I could write some long winded excuse about college courses and work and family death and all that usual nonsense, but you've heard it a dozen times before from people far better than me so I won't go into detail.
To summarize, I'm finally done, graduated, looking for a job, and finished mourning. As such, I now have a lot of free time to deliberate over fixing the Huline stuff. That however is what troubles me. I spent months writing, re-weriting, re-re-writing, and then scrapping changes to the documents because I didn't think it came out smoothly. Even now, I've settled on just rewriting portions of the document rather than starting from scratch, but I'm not sure it's good enough. I might even just commission someone to write the Huline pitching scenes as I just can't nail down sex from the catching perspective.
I dunno. So yeah, not dead, not gone, not abandoned. Sorry for the long ass hiatus. I updated the changelog to show what I've done.