Think-tank: Adding new races, TFs and locations to CoC


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Of those 3 ideas first one would be harderst to pull off. Since as Savin stated on discord demons if there have been some sort of Poseidon-like god(ess) it was their first aim for godslayer rampage. So now pretty much only cuz Marae is at lake it still exist. On the other hand it's odd since...she's godess of nature not specificaly waters so how come she stopping lake from been meet same fate as ocean(s) before :iiam:.


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2016
Of those 3 ideas first one would be harderst to pull off. Since as Savin stated on discord demons if there have been some sort of Poseidon-like god(ess) it was their first aim for godslayer rampage. So now pretty much only cuz Marae is at lake it still exist. On the other hand it's odd since...she's godess of nature not specificaly waters so how come she stopping lake from been meet same fate as ocean(s) before :iiam:.

Ah, but a Poseidon-like God/ess would care more for the seas ;) ... that's why I suggested the Lake, which would be more between the interests of a wood/nature God, and not picked a shore or sea location (and since the place is already there, I guess it save coding time)

(to put an example: Dryads and Nymphs are nature creatures, Dryads are land spirits -specifically from trees in general, be from woods or a forests- and Nymphs are in-land waters creatures, like lakes and rivers; both would be under "protection" of Marae -which is basically a super Dryad-. Essy it's another example of a creature that would fall under "Dryad" cathegory.
The rough equivalent for a sea creature of a Dryad would be a Siren.
Also, it's very clear that the Lake is half corrupted/polluted, it could lead to some quests, or simply be kept as that and allow for strange encounters. -this could get even more developed depending on Marae's factory quest, tho could be left as is-

Resuming (excuse my ramblings): a Goddes of Nature like Marae would have land and small waters under her sphere of protection, but doesn't involves the seas, which are a completely different environment in itself.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Beach/Ocean/Deep Sea wi need to eventualy have deep rethinking in case we not wanna it been totaly lore/cannon breaker. Not gonna put even 2 cents that there was possibility to some of minor god of sea surviving somewhere...unless it was some more secretive place with sea like underground sea or smth that now is slowly poluted with corrution leaking from surface.


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2016
Beach/Ocean/Deep Sea wi need to eventualy have deep rethinking in case we not wanna it been totaly lore/cannon breaker. Not gonna put even 2 cents that there was possibility to some of minor god of sea surviving somewhere...unless it was some more secretive place with sea like underground sea or smth that now is slowly poluted with corrution leaking from surface.

Oh, absolutely. Ocean/deep sea is way too vast to be treated as a location, could actually be developed into a full new game-expansion since it's a completely different environment.
But a lake is no bigger than a forest or mountain... and we have those ;)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
it's not like we would be up to explore whole sea or ocean merely swimming around half hour into open waters. With ocean half hour is still small part of whole ocean that PC can explore in that time.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
There is few possible new male npc to be camp members (possible some of them been lovers) but due to not many people that write good quality content for male npc it moving at really slower pace than for female ones npc :/

I think in this new 2017 year there should be one to three male camp members added with high possibility of lover among them.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2016
There is few possible new male npc to be camp members (possible some of them been lovers) but due to not many people that write good quality content for male npc it moving at really slower pace than for female ones npc :/

I think in this new 2017 year there should be one to three male camp members added with high possibility of lover among them.

I think I'll take a crack at writing one.
For now I think it'd be a good idea to have Princess Gwyn (Sissified Erlking) as a follower.
Just put a daily limit on his gifts.


Jun 10, 2016
There aren't many male lover characters you can get in camp.

Man. If I could write sexy scenes, I'd try to get Ro'gar to camp and include an extremely sexy scene where he tries to convince you to transform into an Orc for him. Maybe he could slowly craft up some Orc brew every couple of days and give it to you during sexy times, causing a slow, lingering transformation.

But eh. I'm a copywriter at my day job, and my vanilla brain mostly just produces technical stuff. :\
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Nyseron As long there wouldn;t be trouble with Erlking orginal writer it's possible to write some more things for him/her.

@FolsomC Sometimes been perosn to check texts for others may be as much help with making mods slight better (cuz as certain mander said their will be always trash ones in his eyes).
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Just a random idea and probably it won't make it into CoC Revamp before 1.4 final is released:

When beach/ocean/deep sea would be added to Revamp and after that the Jurassic Island. How about adding an intensive side quest to Revamp, which would (probably) only be accessible in NG+:

Jurassic CoC
Lethice has set an eye on the 'Jurassic Island'. The peaceful cough, cough living dinosaurs along with a few non-dino inhabitants on the island are slowly being threatened by corruption from Lethice and her underlings. Once peaceful dinos start going on a rampage and if things get worse, they may even destroy the whole island. I think, this should be completely optional. Probably with a new 'Yes'/'No' choice, when ascending.

I guess its obvious, that we have to get the new locations beach, sea and deep sea into CoC before that, because I'd like to have it located offshore, meaning, that you'll discover it through sea surface exploration. And we need to start working on implementing the 'normal' Jurassic Island and get some dinos, places and other inhabitants on it in order to have a base to work on for 'Jurassic CoC'.

