Your first fantasy girl/guy/...creature?


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2015
So clearly inspired by a certain topic recently I thought back to my own fantasies and became curious(as I'm prone to doing)

What were your first fantasies fictional characters or otherwise it doesn't matter. Just what were the first ones and if you feel like sharing why? What was it about them that made them the dream.

For me the first was actually when I was still pretty young. Demona, from the gargoyles cartoon(that was back in the 90's for those of you who haven't heard of it.) for me there was.....something about demona not that she was firm bodied gargoyle who barely wore anything(though I'm sure that helped) something about her persona her intelligence and how she seemed to long for really very simple things like love,respect, and trust....yet just couldn't seem to figure out the right way to go about getting those things.It made me feel for her in a way I'd never sympathized with a character before then, certainly not a 'villain'. also her voice unlike most cartoons where the voice acting was......bad. The voice for her(mirina sertis..most famous for being counselor troi from StarTrek:TNG) really portrayed her emotions well. There's also the fact she later starts shifting between human and gargoyle forms......and her human form was a redhead(i've always had a weakness for redheads I have NO idea why.)

......And this concludes oversharing with Callis. I definitely said a lot more than I needed to. but oh well....I'm not exactly shy. So I'm hoping you all won't be either.

EDIT: Right after I posted this I realized I probably should've made this more of a 'your top 5 fantasies or something. but eh first is fine. If people want to share more go ahead.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I suspect my kink interests were shaped by Gargoyles, the Aladdin cartoon series and Conan the Adventurer.


Aug 14, 2016
18 from dragon ball z, warcraft canon characters, final fantasy girls because dbz was the only anime i watched, and i play a shit ton of games

now my faves are girls from ecchi harem series and monstergirls
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
First would have to be Sailor Jupiter aka Makoto... let me google that. Yes it's Kino Makoto. English name is Lina, according to wiki, but I watched the german version back in the nineties, where they kept the japanese name.
Reasons are brown hair, I have a thing for that as well as redheads, a delicate try to balance tomboyishness and femininity throughout the series and quite a dominant attitude from time to time. Also plant powers with vines and stuff, but I am not sure if I remember that right or most of this is just my fanfiction...
Sailor Mars was my second favourite, but mostly because of looks and not character. No real love there, just attraction ;).


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2015
Mine was Usagi from sailor moon when I was in elementary school. I was confused on why I felt that way even to this day(maybe because she was cute)but I had good memories of me and my mother watching it together. several years ago I went back to watch it and HOLY SHIT the dub is god awful and Usagi's voice is so annoying, it's like I am getting my ears raped by a god damn porcupine! The rest of the characters are no better but she got a special mention. I had to drop that shit after a few episodes.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
I suspect my kink interests were shaped by Gargoyles, the Aladdin cartoon series and Conan the Adventurer.

Add Thundercats reruns and The Little Mermaid to that list and you've got mine. If we're going with all fictional characters, even humans in live-action shows/movies, it'd take too long to list everything. Xena, Buffy, Charmed, etc. I watched a lot of shows that starred attractive and powerful female leads.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2015
. . . Well and here I was worried there'd be no replies to this.

Add Thundercats reruns and The Little Mermaid to that list and you've got mine. If we're going with all fictional characters, even humans in live-action shows/movies, it'd take too long to list everything. Xena, Buffy, Charmed, etc. I watched a lot of shows that starred attractive and powerful female leads.

We're not talking about every one you've ever had, just say the first few....or perhaps the most significant ones.

So...I'm going to attempt to avoid rambling this time and cover the rest of mine.

Ryoko Hakubi(Tenchi Muyo!)- It's hard not to like Ryoko, I could start recounting what I liked about her but I'd go on for longer than I really want to.

Aisha Clan Clan(Outlaw Star)- The first time I gave a damn about a cat girl. Aisha was like a gateway catgirl. Still she's No.1 Catgirl to me, immortal,powerful, says whatever she feels like and is absolutely adorable without even trying to be.

