to for the locked option when dealing with Queen Taivra? I've talked to everyone I can think of and nothing's worked yet.


Aug 26, 2015
Apologies if this has been answered, but who do I need to talk to for the locked option when dealing with Queen Taivra? I've talked to everyone I can think of and nothing's worked yet.

If you mean having to Subjugate her, Steele will either need to have read the Nyrea codex or talked to Seifyn about Taivra, otherwise the option won't be available.


Nov 12, 2015
No, it's one of the options for peaceful resolution. Between Alliance and Weapon. It says "I haven't met who I need to met to unlock this option"
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Afaik bringing topic of snatching Princess always makes Queen say: NO ^^

And I not aware if any plans to allow what you're asking happen are made again afaik ;)
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Oct 9, 2015
Hey guys, I went to and noticed it had a version of Tits that was two updates ahead of the one linked here. I made an account to get it, since it kept giving me a message saying "We do not see that you are a verified TiTS supporter. If you are, and feel this message is in error, try logging out and logging back in.", but afterward, it still didn't work. Am I doing something wrong?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hey guys, I went to and noticed it had a version of Tits that was two updates ahead of the one linked here. I made an account to get it, since it kept giving me a message saying "We do not see that you are a verified TiTS supporter. If you are, and feel this message is in error, try logging out and logging back in.", but afterward, it still didn't work. Am I doing something wrong?

First, wrong area to ask. Notice this is "Myrellion Content Discussion," as in the thread to talk about myrellion content.

Second, as it plainly says, you need to be a supporter, aka giving money, to access backer builds. You can find out how easily enough if you look.


Oct 9, 2015
First, wrong area to ask. Notice this is "Myrellion Content Discussion," as in the thread to talk about myrellion content.

Second, as it plainly says, you need to be a supporter, aka giving money, to access backer builds. You can find out how easily enough if you look.

I have no clue what Myrellion is. I haven't played much Trials in Tainted Space yet and assumed it was the main forum to discuss anything related to it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I have no clue what Myrellion is. I haven't played much Trials in Tainted Space yet and assumed it was the main forum to discuss anything related to it.

First post :#

Okay, since like half a dozen threads are risking derail at any given time talking about it...

Here's a place for general discussion of Myrellion's content. Talk about the Gold/Red war, the hopes and dreams of the nyrea, ask how to get Taivra to love you, whatever. Just be civil and try and keep your genocide/mass-murder fetishes to yourself. Thanks!
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Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
Hey guys! You've managed to make the dialogue, writing, and story in TiTS is better than Fallout 4's! Congratulations on beating a triple A game!

Okay after that little jab there I just want to say that I'm glad the Bothric or whaever they were called got taken out, just so you all know... spiders aren't sexy. I don't fuck with spiders. I also started a new save and ran into Steph Irson in the caves and I thought I remember her being taken out of the game.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm glad the Bothric or whaever they were called got taken out, just so you all know... spiders aren't sexy. I don't fuck with spiders.

 I don't like to go off topic, but... Spiders can be whatever a writer wants them to be. Also, eye of the beholder and tastes, blablabla and variety, blablabla. Now, cue rant!

 So you don't fuck with spiders? Cool beans. Unless the character interests me, I don't fuck with bees, ants, tall/muscly/multilimbed beings, goo people, femenine characters in particular, stuttering doormats, things that involve oviposition or mostly stuffing things up my character's holes, most furry characters or busty ones because I don't find them "sexy", but that doesn't mean I'll complain about them unless they apparently flood the game and leave me out of luck for what I like. But  I'm not a writer, so I can only say to myself "tough shit". Just like when I learnt that kerokoras was a female-only race, since I like frog/toads.
 But TiTS is doing fine in species variety, so I can take my Steele, screw someone else and keep on playing. Or talk to someone else, just like I liked to do in CoC to the spiderfolk.

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
Unless the character interests me, I don't fuck with bees, ants, tall/muscly/multilimbed beings, goo people, femenine characters in particular, stuttering doormats, things that involve oviposition or mostly stuffing things up my character's holes, most furry characters or busty ones because I don't find them "sexy", but that doesn't mean I'll complain about them unless they apparently flood the game and leave me out of luck for what I like.

Given that the only things not on your list that you can fuck in TiTS are cuntsnakes and mimbranes, it does kinda sound like the game doesn't have much for you.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I mostly play TiTS for the storylines so far. I truly find them engaging, Myrellion's being a prime example. Of course, I trigger smut scenes when needed (e.g. Reaha's addiction help), but I rarely do it for the titilating value. Now, I plan to do a secondary run and see what I'm missing out... which is a lot, but I just can't be arsed to read a looooong smut scene when I'm in the middle of a "mission". But since I have a list of favorite characters-and my mind can relatively block the features that won't interest me if the kink they cater to happens to be a favourite of mine or just bypass my IRL tastes, I do indulge in repeating scenes from time to time.