Night Trap's Winery Estate


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
YOU LIVE! This was so unexpected, I missed seeing you around man! ;o;

That's a lot to take in that all I can say is that sounds really rough. But regardless, I hope your health stays stable.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
Glad to see you're fighting the good fight, and hopefully things get better for you from hereon. Am also glad to hear from you, and as far as a project we talked about together, I do still hope we could work on that together sometime for sure! For now though, take what time you need to recover and do what you can here, and not what you must! Rooting for ya!

Night Trap

Oct 31, 2016
I have had very mixed news about my health in the last two weeks. I don't want to go into super specifics but basically, a new specialist thinks I may not have Crohn's, but two overlapping autoimmune diseases, one of which has been given a tentative diagnosis, and the other is just a mystery for the time being. There's still more tests to be done, but a new treatment is not yet determined, and probably won't be until some time in March. Writing has been just a couple thousand words in this time, and the longer I go untreated, the sicker I get. It's all been extremely taxing in a lot of different ways. For the time being I'm at a loss as to how my life is going to proceed from here, but at least it's not necessarily a dead end in terms of health. I'm trying to stay optimistic, but for the time being, health and family are my sole priorities right now.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2018
I have had very mixed news about my health in the last two weeks. I don't want to go into super specifics but basically, a new specialist thinks I may not have Crohn's, but two overlapping autoimmune diseases, one of which has been given a tentative diagnosis, and the other is just a mystery for the time being. There's still more tests to be done, but a new treatment is not yet determined, and probably won't be until some time in March. Writing has been just a couple thousand words in this time, and the longer I go untreated, the sicker I get. It's all been extremely taxing in a lot of different ways. For the time being I'm at a loss as to how my life is going to proceed from here, but at least it's not necessarily a dead end in terms of health. I'm trying to stay optimistic, but for the time being, health and family are my sole priorities right now.
Sorry to hear, hope you can get treated in the near future.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
Shit I didn’t know he had health problems, hope he gets well

I also wanted to ask if he is still working on that brothel on new Texas?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Fuck, I didn't know about all this. I'm sorry you're going through this Night, and I hope you'll get better soon. This game and these forums just won't be the same without you.
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Night Trap

Oct 31, 2016
Hope you gotten somewhat better in the past year.
A little better in some ways and worse in others. I'm on a new medicine that I'm apparently not responding to so the dose had to be doubled last month. I also went 4-ish months without internet, and this was part of a ton of family upheaval that caused way too much stress for me to do anything other than be sick. But! The silver lining is that I am no longer having to take care of my grandmother all day every day (she's okay, not dead or anything), so the second biggest obstacle for my writing is gone now. I also finally have internet again as of two days ago. Thank you, and thanks to everyone else, for still caring after all this time of me doing nothing at all.

Shit I didn’t know he had health problems, hope he gets well

I also wanted to ask if he is still working on that brothel on new Texas?
Absolutely still am, my friend. That's the first thing on the docket after I finally get the Sam expack off my plate. There'll be at least two fairly substantial characters added as part of the brothel, and if I have the ability, at least one or two characters that'll basically be one-offs you won't do anything other than just have a repeatable sex scene or two with. The theme of the brothel is supposed to be "sex you can't get just anywhere" since it's on the free love capital of the galaxy. That means more niche things like BDSM, unusual body types (i.e. nagas and taurs), roleplays, etc. Obviously cannot make any promises or predictions about any of this but I have been planning this for YEARS and I very badly want to continue it. God willing, this medicine will finally have the effect I was promised and my body and life will stabilize at hopefully the same time, and the milky smut will finally flow.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
A little better in some ways and worse in others. I'm on a new medicine that I'm apparently not responding to so the dose had to be doubled last month. I also went 4-ish months without internet, and this was part of a ton of family upheaval that caused way too much stress for me to do anything other than be sick. But! The silver lining is that I am no longer having to take care of my grandmother all day every day (she's okay, not dead or anything), so the second biggest obstacle for my writing is gone now. I also finally have internet again as of two days ago. Thank you, and thanks to everyone else, for still caring after all this time of me doing nothing at all.

Absolutely still am, my friend. That's the first thing on the docket after I finally get the Sam expack off my plate. There'll be at least two fairly substantial characters added as part of the brothel, and if I have the ability, at least one or two characters that'll basically be one-offs you won't do anything other than just have a repeatable sex scene or two with. The theme of the brothel is supposed to be "sex you can't get just anywhere" since it's on the free love capital of the galaxy. That means more niche things like BDSM, unusual body types (i.e. nagas and taurs), roleplays, etc. Obviously cannot make any promises or predictions about any of this but I have been planning this for YEARS and I very badly want to continue it. God willing, this medicine will finally have the effect I was promised and my body and life will stabilize at hopefully the same time, and the milky smut will finally flow.
Nice, sounds awesome, just don’t over do it


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Glad to hear you're getting back on the horse man! Here's to you and to keeping that ball rolling!

Night Trap

Oct 31, 2016
Well, it's done. The Sam expack is finished. I'm getting help with editing it, bringing the parsers up to date, etc. but all major scenes are finished. I am sincerely sorry this took so god damn long. I ended up in the hospital again for a week in December of 2022, and had lots of other life complications, but I finally recovered enough that I crawled over the finish line. I've technically spent a bit over 60 months working on this, though thanks to life upheavals that number is actually far, far smaller in reality. Still, I'm genuinely thankful to everyone who has been supportive of me. It definitely helped me to finish, knowing that not only did people still care about this project, but that they weren't upset with me for not finishing it sooner.

