Why are they not more popular?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2017
I've been thinking lately about the characters in the game and how some seem more popular & loved than others. Sometimes I'm surprised not to see more art or convos about certain characters that I feel would usually be quite popular.

So, I'm just wondering if there's a character or two that you love but wondered how in the world are they not talked about more? Who do you think needs some more love?

Me, personally, I'm honestly surprised that I haven't really seen much talk for the honey laquine, Kelly. I absolutely adore her and how we get to have dinner with her and also hello two fucking horse dicks that can turn massive. It's funny to me because when I see all the talk about Kiro and her dick, I'm just like... you guys are just conveniently forgetting about Kelly. I think she could match her or best her. :p


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2017
My favs so far are unpopular but it's not surprising to me, because in a world of horse dick and tentacles, I like little splashes of the mundane. I'm also playing a gay leaning human Steele, so men (or male leaning) and Terran are his main bag, even if he enjoys the rest to some extent.

So far Burt and Geoff are the only boneable human-ish dudes I've encountered (I'm a newbie and I am not progressing quickly through content, given I know how soon I'll max it out!) They were fun. I also enjoyed the scene with the customs couple at New Texas. Playing a male unicorn to established couples is great.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Yeah I know you can't bang him but I wish we could ;-; I'm sad

Apart from that, I'm a bit sad no one ever talks about Jack Steele and Ben14 (only jill and Bess13), but I guess it's understandable since most of the players prefer women.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
There's a reason why I try my best to talk about "Steele's cousin" and "Bess/n" or "Ben/ss".

I haven't really seen much talk for the honey laquine, Kelly.
She was systematically replaced by the likes of Penny, Kiro and Emmy. I don't know who's the Futaflavour of the Release now.

As for what I like and what should be popular... I don't know. My tastes tend to clash with what's popular.
Now that I think about it, I haven't seen a lot of TiTS fanwork compared to the amounts of CoC stuff I used to come across. Personally, I'd like to some some of Fazian, Xanthe or the vanae.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2017
Of course Ben. He's cute! Jack is a nice long eff-you character, too. I can't wait to see if you wind up getting to do something with him. Or his body guard for that matter.


Well-Known Member
Of course Ben. He's cute! Jack is a nice long eff-you character, too. I can't wait to see if you wind up getting to do something with him. Or his body guard for that matter.

Well Dane does have crew member content planned for the future. He gets fired by Jack/Jill after Myrellion for failing his duties, (they ended up getting captured by Queen Taivra) which means he's up for grabs if Captain Steele is interested in him.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
I do like Kelly. However, once you start exploring around the frontier, it's a lil' annoying to fly back to Mhen'ga. When I do, it's usually a bar run, chat up Syri for some slow Int gain, suck her off, buy Erika a drink, bang her and then give Kelly some DPing.


All the NPCs in Burt's Badass Mead Hall are packing. Huh. Never thought of it that way before.


Oct 21, 2017
I don't think people talk about Una too much. I fucking love her, and her interactions with Steele, so it sucks she doesn't get much love.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I don't think people talk about Una too much. I fucking love her, and her interactions with Steele, so it sucks she doesn't get much love.

Una has existed for less than a month, and is likely not even half inplimented. She will get more content, so just be patient.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017

Una has existed for less than a month, and is likely not even half inplimented. She will get more content, so just be patient.

Una the gablini has been around for a while. Ula the korgonne is new. :p
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2017
I feel for you guys that prefer male NPC. I'm a lesbian so understandable I don't really go for them but I do understand the frustration of wanting same sex rep and options in media/games but usually it's lacking.

Once awhile I get curious and wanna read something I haven't seen yet so I'll check a few sex scenes with certain males. Oh, that reminds me. I remember when I first began to play and met Fyn. I thought to myself, a handsome red devil looking dude that dances, strips, sings, fence, etc? He gotta be a favorite for everyone. Dude's charming asf. So he's someone I'm surprised I haven't seen mentioned much.

Edit: As for Kelly, yes, it does get a little tiresome having to constantly travel back and forth. It does seem like she's been forgotten in the midst of everyone obsessing over Kiro and all the Ausars. lol I get it but hey.

Alabaster Chimes

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015

Una has existed for less than a month, and is likely not even half inplimented. She will get more content, so just be patient.


Calm down sparky.

UNA is the gabilani manager at the pool place on Tarkus. Been around for two years. Getting a bit confused there/

You are thinking about ULA who is this

pretty different if u ask me......


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I remember when I first began to play and met Fyn. I thought to myself, a handsome red devil looking dude that dances, strips, sings, fence, etc? He gotta be a favorite for everyone.
Though I understand how he'd fit a role in the TiTSverse, I personally don't like him, neither physically nor the way he is. It doesn't help matters that I find his orc scene painfully stereotypical.


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
Xanthe, Una and Riya and a bunch more characters.

I understand the whole "Riya is a space racisms" deal and why people wouldn't like her, but i think Una and especially Xanthe could be more popular.

To be honest, there are so many great characters that it's kinda hard to name them all. Ciaran, Paige, Azra.... the list goes on. (And on, and on)