Your Gripes With CoC2


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
I really hope Bubble reappears soon. Jen is my favorite character in the game. I dunno, she just clicks right; badass tsundere merc girl. I hope we get to see the end of her story and future expansions or something soon.
I wish he could pop up just so that Quinn can get something. Tho it does make me wanna say something about his situation.
Bubble's disappearance is definitely showing a detriment to how the companion system works to a degree. If he didn't have Quinn under his belt to work with, it'd probably be a similar situation to Night Trap, where real life got him by the neck and he had vanished for months (at one point a year or so iirc) at a time with no warning until afterwards. Shit happens, and there will be cases where you are not in a position to tell others what's going on when they happen. But because NT didn't have big things like followers to manage like CoC2's companions work, and because of how TiTS followers work in comparison, there can be some leniency to it.

With CoC2, you have to be on top of companions as the story goes on, it's not like ship members on TiTS who can be written independent from the storyline (at this point, it's a bonus if they are bc it allows for immersion). Obviously the character clause is a thing, but then you will get the Berwyn fiasco in a 2.0 format. But also the difference with Berry vs Quinn is that we don't know what happened to Bubble exactly. There's nothing said about what happened to him. It could be another example of life getting him and he could be unable to update bc of RL issues for all we know. We have no idea. He was always a very active member in the community, be it the forum or Discord, so him vanishing suddenly is frankly a cause for concern to some degree at least. Especially when the lead dev himself knows as little to none as we do, ya know?

Like sure, it's very easy to work your way into being a trusted writer to where you can be allowed to have that committed status for companions, but what about when you literally are not able to? What if life gets you somehow away from the community for months to where you CAN'T update? Not even behind the scenes? It'd definitely be one thing if it was just in the Discord, Wsan after all doesn't engage with the forums anymore but does through other means and it's how we still get Brint stuff.
But this is looking like straight up vanishing, and tbh I am actually concerned. What happened to Bubble? Will we ever know? I doubt he would just dip like that without good reason. I get that he was always a sorta polarizing figure in the community, but I can't be the only one actually worried right? Maybe I'm being too personal about it (and frankly the last thing I want is to seem parasocial or some shit. IG it just feels like it's a valid concern in this case).

Frankly it'd just be nice if he did come back at this point because then we know he's okay.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
Well if he doesn't come back I'm sure someone will pick up their character's eventually. It's unfortunate but sometimes people just disappear. It's the internet, it happens a lot.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Bubble's disappearance is definitely showing a detriment to how the companion system works to a degree.
Yeah in Future Projects, Companions will only be written by full time staff members. Very much a lesson learned.

Especially when the lead dev himself knows as little to none as we do
I do know what's going on with Bubs. It's Noneya, but, I do and I'm not worried for him.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2022
I really hope Bubble reappears soon. Jen is my favorite character in the game. I dunno, she just clicks right; badass tsundere merc girl. I hope we get to see the end of her story and future expansions or something soon.
drops the best side character (byvernia) in the game
refuses to elaborate further
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New Member
Feb 20, 2022
There's 10 years where they aren't around. She's been taught by Kiyoko, to who the den and clan and family are important, and she has no other interactions with people (other than siblings). Of course she's going to grow up with thoughts on duty (whether to her mother or her den).
I forgot about that 10 year thing, I prob missed the text that mentioned it. That's my bad(I don't even remember the conditions for that 10 year thing). That can explain why she would have a spouse or think less about or of her father/mom. But even knowing that, doesn't change my view that all of it felt forced.
A lot? I am pretty sure she went from an infant to a 2-year old in seconds, and the next time you visited she was like 7 or 8. I get that the player can spend hundreds of nights visiting and knocking up Kiyoko (or not) so they can have 32 kits when she's released and watch Keros' jaw hit the floor, but I think canonically that probably happens or is intended to occur over a month or two at most. The Champ has an important impact, their interactions can shape the outlook and what she becomes, but they are literally there for a short time in a small section of her life.
I guess it was my perspective of it, but I did go all the way to 32 kits, and it felt like a long time. I thought that all the interactions the player has with kinu before seeing kiyoko: petting, playing, educating, all that stuff would actually count for kinu's opinion of the player, but I guess it only counted for her end-game personality.

About ur last paragraph, Irlly think that both kitsune she can choose are awfull, especially nakano even if he seems to care for her. And I still don't get why she had to marry, it would be cool if she was her own woman, actually independent.
Also, I didn't say she had to depend on the player, but it's cool. I also interpret stuff wrong sometimes.

In the end, I just wanted my mc to feel less like an empty husk observing the events that occur in these meaningful parts.

