Conquest of Shadows (For DaBomb)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Name: Asharoth Lagneai

Gender: Female (Can become futa at will through magic)

Age: 19

Phsycial description: Ashtharoth stands at 6'2" with perfectly smooth olive colored skin all over her body. She has jet black hair and strange glowing eyes that seem to constantly change from crimson red to deep purple. She has a flawless face, of which could be described as incredibly beautiful. She as pointed elfin ears, about 3 inches in length. Her demonic tongue it two feet long but it can retract and look normal. A pair of small, black demon horns poke out of her fore head.

A pair of small purple demon wings sprout from her back and aren't big enough to provide flight. She has two breasts, filling a big DD cup. She has voluptuous thigh that sway as she walks with a toned butt that stretches the clothes she wears. She wears a simple dark hooded robe, constantly covering her head and face with the hood, leaving only her glowing eyes visible. 

Personality: Ash is a quiet and calculating person.  She is not the type to brag unless it's against a douchey person. Her alignment would best be described as lawful neutral/evil.  She has a moral code she'll never break and sticks to it.  She's not afraid to kill, but will avoid it when she can.  She chooses the "least evil" way to solve her problems, she's not a monster after all.


Hey, i'm Ashtaroth. Quite the mouthful, huh? You can just call me Ash, I honestly prefer it shortened. Anyway, you're probably wondering about my past but I only know what I remember. I've been told that I was found in some ruined house in the dessert, a family found me nestled in cloth crying, right in the middle of the floor. Of course they took me and turned me into some orphanage. God that orphanage was hell... They constantly beat me, called me a demon, poured "Holy" water on me. Why? Because I am a demon. Or at least half of one. The horns poking out of my head, the spaded tail, and my body as well. I just ooze the word succubus. The only reason I was deemed to be half of one was due to the fact that I had very little corruption in me at all. I even had the lowest Libido in the whole Orphanage. Something very unusual for a succubus.

When I went through my teen years in the orphanage, the kids began to notice me. A lot different than they used to. They'd just stare at me, the look in their eyes, I could easily tell what they waned to do. After mentally shattering someone who tried to force himself on me, I was deemed a "Witch." And I was banished from the city.


Strength: 2

Speed: 1

Precision: 1

Fortitude: 2

Intellect: 6

Insight: 4

Charisma: 5

Physical Health: [ ][ ][ ][ ] 

Mental Health: [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] 
It begins to drizzle as you reach the wooded hill overlooking the village of Tencrest. Weeks of traveling have taken you from the deepest reaches of the forest to very edge of the Kingdom. You eye the cluster of wooden buildings arrayed before you. Gray smoke begins to curl from chimneys as the townspeople begin to settle in for the evening meal. The sound of merrymaking and the jaunty notes of fiddle emanate from the sizeable inn that caters to the travelers making their way across the border.

Standing here now, it's hard not to think back on the trials that brought you to this moment. It is amazing how a few years can change you. Shunned and scorned for your demonic appearance, life at the capitol had never been easy. But it was when you tossed out of the orphanage that you learned the depth of humanity's predjiduce. Battling hunger and cold in the wilds had made you desperate. But with desperation brought strength.

Your lonely exile had given you the tools to survive. Your innate powers became refined and hardened with practice. With your skills, it was no trouble to scrape a living at the frontier. With a little effort, you might even be able to build a life beyond the reach of civilization... But part of you still burns to strike back at the scum that deprived an innocent girl of her childhood.

This pitiful Kingdom claimed to be a land of laws and justice... Equality and freedom so long as you kept your head down, paid your taxes, and didn't have the misfortune of being born a half-breed. Well the bastards were in for a surprise now. They had refused to accept you before, well now they wouldn't have a choice.

