Your Gripes With CoC2

Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
i am actively enthused to give any accepted writers money for dudes; B is just insane busy
I am more of an editor and 'window-dresser' for others. I can fill in or offer viewpoints for others, but I am not inclined to write sexual scenes myself, though I do love helping others expound upon or clarify their writing to turn the vision in their head into what can be more easily shared with a reader. I am not a man-sex aficionado in any case, though I could probably fake it for a paragraph or two.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
I can write in my native language quite well if my IRL work is anything to go by, but English is a devil's tongue. So studying english while trying to write a submission is like trying to balance middle eastern tensions with stacks of dynamite.
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Oct 19, 2024
I can write in my native language quite well if my IRL work is anything to go by, but English is a devil's tongue. So studying english while trying to write a submission is like trying to balance middle eastern tensions with stacks of dynamite.
I feel the same way, but I can't even explain myself well in Spanish XD, so this is a double barrier for me, I don't think anyone would like anything that has been put through Google Translator, maybe I could team up with someone who is fluent in the language and collaborate on anything I need in return, but for that I first have to improve my writing skills... Unfortunately, Asperger's makes it much more difficult and time-consuming for me.


Dec 13, 2023
I really want the ability to freely skip time like cheat mode TiTS, the pregnancies even with acceleration is still too slow for me. Even the function to skip only MC's pregnancy would be greatly appreciated
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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2023
Ok, here goes nothing #2.
This one will be about powerscaling, which is…quite strange.
Allow me to provide some examples: Evelyn and noble scion PC. They share pretty much the same background, being in very similar upbringings, if you will. Only Eve has: no magic, no martial skills, no hidden powers, no cultivation, etc. Basically, all that she does is nothing but fuck whores and jack off hiding in an inn all day. But! If you allow her to take dragon spear, take centuries worth of dragon life force and be good to go in a week. By that i mean - being an actual and quite powerful threat.
On the other hand, Zo, a some sort of a cultivator, martial arts expert, with years of practise in chi manipulations - is on the verge of a breakthrough to be slightly better than a mid tier trash wuxia mook and almost deletes her entire consciousness or something. I mean, what?

Bear with me yet another moment: even our PC seems to be just a PoV. Every major fight (narratively) ends like our protagonist, the main character of the story is barely make it through, sometimes - literally carried by teammates. NPC's overshadowing main character, i'm not an expert but it doesn't look good for storytelling. I'm still aware about "not my power fantasy". Fenoxo team wants our victories to be achieved not so easy - fine, i get it, that's fair i suppose, but can't at least our protagonist be competent? Well-trained soldier or thief, well-taught sorcerer, silver-tongued bard - they can't be this bad! If high-born whore can be a force to be considered with just by the fact of owning old spear - why our protagonist can't be someone at least a little threatening?
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Dec 13, 2023
Ok, here goes nothing #2.
This one will be about powerscaling, which is…quite strange.
Allow me to provide some examples: Evelyn and noble scion PC. They share pretty much the same background, being in very similar upbringings, if you will. Only Eve has: no magic, no martial skills, no hidden powers, no cultivation, etc. Basically, all that she does is nothing but fuck whores and jack off hiding in an inn all day. But! If you allow her to take dragon spear, take centuries worth of dragon life force and be good to go in a week. By that i mean - being an actual and quite powerful threat.
On the other hand, Zo, a some sort of a cultivator, martial arts expert, with years of practise in chi manipulations - is on the verge of a breakthrough to be slightly better than a mid tier trash wuxia mook and almost deletes her entire consciousness or something. I mean, what?

Bear with me yet another moment: even our PC seems to be just a PoV. Every major fight ends like our protagonist, the main character of the story is barely make it through, sometimes - literally carried by teammates. NPC's overshadowing main character, i'm not an expert but it doesn't look good for storytelling. I'm still aware about "not my power fantasy". Fenoxo team wants our victories to be achieved not so easy - fine, i get it, that's fair i suppose, but can't at least our protagonist be competent? Well-trained soldier or thief, well-taught sorcerer, silver-tongued bard - they can't be this bad! If high-born whore can be a force to be considered with just by the fact of owning old spear - why our protagonist can't be someone at least a little threatening?
I mean, you can clear out the entire Minotaur arena and breach the Kitsune's defense all by yourself, you just need an extremely specialized build, mountains of healing options and at least a few resurrection tears ( your rewards will be a few extra comments )

As for Evelyn, forgive her, it's just that Wsan has two very specific fetishes of dominating overpowered dickgirls and caring wholesome wives ( this is a porn game after all )


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
Wait, Eveline and Kalysea are written by the same person, who has a specific fetish for firmly dominant dickgirls? Man, no wonder I bounced off both of them so hard. Though I wish I could complain more about them without people jumping out of the woodwork to say "Well they weren't made for you" or "You just don't get them/don't understand their fetishes".


