Night Trap's Winery Estate


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Anno's wedding dream is the perfect amount of funny and sexy. Thank you Night Trap for writing it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I just remembered something I had saved for when Ciaran got implemented.

Night Trap

Oct 31, 2016
Boy, I was waiting for a particular commission to be finished and then I procrastinated uploading all the art, and then I got really busy with real life. I'm an uncle now, though, so that's fun. Seems fitting in this case to share art of the character of mine with the most children, Ms. Kittie, AKA Kithran.

I've left the description of Ms. Kittie's musculature and body fat intentionally somewhat vague so that it can interpreted however the reader prefers. It's just funny that the two artists I've commissioned recently had the opposite interpretations of each other.

First we have FriendlyAlienFriend's imagining. I actually got this as a YCH on a whim after discovering the artist, and I do not regret it one bit. I turned around and commissioned another piece from FAF right away.

Before FAF though, I had commissioned an artist called Place, and he went with a more muscular portrayal of Ms. Kittie. I love both versions equally. Place definitely did a fantastic job of giving Kithran a more mature beauty, and conveying her mischievous and flirtatious personality. There's several pieces from Place. They are too damn big for me to upload here, so I'll just share some imgur links to them instead. There's just one that's small enough, and it's just a crop from a smaller sketch that exists as a reference for her color scheme and outfit.

I think it's just adorable though.

cute kithran sketch.png

Now for the links!

That's it for the meowmazon madam, for now. I've got a surprise piece coming up, hopefully within the week. Writing progress has been slow due to personal business, but there has been some, though just my commissions and about a thousand words of Ms. Kittie. Maybe I can show off more art more frequently until I'm all caught up. Don't hold your breath though! You know how I am when it comes to staying in touch with the forums.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Welp, I did manage to finish before midnight this time, but I had to cut some of the content I had planned for this.

It's a dream of Ciaran as a lewd version of Santa Claus for adults, complete with naughty and nice options. If you don't cringe at least once while reading this or outright hate me by the end of it, then I have failed and need to add more Christmas puns and dad jokes.
No cringing, but I had a goofy grin the entire time. Thoroughly entertaining, with the proper amount of absurd (as much as possible). Great work!

Night Trap

Oct 31, 2016
I wanted to clarify here that I'm not dead and I have not left the community. I've been busy taking care of my increasingly-senile grandmother, struggling with chronic, incurable health issues, and working on two massive projects.

The good news is that I recently finished a sexpack for Sellera. It's ~32,000 words of sadomasochistic femdom, so look forward to that sometime in the near future.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
I didn't doubt you for a moment. :)
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Aug 27, 2015
I wanted to clarify here that I'm not dead and I have not left the community. I've been busy taking care of my increasingly-senile grandmother, struggling with chronic, incurable health issues, and working on two massive projects.

The good news is that I recently finished a sexpack for Sellera. It's ~32,000 words of sadomasochistic femdom, so look forward to that sometime in the near future.

Look after yourself, man. Have someone to talk to.

Night Trap

Oct 31, 2016
Look after yourself, man. Have someone to talk to.
I appreciate this a ton. I didn't mean for my post to come off nearly as whiny as it did (it's really not as bad as it sounds), but it makes me appreciate this even more. I do, as @MistyBirb said, have my own little support group of friends. I'm lucky enough to have many good friends, and the last 19-ish months have made me all the more grateful for them.


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2018
Under the moons of Barsoom
Hello, after reading through this, I wanted to first off thank you for being a decent human being and taking care of your family. Far too often people abandon their blood when the going gets rough, and I'm glad to see that's not you. It's not the same, but I've been taking care of my dad for almost two years now due to his medical problem. (Neurocardiogenic syncope)

Second, I'm sorry about your health problems and wish you the best.

