This project hasnt been put in the game yet.
The way to meet?
*snort* *snort*
So this comment wasnt implying that this person was trying to encounter Hichiko?
So this comment wasnt implying that this person was trying to encounter Hichiko?
So this comment wasnt implying that this person was trying to encounter Hichiko?
Another suggestion that isn't of priority and can be ignored if it's too much to put on your plate. You already have a cock size variable for the ravage scene. Have you considered applying this to the other ones as well? Basically giving Hichiko a size limit in some places, like oral, and/or parsing for multicocks, especially when a situation such as having one max size (36 inches long and 8.5 inches thick
without a mimbrane) and one
much less endowed (say 5-9 inches long). Again, not of necessity, but would be nice.
I wasn't lying when I said this semester beat the shit out of me. Anyway, I started jumping between two docs, the Symbiotry, and Hichiko joins your crew. However as I was writing her Crew joining doc, I realized a lot of that could affect the Symbiotry depending on if you go there before or after. So I'm putting that on hold till the Crew doc is done. Just posted it. Feel free to edit and whatnot. I'm going back to bed.
The Doc is open to editing mode
Oh yeah, that was originally because I was gonna let anyone who felt like they could improve something do so but if you feel like it should be comment only, I guess I can do that...
Okay long as time since an update, and I don't have much to show for it. Only one extra sex scene for Ame. I'll be honest I think I took more than I could handle this semester and I'm bogged down with work. Just finished studying for two midterms and I got two more next week. This little addition is just to show I haven't abandoned this.
And as regards to above post from long ago? Yes. I do have plans to add extra options/sub-scenes to Hichiko's doc once Ame has more content. Compared to her's, Ame's doc seems pretty bland right now.
Also one extra note, I've started working on the Symbiotry on a separate doc. Should I or should I not include the option to see your kid Anio?
I personally would love the option to see the kid, but that's just me.
Also, did you ever decide if you were going to include TF items for the race?
Yeah I'm not gonna lie. Totally forgot about this. Thought this quarter was going to be easier. It isn't.
That and the more I write the more I realize this is WAY more complex than I originally planned. Anyway, added some sex scene for Hachitide in the Hichiko joins crew doc. Put in a few options where the player doesn't have a dick, be sure to add in anything you think might spice it up.
Section off things. Finish/focus on one thing, brainstorm and make notes for other things. Make small(ish) complete packages that are able to be expanded upon.