HugsAlright's Kennel of Puppers


Jul 11, 2016
Dee has to blow up the ship for this right?

Is there a plan to have Dee in some sort of mini device in Erra's room when you recruit her or does she die in the explosion?

Dee will survive, in fact Erra's immediate reaction after you and her fend off some Reaper drones and tell her you should get back to your ship is something along the lines of "What are you, crazy?! We gotta go save Dee!" before she runs off to save her AI.

I'm not sure exactly what'll I'll be doing with her after the quest, bur her and Erra are going to come as a package, as in: no Erra without Dee. She might be mutually exclusive with Hand-So as a shipboard AI, or she might hang out in some device Dee can carry around, or my favorite idea: a sick military robot body.

Keep in mind that if Dee gets a robot body it'll be 100% asexual.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Dee will survive, in fact Erra's immediate reaction after you and her fend off some Reaper drones and tell her you should get back to your ship is something along the lines of "What are you, crazy?! We gotta go save Dee!" before she runs off to save her AI.

I'm not sure exactly what'll I'll be doing with her after the quest, bur her and Erra are going to come as a package, as in: no Erra without Dee. She might be mutually exclusive with Hand-So as a shipboard AI, or she might hang out in some device Dee can carry around, or my favorite idea: a sick military robot body.

Keep in mind that if Dee gets a robot body it'll be 100% asexual.
Heh, if Steele has any bot like Bess or Siegwulfe Dee can point at them and go "Don't you have enough fuckbots?" Or something like that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
She might be mutually exclusive with Hand-So as a shipboard AI
That ... feels like it'll cause trouble. The tension it creates as players have to pick between Erra and So.
or my favorite idea: a sick military robot body.

Keep in mind that if Dee gets a robot body it'll be 100% asexual.
Do we have a idea of ship capacity yet? I know Siegwolfie and Bess take up crew slots, so I've no doubt Dee will to if she gets a body. A safe house to store her would help greatly until we can bring her back aboard our ship... I've not heard numbers yet and I see a good few making recruit-able characters.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well we got always data bead so after getting Hand So out of it we can put Dee there. Nah too cruel fate I think. But conflict with Hand SO can be only on Dom So path where it have full access to onboard comp systems. Otherwise with Hand So not integrated with ship systems both So and Dee can coexist in their own rooms xD

Did you commisioned anything new form Ches? Just asking if you do not what (that better left suprise).


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
Is it me, or do most video game playing NPCs also like to cuddle? Also video games seem to be the number 1 recreational past time of NPCs, not that I'm complaining, but just that it's the most common thing I hear when I ask an NPC their hobbies (apart from fucking people who ask them about their hobbies :p).
This is not actually an NPC thing. Just because we "western" humans have removed ourselves from out natural environment to the point that our instincts are starting to become unnaturalized, doesn't deny the purpose of cuddling on a natural level. species (mostly mammals) cuddle as a form of bond forming. This helps to ensure that the females are taken care of and protected during gestation (arguably their most vulnerable state in life) and possibly during child rearing as well. All of this is supported in the study of glandular actions in mammals as well as behavioral studies through out the last century or more. To design characters that fulfill this role in the game simply means that someone is trying to portray a realistic creature.

On other topics, wow we get tangental don't we :p


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
This is not actually an NPC thing. Just because we "western" humans have removed ourselves from out natural environment to the point that our instincts are starting to become unnaturalized, doesn't deny the purpose of cuddling on a natural level. species (mostly mammals) cuddle as a form of bond forming. This helps to ensure that the females are taken care of and protected during gestation (arguably their most vulnerable state in life) and possibly during child rearing as well. All of this is supported in the study of glandular actions in mammals as well as behavioral studies through out the last century or more. To design characters that fulfill this role in the game simply means that someone is trying to portray a realistic creature.

On other topics, wow we get tangental don't we :p

My question wasn't why NPC's like to cuddle, but why those that like to cuddle tend to also play video games a lot. I understand why cuddling is still popular in the distant future of the 34 and 1/2th century. :catte:
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
It's cool, I mean, Brandy was submitted even earlier. Your first project, no?


