Your dream crew


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
A topic which I've thinked about every know and then.
If you lived in the TiTS world, and just so happened to become a captain of your own ship. What kind of colourful characters would you fill said ship with?

Would you follow One Piece style, with a couple of different characters, fulfilling different positions?
Would you go for a much bigger crew, maybe even one that could fill a small/big city?
Would you prefer just one or two? Maybe a significant other?
Or is it solitude you seek?
You can decide the ship size for yourself.

Are there any specific races or genders you'd like to fill the ship with? Maybe you want half ship Kaithrit, half ship Ausar just for the heck of it. Maybe you want a taur exclusive crew.
Maybe you want your crew all female, or all male, or perhaps you like some variety.

Perhaps you have some specific characters you'd enjoy to have on your crew, or whom you've thought up yourself.

Is there a certain theme you'd enjoy? Pirate crew/armada, military, smuggler, rusher, trading etc.

So to sum it up. What's your dream crew?

You don't really have to check everything on the list here. I just came with examples :p
Hope you have fun with this little thread :D

Bonus. Maybe you don't wan't to be captain, but can you imagine a type of crew you'd like to live with?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Umm a small crew nothing special. Someone who is taur, drider, naga and bipedal ones. And some interesting story arc or stmh added to each of them. Of current ones npc to tak nbard I see one worthy and then second due to her recent addition. Rest still not feel like they're worth the space on my space camper ^^


Jul 11, 2016
I dunno, I think I'd do pretty good all alone with the whole "space trucking" thing.

Maybe a Half-Kui-tan herm-girl to keep me company, or an Ausar girl who's into pet play a bit too much. Ooh! ooh! and some sort of shipboard A.I. like BT from Titanfall 2.

See, now the important question is: what kind of ship would you want?


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
To be honest the current crew we have in the game is quite nice with a the variety and stuff. Plus I get to be familiar with every single one of them. I'd like to add a few pretty boys to the mix though.

While I like a small, tightly knit crew, I do prefer a larger ship. So to avoid the hassle of crew management maybe the ship can be more automated and only require a few key personnel?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Why be a captain if you can be a ship? Gray Goo TF and full throttle to the transhumanism perks!
Why settle on just a ship when you can become The Nanobot Swarm?

Anyway, back to OP's question. I would have liked to command my own Babylon 5 with blackjack and hookers. Maybe a station set in the newly discovered sector of space that is already controlled by a whole bunch of non-UGC space faring nations? As for the team - a tightly neat officer crew and lots of decently amusing underlings to boss around.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
Dream Crew: Anything that has Dom So in.

But ideally around 10-12 people maximum in the ship(Maybe 8-10).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'd love to become a transhuman nanite swarm (Maybe keep some wetware components just for the sake of harnessing psionics). As for my crew it would probably consist of AIs and any organic females (or traps) willing to join my harem/ transhuman quest across the stars. Going planet to planet, assimilating new tech, unraveling the secrets of psionics, and boning where no entity has boned before.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Kashawn , Anno, Anno's own waifu, Gil, Nova, Paras, {insert additional husbando followers here}


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I think I'd like to have a ship like what Dragonspiderkitsune mentioned. A bigger ship that, for the most part, runs by itself. At least big enough to support a holo room where you can come up with whatever you can think of. As for crew, probably a variety would be nice: some ausar, kaithrit, kui-tan, gryvain, leithan, and let's not forget good ol' humans. Together we would go to the planet Boldly Go. I hear it's an undiscovered planet where no one has been before. Should be pretty exciting and adventurous.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2015
I'd captain some kind of, seemingly harmless but actually armed with highpowered and likely illegal weapons, cruiser. Put a smaller ship or two on board for shuttlecraft/ anti-fightercraft duty.

As for crew, some form of AI that can also operate a android body because that way we can cut down on the number of people necessary for ship operations and maitenence, a backup AI because you don't want to be without a backup when your AI that runs almost everything gets hacked or malfunctions.

Some muscle girl who's really into firearms, A seductress who prefers the up close and personal touch . Some kind of canine like pet because you never know when one will come in handy. At least one goo for their ability to shift their form, and a fast talking merchant because somebody's got to handle the money and off load our junk and convince people it's valuable.

Probably some zil or some other pheremone using species crewmembers for.......reasons.....>.>
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Some muscle girl who's really into firearms
So Ramis?

A seductress who prefers the up close and personal touch
So Anno?

Some kind of canine like pet because you never know when one will come in handy.
So a New Texas vermint Tam-Wolf Siegwulfe Syri Anno?

At least one goo for their ability to shift their form
So Celise and/or Nova?

and a fast talking merchant because somebody's got to handle the money and off load our junk and convince people it's valuable.
So Emmy or Anno?


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2015
She also can't be an AI/droid like gianna or hand so though I'm not overly fond of either atm tbh. Gianna just seems so....needy and So.....tried to take over the universe so....there's that psychoctic side I couldn't really trust. We need more AI's. Preferably ones that aren't broken
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Corrupter of Tainted Space
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Probably grab Syri for wicked smaht gamer girl, Gianna to be my stand-in for my real life waifu, Emmy to handle tweaking all the various guns and running the armory (so long as she doesn't endlessly calibrate them!), Shekka to run the engine room & general maintenence, Kiro for co-pilot/gunner/sexytimes wingwoman (sexy chewbacca stand-in), Medium futa penny for security officer (Gotta have a worf stand-in).

