Who do you think the final boss will be?


Well-Known Member
I'd have to agree. "Max" and "no final boss" are really the only viable options; they could throw something random at us, but that wouldn't be narratively satisfying, and I doubt they'll go that route. I also doubt they'd pull a "Victor is alive and he's the final boss" twist, because there's nothing foreshadowing that and it goes against the entire story up to this point. There might also be a fight against the rival beforehand, but that'd have to be optional, especially if you befriend them - and it probably wouldn't be a very difficult fight anyways, since their threat has been diminishing with every subsequent main story planet.
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New Member
Feb 11, 2025
If they start adding narrative elements to it the tainted rusher could be made into an interesting antagonist.
Maybe capturing your cousin and putting you in a situation where you'd have to choose between saving their life or your inheritance.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2023
My read: The final boss will be Khia, of KhiaCorp - an AI that has been masquerading as an organic for decades. She will be concerned that great power will be going to the libertine child of a robber baron, and will want to test Steele to make sure Steele is worthy of the power of SteeleCorp. If Fen & Co wanted, they could condition the final battle based upon aspects of how Steele has behaved - a kind Steele that has done everything possible to free slaves and save the innocent might get a "You Good Kid - here's the probe", while a hard, slave owning Steele might have to battle a very hard battle.

Shgon Dunstan

Active Member
Feb 10, 2025
Uncle Max seems logical, but... also has felt barely any more "alive" then your father as far as the character and the story goes. Like I'm sure he wants you to fail, but I'm not so sure he cares enough to personally get up and "do" anything about it.

The Black Void are another option I guess. They are big enough to be a threat, and you run into them doing this and that quite a bit in your adventures. And while they seem to be pretty factional in nature, they've got that big AI of theirs that you have a run in with on KaraQuest2 that would work well enough as a mastermind/boss.


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2022
While I agree, Max seems likely...what about the Steele Board of Directors? There's foreshadowing on Uveto (the mechanic) that they are trying to run things differently. Seems to me that they could prevent Max from taking over but not Steele Jr. as Max wouldn't have majority stock in the company while Steele Jr. presumably would after she/he completes her/his mission. It seems to me they have more to lose than anyone else if Steele Jr. takes the reigns. Of course, Max could be a member of the board of directos.

Syth Dracous

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2022
I'd say Max makes some sense, but I'd love it to be some stupid Shyamalanesqe twist where it's either an AI of VIctor or some frozen head on a robot body version of the same. Maybe as a silly mode final boss?