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2023
I mean, you can clear out the entire Minotaur arena and breach the Kitsune's defense all by yourself, you just need an extremely specialized build, mountains of healing options and at least a few resurrection tears ( your rewards will be a few extra comments )

As for Evelyn, forgive her, it's just that Wsan has two very specific fetishes of dominating overpowered dickgirls and caring wholesome wives ( this is a porn game after all )
I meant narratively. Major fights gave you some text like your char just barely survived despite you dominating whole battle seconds ago. I can imagine that my PC fights hard, not-so-easy maybe, but not "was this close to death" or "you win only by your allies" in almost every meaningful encounter. This desription makes me feel like my PC just pick up his sword/bow/magic wand/whatever just like 2 days ago. Where is the point of being main character then if you completly incompetent?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
I mean, Wsan clearly has a type. And that's fine. But if you can't make room for switches and non-subs in your characters' sex scenes, it makes it harder for anyone who doesn't get off on being dicked to enjoy them. Especially if you write the player character like they're such a sub that just being around a woman with a dick makes them want to climb on top of it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2016
It's Cold Here, Midwestern US
I mean, Wsan clearly has a type. And that's fine. But if you can't make room for switches and non-subs in your characters' sex scenes, it makes it harder for anyone who doesn't get off on being dicked to enjoy them. Especially if you write the player character like they're such a sub that just being around a woman with a dick makes them want to climb on top of it.
you do know he's brienne's writer too, yeah?


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
I do, and I'm not talking about her, just the futas in question. Though it's funny you should mention her, because I've seen Brienne get similar complaints, but from the opposite end of the spectrum - pussy havers and subs complain she has no content suitable for them because she's written for dick-having champions to the point of near-exclusion.

I guess the ideal solution would be striking a fine balance between one extreme and the other, but it's probably simpler and more fun to write for the extremes. Shrug

Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Kalysea is not my cup of tea. She was commissioned by a player and I think Wsan performed incredibly even though she isn't for me. She's not supposed to be for me. And she's still getting content. I think Evelyn is the same, I am only a bit miffed that her entire interaction is based on one single choice in what appears to be a simple random event in the Frost Hound. It just seems like you're passing a random room and could be a peeping tom. My character actually was being polite in closing the door. There was no warning that it would lock out content and you'd never get to interact with her or even know of her existence. It was over a year reading about some person named Evelyn and thinking I hadn't met her yet. The problem is that she does get mention in rare cases in the story or a scene and I have no idea who they're talking about.

I think whenever they added content for her (or any character that has a miss-able or removable content, like Elf Boy if Knife-wielding Crab's expansion comes through), they reset the flag, so a person can choose to see and engage them. If not, they just re-click the Remove Content or Ignore button again.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2016
It's Cold Here, Midwestern US
pussy havers and subs complain she has no content suitable for them because she's written for dick-havers
see, i think the no pc sub content for a sub character/no pc dom content for a domme argument is a bit silly, because they are direct opposites and it is kind of necessary, but parts i consider a different manner.

why wouldn't an adoring waifu have no-dick sex with her no-dick obsession? unlike kiyoko, it's not a matter of her preferences in bed, but rather pure author disinterest. i respect that and don't expect anyone to slave away on content the will not enjoy... but to have literally No sex options for a dedicked character with a pussy-having pc is crazy. write one and call it a day, but there needs to be a fallback option.

brienne has a couple, thank god, but S+C and Alissa have Nothing and can cause a softlock. i don't oppose angling, but mechanical failure is different to me


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
Yeah, honestly, homesexual/lesbian/same genetelian sex options are quite lacking in a lot of istances. If a woman NPC, most of her content will be dedicated to dick champs. If a guy, vice versa. If futa/dickgirl -- fem/pussy champs.

Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
My current gripe is all the sudden, new instances of mouth-spitting that seems to have cropped up. It's not for me. Don't get me wrong, I can handle if Champ or their partner maybe does it to lube a shaft or rub around a slit or asshole to get it lubed or ready (it's still not sexy to me), but all of a sudden every new scene is just like, "Hi Champ. We're gonna fuck? Open your mouth!" Hock-ptooey!
Just out of the blue. It's not like you need to lube their mouth. That's where their spit comes from already!
Ugh! Do not like!


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2020
Yeah, I wish every futa could catch.
Regarding Wsan characters, the man only writes top tier bangers, but they do seem to be aimed at strict fetishes. I love Brienne, Elthara, and many others... On the other hand I avoid Kalysea, Orlaith, Evelyn and so on. Unfortunately, because I would really like to lay some serious pipe on them.
Though sometimes I do feel a little greedy to ask this. Using the dryads for example, he wrote a lovely maiden, a gorgeous milf and a fiery futa. And despite already loving the content for 2 of them I want the third to ALSO get content that caters to me. Similar for the myriad of breedable cowgirls and BK.
But alas, a man cannot choose his hearts desire. Male on futa is fucking hot. Fortunately, plenty of writers make great content of this type, but I have come to not expect much on the kink from Wsan, as unfortunately he seems to not share my enthusiasm. Still, the light of hope remains.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
I went through a portion of Kalysea's content in the past and yeah it's not my cup of tea, I like dominant dickgirls, though are prefer a little give and take. I will be honest though, while I don't care too much for base Evelyn, I actually like dragon Evelyn, I think mostly because how the champion is presented, with the base content to champion is excessively submissive like a timid maid. Once you get dragon I feel the relationship dynamic changes enough that while the champion still worships their dom, they are lot less deserving of an ass kicking. That's what I felt anyways. So yeah like dragon Evelyn, can totally pass on human Evelyn.

Also I wish we had pitching content with Klemaia and her elves - the way they are written I feel like they'd be up with sharing the love more in many ways. Unless some of that was added with the recent patch, I haven't checked it out yet.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
All I hear is that people that play characters with dicks want the ability to use them... :smuggo:
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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
Hey, even if they want to keep them dominant, they can just have those futas go for an anal ride. Give us non-hardcore submissives/masochists something to hang onto so there's a reason to keep interacting with these characters once we've exhausted their talk options.
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