Why are they not more popular?


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
AH I see... lol wow...my fucking eyes are playing tricks on me @_@
I'll admit that my eyes tricked me too... I thought she had a dick hidden by a genital slit (and yeah, it looks like there's something in her urethra?)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I wish Xanthe had more content as well. The Ghost of JimT and what could've been still hangs heavy over TiTS...


Oct 21, 2017

Una has existed for less than a month, and is likely not even half inplimented. She will get more content, so just be patient.

Yeah, like Alabaster said, I mean Una the Gabilani. Sorry, I should've probably specified.

I like Una, but she doesn't have a lot you can do, especially if you're too nice.

That's my problem, though!

It bothers me people haven't done much with her in two years :c

Might take it upon my own hand if I wasn't so bad at it, lol.

Xanthe, Una and Riya and a bunch more characters.

I understand the whole "Riya is a space racisms" deal and why people wouldn't like her, but i think Una and especially Xanthe could be more popular.

To be honest, there are so many great characters that it's kinda hard to name them all. Ciaran, Paige, Azra.... the list goes on. (And on, and on)


Ah, I see you're a woman of culture as well.

balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
I think Kelly gets left by the wayside because her content has an arc and all but it's very limited - only a few scenes that you grind out over and over - and she's not all that interesting as an actual character so once you're done with her content there's not much reason to come back.

Aliss is the same way but I felt like Aliss had quite a bit of personality even if expansions never worked out.

As for compelling minor characters I like Holiday more than Kiro and Sera and the other wrong side of the law amoral types with huge dongs. There's a charm to just how amoral Holiday really is; the rest fall back on having a heart of if not pure gold then at least a gold plating. Characters like Una, too; when they're done well those characters who don't put up with any of that Steele Jr. Charm I-just-met-you-but-you're-irresistable-here's-my-life-story nonsense stand out more than pupplycatslut barfly 43.
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Nov 25, 2017
I think Kelly gets left by the wayside because her content has an arc and all but it's very limited - only a few scenes that you grind out over and over - and she's not all that interesting as an actual character so once you're done with her content there's not much reason to come back..

I agree about Kelly. She was a great character, but there is not enough of a story. Maybe if there were a few more quests for her and it would make her more memorable.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
I wish Xanthe had more content as well. The Ghost of JimT and what could've been still hangs heavy over TiTS...
Hey ummm, what happened to JimT? Is he still writing somewhere else?

I really do like his work, and Xanthe is one of, if not, my favourite characters in the game. It's a real shame that she can't get more scenes. (She basically has 2 scenes)

As for Kelly, i liked her character and i think it was quite well written. I honestly don't think we'll see much more of her though, since she's stuck on Mhen'ga. Maybe there could be a small Xpac where you help her move to Tavros and you unlock a new scene or two.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hey ummm, what happened to JimT? Is he still writing somewhere else?

I really do like his work, and Xanthe is one of, if not, my favourite characters in the game. It's a real shame that she can't get more scenes. (She basically has 2 scenes)

As for Kelly, i liked her character and i think it was quite well written. I honestly don't think we'll see much more of her though, since she's stuck on Mhen'ga. Maybe there could be a small Xpac where you help her move to Tavros and you unlock a new scene or two.
Jim quit smut to write not-smut professionally.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hey ummm, what happened to JimT? Is he still writing somewhere else?

I really do like his work, and Xanthe is one of, if not, my favourite characters in the game. It's a real shame that she can't get more scenes. (She basically has 2 scenes)

As for Kelly, i liked her character and i think it was quite well written. I honestly don't think we'll see much more of her though, since she's stuck on Mhen'ga. Maybe there could be a small Xpac where you help her move to Tavros and you unlock a new scene or two.

Kelly is not likely to be written for anymore at least as far as I know seeing as the original writers for it aren't writing anymore for TiTS. They abandoned writing for TiTS a while back (don't know the reason why.) and were writing for FoE but since that game went oh hiatus they dropped writing for that game and have since moved on elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2017
What's the etiquette on writing new scenes for characters whose authors are no longer around?


Aug 27, 2015


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
I've reeeaaaally been wanting more Fazian content. Namely some sexytimes and maaaaaybe recruitment. I've been wanting to do more with the ballet dancer since doing his content and I was actually a little disappointed to see we couldn't get a piece of that (Especially considering he pretty much dances nude in one of his dance scenes, damn tease lol). When will I get to touch those feathers? :U


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2017
It would be great to see some new writing done for Kelly but like you guys said above it's probably unlikely unless someone steps up and volunteer to write something for her if given approval to write for Kelly.