The rain sizzles as it strikes your shoulders. Your eyes flare with grim resolution. It was time to get started.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ash's eyes scan the buildings around her.  Appeared to be a basic town from the look of it, Something she could easily handle.  She wanted nothing other then to see this town burn to the ground, listen to the beautiful screams of the the people begging for hep and their mercy.  Asharoth chuckled at the thought.  She probably would of done that very thing a few years ago but her years of solitude had given time to calm her fiery temper.  It helped her patience grow and surprisingly to her had make her sense of honor return, something she thought she had long last in that hell of a orphanage.  Luckily for the people of the world, Ash matured in the forest.  She gained wisdom.  Did she intend to be the bigger person in this scenario?  Perhaps.  She may be able to provide mercy to those who were truly innocent and held no prejudice toward her. Maybe.  Could she find love in this world.  Doubt it.  The only thing she's ever experienced in the world was hate.  She didn't even know if she'd realize what love is even if she felt it.  But would that mean she wouldn't try?  No.  Forgiveness, Mercy, Love... All things she'd dread giving out to those people... But it was the same thing they'd constantly say that she couldn't feel.  Ash may have hatred burning in the coal black heart of hers, but it was also filled with pride.  She could never let them be right.  She had to be the bigger person.  She had to be the true victor.

Ash let out another chuckle.  She had been waiting for this day for years.  She'd slaughter and enslave those who couldn't accept her.  She'd be a monster them, show them that their torture had created what she was today, then punish them or the error of their ways.  But she still wasn't sure what she'd do with those that never hurt her...  As evil as Ash was, she still had a sense of honor and killing the innocent just felt... disgusting.  Ash shook her head at the thought.  She'd deal with them when the time came, for know she'd imprison them until she thought of a correct way to deal with them.  Right now, she had a job to do.  Ash looked up at the town and slowly turned her head around, looking for any lone townspeople, some who'd be able to be ... dealt with quietly.  The last thing Ash would want right now is to alarm the whole damn town, she'd want to do this quietly.  Keep the death rate low.  As of right now, she had a very large lack of servants, and she wanted to quickly change that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You wait for quite some time. The Great Forest is not a friendly place and Tencrest's inhabitants know better than to venture near its leafy borders after nightfall. Trappers and lumberjacks have returned to their homes before your arrival and all other inhabitants seem content to remain inside.

(Insight roll: 7 + 2 = 9. Success!)

The gray sky begins to fade to black as night falls. You're just about to give up on your steakout when your pointed ear detects the trudge of padded feet stepping through mud. You fade into the nearby underbrush just as a young wolfmorph passes by towards the village. A long knife is sheathed at his belt and a bow and quiver of arrows slung over his back. He must be a hunter of some sort.

You find it curious that he moves with no urgency despite still being caught in the forest after dark. He's either confident, or foolish... Most likely both.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ash gives the Wolfman an odd look.  Didn't he know the forest had all kinds of dangerous creatures after dark?  Ash let out a silent snicker, she'd make sure he'd learn his lesson.  She sneaks out of the bush and starts to sneak toward the hunter.  After she gets within close distance, she clears her throat loud enough for the hunter to hear.  "Don't you know that it's dangerous to be alone in the woods at night?  Who knows what kind of tings could crawl out and pull you in, never to be seen again..."  She warns, eyeing the hunter's moves intently. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The beastman is a blur of motion when you call out to him. His cloak flaps and he becomes a streak of ashen fur, darting behind the thick trunk of a nearby oak. Several moments pass before a pair of golden eyes peak out from the darkness and then retreat to cover again.

A gruff voice rings out back to you. "It's been awhile since someone's snuck up on me like that. Even downwind, I should have smelled you... You've been in the forest awhile haven't you?" You hear the inhale of air through his sensitive muzzle. "...And you're not human either."

His tone is conversational, but the audible creak of a bowstring leaves no doubt of the hunter's readiness. He certainly knows his craft well. Even your keen eyes have difficulty picking out the occasional swaying branch or fluttering leaf that betrays the wolfman's movements.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ash holds her hands out, to state that nothing was in her hands.  "I mean no harm to you stranger, I'm just a wary traveller.   I've been traveling for some time and I just wanted to give some advice."  She says with a chuckle.  My, was he the adorable one.  He was certainly cautious, then again people who are not don't live too long these days.  "You didn't answer my question.  What could you possibly be doing at a time like this?  Is normal hunting not difficult enough for you?"  She asks, folding her hands across her chest.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
(Charisma vs. Insight 3 + 5 vs. 4 + 4. Success!)

