How do I create Save files for TITS


May 3, 2016
I'm not sure if I am just dumb, but whenever I try to save to file it never works. It always just says attempting to save to file and it never loads. Can someone assist me or show me a guide on how to create save files. Thanks so much for your help, and please excuse my lack of knowledge.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You can't use save to file if you are playing locally with downloaded version via browser. Play online or use dedicated flash player.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You can't use save to file if you are playing locally with downloaded version via browser. Play online or use dedicated flash player.

Yes, actually, you can.  I, quite literally, do it all the time.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Question, why are you trying to "Save to File"? Why not just save it via the slots available with "Save"?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Question, why are you trying to "Save to File"? Why not just save it via the slots available with "Save"?

Most obvious - to transfer save to different pc or make backup.

Dark Ether

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I use Save to File quite a lot, as well.  My plain ole' Saves have gotten deleted whenever I do a disk cleanup that deletes browser cookies and temp files and such, and the actual files saved will still be there on your hard drive unless you specifically delete them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Depends on security settings. Usually it don't.

Yes, actually, it does, at least on Windows.  With the default settings of both the browser and associated Flash plugins, because I have not changed them, saving to/loading from file just worked in: Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and IE—I could have tested others, but what's the point.  All browsers, save for FF, are at 100% factory defaults.  I've not mucked with any OS settings which would affect this either.

If you've always had an issue with the functionality, that's fine, but it is not a given as you seem to believe.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yes, actually, it does, at least on Windows.  With the default settings of both the browser and associated Flash plugins, because I have not changed them, saving to/loading from file just worked in: Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and IE—I could have tested others, but what's the point.  All browsers, save for FF, are at 100% factory defaults.  I've not mucked with any OS settings which would affect this either.

If you've always had an issue with the functionality, that's fine, but it is not a given as you seem to believe.

Maybe. Sandbox in AS is quite a mess.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
I know you can save to file if you're playing in browser on chrome, but not on incognito mode.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Aside saving to file...won't be easier to spend some effort to make shortcut to folder when saves are and just directly copy from time to time those saves? xD


Aside saving to file...won't be easier to spend some effort to make shortcut to folder when saves are and just directly copy from time to time those saves? xD

That works if you want to make a backup of existing files, but not if you want to use more saves.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well saving current game situation then coping save file won't take much longer than use save to file option accounting in both cases there were no prior save files. Anyway having 14 or 15 save slots is not enough for some one then...I dunno how they could deal with games that have less than that. And with coping save files later new ones saves can be overwrited on old ones. Later it would only ends with person need to pick one of few diff saves for each save slot.

Both way save to file or copy save files would with larger amount of saves eat some time to jungle them all.


Well saving current game situation then coping save file won't take much longer than use save to file option accounting in both cases there were no prior save files. Anyway having 14 or 15 save slots is not enough for some one then...I dunno how they could deal with games that have less than that. And with coping save files later new ones saves can be overwrited on old ones. Later it would only ends with person need to pick one of few diff saves for each save slot.

Both way save to file or copy save files would with larger amount of saves eat some time to jungle them all.

The point is though with save to file you know what you have whereas if you have several date only saves you have to remember what they are all for.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah fair point as long one somehow save those files under names that will tell what is inside. I never bothered to name them so (too much trouble to try come with fancy names) so I always felt good enough with just copying savefiles from save folder. If you prefer saving directly to file and giving them names you will with one glace quess what they got inside...the more kudos to you for been so amaazing ^^