I have to say Una is certainly interesting and actually quite funny too. It is refreshing to see her not fall for the Steele charm. I did go back a few times to see if any more scenes been added but always it's the oral or to fuck her boys. Una, I don't want your boys, lady. lol I was curious though so for those that have not sexed the guys, in the end you find out that Una has a camera in the room and that she likes watching the recording. I wish we could confront her about that and have other sex scenes.

Oh, and Gianna. I'd love to see her and Bess/Ben meet. Imagine all the tech and comparisons they'd do. An added threesome with those two would be sweet. But yeah, I quite like Gianna, I think actually more than Bess in some ways. Just needs more love and content. Fingers crossed.


Aug 27, 2015
Una and Fazian are pets of mine I'd love to produce more content for. May never happen, but we'll see how 2018 pans out.

Jelly Bean

Active Member
Oct 21, 2017
Not really a specific character per say, but I'm surprised that the female naleen isn't more popular after all this time. Especially with that kittysnek cuddle scene.
Idk about the rest of the forum but I, for one, absolutely love her. Honestly I really, really want a Good End where you can agree to be her mate and leave behind SteeleTech to start a family with her... :(


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Not really a specific character per say, but I'm surprised that the female naleen isn't more popular after all this time. Especially with that kittysnek cuddle scene.
Totally. Fur, scales AND two penises? What's not to love?

Also, :eek: Where did you get your profile pic?! I MUST HAVE IT!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Not really a specific character per say, but I'm surprised that the female naleen isn't more popular after all this time. Especially with that kittysnek cuddle scene.

I'd love more cuddle scenes


Aug 13, 2017
I feel like there's a certain 'type' of character that gets comparatively far more content, mostly due to author appeal and such, that's definitely fair to say. Female Naleen in particular was magnifique back when TiTs first came out, and level 2 was locked behind hordes of spooky jungle monsters, when getting constricted by a naleen was basically GG (And before the separation between 'deep Mhen'ga' and 'normal Mhen'ga' as I call them. You just hoped you ended up fighting more zil than naleen, since zil were a far safer encounter. I still go back there on my level 8 Steele to look around for what I head-canonically believe to be the same female who waits on the outskirts of town in the bushes right at the edge of the jungle, waiting for that human to return so she can try to catch him again... or be caught, :3 If somebody ever wrote an xpac to turn her into a proper NPC with a name and all that... instant waifu, no questions asked.

Compare that to 'random generic NPC who (BIG SURPRISE!) has a dong hidden under those flimsy clothes. I wasn't at all surprised upon my first encounter when the Mhen'ga Tanuki xenobiologist had a dick. Just give us some vanilla ladies, and some vanilla dudes. That would be THE BEST. futa density is currently way too high. Or at least, bare minimum, build in a way for Steele to influence gender a bit, like Embry. If we can have Penny doing illegal drugs to grow a dong, what exactly is the moral hang-up to injecting other drugs to turn dudes into ladies, or removing undesired genitalia? Ignoring real world morals and such for a moment, these aren't real people. If someone wants to give Burt a pretty little human pussy and make his cock vamoose, why not? Other than 'because nobody's written that content' I mean. Something similar-ish was done with Kelt in CoC, to varying opinions, I just think that current characters who get written and accepted in fall into the trap of 'I need to have all the equipment to please all potential Steeles'

I'm not saying every character currently written is a futa, I know that's a lie. Not every new character needs to be written with the intent of becoming Steele's lawfully wedded wife, either. By and large the characters who invariably get expansions seem to be the ones who 'fit the mold' while ones who don't are one-offs.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2017
Ik Mirrin is a fairly new character, but I hope she isn't forgotten. I need more of her in my life.

As for the futa hater above me, I disagree, I feel like we don't have ENOUGH dickgirls. MORE. But I do agree that it would be nice if more characters had the option to be modded for the preference of the player. I'd mod all the dudes into women. I guess it's way more work to do it this way though, writing for each separate scenario would be a pain.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
As much as I like futas and dickgirls the appeal of them is that they are not common [near impossible in real life except for MtF transgender folk that won the genetic lottery and end up as a really hot chick, but even then I believe the estrogen wreaks havoc on said dick]. So if every woman you run into is rocking a 12in horse cock it makes the chicks without a dick the rare and alluring ones. "You mean I can munch twat without an elephant's trunk bearing down on the back of my head!? How absolutely lewd!"


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2017
Whatever dickgirl you're getting in this game, they're still going to be uncommon in one way or another. Since most of them are aliens of some sort, there's always something unique about them. That being said, I don't really get tired of them either way. Same way I still find tits and ass exciting no matter how many times I've looked at them or read about them. So really no matter the repetition, as long as the scenery is different and the descriptions are kept fresh - I'll always appreciate reading about how there's a bulge under that skirt or what have you.