Third, now that the important stuff's out of the way, I quite enjoy your writing. Especially Sam in Gastigoth. Breeding a pupper is always a win in my book. Haha And I very much look forward to the crewmate expansion for her. (Gonna keep her as a breeding pup, though. At least the first time through. Soz-but-not-soz Gotta keep the doggo swollen constantly with pups and get those baby-pounds on her frame. Soften her belly and overall body. Mmm) Also, MILF kitty sounds like she'll be a fun time. I do like plump mothers. :3


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
I wanted to clarify here that I'm not dead and I have not left the community. I've been busy taking care of my increasingly-senile grandmother, struggling with chronic, incurable health issues, and working on two massive projects.

The good news is that I recently finished a sexpack for Sellera. It's ~32,000 words of sadomasochistic femdom, so look forward to that sometime in the near future.

I've gotta say I feel what you're going through. I too have a senile grandmother and I fully understand how much it can affect everyone around her. Best luck to you.

Night Trap

Oct 31, 2016
Hello, after reading through this, I wanted to first off thank you for being a decent human being and taking care of your family. Far too often people abandon their blood when the going gets rough, and I'm glad to see that's not you. It's not the same, but I've been taking care of my dad for almost two years now due to his medical problem. (Neurocardiogenic syncope)

Second, I'm sorry about your health problems and wish you the best.

Third, now that the important stuff's out of the way, I quite enjoy your writing. Especially Sam in Gastigoth. Breeding a pupper is always a win in my book. Haha And I very much look forward to the crewmate expansion for her. (Gonna keep her as a breeding pup, though. At least the first time through. Soz-but-not-soz Gotta keep the doggo swollen constantly with pups and get those baby-pounds on her frame. Soften her belly and overall body. Mmm) Also, MILF kitty sounds like she'll be a fun time. I do like plump mothers. :3

I've gotta say I feel what you're going through. I too have a senile grandmother and I fully understand how much it can affect everyone around her. Best luck to you.
Thank you both for the kind words and compliments. I really do appreciate it, and I wish both of you luck as well. It's a strange thing, giving 24/7 care to someone who used to take care of you, but I guess it's just something you get used to over time. It's been the focus of my life for close to two years now, and it's strange at this point to imagine living any other way. I've had almost no time to write between taking care of my grandmother and preparing for the holidays, but I am still making slow progress.


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2019
Hi there,wanted to thank you for the Sellera's ex-pack,set my tastes for femdom real big,real quick.
Also wanted to ask on how' your life&health been threatin ya and maybe some hint to upcoming projects?

Night Trap

Oct 31, 2016
I'm really glad to hear you liked my work! I put a lot of effort into the Sellera expack, way too much in fact. I will be going out of my way from now on to avoid making scenes as long as most of the ones in that project were.

Life and health have been about the same, maybe a bit better on health and a bit worse on life. As far as upcoming projects go, I am going to be working on a new adult game, so my TiTS commissions will be closed for the time being (not that they were really open anyway.)

This doesn't mean I'm done with TiTS. I'll still be working on my personal projects in my spare time, because I still very much enjoy writing for my characters. As far as those go, I'm eyeing either adding some of the minor NPCs I had planned originally for the Bucking Bronco, or starting on Ciaran's first expack.

Expect to see the Sam expack finished in the next month or so, though who knows how long until it gets added to the game.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2016
I'm really glad to hear you liked my work! I put a lot of effort into the Sellera expack, way too much in fact. I will be going out of my way from now on to avoid making scenes as long as most of the ones in that project were.

Life and health have been about the same, maybe a bit better on health and a bit worse on life. As far as upcoming projects go, I am going to be working on a new adult game, so my TiTS commissions will be closed for the time being (not that they were really open anyway.)

This doesn't mean I'm done with TiTS. I'll still be working on my personal projects in my spare time, because I still very much enjoy writing for my characters. As far as those go, I'm eyeing either adding some of the minor NPCs I had planned originally for the Bucking Bronco, or starting on Ciaran's first expack.

