[Rejected] Tasin Weapons Systems Freezing Arsenal


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2017
The Frozen North, Canada
Edit: This has been completed, but I am still open to any creative feedback you guys might have. I am also looking for some dev response on these items as well.


Original post: Hello there. Just gunna post my idea here, and the work I have done on it so far. I saw in a number of threads that there was a niche in the market for weapons that do freezing damage, so I thought that I would take it upon myself to try and create some weapons to fit that category.

However, I have never done any writing for CoC or TiTS. I have looked over the guidelines posted, and have done my best, but I need help, on a number of things.

Mainly, have I done all of this correctly so far?
Is there freeze-burn/frost-burn/frostbite damage over time? How much damage should/would it do?
Is there a freeze-stun effect? How long should/would it last?
How do shields cover the character's bodies?
What is the parser for enemy targets? Is it [enemy.tag]?
Are there any other projectiles other than bullet, laser, and.. What ever lust is? Is there a 'projectile' flag?

I would also welcome any constructive criticism and creative feedback you guys might have. Please take a look at the google document and give me feedback!

I just want to give a shout-out to @Meteor07 who really wants these weapons and gave me the drive to do this, and @HugsAlright whose thread inspired me and whose template I kinda stole. Hehe, sorry.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
Says we need permission to view the doc. :confused:
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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
It's working fine and we can view the doc, though I might suggest setting the sharing to allow us to give suggestions within the doc, so that we can make comments or corrections on grammar if you missed anything. ;)


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2017
The Frozen North, Canada
Odd, I thought I did that, I set it so that people could make comments, but not edits, rather than just viewing. Leme just dive back in there. Sorry about all this.

Edit: Alright, I went back in, and set it back to being able to make comments and suggestions. Please let me know if it is working properly now.

Double Edit: Posted in the new link as well, so maybe that should help.

Triple Edit: Also, just to let you guys know, the silly email is by no means anywhere close to my name lol. Just came up with it out of the blue in order to make a damn google account.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
No worries, that's what we're here for! :) Works perfectly now!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The electric/freezing one would work with Tech perks for energy weapons or any fo others tow weapons will be compatibile too?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
This makes me confused to some extent. From my understanding, the merc's damage boost applies to a damage type and tech's damage boost applies to a flag. Can someone tell me what exactly determines if a tech or merc gets boosted damage from an item?


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2017
The Frozen North, Canada
The electric/freezing one would work with Tech perks for energy weapons or any fo others tow weapons will be compatibile too?

I understood the first part of that sentence. However, the second part of your sentence I have no clue what you are saying.
Yeah, I made one of the weapons deal energy damage so that Tech Specialists would be able to get more use out of that specific one.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The shotgun one should have very high accuracy and lower damage than the other two...

The Tech spec's perk effect and use wespons that have the "Energy Weapon"/"Energy Weaponry" flags.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2017
The Frozen North, Canada
The shotgun one should have very high accuracy and lower damage than the other two...

I was thinking that it would be the other way around, considering that it is a shotgun. High damage but low accuracy.

Does anyone have any clue about how much I should price these, the amount of damage they should do, where they should be bought? Do I need to write anything else for them, if so, what?


Aug 26, 2015
I was thinking that it would be the other way around, considering that it is a shotgun. High damage but low accuracy.

Shotguns are more accurate than other guns because they hit a wide area. Whether they're less damaging than other guns depends on your definition of damage: the individual pellets are considerably weaker than something fired from a rifle, so against an armored target a shotgun won't do much, but against a fleshy human target being hit with a lot of pellets is a quick way to get a lot of wounds and bleed out. In the sorts of combat ranges that TiTS takes place in, shotguns should in theory be monstrously good at everything.

