I'm just gonna be blunt here: I don't believe it's so much the fact that you wrote your first project you wrote, because everyone has their firsts, with varying degrees of success of course, but everyone is on you about the
way it was handled.
@Upcast Drake took up the job coding your project, he had an extremely hard time trying to do so because of a lot of things either missing in the doc (especially stuff pertaining to what you envisioned via a coding standpoint), or stuff that just didn't make sense, like there were missing tooltips or transitions between certain scenes, certain situations that draw questions to the character or lore, etc. It was pretty much to the point that he was editing your project as well as coding it, which was a very frustrating process for him. (I will say though on the editing front, usually it's not until the character makes it into the game anyways is when feedback like this tends to rear it's ugly head, and rarely beforehand. That's why you have to take a considerable amount of time self-editing and requesting feedback.)
From what I heard, he had a very limited amount of feedback from you where you'd simply hand wave small fixes or just simply acknowledge what Upcast needed you to fix before you'd disappear for hours or days at a time, and this was before the supposed period that you were busy. There wasn't any point that you actively worked alongside him at the same time to fix all of Willow's problems he pointed out that he got to the point that he went to Fen and simply gave up on her. So... A lot of problems definitely weren't fixed contrary to what you're claiming, otherwise Upcast would have had no problems coding.
this wasn't
completely your fault, but it was pretty much months later that another volunteer coder took the reins and coded Willow while she was the mess that she was, while dumping some of their own shit in the pile that was never communicated to you.
It's just for all the months that she was in review/coding limbo and afterward, there was very little activity on your part, especially after Upcast stopped coding her that ultimately screamed out that you simply just didn't care enough. I don't imagine one is so entirely busy that you can't search your own topic for literally one minute, or search "Willow" on the forum so know how she is doing, especially since you admit having a forum tab open all of the time. This is mainly why everyone is on your ass about this. Contrary to what you may think, you're being careless with your own project.
This isn't to say that she or this situation isn't fixable. I'd very highly suggest fixing what is broken and read the feedback provided to you and work to fix those issues before adding anything else. Everyone's given you plenty to work with; Refine your skills as a writer.