Expect to see the Sam expack finished in the next month or so, though who knows how long until it gets added to the game.
Whats the new adult game called and what is it about?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
They gonna make little Catdogs.


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2019
Sorry for kinda sounding ass-y but how's that Sam x-pack coming along? Because it's already last month of summer and there's still no update.
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Night Trap

Oct 31, 2016
Sorry for kinda sounding ass-y but how's that Sam x-pack coming along? Because it's already last month of summer and there's still no update.
I wrote a couple scenes after last posting here and a few weeks later had a death in the family. I don't want to go into detail, but it's why I've been a complete ghost here aside from checking for DMs, and I only do that because I told HugsAlright I'd handle communications about his projects for him. Don't really know when I'm gonna get back into writing regularly. Sorry to disappoint, but I'm sure people know better by now than to listen to me saying something's going to be ready by a certain date.

Sam x-pack and a couple other individual scenes aren't very far from completion, but I can't and shouldn't say when anything will be ready since I don't when I'll be writing regularly again. I'm going to be less ambitious and probably just release Sam's update with way less of the fluff and non-sex stuff that I had planned just so it can finally get released. Maybe I can get back to it in the future and add stuff like the threesomes with different crewmembers and a little scene chain I wanted with Reaha in a separate x-pack, but no promises.

Night Trap

Oct 31, 2016
I don't know how much people still care at this point, but I thought I'd knock some dust off and let folks know I am still alive. I don't want to get too much into personal stuff, because I could probably whine for pages, but suffice it to say 2020 was about as abysmal for me as for everyone else. 2019 and 2020 had absolutely endless real-life complications and obligations that slowed writing to about 5k-9k words per year. But I have good news and bad news, so let's do bad news first.

The main reason I wanted to actually post here was because I wanted to people to know I am actually alive, and I do not say that with any exaggeration. This Christmas I became extremely sick, and after over a month of trying to solve a medical mystery, I ended up at the hospital with my liver enlarged to the point that my right lung had mostly collapsed. My IBD has only gotten worse over the years despite some upswings, and it finally almost killed me by causing multiple abscesses in my liver and lungs. After 2 weeks in the hospital during COVID I was released on a couple months of IV antibiotics followed by several more of oral antibiotics, which have for now ended, but may have to resume based on bloodwork results in the next month. Worst case scenario I may need most of my liver removed, but that is looking increasingly unlikely.

During all this my IBD has been completely untreated and worsened by the antibiotics. Until just a month or so ago I was too constantly exhausted and sick to even converse for more than a half hour at a time. I also have heavy scarring in the liver and lungs, and my heart has been experiencing regular tachycardia since December. The earliest estimate for when I will be mostly recovered from these infections is October. But now the good news.

Luckily in the last week I was able to resume partial treatment for my IBD and it has given me some much-needed relief. Even before then I actually started writing a few things for practice, and I'm sort of getting back into the swing of things. At the very least the desire to write is returning, and that's the first step towards making it habitual like it used to be for me.

I'm not promising anything at all, and anyone who knows me well enough by now should know not to expect anything consistent from me. I just wanted anyone who was interested to know that I am still alive, I do still write, and I do still plan on expanding on my existing projects. God willing I won't relapse into infection, have worsening heart issues, or have another flare up of my IBD, but none of these things are outside the realm of possibility. There's also multiple obligations such as taking care of my (now extremely) senile grandmother. My life is not in any kind of danger anymore though, as I am being well looked after by multiple specialists who have been checking on me regularly since February.

I intend to keep writing, more importantly I want to keep writing, and if nothing else stops me, I am going to resume working on TiTS again whenever I have time. Thanks to everybody who reached out to check on me during my overly-long hiatus. I really do appreciate it, and I apologize for being a complete and utter ghost for over two years now. I am too busy to be as active as I was once upon a time, but I am going to make an effort to at least be active at all now.