What the Transformation system feels like in coc2?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
I had another run of coc2. I always play in little stints for fear of running into a white wall with 'coming soon' written on it.

Anyways, I just wanna share some random thoughts on the transformation system, and maybe compare it to tits for obvious reasons. Since it is basically the same system used differently. I don't want to say X is better, and think more about what it nudges the player to do, and the cumsequences of that.

So, Tits. Obviously tits is weirder. It has a ton of different transformatives and bodyparts. You can literally become a bunch of sex-tentacles (... Sexacles?). And the problem that arises when you wanna write a sex scene for the player and don't really know if the player even has feet. And scenes for those weird bodyparts were lacking.

Okay, so far so standard. I think there are two things which are neat for tits: New Transformation items were a glee to try out, because it might surprise you what you can become. And honestly, even though stuff like "double vagina" was barely supported, I still remember Kally's scene for it. So there was a wonderous element of transformatives for me. You could hunt around for weird scenes that supported YOUR abomination. Although they were rare, they existed. It was a treasure hunt.

The other part was, since tits sometimes did not tell you there was a potential scene if you did not have the bits, you seemed to get nudged in playing a triple cocked abomination from hell (which i liked, thank you).

For CoC2 it of course feels different. Currently it feels like having a subset of transformations of tits. It does not nudge me into becoming an abomination, but then again it does not really nudge me into using the transformation system at all. To me, finding a new transformative does not feel the same treasure hunt.

However, there is a different treasure hunt. Like the scene variation for Garret surprised me (extra kinky if you are a cat/catfolk). Its just a different kind.

Which got me thinking, whats the future for CoC2 transformatives going to be? For TiTS it is clear. You can simply add more. Yes, some are going to be boring, but some will be very interesting and weird. Thats the tits way. And sometimes, like knotting, support will come after the fact. But what is it going to be for coc2? Like the Addition of leothrans was fine, but did not feel like expanding the pool of weirdness that much. If it does, then it might also run into the problems of tits, that it lacks scenes supporting it. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Though I am really glad of the role reagents have, I feel it's still rather basic in what you can get. Personally, I don't mind if my character's features aren't mentioned during scenes, but I can understand what's been done from the writers (e.g. limiting body frames). It's not a matter of weirdness as much as it's a matter of having different hairstyles or loin colours.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
but did not feel like expanding the pool of weirdness that much

Nor was it meant to, nor will any TFs in the future. There won't be any more "parts" like cock-tails or fuckable ears added to the game. What you got is what you get; everything else added is cosmetic.


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2020
As you said in TITS there is a problem with maintaining content for specific parts. CoC is trying to avoid this problem.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
Maybe posting this in questions and answers was wrong. I know the general answers already. I was more interested in some back-seat game designing, in the realm of "What if I rubbed the right oil lamp and I was in charge creating CoC3..." which should not be taken too seriously.

For example the whole Kitsune transformation surprised me. Like, it does not feel like that big of a break in the current transformation system. I was only missing my favourite hair colour, which should get fixed soon™ with the hairstylist.

To me, I thought CoC2 would focus on human-, esque bodyparts. Maybe giving a tattoo-system another go. So far, it has not really gone that route. I did not see any major changes in the parser.

Like I said, I don't want to do "good dog/bad dog" criticism. I wanna talk about where it may go.

The Kitsune transformation is interesting. It is a limited transformation, but in turn writers get a clearer picture of the PC, and can make more interesting assumptions. The player can bever not be something else than a kitsune.

After I rubbed the oil lamp, one way could be to go all-in with the kitsune idea. Have only a limited set of transformatives available, and put the player in distinct types/races (and let the players have a way of changing their race). I wrote this in a thread ages ago: As a writer, you can assume more about the player and set up rules of how the world interacts with them. In CoC2, it is often mentioned how elves are wonderful cum-dumps. If the player chooses to be an elf, you can write scenes around that. The same goes for Minotaurs and Orcs.

In short: Elves moan, Orcs grunt.

Minotaurs for example grunt. But what if the player wants a minotaur that moans? Well, isn't it kinda like a faux-cow subrace? I can imagine evelyn 2.0 (of course wsan writes for coc3, that'll be my third wish) could tease the faux-cow player, if they were afraid of minotaur dicks, and giving their anal virginity to her instead.

This is just backseat mumbling, so do not take it seriously.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
Some people are super into fantasy raceplay, and some people aren't so much.

I've dropped little tidbits in a lot of my scenes, especially in the aftercare, for race-based snuggles - headpats for floofs, ear-rubs for elves, scritches for puppers, etc. I don't like doing more than that because raceplay icks me out, but I know that other writers have a bit more interest in supporting it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2020
Well, this is very difficult to implement, because each scene must be written for different archetypes / races / characters / ect. Even in large RPGs, this is rare. And the worlds in these RPGs do not contribute to this. Even demonstration of racism (for example) of human towards elves will be played out in one or two scenes and that's it, you won't see it again. And I'm sure if you do this, many players will start crying about this and scold the authors. Take the kitsune content for an example :D
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
Floofhaus is a relatively contained space, and it was designed to accept [pc.ra kitsune] stuff from pretty much the ground up. It also doesn't "need" to incorporate variations for other races, because of its isolation; instead, the writers can just do variations if they feel like them (like Kiyoko's pup play). All of those things make scope for floof racial variations way, way more doable.

