What the Sense?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
So, I know what the "Sense" option does in combat, but what is its use? I've used it before, seen that I have a body part that the enemy really dislikes, then teased them with said body part. It may have been because my tease with that body part was so high, but they still gained lust from the tease attack. It may just be me, but it's getting to the point where I don't even bother sensing before I tease an enemy. They're just as likely to gain lust from the teasing and I avoid wasting a turn.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Sense is to know what body part is best to use. When PC use correct body part tese option it will give more lust to enemy. So it more like to let you know if shaking hips will deal 2x more tease dmg of smacking enemy with your wang/smash ya vag in they faces.

You will always make enemy get some lust but does it mean difference for you to win by lust 1 or 2 turns faster?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Sense is to know what body part is best to use. When PC use correct body part tese option it will give more lust to enemy. So it more like to let you know if shaking hips will deal 2x more tease dmg of smacking enemy with your wang/smash ya vag in they faces.

You will always make enemy get some lust but does it mean difference for you to win by lust 1 or 2 turns faster?


Especially if you are wasting turn for it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well tbh I never seen much use of it in shape it's now. I mean I can waste instead 4 turns to try on same type enemy each tease type and see which would work best. So later I gonna just do this one. Maybe in future fen and Co will somehow change sense to feel less like it was put n combat menu as it sounded cool on paper.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Well tbh I never seen much use of it in shape it's now. I mean I can waste instead 4 turns to try on same type enemy each tease type and see which would work best. So later I gonna just do this one. Maybe in future fen and Co will somehow change sense to feel less like it was put n combat menu as it sounded cool on paper.

IMO, three major factor that hold Sense back are:

1) The hard cap of Tease damage. Mid level characters that had spent some time boosting tease proficiency and bought a couple pieces of sexiness gear can reach it without using a tease preferred by the enemy. It doesn't compensate for target's lust resistance either.

2) Current lust pool is too low to allow for those incremental damage upgrades to be relevant.

3) The majority of mobs have fixed Sexual Preferences.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Three major factor that hold Sense back are:

1) The hard cap of Tease damage. Mid level charactera that spent some time boosting tease proficiency and have a couple pieces of sexiness gear can reach it without using a tease preferred by the enemy. It doesn't compensate for target's lust resistance either.

2) Current lust pool is too low to allow for those incremental damage upgrades to be relevant.

3) The majority of mobs have fixed Sexual Preferences.

Point 3) is pretty much biggest nail in a coffin for Sense imho as those preferences in most cases are even at wiki under each enemy so if one is not lazy can look at wiki what is best.

Aside of points 1 and 2 of yours that proves it not matter anyway since differences atm between picking best type of tease or worst one is barely visible at all. All it matter if each tease type is maxed and what gear bonus to sexiness PC have.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
While on the subject. What am I supposed to tease with when the enemy likes "feminine faces" for example. You can't even tease with your face. How am I supposed to on capitalize this?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
2) Current lust pool is too low to allow for those incremental damage upgrades to be relevant.

The thing with the lust pool that I've seen is that, while it is possible to increase the pool size (Inhuman Desire), doing so also causes an increase in Libido which increases how much lust you gain from tease attacks so it pretty much negates the pool size increase. Also, there aren't that many legitimate ways of lowering Libido that I know of (beating the male Zil in Penny's prison is the only one that comes to mind). It would be interesting if certain enemies had smaller than normal (not used to feeling lusty) or larger than normal lust pools (used to feeling lust all the time).


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
The thing with the lust pool that I've seen is that, while it is possible to increase the pool size (Inhuman Desire), doing so also causes an increase in Libido which increases how much lust you gain from tease attacks so it pretty much negates the pool size increase. Also, there aren't that many legitimate ways of lowering Libido that I know of (beating the male Zil in Penny's prison is the only one that comes to mind). It would be interesting if certain enemies had smaller than normal (not used to feeling lusty) or larger than normal lust pools (used to feeling lust all the time).

I was talking specifically about the Lust pools of enemies. But as a side note, Stacking both Treatment and Dumbfuck for the whopping 55 extra Lust cap turned out to as a net gain since Libido doesn't seem to effect PC's lust gain too much(if at all), and even with 'Easy' perk adding 20% on top of that you still out-tease any NPC.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I was talking specifically about the Lust pools of enemies. But as a side note, Stacking both Treatment and Dumbfuck for the whopping 55 extra Lust cap turned out to as a net gain since Libido doesn't seem to effect PC's lust gain too much(if at all), and even with 'Easy' perk adding 20% on top of that you still out-tease any NPC.

I could have sworn I've seen a difference when walking around. After using just 1 or 2 Throbbs, I remember my walking-around lust gain being much quicker. Then again, that was probably in an old build and those calculations may have changed


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
There isn't any item to lower libido afaik so this one matter of getting PC lust cap higher is hard to deal with. Given time someone will submit such item so we would enjoy low lib build with longest possible lust bar for PC. As for enemies lust is somehow not yet as much balanced as hp/shields. Even some of devs sometimes meantioning it so not good that lust fight can be end sooner than beating them to 0 hp/shields.

While on the subject. What am I supposed to tease with when the enemy likes "feminine faces" for example. You can't even tease with your face. How am I supposed to on capitalize this?

I think it mean enemy likes more PC that is more female-like or IS female. So generaly it about how enemy see PC taking into account feminity score.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I think it mean enemy likes more PC that is more female-like or IS female. So generaly it about how enemy see PC taking into account feminity score.

I think he's more asking about which tease attack would be used. Teasing against people who like big butts or huge endowments or large breasts is easy to do because you know which tease attack to select. There is no FACE option for teasing.

But maybe having a feminine face against someone who likes feminine faces gives a general bump to all the tease attack types.


While on the subject. What am I supposed to tease with when the enemy likes "feminine faces" for example. You can't even tease with your face. How am I supposed to on capitalize this?

Maybe at one-time that was planned? How do you tease with your face though? Leer at them?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Oh Krynh, you've gotta be more creative than that! :p

For me, a pretty girl winking, licking her lips, putting on a sensual expression, bedroom eyes, etc... When they're in a position of dominance, even just a confident smile makes my heart kick up. It's the anticipatory nature of it, and the face is the most expressive part of the body. I can tell when someone wants to be lewd. If I want to be lewd with them, it's a fast track to getting me excited. ;)

EDIT: Also, it's a lot more of a tease to use expressions and subtlety than just "HEY CHECK OUT MAH DICK!!" *PC throws clothing open*

If TiTS wasn't the universe it is, I think that would actually turn most sapient individuals off, just from the pure shock factor of being flashed. Buuut it's par for the course in a FenGame. :p

Most mid-to high level-of-competence teases feature Steele expressing themselves in a somewhat coy and subtle manner. Some of them even mention their face IIRC (as a side note the face of the amorphous PC blob is a far less quantifiable and easy to track/describe thing than their T&A).

Additionally, pretty much all the enemies that are susceptible to teasing attack begin the fight in a RAEP, or at least highly aroused mode, and while possibly surprising, PC dangling their naughty bits shouldn't be a mood dampener for them.

I'm 100% with you on the issue as a whole, though. Prison School gets me every time. :$
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Heh with @IVIysteriousPerson speed of produsing stuff that getting ingame I won't be even suprised to see in next few...weeks/months new tease option: face ^^


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I get the feeling that a face tease move would revolve around various forms of oral sex or getting facials.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@IVIysteriousPerson Making few lines for face related teases could be worked on inbetween each session for other writing you doing. Uless you want make those scenes taking like 2-3 screens of text :p