What zones are planned for the game?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
I saw QuestyRobo mention a zone named "Windy Peaks" in addition to the zone "The Frostwood" (presumably the starting zone?) and I wondered which ones have already been planned, and which haven't?

I'm sure potential writers who aren't part of the core content creator team would love this info so they can help set their encounters and species in proper places... Which is the motivation for me asking this question :p


Jun 24, 2016
There's quite a few I've discovered while speaking to them. Savin had also briefly shown a map (likely not final, I would assume, in that it would get replaced by a more properly illustrated one?), but uh... I didn't save it to recall all the places. But here's the ones I've learned about that are in proximity to Hawkthorne.
  • Old Forest: basically the 1st place and as it has been described, it's the "traditional fantasy forest".
  • Foothills: rough terrain where the orcs and lupine live, I believe. Might be mistaken with the lupine, but 100% the orcs were mentioned as part of that region.
  • Harvest Valley: plains and farms, basically the wide open space of CoC2. Centaurs and junk live there.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Hmm interesting.

i'm in the process of writing up some stuff for a gryphon race (BIRB KITTEH) and was hoping to find a temperate forest to put them in, rather than the rather cold sounding forest that the game starts in.

So there are four known zones no... Old Forest/Frostwood (if they are the same, that might not be true), Foothills, Harvest Valley, and Windy Peaks... Though Foothills and Windy Peaks miiight be the same.

Hm, interesting indeed


Jun 24, 2016
Hmm interesting.

i'm in the process of writing up some stuff for a gryphon race (BIRB KITTEH) and was hoping to find a temperate forest to put them in, rather than the rather cold sounding forest that the game starts in.

So there are four known zones no... Old Forest/Frostwood (if they are the same, that might not be true), Foothills, Harvest Valley, and Windy Peaks... Though Foothills and Windy Peaks miiight be the same.

Hm, interesting indeed
Old Forest and Frostwood are not the same. They're connected (you pass through the Old Forest to reach Frostwood), I'm pretty sure. I also think Windy Peaks is not the same as Foothills, considering it is a distinct name and I recall that name from the map.

And before you go too far with creating species info, you should definitely contact Savin. Ensuring your species isn't already being tackled/is fine to exist is important. Especially considering there isn't really any "temperate forest" in the Frost Marches (where the game takes place). We talked about this sort of stuff extensively in the Discord, which I would advise you to ALSO be if you're creating. Having access to as much info as possible (especially those that creators have been having with folks like myself and even non-creators nearly all the time) is vital for someone intended to create an actual species.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Where is the discord? I guess I'll have to create a porn Discord account now...

Thank you for the tips though! That does solve the problem I had of wanting to ask about a fuckload of things (so that my kittehbirbs don't conflict with anything), but not wanting to make a new thread for every single thing


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Thank you Savin!

Sounds like I need to make my birbkitties (if they ever get off the ground (Heh)) frostproof.

Well, just add floof I guess?

I also found the discord and have joined now... just waiting for the 10 min timer to run down


Well-Known Member
I don’t know if this would be considered a necro or not, but sorry not sorry if it is. I meant to post this awhile ago but never got around to it till now.

I just wanted some clarification on a few of these official locales.


Is that a Minotaur city and if so will it be labyrinth like? Something like the labyrinth from the Greek myth or like the main area in D&D Fourth Edition’s H2 Thunderspire Labyrinth?

Flood Town -> The Sunken City

Is that where things like goo girls, sharkmorphs, and other sea dwelling creatures lurk? Would the PC need special possibly magical gear or otherwise be an aquatic creature themselves in order to visit the sunken city?

Kasyrra's Zigurrat

I take it that is where we can find Kasyrra for the final boss battle, right?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Is that a Minotaur city and if so will it be labyrinth like?

Yes; no.

Is that where things like goo girls, sharkmorphs, and other sea dwelling creatures lurk? Would the PC need special possibly magical gear or otherwise be an aquatic creature themselves in order to visit the sunken city?

Flood Town (actual name pending) is where aquatic critters can be encounters. It's only partially submerged, so PCs can get in there without special requirements.

The Sunken City is sunken underground, not under water. Name also pending.

I take it that is where we can find Kasyrra for the final boss battle, right?



Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Darn! Seems like a missed opportunity right there, just sayin.

Well, I mean, traditionally the original minotaur was actually imprisoned in the labyrinth because he couldn't find his way out... So it does make a certain kind of sense that a race of minotaurs might not want to build their city in a mazelike fashion, and may infact hate mazes


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Will there be any refereces to Excelia in the Minotaur city?



Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Can you at least tell us *why*? I'm mostly curious about this

Ahem. Through the power of the search function... Excellia was an OC ported in by some dude I don't know the name of. She rates high on the Mary Sue meter for Original Characters. Thankfully, she only appears in the end of CoC as a minor character. Her creator or whatever commissioned a lot art work for her, a lot of not even in CoC. The name brings up shivers with some forum goers around here. There's more to it of course, but I don't really care enough to investigate further.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Ahem. Through the power of the search function... Excellia was an OC ported in by some dude I don't know the name of. She rates high on the Mary Sue meter for Original Characters. Thankfully, she only appears in the end of CoC as a minor character. Her creator or whatever commissioned a lot art work for her, a lot of not even in CoC. The name brings up shivers with some forum goers around here. There's more to it of course, but I don't really care enough to investigate further.

Thank you!

I did some googling myself, and figured out she's some cow-morph or something near Lethice, but that's about it. Thanks for explaining!


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
wasnt Exceillia the one that made the final minotuar fight near impossible if you had high corruption


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
wasnt Exceillia the one that made the final minotuar fight near impossible if you had high corruption

Not if you had Sheep's Milk and some Godmead stored up. Oh and @Raindrops she was originally supposed to be the Minotaur Queen. Let that sink in a little after thinking about the Minotaurs as a race.

So... since the location is like the Alps, we going to see lots of bookish Tolkien type flowery language about how fucking beautiful the scenery is?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
You say that as if it’s a bad thing. :catte:

I'm all for lovely scenery descriptions, but sometimes Tolkien really went overboard with it.