Yammi and Kally could handle the kitchen and bar. Gotta have good vittles AND refreshments. Pexiga would be "uplifted" of course.

Dane would be my ground security and workout buddy. Remember, it's not gay if the dicks touch through the cat-girl.

Then I'd probably get some sort of high-level psi-powered reactor that we'd fuel with all the oversexed futa libidos and milkers.

I'm probably missing some. I need to take another tour through Savin's Myrellion characters and see if any catch my fancy.


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2016
All I know is mine won't be full until I get Shekka to fix my ship.
And Anzhela because you need doctors in spezz. And Reaha manning the guns.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
  • Colenso
  • A Ben I can finetune even more
  • Anno
  • Aurora
  • Hand So
  • Geoff and Able as husbandos and a vildarii for fun (it means not wasting space in token races I like)
  • A pet varmint
  • Natalie Irson, Anzhela and Jarvis as advisors (though I just could have them working for Steele Tech)
This list considers what's in the game already. My ideal ship? A comfy, relatively large one should be enough. My Steele would like to be visited by the likes of Gianna, Syri or Sera every now and then.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2015
For my main character who I play as if it were myself, I'd rather have a smaller ship, able to be manned by a skeleton crew of two if needed. Sleek and angular, although not sterile, yet comfortable enough to live in for extended periods of travel time.
  • Syri
  • Reaha (Calibrations, anyone?)
  • Shekka
  • Yammi
As for my second character, a larger ship would probably be preferable, considering the size of the 'taurs in this game, lol.
  • Edan
  • Sera
  • Haley
  • Xanthe
  • Gene
  • Renvra
Edan would definitely be my first choice. I love his character - just not enough to be apart of what I consider as my 'canonical' playthrough :'(


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Edan would definitely be my first choice. I love his character - just not enough to be apart of what I consider as my 'canonical' playthrough :'(
I'm sure @Wsan is quite pleased anyway. And if you don't mind me asking, is it his character/interaction or him being a bugpony that plays a bigger role in preventing him from getting on the first list?.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I guess Ben for obvious reasons, Dane for backup and sexbuddy, Dr Khan for my scientist, Delilah just so I can let him stay male, maybe Anno, if only cause she could be of some real use ship wise, Reaha until I can help her be cured of her drugs, then let her go live a normal (at least for her) life, Varmint for the awesome pet, Vahn for repairman, Colenso maybe for info guy (would also love to bang him cause his art makes him look so adorable <3), Tam-Wolf for another awesome pet, and depending on if he gets in, Angus. More might be added while the game continues to completion.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2015
I'm sure @Wsan is quite pleased anyway. And if you don't mind me asking, is it his character/interaction or him being a bugpony that plays a bigger role in preventing him from getting on the first list?.

I'm extremely thankful to Wsan for creating Edan - I was even thinking about donating/commissioning for additional scenes whenever my financial situation looked brighter.

As for why Edan isn't on the first list: The former is correct, I believe that his character clashes too much with what I find "reasonable." It's not so much his appearance - I quite enjoy his appearance (I also enjoy the Nyrea) - but rather the way that he'd clash if it were me in the position of my Steele. It's quite ironic, all considering; IRL, I enjoy being as good a person as I can and am quite staunch when it comes to living by my morals (do unto others as you would have them do to you, in example). Perhaps it's not that I'm staunch but that I am very dogmatic in regards to my views. It's a wonder that I have as good friends as I do, with my views on this being attributed to my acknowledged combative nature. It's in this that I find myself in conflict with how domineering personalities act in video games when I try and immerse myself as the player character. In the end, this playstyle makes immersive gaming very hard, but extremely rewarding in the immersion department when I am able to.

The ironic part is that domineering personalities are my fetish. I enjoy being a submissive, no matter how contrary it is to my actual personality. I find this extremely weird and illogical - although, not in a bad way, moreso in an interesting fashion. As you've probably guessed from my second list, I absolutely love domination and the like. Edan fits quite neatly into that niche, and does it extremely well for me. I honestly can't praise it enough!

Perhaps its simply a dynamic that I enjoy to watch and read about, but never to partake in? I can't say, to be quite honest.

(I spent way too much time trying to analyze myself, lol. It was an interesting question, and I quite enjoyed it! Thanks, I guess?)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Why settle on just a ship when you can become The Nanobot Swarm?

Anyway, back to OP's question. I would have liked to command my own Babylon 5 with blackjack and hookers. Maybe a station set in the newly discovered sector of space that is already controlled by a whole bunch of non-UGC space faring nations? As for the team - a tightly neat officer crew and lots of decently amusing underlings to boss around.

Hmm, I'm more partial to a Deep Space 9 set-up, especially if it were as heavily armed as it got in its later seasons. Just wander around my own space-station and meeting all sorts of interesting species that meander on by, I'd especially like a nice bar/casino/holodeck emporium like Quark's to liven up the place too.

But if it had to be a ship ship, instead of a station, I'd want a crew of a least 5 preferably more. Mainly because being stuck on a ship with too few people seems like hell if you grow to find them annoying, with more people you could redirect your attention elsewhere without breaking up the ship's morale.