The bestial hunter immerges slowly from the undergrowth, bow still in hand. He certainly wasn't letting his guard down just from a few reassuring statements. Still, he hasn't tried to put an arrow in you yet and didn't make a break for the village when the opportunity presented itself.

"Certain types of quarry only come out at night. Moon elk horn fetches a high price from the Alchemist Guild back in Thornhollow. I was told a herd was in the area, so I decided to try my luck... The forest isn't so dangerous as long as you know the way it breaths and moves. After spending so many years amongst the trees, you start to let wisdom guide your actions rather than blind fear... New surprises always seem to find me though." He stares at you pointedly.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
A hunter?  He sounded like he certainly would have uses but Ash didn't think he was worth the trouble.  She'd get to him latter once she had set up more of a presence in the town and the best way to do that was to control the most frequented places.  "Is there any brothels or taverns in this town?  If so, could you give me the directions?  I've been traveling for so long, I need to... unwind."  She says, smirking from within her hood.  "I'd appreciate it greatly." She adds, not wanting the hunter to get any ideas.  After all, it was just some information.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The wolfmorph stows his bow, apparently satisfied that you aren't a threat, and walks with you towards the town. To his credit, he seems perfectly willing to give you direction and doesn't balk at your choice of establishment.

"Only lodging in the place is the Broken Harp. No whores to speak of but a few of the bar maids are pleasing to the eye. A nimble tongue has been known to part their legs when the mood strikes them. Of course they're sure to put such eager mouths to work in the fun that follows." He shoots you a coy wink.

You're amongst the squat buildings of Tencrest now. Most of the houses are dark, their occupants either sleeping or soon to be. The Broken Harp still shines bright, however. It's occupants are singing bawdy tunes to shrill string accompaniment. A broad human man cleans glasses behind the bar while barmaids dart amongst the swaying bulk of inebriated patrons, supplying them a steady flow of mead and ale.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ash takes a brief scan of the area around her and smiles.  This seemed like a perfect base of operations to start with.  The place was filled with people, she could have this town corrupted before anyone even realized it.  The quickest way she could think of taking it over was to corrupt the owner and that'd be very easy...  Ash walks up to the counter and sits on one of the bar stools.  She calls out the barkeeper to get his attention.  "Do you have rooms available?  And if so, at what cost?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The barkeep sets down his dirty glass and eyes you warily. A border town like this one was sure to get travelers of all sorts, but a hooded figure with glowing eyes was probably a little too much not to warrant a few stares. He clears his throat.

"We're pretty filled up as you can probably tell. Every bed is spoken for and that includes the hay loft. " He waves at the press of bodies surrounding you. "You might persuade one of the servers to give up their bed for the right price. You'd have to take that up with them though. Lodging is part of their pay and I'm not a man to filch my employees."

He resumes his cleaning and your eyes go to the bar maids he mentioned previously. There are three of them, two humans and a catmorph. The humans shy away from the patrons roving hands and serve with an meek efficiency. Farm girls looking to supplement their family's income, no doubt.

The catmorph, however, is far more interesting. She cuts a lithe, firm figure in her apron and moves with an effortless grace amongst the burly men populating the tavern's benches. She gives as good as she gets when the drunkards make passes at her, joking and flirting with ease. She certainly isn't shy about bending over tables, fuzzy tail waving, and making a show of wiping down the polished countertops. You notice her shooting a wink now and again at the wolf morph you met earlier. Acquaintances at the very least, if you were to judge.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ash gives the man a nod. She scans across the tavern, getting a feel for the various occupants, before making her way to the Wolf morph she had recently became acquaintances with and sitting next to him.  "I take it you're friends with the barmaid? Do you know if she'd be willing to share a room with someone?" Asharoth asks, glancing at the cat every once in a wile to make sure she was still there.  "I don't need a bed, all I need is a room and a floor.  I can sleep on anything." She added.  Living in the forest for a few years made Ash loose any pickyness when it came to luxuries. Hell, to her a wooden floor is much better to the rock she had been sleeping on for months. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The wolfmorph scoots over at his table to give you some room. He turns in the direction of your gaze. "Who, Kari? We met a few seasons back when the forest outpost closed and I had to bring my pelts further south. She's a good girl, but her mind totally revolves around gold. Wants to make it to the capitol someday and pockets every penny that she can find. Usually that just means flirting for tips, but every so often she gets herself into-Oh hells, there she goes again."