I put a lot of heart and soul into this, as I grew and experienced more in the last 5 years than I did in probably any other 5 year period of my life since I was a teen. I lost family members, had new ones born, I worked to keep my grandmother out of the nursing home as long as possible, I got married, almost died twice, got new pets, and many other things both good and bad. I tried hard to keep the writing consistent in this expack, but I hope at least some of it is good. Thank you again to everyone for your support. It really did help me sleep easier and keep working.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2021
Well, it's done. The Sam expack is finished. I'm getting help with editing it, bringing the parsers up to date, etc. but all major scenes are finished. I am sincerely sorry this took so god damn long. I ended up in the hospital again for a week in December of 2022, and had lots of other life complications, but I finally recovered enough that I crawled over the finish line. I've technically spent a bit over 60 months working on this, though thanks to life upheavals that number is actually far, far smaller in reality. Still, I'm genuinely thankful to everyone who has been supportive of me. It definitely helped me to finish, knowing that not only did people still care about this project, but that they weren't upset with me for not finishing it sooner.

I put a lot of heart and soul into this, as I grew and experienced more in the last 5 years than I did in probably any other 5 year period of my life since I was a teen. I lost family members, had new ones born, I worked to keep my grandmother out of the nursing home as long as possible, I got married, almost died twice, got new pets, and many other things both good and bad. I tried hard to keep the writing consistent in this expack, but I hope at least some of it is good. Thank you again to everyone for your support. It really did help me sleep easier and keep working.
we're so glad to hear all of this.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2018
Well, it's done. The Sam expack is finished. I'm getting help with editing it, bringing the parsers up to date, etc. but all major scenes are finished. I am sincerely sorry this took so god damn long. I ended up in the hospital again for a week in December of 2022, and had lots of other life complications, but I finally recovered enough that I crawled over the finish line. I've technically spent a bit over 60 months working on this, though thanks to life upheavals that number is actually far, far smaller in reality. Still, I'm genuinely thankful to everyone who has been supportive of me. It definitely helped me to finish, knowing that not only did people still care about this project, but that they weren't upset with me for not finishing it sooner.

I put a lot of heart and soul into this, as I grew and experienced more in the last 5 years than I did in probably any other 5 year period of my life since I was a teen. I lost family members, had new ones born, I worked to keep my grandmother out of the nursing home as long as possible, I got married, almost died twice, got new pets, and many other things both good and bad. I tried hard to keep the writing consistent in this expack, but I hope at least some of it is good. Thank you again to everyone for your support. It really did help me sleep easier and keep working.
If you need help I am fairly well versed in the new parser system, and am willing to help you.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
So glad to hear everything is going well for you man! Can't wait to see what you've whipped up for us!

Night Trap

Oct 31, 2016
Sam is modernized! All thanks to the work of one very lovely editor, she has now been submitted.

I unfortunately will likely be going dark again for quite a while after this, as I have been diagnosed with some pretty serious issues that will require moderate surgery. If everything goes perfectly, it's going to be a minimum of 3 months of serious recovery. If things go terribly, it'll be more like 8 months. I expect it to go well, but not perfectly, so probably 4 or 5 months.

But, if people are interested, I have a few stories I wrote in the last year or so to shake off the dust before finishing Sam involving some of my TiTS characters, as well as some I've been working on between edits to the expack. It's a lot easier for me to write freely than to write with parsers, so if people are interested, I could share some of those stories while I'm recovering to tide y'all over until I'm ready to get back in the saddle.

Let me know if that's something y'all would like to read, and I'll see if there are any suitable for sharing with the public. A lot of it is just self-indulgent trash or fiddling around with fleshing out characters, but I've already got at least a couple that should be fine to share.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Sam is modernized! All thanks to the work of one very lovely editor, she has now been submitted.

I unfortunately will likely be going dark again for quite a while after this, as I have been diagnosed with some pretty serious issues that will require moderate surgery. If everything goes perfectly, it's going to be a minimum of 3 months of serious recovery. If things go terribly, it'll be more like 8 months. I expect it to go well, but not perfectly, so probably 4 or 5 months.

But, if people are interested, I have a few stories I wrote in the last year or so to shake off the dust before finishing Sam involving some of my TiTS characters, as well as some I've been working on between edits to the expack. It's a lot easier for me to write freely than to write with parsers, so if people are interested, I could share some of those stories while I'm recovering to tide y'all over until I'm ready to get back in the saddle.

Let me know if that's something y'all would like to read, and I'll see if there are any suitable for sharing with the public. A lot of it is just self-indulgent trash or fiddling around with fleshing out characters, but I've already got at least a couple that should be fine to share.
Great to see you back on the horse, even for a little bit! And if you're work with same is anything to go by then I'd love to see what you can cook up with more creative freedom!

More importantly though, I wish you all the best with whatever it is you have, and hope everything goes smoothly in your recovery. This place just wouldn't be the same without ya, and I can't wait till your fully up and at em to see what else you can give us!

Have a good one dude!