@Karretch: I figured it could be handled with a simple 'shaped' eye type, with the shape descriptors applied to that type.
Soak: my phone doesn't have a control button. :T
A big draw for traps is the actual being mistaken for a girl/boy thing but they don't necessarily think of themselves as one. With the way it's calculated in TiTS the small androgynous middle ground is where the player will see content like that (i.e. people showing uncertainty over the PC's gender without text that has the PC thinking of themselves that way). But if someone's not particularly interested in that aspect it's also simpler to get to a particular appearance mark by making adjustments from the middle, so to speak, than to swing for the fences and then hope to get lucky in dialing it back. That's what trap oil did, and why it was useful whether it was your final destination or not, in CoC and that seems to be what he's basing this off of; an item like that that would both fill a currently-gaping niche on its own (hit trap without losing or gaining any parts you don't want) and as part of a package to get you the exact feminine or masculine features you're looking for.
I agree that traps go heavy one way or the other, playing on their own natural ambiguity towards their natural sex. And yes, girls dressed as boys is a thing just as much as the opposite.
Tomboys, though, are probably a spectrum thing. Before finding these games I didn't really think about it as physical characteristic but more stylings and life-style, and never trying to confuse people about their gender/sex, just people making assumptions/insults. Still hold to that, personally.
Then again this game treats traps as a fetish a whoooole lot differently than I do. Not exactly a fan of how it's done in a few rare cases, and those rare cases have even dropped my ladyboner aaalllll the way down despite my love for traps. *COUGHDelCOUGH* BUT, I'll keep my mouth shut about that. >.>'
I wish all women could just naturally do this.
@shadefalcon you're thinking of an equilateral cross and not a Christian-style cross, right? Cause even aside from the implications Christian-cross pupils would just be... weird. I'm thinking either equilateral cross or iron cross.
I propose to just set a new racial Global Type: Fucking_Snowflake. Because we all know that eye stuff won't be the end of it.
I still really wish there was a way to train Del to service women for Straight!Trap!Steeles that want to teach Del about the joys of "lesbianism". If that were an option I think I'd have a diamond obelisk about to cut my desk in half thinking of myself in Del's place.
Actually, one needs to have high femininity and a set of male genitalia to be recognized as a trap by the game and to trigger a handful of scenes specifically set around the idea of 'trapping' people. Additionally, I've always thought that the desirable outcome of any crosdresser's efforts is to achieve maximum believability in their efforts to immitate the opposite gender, so androgyny is not necessarily something they are after. And with TiTS-verse lore providing the tools to go all the way without messing up anything else about their biology, it seems logical that most (or at least a sizable portion of) people interested will do so.
Then there is the whole thing with trapping people, which will also work better with a complete illusion.
I certainly think that a non-racial item specifically aimed at achieving androgyny would be a nice addition, so you are welcome to writing it.
I agree that traps go heavy one way or the other, playing on their own natural ambiguity towards their natural sex to build towards the other. And yes, girls dressed as boys is a thing just as much as the opposite.
Tomboys, though, are probably a spectrum thing. Before finding these games I didn't really think about it as physical characteristic but more stylings and life-style, and never trying to confuse people about their gender/sex, just people making assumptions/insults. Still hold to that, personally.
I wish my pupils turned into hearts whenever I had an orgasm that put me into a vegetative state.
Why didn't I think of cross? Why didn't I think of cross. I'll add that tomorrow.
Also: @Emerald brought to my attention that I use 'she' and 'her' throughout the doc, but give no indication that she's okay with female pronouns. I'd like to address this, as well as give the player the option to use male pronouns if they'd prefer (like with Rubi in CoC), but I'm not sure how to address it without it seeming stilted or shoehorned in. I would appreciate any advice you'd like to give on this.
Two: maybe replacing a couple of the sex scenes with ones that have more of a D/s flavor, with Jukina as the dom and the PC as the sub. Not to the extent of Sera or Xanthe, a full on "mistress" or just being a total dick; more mild, more of a loving element, but with the PC definitely being the lesser party. I feel like it fits well with her personality to be dommy; she likes to be in control during sex. Also I don't think there's a dominant trap in the game yet, which is a goddamn travesty.
@razorrozar you can ABSOLUTELY code in differentiation of pronouns based on character preference . . . you just need to put in a {pcChoiceHim: "appropriate male pronoun(i.e. him, his, he)"/"appropriate female pronoun(i.e. her, hers, she)} in place of every currently female pronoun. Also you might want to put the generic tag in the beginning of your doc and explain the intended meaning of it as a choice. This false parsing is explained in some of the documentation as sort of a format you can refer to. If any of the devs want to correct this. Please do, but this is my clear understanding from having read almost all of the content production information.
It's definitely possible to create a parser for this since there is [bess.heShe] and [lane.himHer]. In this case it would be, for example [jukina.heShe], it would need an event to define it and the pc should be punished with hard points for being a misgendering asshole.
Hard points just for that? o.o;
*cough* Despite me being the one that suggested the whole pronoun idea in the first place, I still feel giving hard points for that is a little... much, even as jerkish as it is if there isn't some sort of explanation. But Jukina however mentions that he doesn't mind at all to you calling him either a girl or guy, as seen by the recent edits seen in the doc. He says he even uses female pronouns for himself, so I doubt it'd be jerky thing to do, since it seems he isn't bothered by what you call him in the first place.
I still really wish there was a way to train Del to service women for Straight!Trap!Steeles that want to teach Del about the joys of "lesbianism". If that were an option I think I'd have a diamond obelisk about to cut my desk in half thinking of myself in Del's place.
WHY do I keep getting undeletable jacques00 mentions in my posts here? Sorry, Jacques.
ANYWAY this is still a thing that's happening but I've been dealing with some IRL stuff the past couple days. I should have time to write tomorrow.
Reronouns, no hard points. Jukina identifies as male but finds it flattering to be referred to with female pronouns so she'll respond to either without complaint. I'll do a find-replace with [jukina.heShe] when I get back to writing.
It's definitely possible to create a parser for this since there is [bess.heShe] and [lane.himHer]. In this case it would be, for example [jukina.heShe], it would need an event to define it and the pc should be punished with hard points for being a misgendering asshole.
WHY do I keep getting undeletable jacques00 mentions in my posts here? Sorry, Jacques.
ANYWAY this is still a thing that's happening but I've been dealing with some IRL stuff the past couple days. I should have time to write tomorrow.
Reronouns, no hard points. Jukina identifies as male but finds it flattering to be referred to with female pronouns so she'll respond to either without complaint. I'll do a find-replace with [jukina.heShe] when I get back to writing.
I think it's down to how the forum saves posts. It's supposed to clear them when you post but sometimes it doesnt. Try clearing the cache on your phones browser for the forum
Yes, this! Minus the hard points thing. Already too many hard points and not enough kind.
If that doesn't do it also consider cold restart of phone just to jostle the kernel back into core functioning.