You look back at Kari as she trails her fingers across the jaw of a gruff looking card player. While her tails distractingly darts at his crotch, the catmorph deftly dips her hands to the pile of coins on the table and pockets a sizeable gold piece. She trails a rough tongue across her mark's ear and gives him a regretful sigh before returning to work, her swaying hips hypnotically stared at by the spellbound poker players.

Your companion groans at your side. "Damn it, Kari. She should know better than to filch at the gambling table. Those guys wouldn't think twice about roughing her up for the loss of a copper, let alone a gold piece."

He grumbles into his tankard before addressing your original question. "If you want an introduction, I'd be happy to oblige. I was going to ask her to share a bed with me tonight, but I know how dear her dreams are to her. Maybe a few coins honestly traded for will keep her from taking so many risks."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ash's eyes flicker to Kari.  Money?  That wouldn't be a problem, she had plenty items of value that'd easily catch a few gold coins.  "Yes, could you please introduce us?" She requests, her eyes snapping back to the wolf morph.  (Couldn't think of anything else to say.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You spend a few minutes in the company of the beastman, waiting to grab the attention of the feline bar maid. Eventually she notices his waving and comes over with a bright smile.

"Hiya Cart. Got those reagents I asked for? You know I need those glitterwings before the next lunar cycle." She raises a stern claw, a sharp contrast to the gregarious waitress she was a minute ago. "Don't make me bring all those free drinks into this. I kept a list of your booze guzzling, and it's long."

Cart hurriedly changes the subject and gestures to you. "Actually my friend here said she'd like to meet you. This is, erm...." He trails off lamely, unable to supply your name.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"You can call me Ash." She notes, a non visible smile appearing inside of her hood.  "I've been traveling for quite some time and this is my rest stop for the night.  I've been told that all the rooms are filled and that my only option was to sleep in a Bar maid's room."  She pauses for a moment, to gather her thoughts on payment.  "I'll pay more than enough to stay in your room, I don't require a bed, just a floor." She adds.  She fishes her hand inside one of her robe pockets to pull out a coin purse.  With it, she pulls out five gold coins.  "I'm sure this is plenty?" She asks, already knowing that she was overpaying for the room.  It's a good thing bandits frequently camp in those woods.  They were always a great source of coin.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Kari's eyes widen at the exorbitant offering. Her hand reaches out reflexively before she gains ahold of herself and tries to put on an air of indifference.

"Well, I don't much like the idea of sharing my room with a stranger, but I s'pose if it means that much to you..."

She fishes in her blouse a moment and comes up with a brass key affix to a leather cord.

"I'm working until this lot quiets down, so you can let yourself in whenever you feel like it."

She departs and Cart quickly leans over to you. "Watch yourself around Kari's things. She's got more than a few... Projects you don't want to get tangled up in. Last time I spent the night, my tail got lit on fire. Not the sort of eventfulness I was hoping for."