I think that's just a side effect of the nature of the game. So many authors, over such a long time, while also being text based. Sometime it feels like you walked into a novel with predetermined set pieces, and sometime the writing is vague so that you can imagine how YOUR champ would do the actions/chat. Other then that I would like more options on how to act but writing for so many personality types is just NOT a realistic request for anyone.

At one point, early in development of the Kitsune Den I really thought if would have been better off cut from the game and made its it's own visual novel as a side project in the same setting. But it has lot's of stuff going on now it just need some organization of events and triggers. imo.
I agree with u there, can't be easy writing for all of these horny players and indeed, sometimes it's pretty vague, but a lot of the kitsune content just felt too uncontrollable, I guess, I didn't like those parts at all.

It does feel like it could fit in its own visual novel, and it having so much going on is why I felt bad skipping a lot of the text, but I did and I will, cuz it seems it hasn't changed a lot.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
Yeah in Future Projects, Companions will only be written by full time staff members. Very much a lesson learned.
Are "staff" writers on a payroll, or do you just mean "long-term veterans with thick skins and a resistance to burnout and writers' block"?
I do know what's going on with Bubs. It's Noneya, but, I do and I'm not worried for him.
Hey as long as it's not a situation where the lawmen should be called, i.e. Bubbles is a victim, witness or perpetrator of a crime, I'm quite happy to mind my own P's and Q's.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
could the salamander tf be changed a little mainly the hard coded golden eye color as other salamanders can have a non golden eye color and even non black sclera
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
I wish we could get more than one kit per pregnancy with Kiyoko. I feel like we should be able to get 1-3 kits after Kinu. This would speed up our ability to max her tails faster (if rng blesses you), considering the game is technically supposed to be done with a few months it makes more sense.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2024
In most cases, the game gives the player options as to whether or not to participate in various sex scenes. I know the PC can opt out of:

- Fucking Sariel by sending Quin or Arona to do it instead
- Fucking Ryn when she's blueballed by letting Cait handle it
- Fucking Ryn after she has her cage removed by letting Cait or Elthara handle it
- Fucking Elthara by siccing Brint, Quin, or Arona on her
- Fucking Brint during Mad Cow by sending Arona or hiring him a prostitute

Or even just options to not watch scenes like Cait getting egged by the drider queen or Brint getting sucked off by Sugo. What bothers me is scenes where the player isn't given an option to opt out of sex. In particular, the scene where the player helps Cait become half-leothran - when I did the scene for the first time, I didn't realize it would require my Champ to either fuck her or eat her out afterwards, with no say in her participation. I'd rather at least have the option to just let her have her fun with the sisters while I wait outside the hut, y'know?


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
Honestly I'm not terribly pushed. Just fuck every hole I come across, that's my motto in this game. I'm not playing this for the searing emotional rollercoaster.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2024
Well, y'know, not everybody's attracted to women, so they might wanna skip over scenes like that, but also Cait really likes being half-leothran and I wanna make her happy because she's my friend :)


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
I am still comending people that are not into women playing this game. I would be just be in my otome mines if I was gay.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
I'm not into dudes or dominant females either, other than a bit of a femboy kink. But I also don't see a point in trying to avoid sex unless a character has absolutely no kinks or positions I like or I'm saving a load up to knock a NPC up. It's what this game was made for.


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2020
Honestly I'm not terribly pushed. Just fuck every hole I come across, that's my motto in this game. I'm not playing this for the searing emotional rollercoaster.
That's how I play as well friend. But in addition, my champs hole must be left well alone. So I would really dislike forced anal catch scenes.
In similar manner but opposite sides, I'm sure some players would wish their hole(s) to be an all devouring force of nature, and in turn detest pitching scenes. Bet they would like to avoid those.
Therefore, always nice to have options right?


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2018
Reason why I don't want to touch Alraune is that I generally play female champion. And for some reason dominating Alraune if you don't have the D only means getting tentacled in all holes.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
I am not fan of bad ends that just kill you. I just went through Hirrud again and, like, why does he not enslave the champ? Seems fun. It would make his "eventual" breaking all that more fulfilling if you knew he would do the same to you.

Same with Nakano. While I like his bad ending that Komari inflicts, him just killing you is so out of left field.
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War Demon

Well-Known Member
May 24, 2020
Anyone else feel like your relationship with Livrea. Is just like Lois and Superman's relationship?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
Uh, no? Elaborate please.

I am not fan of bad ends that just kill you. I just went through Hirrud again and, like, why does he not enslave the champ? Seems fun. It would make his "eventual" breaking all that more fulfilling if you knew he would do the same to you.

