Your favorite Class


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
And on what it was meantioned that techs got so little hp...they don't actualy smugglers only have 1,5 more and mercs 2x more hp than tech of the same lvl. But then when we take into account shields tech can be as tanky when it come to raw amount of dmg it can soak as merc or smuggler. Plus as long shields not go offline right after fight he's as good as new with fully charged shields :D

There are one small problem - you can't cover your shield with armor, unlike HP, and most shields are only resistant to kinetic, other resistances coming at cost of vulnetabilities. Also, techs have little to no profit from resistance accessories, for the same reason.

Also, Second Wind effectively adds extra 50% to HP, so you can assume that mercs have 3 times more HP than techs.


May 10, 2016
tech is cool, since armor doesn't even matter i can play dress up with my character without worry


Aug 26, 2015
At the moment, I love Tech the most because I'm a Adeptus Mechanicus kind of guy all the way. Who needs to smack things into next century when you can just bomb them into the stone age with grav.

When we get psionics, though, I'll go that all the way. Because with the Lava sword from KihaCorp, you're a Jedi.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Simple. I give myself whatever perks I want from all three classes and walk the stars a god amongst men.


Except the starter perks those are hardcoded @Fenoxo y u do dis

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I mean, if you're already cheating you can just modify existing perk values. Or take it a step further and code your own.


Jun 19, 2016
Tech all the way. Then maybe smuggler, I have never been a fan of tank like player classes. 


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2016
Surprisingly none, The combat system does not matter that much for me. I usually go for the tech because I not into the "me stronk, me smash" nor the "surprise! behind you!" thing

Actually, when I come to think about it, smashing from behind seems to be a good concept, but (eh) how should we call this class?


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2016
Smuggy seems to be the most powerful to me. Keep the enemy from acting and do massive damage? Plus heal faster out-of-combat and get minor bennies (like landmines). The other clases have always felt weak.

Re: HP chat: Losing to lust seems much more common than losing to HP-loss to me, given a lack of ways to reduce it in battle and that you'll often be walking around with some lust whilst shields mean you're rarely walking around with less than full HP.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Mercenary, because i can throw satchel charges to peoples face. I like the other 2 aswell, its just that doesnt has satchel charges

Rare Pleasure

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2016
I dont really have a fav, as such, but I voted for Smuggler becouse that class makes the best bimbo (Ypu can smuggle just about anything if you have enough clevage!). Tech needing high inteligence, Merc haveing the perk that boosts willpower (Even if you dont want any willpower) Not to mention lust grenades and slighter cheeper TFs.

Although if I was to play a more serious char, then I think I would go Tech with needlessly strong shields.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I like mercs. I like the idea of huge slabs of armor barreling down on the oponent with a giant weapon and crushing the oposition.  My only high level character  in Wow was a warrior for that reason.   I love onimusha for that reason.   There's just something viscerally satisfying about getting in their face like that. 

Pumping up phys, aim and height and gettting absolutely rediculous carry weights to swing around is my thing. I like the idea that my merc can with a sword  or hammer what weaker species need power armor for. 

It's why leithan, centaur, and minotaur are my current fave male char tfs.  With the ant  and Gryvain being fave for female. 

And the guns are big and good to. Though the accuracy penalty on the Aegis is annoying.