PS: This is just a random thought I came up with, when driving back home by bus. So feel free to adapt it and start your own gdoc about this.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
I like the idea of Underworld races such as corrupted Elves, a different variety of spider-morphs, salamanders, and even bat-morphs. There could easily be demons, bio-luminescent monsters of the underdark, and even underground waterfalls, rivers, lakes and seas. Could even have magma lakes, sulfur vents, and mini volcanoes. It could be a cave with a series of deep caverns that the PC can get to - similar to the woods/deep woods setup. It fits the lore, can be instantly canon, and only needs modified versions of monsters and locations already accessible but it'll add some more immersion to the game.
Just my 2 paw's worth.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Something similar was proposed during the waning days of the vanilla game. It was a crying shame it was never implemented.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Kesil You meant all those underground locations making almsot second mareth but in underground version?


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2016
It's be nice to have random mini events occur when you hit the "Wait" button in camp.
Something that makes the camp feel more alive, especially since some followers never interact.
The biggest scenes are the Clara battle and the milk bath. Overhearing a random conversation while waiting four hours
could make the game seem more organic and give the camp more of a community vibe.
For example, Arian doesn't interact with anyone at all. Nobody acknowledges his existence.
They could just be a couple sentences long, nothing that big.

On the other end of the scale when it comes to more complex ideas, the champion pretty much has a harem and doesn't do anything about it.
There's some three ways but could you imagine Amily, Marble, Helia, Kiha, Izma, and Isabella having an orgy with the player? That would be fucking amazing.
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Blue August

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2016
Jurassic CoC
Lethice has set an eye on the 'Jurassic Island'. The peaceful cough, cough living dinosaurs along with a few non-dino inhabitants on the island are slowly being threatened by corruption from Lethice and her underlings. Once peaceful dinos start going on a rampage and if things get worse, they may even destroy the whole island. I think, this should be completely optional. Probably with a new 'Yes'/'No' choice, when ascending.

I guess its obvious, that we have to get the new locations beach, sea and deep sea into CoC before that, because I'd like to have it located offshore, meaning, that you'll discover it through sea surface exploration. And we need to start working on implementing the 'normal' Jurassic Island and get some dinos, places and other inhabitants on it in order to have a base to work on for 'Jurassic CoC'.

Jungle island full of different dinosaur people would have potential for a ton of cool stuff.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
There is already a bat morph doc named Diva the vampire bat. As for sea and rain, I actualy though since the water was trapped by the power of industry, rain and sea could happen again after the factory was shut down.
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New Member
Feb 12, 2017
If thinking of an ocean, maybe a beach or lagune could be an idea? (Not sure if it wasn't already mentioned, my account isn't that old and I've only just skimmed through this thread.) It could be inhabited by mermaids and mermen and the sort. Perhaps some octupi-hybrids might be fun too.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2016
I don't know if this has been discussed but what about a Gargoyle race?

I'm thinking crazy high DEF.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Technically Gargoyles are already a race in CoC, but not a playable one.

Also... Rahaan's face.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I don't know if this has been discussed but what about a Gargoyle race?

I'm thinking crazy high DEF.

Playable in Xianxia post 0.8, Gargoyle tf quest and Temple of the divines is part of the package. Gargoyle has 80 toughness, 80 strenght and decent inteligence. The alabaster gargoyle, wich is the magic alternative to marble, switch its strenght score with its inteligence score.Also gargoyle has the highest natural armor out of all TF and, due to being a somewhat permanant change wich also use all body part slot, has the highest racial score aside from human.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2016
I'm disappointed you can't go full demon. Every instance where the player cums out their Lethicite is just a bad end.
It'd be neat to actually play as an Omni/Succu/Incubus instead of a half one.
Just have it where if the player cums out their Lethicite their corruption is permanently locked at 100.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Having no soul would make many of ending invalid so I thin in base game it was never done due to make actualy game lock many of possible path to take. Well such option could be vialable since at cost of those lost paths PC would have also some bonuses but Fen never decided to go for it to include such option. Thou Liadri got some plans to make something I would call quasi-true demon state for PC so you can always try probe her in her thread on those plans/ideas.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2016
Playable in Xianxia post 0.8, Gargoyle tf quest and Temple of the divines is part of the package. Gargoyle has 80 toughness, 80 strenght and decent inteligence. The alabaster gargoyle, wich is the magic alternative to marble, switch its strenght score with its inteligence score.Also gargoyle has the highest natural armor out of all TF and, due to being a somewhat permanant change wich also use all body part slot, has the highest racial score aside from human.

How do start the TF quest?


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015

Blue August

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2016
I've just started the gdoc for Jurassic CoC:

Note, that we have to start with work on Jurassic Island first, before we start working on the actual Jurassic CoC

*facepalm* okay, I had a very strange idea for an encounter while reading this. I have no idea why this popped into my head, but...

The Bimbo Raptor Rangers. A trio of raptor-morphs who run around the island acting like knock-off Sailor Moon/Power Ranger types, ambushing people at random for 'justice'. Also they're all bimbo-ified.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Blue August Those raptors are all female ones or mixed one group/all males? As if other than female genders of their it need be using also Bro/Futa words. Hmmm a Bro Raptor Ra(n)gers... that may be some inspiration too.