Cart goes to try his hand at the gambling table, leaving you alone to your table. The revelry doesn't seem to be dying down and ale continues to flow into tankards and down the gullets of thirsty patrons. Mysteriously attired as you are, you get more than a few curious stares. You could retreat to your rented lodging, or stick around and put some of your plans into motion.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ash nods at the girl, taking the key out of her hand and placing it in her pocket.  That was a room and slave guaranteed, things were moving much faster than she expected.  Ash proceeds to hop of the bar stool and venture out into the town.  Thoughts of what she could do in her spare time began to flow into her head.What could be useful in taking over this town...  Alchemy...  She was familiar in the use of potions and loved to use them to twist people into different shapes and sizes.  They'd also be good to bend people to her whim and desire.  With a plan in motion, Asharoth looked around the town to see if there was an alchemy store, or a least one that sold supplies for it. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Asking around, it's not hard to find out that Tencrest's hub of commerce is the trading post. It sells goods from the capitol and acts as a warehouse for the fur and timber waiting to be sent south on caravans. The establishment also has stocks of the rare and mystical alchemical reagents that can only be obtained by foraging in the deepest parts of the forest. Apparently, there is a large demand in the larger cities for cure-alls of all sorts.

(Charisma challenge: 9 + 5 = 14. Success!)

You chat up a man who is a clerk at Trading Post and find out an interesting bit of information. Your first intended corruptee, Kari, is a burgeoning alchemist in her own right. People go to her for minor healing and the occasional aphrodisiac. It appears her ambitions of moving to the capitol are intertwined with this hobby. More importantly, the clerk reveals to you that Kari is quick to buy up the choicest ingredients before they're shipped off and some of her purchases are of questionable legality.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ash scans the various merchandise and looks back at the man. She pauses for a second, making a list of tings to ask.  "I'm going to need a lot of things, so bare with me." She warns, puling a list out of seemingly nowhere.  "You wouldn't happen to have succubus milk, would you?  If you don't, do you have any expected shipments? Also, do you have any dark wood in stock? Finally, what kind of metals do yo have in stock?" She finishes, folding the paper back up and storing it... somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
(Charisma roll: 15 + 5 = 20. Success!)

The clerk is utterly flustered by your closeness and hangs onto your every words. You notice him glancing at your crossed thighs and the nape of your neck. Every time your eyes turn to your list, he leans forward, trying to descern your visage through the shadows cast by the cowl of your cloak.

Raw materials it seems are stockpiled in great quantities at the trading post. In terms of metal and wood, the clerk is confident that he could find you whatever you needed. The way he talks, you can tell he's trying to impress you.

"Why, I spent the last week catologing the last shipment of smelted iron. Tons of the stuff, I tell you. Put that lot onto an anvil, and you could make plowshares for Tencrest a hundred times over!"

He does seem a little taken aback, however, at your inquiry of succubus milk.

"S-succubus milk? Now why would I deal in such a vile thing? I wouldn't even know were to begin to procure the stuff, let alone find a buyer down south." He chuckles nervously, but stoically remains at your side, eyeing you hopefully.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ash listens carefully to the man's answers and nods.  "Well... How much would it cost for me to get enough dark wood to make a staff out of, an ingot or two of some steel, and..." She ponders, tapping her chin in thought.  "You wouldn't happen to sell gems, would you?  What's the biggest Ruby you have?" She asks, leaning her arms down on the counter, acting as if she was interested in his boasting.   "If you did, that'd be absolutely lovely" Ash coos, wanting to get the best 'price' possible. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
(Since you're so keen on buying stuff, I'm introducing wealth points. You currently have two.)

(charisma vs. insight: 9 + 5 vs. 11 + 2. Success.)

The clerk smiles back and you and eagerly leans forward, placing a hand close to yours and nodding as if you both just shared a secret. Clearly, he has been taken in by your feigned interest.

"Oh I think we can find exactly what you need. We're not supposed to let people look at our stored inventory, but I've been known to make a few exceptions here and there... For the right price. We could go look now if you'd like."

You take in the eager look in his eyes and find yourself doubting that the price he's asking is limited to the gold in your pocket.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ash giggles at the thought.  This man was so eager to become a slave!  She slides her hand over and puts her hand on top of the Man's hand.  "You'd do that for me?  That simply sounds marvelous!  You have much of my gratitude, sir." She says in a suggestive matter.  "Yes, i'd very much like for us to go now.  I have business to do before morning, you know tavern work." She says, telling only part of the truth.  "Please, lead ahead.  You've been upmost kind."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The man hurriedly grabs his cloak of a peg near the tavern entrance and stumbles off into the night. You keep pace with him as he strolls along, plying you with flattering comments all the while.