Also, Tobs writes most of the floof content himself, so he can keep pretty tight control over what's required and what isn't.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2021
After I rubbed the oil lamp, one way could be to go all-in with the kitsune idea. Have only a limited set of transformatives available, and put the player in distinct types/races (and let the players have a way of changing their race).

I'm not exaggerating when I say this would make the game at least 50% less sexy for me and my TF fetish. Also makes the act of changing races heavier, so from an RP stance I wouldn't want to do it. The Kitsune works cause that IS a big, heavy change, but just going from, say, catfolk to a taeleer isn't and shouldn't be.

Minotaurs for example grunt. But what if the player wants a minotaur that moans? Well, isn't it kinda like a faux-cow subrace?

Also this just squicks me in ways I can't really articulate. It would bring the sexiness down to 25% from that 50% earlier. If my orc dude just really wants to bend over and take it like a slut, it doesn't make him a goblin or whatever.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
As a writer, you can assume more about the player and set up rules of how the world interacts with them. In CoC2, it is often mentioned how elves are wonderful cum-dumps. If the player chooses to be an elf, you can write scenes around that. The same goes for Minotaurs and Orcs.
I have an elf PC main who is not at all a permabottom subby "cumdump" and is fully willing to use his dick on characters like Brint and Vaush, I got a 12 inch dick with huge selectively-virile balls so I'm absolutely gonna use it as much as I can. I would absolutely not enjoy being pigeonholed into that cumdump title all the time if I can help it :/, and stuff that does pidgeon hole me into something without me wanting the thing usually goes ignored by me (Unless it's shit like Arona's quest where false choices are forced on me but bleh). You may wanna be a stereotype but I don't and vastly prefer how the game mostly does atm where I can choose to be if I want to. It's why Arona's one line grumbling about being subby to you and taking your dick despite having one and expected to use hers is way funnier if you're an elf imo because it kicks that stereotype right in the nads.

Sure, scenes can be written around it, but not everyone has to enjoy those assumptions just thrown at them like that just for who they are. Not everyone is into that sort of race-play. Even kitsune PCs have a choice in indulging in the whole "virgin patslut" thing after the initial binding and discovering they are such a thing. But stuff like having animal/elf ears making you sensitive/receptive to pats and the like is way more mild of an example (like what Aly said) and is typically more welcome. :U

In short: Elves moan, Orcs grunt.

Minotaurs for example grunt. But what if the player wants a minotaur that moans? Well, isn't it kinda like a faux-cow subrace?
Gonna agree with Furiae's squick to this and second it. Guys are fully capable of moaning normally and that includes beefy muscular men. The logic of this makes no sense, it's like saying that if you moan or squeal you're less of a man. Which is... yikes...

Your ability to make a noise when you can't control it in the heat of the moment doesn't suddenly make a minotaur less of a minotaur. Just as much as an elf grunting, a normal noise made by literally anyone who strains, doesn't make them less of an elf. Wsan went into the whole grunt vs. squeal thing before iirc, and it's dependent on the writing and nothing else race related like you're trying to make it here. If I made a big burly wolf barbarian who takes it up the ass and enjoys it, let him squeal, he's still a big burly wolf and isn't some like... lesser race just because of a damn noise anyone's vocal cords can make. Just what even is this.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2021
Exactly. Headpats, scritches, grabbing horns/lip ears etc. - all awesome little additions that can make a scene special. Having the game try to tell me how my character is because gEnEtIcS sounds oppressive at best, all of the -phobics at worst. (note I absolutely do NOT believe OP is like that IRL, it's just an unintended conclusion that's easy to jump to).

Of course there's assuredly people out there who would love that kind of situation thrust upon them for exactly the same reasons I find it distasteful:p


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Guys are fully capable of moaning normally and that includes beefy muscular men.

While presently I may be "an old, saggy cloth cat, baggy, and a bit loose at the seams", back in the day I was a 100+ Kgs of hardened meat perfectly capable of supporting a fully grown adult of any gender on one hand for an extended period [hey it adds options].

I just want to say that I and the select number of gentlemen I may have entertained [I'm not a slut ] were capable of making a wide range of noises [particularly when trying to be quiet]
ones that stand out in the memory include:
  • F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F
  • M-E-E-E-E-E-P! [I don't know why either]
  • Oh Bugger! [the gentleman having peaked so early that we had hardly commenced the disrobing section of the evening]
I would also like to take a moment to recognize and thank the good ladies of this forum for rallying to protect the right of a gentleman to make what noise he considers most appropriate when the moment comes upon him.


Jan 8, 2016
While presently I may be "an old, saggy cloth cat, baggy, and a bit loose at the seams", back in the day I was a 100+ Kgs of hardened meat perfectly capable of supporting a fully grown adult of any gender on one hand for an extended period [hey it adds options].

I just want to say that I and the select number of gentlemen I may have entertained [I'm not a slut ] were capable of making a wide range of noises [particularly when trying to be quiet]
ones that stand out in the memory include:
  • F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F
  • M-E-E-E-E-E-P! [I don't know why either]
  • Oh Bugger! [the gentleman having peaked so early that we had hardly commenced the disrobing section of the evening]
I would also like to take a moment to recognize and thank the good ladies of this forum for rallying to protect the right of a gentleman to make what noise he considers most appropriate when the moment comes upon him.
Never stop posting dude.