Why are they not more popular?

balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
He's wrong anyway, herm is short for hermaphrodite, which is a medical term for any being with both male and female sex organs.
Yes, and the word comes from the story of Hermaphrodite, a son of Aphrodite, getting into some shenanigans and ending up cursed. Since then it's become a general word for joinings of opposites into a single form.

But again, when talking about which framework various hermaphroditic character types are based off of the character of Hermaphrodite represents a type starting from a male base while futanari starts from a female base. You'd basically only reference this to explain the differences between these which is what we were talking about at the time.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I made the mistake of watching Adam Warski sperg out for like 24 hours over the span of 5 streams so I don't need weird word policing and general tumblr bullshit here too. Good God can't we just play fap material without it turning into Alphabet Soup advocacy, is there nowhere this shit isn't going to soak into?
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balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
It's a message board; topics go off on tangents sometimes. And that was p. obviously everyone's last word on it anyway so there's little reason to have a meltdown over it.


Aug 27, 2015
Anyways, back on topic! I absolutely adore the female naleen too. I remember when I finally got the cuddle scene and she wanted to skip fighting. I awwed. I'm trying to think if we have any naleen characters but besides that party that Sera takes Steele to, no, we don't. So I'd love to see the female naleen or at least a new one you can chat up/sex.

Vedice is not a naleen. Naleen away from Mheng'a would be rare to non-existent.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
By now, my fav list of NPC for each planet goes like this:

Tavros: Sub Sera, and Paige on the second place. But both are on my ship now :v. Also, don't kill me but I actually don't like Fisianna.
Mhen'ga: Penny. Kelly would be a strong second place if she had a couple of futadom scees. Poor girl is too forgotten.
Tarkus: Chaurmine. Once he moves I usually stop visting this place for good, but I have high hopes for futa Shekka.
New Texas: Here Mirrin gets the prize. If Ciaran had m/m content he'll be my second. until then, Busky is.
Myrellion: Fazian would be, if I could sex him. Until then, we'll keep dancing together. Not much else here.
Uveto: Chaurmine tops here again. Behind him is Walt, so sad that he has very little content.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
By now, my fav list of NPC for each planet goes like this:

Tarkus: Sub Sera, and Paige on the second place. But both are on my ship now :v. Also, don't kill me but I actually don't like Fisianna.
Mhen'ga: Penny. Kelly would be a strong second place if she had a couple of futadom scees. Poor girl is too forgotten.
Tarkus: Chaurmine. Once he moves I usually stop visting this place for good, but I have high hopes for futa Shekka.
New Texas: Here Mirrin gets the prize. If Ciaran had m/m content he'll be my second. until then, Busky is.
Myrellion: Fazian would be, if I could sex him. Until then, we'll keep dancing together. Not much else here.
Uveto: Chaurmine tops here again. Behind him is Walt, so sad that he has very little content.

Hehehe, you put Tarkus up TWICE.

Just out of curiosity, have you tried Dom Sera's content, or being submissive just isn't for you?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hehehe, you put Tarkus up TWICE.

Just out of curiosity, have you tried Dom Sera's content, or being submissive just isn't for you?

Fixed. Also, yes I tried Dom Sera and enjoyed it to a extent. But sub content was... a bit more satisfying. Just saying, the surprise buttsex scene when you're sleeping is by far my favorite scene.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Oh, quit on the clique jokes, please. It's a shame Lucky deleted the message about tastes, as it was more or less what I wanted to convey with mine.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
Oh, quit on the clique jokes, please. It's a shame Lucky deleted the message about tastes, as it was more or less what I wanted to convey with mine.
Sentiment still stands on that, but I just didn't want bring the discussion to light even further, especially since it was brought up kinda unnecessarily, and I didn't want to further derail the thread again in hoping it was just a passing thing... But since it did anyways, yeah, opinions are opinions. People have their tastes and that's okay. You're entitled to them of course, though not much of a need to lash out either since I'm very sure it's pretty much a passing joke. Best I can say is to just try your best to ignore them until things weather over. Chillax!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2017
Vedice is not a naleen. Naleen away from Mheng'a would be rare to non-existent.

Right! I forgot. She's a Naga morph not Naleen. I just remembered the snake tail. I guess that makes sense we wouldn't see Naleen elsewhere unless of course, someone modded themselves after a Naleen. I'll take that too. Plus more Nagas, why not?


Aug 13, 2017
Ik Mirrin is a fairly new character, but I hope she isn't forgotten. I need more of her in my life.

As for the futa hater above me, I disagree, I feel like we don't have ENOUGH dickgirls. MORE. But I do agree that it would be nice if more characters had the option to be modded for the preference of the player. I'd mod all the dudes into women. I guess it's way more work to do it this way though, writing for each separate scenario would be a pain.
I will allow that I used sensational language meant to have more impact, but I wouldn't say that I hate futas. They're nice in moderation, is all I'm really trying to say. Rather than write and implement more dickgirls, provide more content for existing ones, especially ones that show up in more than one place. It could also help to give the more stationary characters the ability to move around and show up in new places, unless there's some reason that wouldn't make sense (i.e. dick-modded Penny wouldn't really leave Mhen'ga, since she's the de facto law there.)

But this is tough to do when some authors are no longer in the community, and letting anybody write for a given character could introduce some real problems with inconsistent characterization. It's kind of a shame, but the current system of conceptualization to implementation has a few flaws that should be fairly obvious, despite being the best that anyone's been able to come up with so far. The easy fix is to write your own character and get a feel for how tough it can be to be in the author's shoes. If your character gets implemented, then other people get to enjoy it, too! Probably the best perk, though, is the ability to write them exactly the way you want.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
For more Gianna content... gonna need to clone Fen. And whip up a Savin clone too. And a Nonesuch clone... for reasons.
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New Member
Jan 11, 2019
Sadly, this list is rather outdated. Like... 18 months? I believe the only males to be added in that time period that would count for this are shiny aggron Chaurmine (who i'm outraged that you forgot in your previous post) and daddy dog Ciaran
Pretty disapointed Ciaran was for females only.