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
Just another art update here.

Commissioned some busts of best girl/muh waifu from Cheshire a bit ago and got em' today!

So here's those:
So, uh, it was just pointed out to me that Syri kind of looks like she has brown hair, instead of raven, like she's described as having. The old portrait had her hair look definitively raven, but this one seems almost in-between brown and black. It just looks weird to me now, and I keep going back to it to try and decide which color it is.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Actually she sort of looks like she has Black ancestry now, lol.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
So, uh, it was just pointed out to me that Syri kind of looks like she has brown hair, instead of raven, like she's described as having. The old portrait had her hair look definitively raven, but this one seems almost in-between brown and black. It just looks weird to me now, and I keep going back to it to try and decide which color it is.
I agree, don't get me wrong the bust is nice! She definitely needed a new one. But it looks more like she's 'brunette' there (Or some other dark brown hair color idk) than raven colored as descripted in the game and that's bugging the hell out of me. >.>
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
My question wasn't why NPC's like to cuddle, but why those that like to cuddle tend to also play video games a lot. I understand why cuddling is still popular in the distant future of the 34 and 1/2th century. :catte:
Sorry guess I misinterpreted. I'm sure my brain will catch up to my fingers someday >.>


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
My question wasn't why NPC's like to cuddle, but why those that like to cuddle tend to also play video games a lot. I understand why cuddling is still popular in the distant future of the 34 and 1/2th century. :catte:
Blame it on romance-able video game characters. I know I abuse the cuddle option in Mass Effect 2.:p Was sad that feature didn't carry over...


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
What cuddle option?

After you've had sex with your romancable option, you can invite them back to your room to cuddle on the couch or bed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I wonder how long till your first project will get int while few others that was after get added. Brandy is so moooooch fun npc to interact with ^^


Jul 11, 2016
So, uh, it was just pointed out to me that Syri kind of looks like she has brown hair, instead of raven, like she's described as having. The old portrait had her hair look definitively raven, but this one seems almost in-between brown and black. It just looks weird to me now, and I keep going back to it to try and decide which color it is.
I agree, don't get me wrong the bust is nice! She definitely needed a new one. But it looks more like she's 'brunette' there (Or some other dark brown hair color idk) than raven colored as descripted in the game and that's bugging the hell out of me. >.>

I honestly think it's the background that's causing that problem. No doubt Chesh drew the busts contrasting it on a white background, which has the effect of making dark colours appear darker, but if placed against a darker background, the darks will appear lighter.

I noticed the same thing with Erra's busts, if it's placed against the TiTS or a black background, her fur appears gray and her skin lighter, but against a white background her fur is jet-black.

Next time you can shill out for new busts ya damn ingrates >:V

I wonder how long till your first project will get int while few others that was after get added. Brandy is so moooooch fun npc to interact with ^^

Eventually... Hopefully...
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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
Next time you can shill out for new busts ya damn ingrates >:V
With the singular POSSIBLE exception of, ". . . bugging the hell out of me.", I don't believe anyone has been untoward here. What I see is the feedback of people who are confused by a representation of a described character defying said description. Not a little different DRASTICALLY to their minds. "Raven hair" cannot and NEVER will be mistakable for any brown. Any definition of raven hair that I've seen before clearly indicates, if it's indicated at all, that the hair will have blue undertones and/or highlights, as opposed to a DEEEEEEEEEP brown which will have red, brown or coppery undertones and/or highlights. While the things you've said may indeed explain what we're seeing, it does not remove the discrepancy. I love you and hope this message is taken in the vein it is meant, which is to say explanatory and hopeful rather than denigrating, condescending or egotistical.


Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Guys I have once again kidnapped Hugs for my own nefarious plans.

You can have him back once he's sick of me.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
After you've had sex with your romancable option, you can invite them back to your room to cuddle on the couch or bed.
ah I always romanced Liara so I never saw that option. only other char I was interested in was Tali but she's not into femshep