It isn't long until you reach the outskirts of Tencrest and are at the entrance of the trading post. It a low building built from roughly shaped interlocking pine logs. Around back you see several warehouses of a similar construction. The store's windows are dark and the entrance is barred by a heavy padlock the key to which the clerk produces from his coin purse. An audible clank rings out. The clerk steps aside to admit you.

The quaint shop is line with shelves containing everything the rustic dwellers of Tencrest might need, and more besides. In addition to rope, clothe, and various metal tools, you see a selection of luxury goods displayed in the corner. Spices are locked away in tin boxes and a few selections of simple jewelry lie beneath a glass display case. An uncut ruby lies on a cushion in the center of the case.

"See? What did I tell you, biggest ruby you ever saw. The boss thought it'd be a nice oddity for customers to goggle at before we shipped it off to the gem cutters down south... Of course, if you're willing to buy it now, we might as well save ourselves the caravan fee. The rest of the stuff you asked for is out back in the warehouses- but first..."

He steps behind you and you feel his breath on the back of your neck. Arms snake around your waist and you blink in displeasure at the smell of alcohol.

"Of course this is all very irregular. I'm ignoring so many rules for this little business deal, I think you owe me something extra."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Asharoth's eyes began to glow briefly as the man grabs her from behind.  Boy this was going to be fun...  "I expected nothing less... You'e been very helpful, you deserve a reward." She says with a smirk.  She begins to spread her lustful aura out to the man, attempting to cloud his mind.  She pulls her hood down and turns to the man, staring him deep in the eyes before kissing him deeply.  She'd use the kiss to cloud his mind even further, sucking out his energy as well.  "What are you waiting for?  You're not going to make a lady wait, are you?" She coos.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You fix the man with your supernatural gaze, willing him to become your slave. The moment his eyes turn glassy, you strike, pressing your lips to his. Lustful magicks flood into his system as your tongues tangle and he moans into your mouth. As the kiss deepens, you can almost feel his common sense bleed away, replaced by the insatiable carnal urge only known to a succubus's victim.

He trembles when you break the kiss and whisper sultrily in his ear, urging him on. He quickly fumbles with his belt. Pants carelessly discarded, the clerk grabs for you and roughly presses himself against you, hiking up the hem of your tunic. You can feel his ordinary member straining against your thigh, throbbing and hard, but fairly unimpressive compared to the specimens you have observed in the forest.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ash pushes the man backwards, making him fall on his back.  She plops herself on top of him, pinning him to the ground.   She uses both of her hands to grab each side of the man's head, pulling it up to gaze in her eyes.  Looking deep into the man's soul, she begins dispensing her magic through him, gaining plenty of access to his mind.  "Sleep..." She beckons, casting her dreariness to him, trying to make him fall into a deep slumber and forget everything that happened today.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Preoccupied with the logistics of initiating sex while standing, it doesn't take much to bowl the man over. His look of surprise is soon smoothed over as you straddle him and flood his pitiful soul with the full force of your magic.

(Charisma vs. Insight: 10 + 5 vs. 11 + 1. Success! Mental health: [X])

The clerk grinds himself desperately against your full buttox but you rebuke him with a glare and he freezes up, eyes fluttering. His head thunks against the floorboard and a haggard snoring fills the storeroom.

You stand over your victim and look him over. He'll likely wake up in the morning without his pants and a sever case of blue-balls.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ash adjusts her robe to again cover her full body.  She walks over to the display case with the large ruby and carefully opens it, taking out the ruby and placing it in one of her pockets.  She walks into the back of the warehouse and grabs the materials she needs.  A small amount of Dark Wood and a steel ingot.  With the items she needed in her possession, she walks out of the warehouse back to the tavern.  She walks to the room she was informed of and pulls out the key she was given.  Opening the door, she takes a step in and lets out a sigh of relief.  Time to go to work.