Same with Nakano. While I like his bad ending that Komari inflicts, him just killing you is so out of left field.
Same. I'd like more of these "good" ends, where the player either lives as a member of another species, a pet/slave/spouse for another character, and/or the main conflict is resolved but we're not there to see it. Obviously they're not "canon", but they can be fun storytelling cul-de-sacs.
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Feb 21, 2020
I don't mind the bad ends of death, it makes sense in some cases. It's the inconsistency of how death and killing is treated in the game that is odd to me, like Kas says she has only killed one 'human' (a demon.) Am I supposed to think that's more moral then torturing/raping a person to the point they are no longer themselves?

On some characters I'd press be pressing KILL a TON more if the option was available, what makes some demons/cultist okay to kill but others immune? For a bit I thought, "Oh the killing thing is gonna be phased out for anything but imps" just to make it less violent etc, but then the pair of demons in the Under mountain who are NOT in the war are the ones you are allowed to kill instead of the active enemy combatants?

I know it's just a game, and a fantasy H-game at that so I'm just venting dumb frustrations, but just due to the type of weapons/spells most classes use you would think about half the people you fight would end of maimed or dead.

End of rant thanks for listening to me vent about dumb stuff! Love the work put into the game!


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2022
I don't mind the bad ends of death, it makes sense in some cases. It's the inconsistency of how death and killing is treated in the game that is odd to me, like Kas says she has only killed one 'human' (a demon.) Am I supposed to think that's more moral then torturing/raping a person to the point they are no longer themselves?
This has always bothered me tbh. Kas talks about how traumatizing her mother's rape of her was than turns around and just becomes a rape monster, like? Girl atleast have some admonishment, you know why this is bad.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2023
This has always bothered me tbh. Kas talks about how traumatizing her mother's rape of her was than turns around and just becomes a rape monster, like? Girl atleast have some admonishment, you know why this is bad.

Now there's some holes in this theory, but - based on the fact that Aileh suggests that her mother's villainy is compulsive, Kas likes to talk about how about how corruption and demonhood are a blessing rather than a curse, and the fact she tried to restore her soul at least once, and her admitting this to the champion causes her to cry - i personally like to believe that Kasyrra's villainy doesn't stem entirely from malice alone, rather she's convinced herself she's doing people a favour, because that's the only way the fallen paladin can live with her soulless self.

It doesn't justify her crimes at all, but it would provide a tragic explanation for her percieved hypocrisy.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
This has always bothered me tbh. Kas talks about how traumatizing her mother's rape of her was than turns around and just becomes a rape monster, like? Girl atleast have some admonishment, you know why this is bad.
From what we've been told being a demon/losing your soul takes away your conscience and ability to feel bad. The fragmentary Ring of Fates seems to give her just enough humanity back to remember how bad she felt, but not enough to stop being a horrible person.

War Demon

Well-Known Member
May 24, 2020
OK something I just came across while attending the party. At the Palace When you're talking about all your feats. You don't bring up the fact that you proven yourself worthy to wield The Dawnsword how come? I'm sure all of the Khor'minoans know about the Dawnsword right?

Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
When you're talking about all your feats. You don't bring up the fact that you proven yourself worthy to wield The Dawnsword how come? I'm sure all of the Khor'minoans know about the Dawnsword right?
No... minotaurs are Star Trek fans.... you know it wouldn't go over.

Kidding, I am sure there's plenty of deeds that could be added or touched on, but I think the party expansion was already 300 pages of text (maybe not all the party itself), so they probably wanted to stop gilding the lily, or fluffing the... cat... or whatever metaphor works and get the story in play and come back with little touches. I am sure some more options could be added or written later. (I haven't done that yet, so I don't know what options were there).
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2018
Somewhere In The U.S Wasteland
Bigger Gripe: I don't feel like much of a wizard with a limited number of spells in an encounter that I have to have pre-selected. :/

Smaller Gripe: Why can't I plow the widowed Gobbo-gilf???? :negativeman:
I know how you feel I feel like a novice spell flinger, not a fan of ultimate abilities having to rest for to use it again I'd rather pick and choose maybe one or two at-will or two encounter spells instead of ultimate of maybe one at will and four of any of my choosing. I mainly use Bols Dance on all my characters makes combat a breeze mostly thats if I forgo using kait. Unlike Tits you have a full range of abilities and the Original CoC but sadly the OG CoC had few spells and I like variety but hate limitations.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2018
Somewhere In The U.S Wasteland
Sticking to lore from the original CoC cunsuming fox jewels to become a kitsune instead of selling your soul to some trickster god, oh whatever happened to letchice the whole cumming out your souls Its weird letchice is missing from CoCII entirely at least we got a super hot dragon girl -no pun intended-


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2018
Lethicite is mentioned here and there, like when Alissa turned into a demon or Farrah, but that's as far as it goes. As for Kitsune... no arguing from me, locking becoming one behind that is a very strong deterrent. Not to mention the whole intolerance even after becoming one because Tobs wanted to give us full xenophobia experience. Some reverence for your god's decision that is.
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