[Determination intensifies] I will get Lenore in there one day. >
EDIT: Huh... never noticed the vibe in Amma's cooch before.
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I knew a girl in high school that had a natural H cup her Junior Year. She was only like 5' 4". Her actual, not-even-kidding graduation present was a breast reduction.
She'd be hyperventilating if she saw this. xD
I knew a girl in high school that had a natural H cup her Junior Year. She was only like 5' 4"
I knew a girl in high school that had a natural H cup her Junior Year. She was only like 5' 4". Her actual, not-even-kidding graduation present was a breast reduction.
She'd be hyperventilating if she saw this. xD
Yus! Dragonmom! Dommy breastfeeding (because I'm assuming Lenore would assert herself pretty well) is always really cute, imo. Maybe it's because I'm a bit subby IRL, but having a girl just smirk and smoosh your face into her boob... Heaven. :x
Yus! Dragonmom! Dommy breastfeeding (because I'm assuming Lenore would assert herself pretty well) is always really cute, imo. Maybe it's because I'm a bit subby IRL, but having a girl just smirk and smoosh your face into her boob... Heaven. :x
+1 across the board. Unf.
Yeah she does, actually I was kinda entertaining the thought of adding something like this
{if silly mode + PC Half-gryvain: Lenore sizes you up and smirks. "I didn't know Vic wanted a gryvain offspring, he could have come to me with that... Then again, if he had. I would not be the mother."}
Yus! Dragonmom! Dommy breastfeeding (because I'm assuming Lenore would assert herself pretty well) is always really cute, imo. Maybe it's because I'm a bit subby IRL, but having a girl just smirk and smoosh your face into her boob... Heaven. :x
By the way, I'm definitely doing a nursing scene at some point. What else are big milky knockers for? It just won't be getting in with the initial submission sadly.
It doesn't have to be silly mode. Bludgeoning poor Captain Steele with all things incestous and related to Vic's partners is a ton of fun.
It doesn't have to be silly mode. Bludgeoning poor Captain Steele with all things incestous and related to Vic's partners is a ton of fun.
one would have to try pretty hard to suck all the care and tenderness out of the act of feeding someone else their life fluids.
Last part is a bit off still. It is stated that she has children, and multiple of them, after all.
Last part is a bit off still. It is stated that she has children, and multiple of them, after all.
We know Lenore has birthed at least one egg, the rest of her offspring were probably sired on another, who is which at this point is anyone's guess as her children are only letters on a page right now.
Then her breasts should not be enormous.
Maybe it's an old inside joke between her and Vic? Or Lenore voicing her disapproval of Vic's tendency to leave his bastards and their mothers behind.
Hahaha, oh you... I'll think about it.
You can't go wrong with more half siblings.
It begins.
I'm no biologist but I'm pretty sure tails extend from the vertebrae? -.^ correct me if I'm wrong.
They are vertebrae. So kitsune tails should be actually furred tentacles rather than tails to work... Kaithrit as well.
Their vertebrae could theoretically split, rather than just being one long line. These are supposed to be alien species and such.
I know this is horribly off-topic and from first page, but StarcraftJunkie is close to how it would work. Think how most animals now have their tails, especially mammals. We have vertebra coming off of multiple fused vertebra, the sacrum. extend the sacrum sideways at the tail base, make connection points for vertebrae, bam, multiple tails. Not too disimilar to how we have meta-tarsals and -carpals, I'd say.
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]A wispy veil of smoke clouds the room, filled with spare spaceship parts piled in the corners and half a dozen slowly rotating three-dimensional holograms displays a selection of spaceships, from boxy Pyrite cargo haulers to armored KihaCorp gunships or sleek Aegis yachts, and some so heavily modified you can hardly even identify the manufacturer anymore. {if repeat visit // PC class = smuggler: You know from your dealings with Lenore’s branch establishments throughout your career that the vessels’ shabby outward appearances are in truth a front to discourage respectable buyers and turn their eye to the shinier Aegis crafts, the real booty is in the charming but unassuming “junkers”} [/SIZE]
I finally completed my Star Wars movie binge and holy mother of FUCK! Episode VII did not disappoint, I could not be any more hyped for the new trilogy if I tried.
And thank god there was no Jar-Jar in VII.
You're right, there was Kylo Ren instead. Though I think he's actually an interesting character and that he doesn't really deserve the lynching he's received from fans.
{if repeat visit // PC class = smuggler: You know from your dealings with Lenore’s branch establishments throughout your career that the vessels’ shabby outward appearances are in truth a front to discourage respectable buyers and turn their eye to the shinier Aegis crafts, the real booty is in the charming but unassuming “junkers”}
As far as I could tell, there is nothing in the initial dialogue between Captain Steele and Lenore that would tip the former about the shop's true nature. So triggering a specific Talk option should be the conditoon here.
Good point, in fact I ought to write an altogether different different blurb for techs and mercs, gated behind a talk option.
@Primename To be fair Kylo would not have been nearly as intimidating without the helmet, he should never have taken it off, not in the first movie and certainly not for Rey... if it had been Han he first took it off for I'd swallow my complaint but as it is. Meh.
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“So, tell me something from your rusher days.”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Lenore shoots you a telling glance and sidles up on the service counter. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Very well [pc.name], I am in a candid mood,” [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]she answers finally as she packs fresh tobacco leaves in her pipe and gets comfortable. [/SIZE]
Rackin' my brain to cook up an exciting story for this scene. xD