"I'll tell you right now, I'm not letting you fuck me."
Alright, so I'm going to go ahead and go through with it. I've been bitching and moaning about how I hate having to work Parsers into my writing but I love hating myself too much to put it off. I'm going to be trying to write out a very simple encounter. It could become something more if more plebs demand it and throw money at me, but this is seriously not meant to become anything more than some basic-ass shit. If you don't like it, then don't hate on it. If someone who isn't cool begs or even demands me to make more content, I'll ignore them or even tell you to kindly shut up. Kindly.
Jaeger the Human, as it sounds, will be a Human encountered on Mhen'ga. How? He crashlands within the Naleen part of the jungle and sets up shop. Where that is exactly, I have no clue. Steele will get either sent and Email or see him come crashing down, though. Once this happens, Steele can go out and find the crash-site and Jaeger. He's going to be very straight forward and basically be a guy who likes anyone feminine but willing to fuck since he's basically stuck on the planet. Steele will be able to talk to him a little and have sex. Super basic. This is really to help me get used to the parsers and set a POSSIBLE foundation for more.
Here's the link to the Document allowing comments. At the time this is going up, it'll be a skeleton. I'll be editing below to showcase the progress, however, so please look to the list beneath this for how much of Jaeger is done.
Planned Features
- Five Scenes - Give Oral, Get Oral, Take Anal, Get Creampied (For Vagina-Folk), Get Plowed (For Traps)
Currently-Ready Features
- Email/Scene for Spawning him.
- Scene for Encountering him.
- Scenes for Talking/Approaching him.
- Looks/Appearance Scene when talking to him.
- Sections of his talk options (roughly half)
- Help Him - Get him to the town where he'll talk to some nice people and get off-world. Will be the initial ending for Jaeger's encounter.
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