Starship Inanna


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2016
Normally I think I wouldn't be fond of playing as a black dude but for some reason it doesn't really bother me in this game. Immersion reasons. It seems quite good so far and I look forward to more of it.

" I wouldn't be fond "

We wouldn't be fond of playing you either!



Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2016
Finally the episode 2 comes out. Been following this game for a while now. 

But it was... underwhelming. For the time it took for episode 2 to be completed, I was expecting something as lengthy as Episode 1 with quite a few decisions, but with this it's not the case. 

I hope Episode 3 is better. 

Don't get me wrong I like this game quite a bit, but the last release was just, unsatisfying. 
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Active Member
Jan 26, 2016
Finally the episode 2 comes out. Been following this game for a while now. 

But it was... underwhelming. For the time it took for episode 2 to be completed, I was expecting something as lengthy as Episode 1 with quite a few decisions, but with this it's not the case. 

I hope Episode 3 is better. 

Don't get me wrong I like this game quite a bit, but the last release was just, unsatisfying. 

Thanks for the feedback.  Episode 2 really pushed me beyond my limits and I think it showed in some areas.  Starting off with four plot lines also makes the episode seem smaller.  It also suffers from a pretty regular problem with two-parters, the second part is usually weaker.  A lot of ways to basically say I wasn't entirely happy with how it all turned out, however I learned a lot and have been getting a lot of interesting responses and critiques.  Speaking of feedback, early on with Episode 2 while it was indev I was told pretty much "more sex scenes" (which is why everyone tells you their visions from Episode 1), but Episode 3 specific feedback from indev testers and my script readers has been stuff like "It seems like you actually did some research for this one, some nice sci-fi in here" and "I like how there is a lot more world building going on. A lot of history both for the current system and back home. Nice to see that each member of a race has a different sort of view point on that history... Characters are [finally] getting fleshed out which is nice."  So I think Episode 3 will be better.
Thanks again for the feedback,
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Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2015
I was so looking forward for more content of this game
I just beated Mass Effect Andromeda, Starship Inanna would sate my addiction for a while...


Active Member
Jan 26, 2016
Thanks for that. Yeah, Andromeda gave me some inspiration for future episodes, and there were some missed opportunities like with Vetra (though I will have to get better with my own modelling before I venture creating a bird like race like the Turians). Wish I could play it more, but I have to work on Inanna first.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2015
Well I noticed really great improvements on Episode 3
SIDENOTE: I love the uniforms, I would like my OC wearing them XD


Active Member
Jan 26, 2016
I always up for doing commissions :p though OCs are always hard to make match exactly with the models I have.... Would be cool if people had fan art of SI, but I don't think the story is quite that deserving yet, it's still just getting started.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2016
I see that some character alterations have been made, seemed a little off at first, but I've sort off gotten used to it.
This episode is a lot better than the last one, definitely satisfied. Plenty of CG and lots of options.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
- On chapter 3, Samantha's scene, the club-like music loops forever on top of other tracks.

-- Small workaround - Muting the "Sound" in the options menu seemed to have "fixed" it... at least until I raise the volume again. Music is fine.
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Active Member
Jan 26, 2016
Fixing it now, uploading the update should take around 40 minutes. Luckily if you want, in the meantime you can just turn the sound down/off, it's not a music file, and since there's no other sound effects atm in Episode 3 you won't miss anything.
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Active Member
Jan 12, 2017
I like the graphics and the story seems like it will go places. Currently, there seems to be only a few choices that matter with regards to the scenes you get to see. It did a save right after the sex, name section and then skipped through repeatedly to see most of the gallery. The game just pushes you along right now so it is more visual novel than anything else, not that that is a problem.

There is a problem. I can cause an exception every time I tell Alex I have no parents when she is checking if I am alright when I am in reality still podded. It throws right after I say I have no father. There was another as well but I forgot to save it and will have to try to find it again.

I never hear the Samantha music file. I do hear the other sound effects.


Active Member
Jan 26, 2016
I like the graphics and the story seems like it will go places. Currently, there seems to be only a few choices that matter with regards to the scenes you get to see. It did a save right after the sex, name section and then skipped through repeatedly to see most of the gallery. The game just pushes you along right now so it is more visual novel than anything else, not that that is a problem.

There is a problem. I can cause an exception every time I tell Alex I have no parents when she is checking if I am alright when I am in reality still podded. It throws right after I say I have no father. There was another as well but I forgot to save it and will have to try to find it again.