But this is a video game and things have to be at least somewhat balanced, so the precedent is that shotguns in TiTS have very high accuracy but low damage.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Firstly: Have I done it right so far?
I'm not 100% sure. Still picking through things for my own item in that understanding.
Secondly: What more do I need to do? Do I need to write descriptions of the weapons firing? Etc, etc.
I'd assume Fen would like the firing text.
Thirdly: There are a number of areas I have left blank, because I do not know the values that should go there, namely the approximate amount of damage each weapon should do, and what vendor they should be sold at/where they should be sold. How far along in the game should you be in order to get your hands on one of these weapons?
This weapon is for fighting Amara, right? If so... I'm not sure where to put it. I kinda see Aurora, on Tarkus, after we've completed Myrellion(?) but that leaves it hidden from plain sight without some email updating Steele Jr on her wares. Though this is just a guess on your vendor, never heard of them, and the gun sounds ... well, a bit low grade (as it should), compared to big corp wares. You might base the damage a little less off of Ellie's Emmy's goods? Again, if the things for Amara.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@RanmaChan Second part was me asking if the other two of the three weapons you meantione would have same weapon perks that NYNI meantioned, which would allow techs use their specials that req. to use energy weapon.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Where's your avatar from?


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2017
The Frozen North, Canada
I'm not 100% sure. Still picking through things for my own item in that understanding.

I'd assume Fen would like the firing text.

This weapon is for fighting Amara, right? If so... I'm not sure where to put it. I kinda see Aurora, on Tarkus, after we've completed Myrellion(?) but that leaves it hidden from plain sight without some email updating Steele Jr on her wares. Though this is just a guess on your vendor, never heard of them, and the gun sounds ... well, a bit low grade (as it should), compared to big corp wares. You might base the damage a little less off of Ellie's Emmy's goods? Again, if the things for Amara.

Alright, if people could let me know if I am doing all this correctly that would be great!
I will write some text for each weapon, when it is fired, when it hits a shield or the target proper. This is the sort of information that I need!
I just wanted to make some weapons in general, not really for specific use on any specific enemy. I made the Blizzard Shotgun deal energy damage because I knew some people wanted that for the Tech Specialist.
I created a new company, 'Tasin Weapons Systems', due to the fact that the guns are unusual and don't seem to fit in with other weapons. Does that mean I need to write a codex entry on the company itself?
I didn't think that the weapons sounded low grade.. I mean, the one uses electromagnetically propelled liquid Nitrogen as ammunition! If that isn't grade-A weaponry, I don't know what is..
I wanted to start writing just some basic stuff, like weapons, before moving on to larger things, if I ever do move on to larger things. I don't see myself writing a new NPC for selling these weapons, so I will have to find an appropriate vendor somewhere. I will take a look at Emmy like you said and see what I can do there.

Edit: Emmy works for KihaCorp right? Would she even be willing to sell weapons made by another company?

@RanmaChan Second part was me asking if the other two of the three weapons you meantione would have same weapon perks that NYNI meantioned, which would allow techs use their specials that req. to use energy weapon.

Only the one weapon, the Blizzard Shotgun, deals actual energy damage. Can I add "Energy Weapon"/"Energy Weaponry" flags despite the weapons not directly dealing energy damage?

Where's your avatar from?

Do you mean me, or someone else in the thread?
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Nah I meant eve, would be pretty weird of me to not recognize Ranma.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Emmy radiates Kiha pride. I doubt she would willingly sell non-Kiha unless she has orders from above or they're simply incredible profits to be had.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2017
The Frozen North, Canada
Emmy radiates Kiha pride. I doubt she would willingly sell non-Kiha unless she has orders from above or they're simply incredible profits to be had.

Yeah I was thinking the same thing. Maybe she would be willing to sell them under the counter? But I have no idea how I would go about coding that. I can't even find the parser for an enemy target in a combat situation, for the scenes I am writing about the weapons firing.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2017
The Frozen North, Canada
Alright. I have added damage flags for each of the weapons, damage amounts and what types of damage each of them do, as well as short blurbs of the weapons themselves being fired, hitting shields, and hitting targets. I also did a little blurb about freezing (stunning?) your opponent with the attack. Is that a thing? Freezing a target? I can't recall. If anyone wants to look over the document I would be grateful. I haven't even had a single comment on it yet! *starts fake crying*


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Since we got burn dot effect form weapons having similar ice dot would be quite natural to happen.