Quistis Trepe- If I'd had a teacher like quistis, who did all the things she does for squall for me? and then confessed her feelings? I'd have married that girl. I still feel like Squall must have had brain damage or something to ignore her. Oh wait he kinda did.

Fujin-Ok this is more of a minor short lived one, but I saw some of myself in Raijin, and if I'd had a Fujin i'd probably have dated her at some point, or tried to.

Ultimecia-Yep three from FF8. Poor Ultimecia just didn't want to be murdered by what were basically witch hunters in her timeline so she reacted in the worst way possible out of fear. I felt like the villain at the end of the game cornering her and killing her as she just kinda melancholy accepts this is going to happen because it's her fate, even though she never stops struggling against it, the despair in her lines...really bothered me I almost didn't finish FF8 because of it. It made me wonder how much was missed by never finding out about her past or the timeline that never happened because you never play any timeline but the one she altered. Given the chance I definitely would've stepped up to be her knight.

Charmcaster- After a long long while of no characters making me give a damn in came Charmcaster. At this point I'm pretty sure it's evident there's a pattern here.

annnnd that pretty much covers it.


Oct 20, 2016
Akane Tendo from Ranma 1/2. Had a huge crush on her when I was like 13, Ranma was one of the first manga I read. I think it's why I have such a predilection for tsunderes now.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Quite fun to learn about and compare the possible age group of users, based on the posts in this thread.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Haruko from FLCL was definitely the first woman i was sexually attracted to, though i had crushes on Misty from Pokemon and Kari in the second season of Digimon before.

I was only a little older than Naota when the dub came out over here so basically I realized I'd love a hot older chick who is also kind of like an older brother would whisk me off into adventures, push me past my boundaries and basically make me an adult.

Plus the scene with her and the robo-Kamon was the first sex scene i ever saw in my life and i kind of thought "maybe i'd want to do those things too?"
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
And who would dare and know how to trick the internet?

Yeah fiar points since it all about clicking yes on few places. So not much of real mature age check on this site actualy. But if some will emantions some chara that was widely know like 15-20 years ago and now is barely remebered it's higher chance it's someone old enough ^^ Said high chance since still some kiddo can find it on net nowadays and fell in love with that chara still.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Yeah fiar points since it all about clicking yes on few places. So not much of real mature age check on this site actualy. But if some will emantions some chara that was widely know like 15-20 years ago and now is barely remebered it's higher chance it's someone old enough ^^ Said high chance since still some kiddo can find it on net nowadays and fell in love with that chara still.

In support of that Idea may I present who made me feel strange, confused and tingly; long before I had any idea what that was. A quick review has shown that all my early crushes [both M & F] have very similar traits. I needed a certain frisson, there are reasons it is called la petite mort.

Note to readers - “Hunter and prey, held in the ecstasy of crisis.Is this not life ..." is not a good basis for any RL activity and this is why we have fanatasy


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
-Game Over Gruntilda from Banjo Kazooie. (which is good, cause Rusty Bucket Bay's engine room made me see that screen a lot...)
-Marina from Mischief Makers. *shake shake*
-Roll from Megaman 64 (Legends).
-Mai (emperor Pilaf's group) from Dragon Ball.

Were probably some of the early characters that made me think "huh, she's cool/looks nice".


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
I suppose it's Jessie from Pokemon. I still find her very attractive.

Jean Gray from X-Man.

And Demona from Gargoyls.


New Member
Dec 30, 2016
My first fantasy guy was Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon, h-he's still a hunk LOL;;
And my first fantasy creature was... Leonardo from TMNT. o)-----(


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Songo from Inyasha she was the first fictional girl to make me go dayum at the age of 8.


Active Member
Mar 16, 2016
My first fantasy girl i was attracted to was Fran from my favourite games of all time: FFXII when i was more or less 12 years old.

Now there are so many fantasy girls i like in their own way that i don't think i can list any of them without forgetting some.