I never hear the Samantha music file. I do hear the other sound effects.

Pushing out a patch that fixes your issues. Changes in 3.5.5

- Fixed No Parents/Sibling glitch under certain conditions in episode 2
- Fixed Tren Office images not showing at all
- Fixed Xylin's song Ferocity not playing under certain conditions
- Fixed Episode 2 Chole/Asa shower scenes incorrectly showing Male image at start when playing as Female.
- Fixed a bunch of typos and grammatical errors


Active Member
Jan 26, 2016
Sorry about that, I really struggled with whether to make characters player sexual but it was something I hated when Bioware pulled it, I wasn't going to do the same thing.


Sep 23, 2016
Sorry about that, I really struggled with whether to make characters player sexual but it was something I hated when Bioware pulled it, I wasn't going to do the same thing.

I think what made it worse is that beside a short chat in episode 2 pretty much the first time you interact with her is in a vision with a sex scene, then you learn about her vision and you're like "shit..." and then episode 3 just put the final nail in the coffin...

So if you ever change your mind or find a plot reason for her to change hers somehow I won't complain. ;)


Active Member
Jan 26, 2016
Things change, so who knows. Sorry for the confusion, it's early on and the characters are still finding their place (much like early episodes of a TV show), but most are settled in who they are now, but again, things change.


Sep 23, 2016
Things change, so who knows. Sorry for the confusion, it's early on and the characters are still finding their place (much like early episodes of a TV show), but most are settled in who they are now, but again, things change.

couldn't help but think about this after reading your post:


Active Member
Jan 26, 2016
LOL, I wouldn't say 1:1000000... your crew isolated in space, you are from and now in a culture that has a lot fewer inhibitions about sexuality than we do now, and if we go by the idea that sexuality is not a binary choice (and it's far from imho) it stands to reason more people are on the sexuality spectrum than are on either extreme. Sam definitely sits farther toward the gay end of the spectrum as opposed to a character like Kani who is more solidly in the middle as a bisexual (albeit with some baggage she's still attracted to both), but as you get to know Sam things may change a little, though a complete change to being straight is highly unlikely 1:1000000 territory.

What I'm saying is there will be some scenes in the future depending on choices you make.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Gave this another whorl. It's good. I'm not sure that changing the character designs between episodes is necessarily a good idea, but it should be fine if you can avoid it as much as possible or make any changes very subtle. Since you're going for the episodic style of game, I hope that you'll try to avoid too many two part episodes or just cliff hangers in general. Since there's a very long time between releases, it would be nice if most episodes were largely self contained. Having a mix of high intensity and low intensity episodes is also a good thing.

Just as an example, the third episode could have played out quite similarly except at the end you catch the agent after they'd sent off a transmission of all the information they'd gathered and then the medical issues where resolved one way or another. Then episode four could start with them tracking where the signal was sent to in the previous episode. You have continuity between episodes that way, but there's a nice building, climax, and resolution in the episode without cutting the player off for months at a time without resolution. There can still be major two part episodes with a cliff hanger from time to time, such as at major turning points in the story, but try to apply them sparingly and have cooldown episodes after them.


Active Member
Jan 26, 2016
Gave this another whorl. It's good. I'm not sure that changing the character designs between episodes is necessarily a good idea, but it should be fine if you can avoid it as much as possible or make any changes very subtle. Since you're going for the episodic style of game, I hope that you'll try to avoid too many two part episodes or just cliff hangers in general. Since there's a very long time between releases, it would be nice if most episodes were largely self contained. Having a mix of high intensity and low intensity episodes is also a good thing.

Just as an example, the third episode could have played out quite similarly except at the end you catch the agent after they'd sent off a transmission of all the information they'd gathered and then the medical issues where resolved one way or another. Then episode four could start with them tracking where the signal was sent to in the previous episode. You have continuity between episodes that way, but there's a nice building, climax, and resolution in the episode without cutting the player off for months at a time without resolution. There can still be major two part episodes with a cliff hanger from time to time, such as at major turning points in the story, but try to apply them sparingly and have cooldown episodes after them.

I had no intention of doing a two parter, but the episode was getting too large, and the idea was to make episodes smaller and more frequent. Most of the ones planned for the rest of Season 1 are a continuous story, but self contained. As for the character change, upgraded the tech to allow for better rendering and graphics, and it's hard to do that gently or over time, just decided to get it done with before there was too much to go back and redo (since we will eventually redo Episodes 1 and 2 with the new tech)