What the Idea Subforum Is For


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
The Ideas Subforum exists as a place to pitch concepts you intend to work on to the community, receive feedback and criticism on them, and then refine your ideas into a workable outline for the content you're going to be making.

This is not a place to pitch ideas for characters/items/etc. you want, but will not create yourself.

Allow me to explain:

Trials in Tainted Space accepts community content submissions. You don't need to know how to code to submit written content to TiTS (I sure don't!), but having an understanding of the parser we use is a must. There are many, many submission documents you can look at for examples to base your own documents off of. My signature contains a repository of them. Specific writing guides can be found in stickied in Event Submissions.

This subforum is a good place to take an idea you've come up with, and would like to work on yourself, and pitch them. See if it's actually a good idea, first and foremost, and allow other members of the community to suggest ways you could improve your starting idea. This process will help you save time by abandoning bad ideas, and help you to make the best quality submission possible from the ground up. Taking in feedback and making sweeping changes to your content after the fact is much harder than having a great starting point.

Once you have actual writing to share, start a topic in Event Submissions with a link to a publicly-viewable Google Document. This will allow community members to copy edit your work, and for coders to access it and implement it into the game.

Pitching ideas you do not intend to put the time and effort into writing is not the purpose of this subforum. You may do so, but expect a strongly negative response. Nobody is going to write your ideas for you: the people who can write have more ideas of their own than they can ever possibly write already; they don't need or want yours.

The exception to the above is ideas for purely mechanical changes to the game. If you have ideas that would improve the way the game works, combat balance, class features, etc., this is the place to put them up for discussion.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Perhaps https://forum.fenoxo.com/threads/what-content-would-you-like-added.3107/ should be sticky'ed for those who want to see this or that in the game but do not want to work on the contents themselves.

I have a question, @Savin. Should I pester you after having submitted x contents that were developed from an Idea thread in order to have said thread moved to the Submissions subforum? Or should I open a new thread on the Submissions subforum even though I don't know whether the submission got lost in limbo or is now part of the clogged up submo-tube? I don't like having thread duplicates around, but it seems that item I linked you to back in August may be currently on the wrong subforum, especially after being worked on since then.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Last edited:


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Telling idea guys to just not even bother if they wont write everything like a writer is a huge kick in the blue balls and will result in idea people just giving up and not even bothering to submit anything and this is very bad because idea people are a huge and painfully under appreciated and underrated source of inspiration for the fenoxo cummunity.

Good. And no, you're really not.

Telling idea guys not to post their ideas is accomplishing exactly what it is meant to if it keeps them from... you guessed it... posting their ideas that they never intend on following up on. That way I and several other people who frequent this forum don't waste their time every day :)


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
We wanted to share those ideas with you and inspire you! It's also less work for you to not tell us to bend over and take the D of ungratitude in every single thread! :(

I know. And this thread exists to say, "No thank you. Already have more of my own than I can ever possibly write."

If people would READ THIS THREAD then people wouldn't reply to a bunch of Ideas threads reiterating what's said here, because those threads wouldn't exist.


New Member
Dec 10, 2018
Sweet Home Alabama
Isn't it kind of counterintuitive to have users pitch ideas but tell them to do themselves? Why do you even call it "Pitch Your Idea" if it's not really "pitching" an idea. It'd basically just announcing thing you're going to add. Sorry if I'm coming across as an ass, that's not my intention. I'm just not sure I'd advertise it as "pitching" an idea is all.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Isn't it kind of counterintuitive to have users pitch ideas but tell them to do themselves? Why do you even call it "Pitch Your Idea" if it's not really "pitching" an idea. It'd basically just announcing thing you're going to add. Sorry if I'm coming across as an ass, that's not my intention. I'm just not sure I'd advertise it as "pitching" an idea is all.

To be fair, a lot of people come in going "I have this great idea!" throw it out, with no intention of working on it. That clogs up the forum and can (and has) take away from people who are legitimately working on their idea and who aren't getting any feedback because there's in flux of new threads.

Likewise, there are threads where people have gone "here's my idea, someone else can work on it", which is frankly rude.

Ideas are cheap, its better to focus on the ones that will get through from start to finish than ones that don't get off the ground.


New Member
Dec 10, 2018
Sweet Home Alabama
To be fair, a lot of people come in going "I have this great idea!" throw it out, with no intention of working on it. That clogs up the forum and can (and has) take away from people who are legitimately working on their idea and who aren't getting any feedback because there's in flux of new threads.

Likewise, there are threads where people have gone "here's my idea, someone else can work on it", which is frankly rude.

Ideas are cheap, its better to focus on the ones that will get through from start to finish than ones that don't get off the ground.
I can sort of see where you're coming from. I'm sure most people want to help work on the game but don't have the technical know-how to do it. Like me for example, I do have ideas for the game but I don't know how to do all that fancy coding stuff so I don't bother. But, yea, for a game so community based I can see how that would be something to avoid. Thanks for clearing that up, fam.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Thing is, you don't need to know how to code, just how to write and organise scenes.
Also, the pinned threads in the Event Submission and Ideas forums contain all the resources one would need to make something for the game.

So really there's little excuse to just throw ideas at a community and expect a writer will pick them up and write them for them.


New Member
Dec 10, 2018
Sweet Home Alabama
Thing is, you don't need to know how to code, just how to write and organise scenes.
Also, the pinned threads in the Event Submission and Ideas forums contain all the resources one would need to make something for the game.
Really? Well that is something to keep in mind, then. In that case I'll start working on stuff once I get my PC fixed. Sorry. I'm kinda new to the forums. Untill recently, all I did was play the games.


Jul 12, 2019
I'm extremly confused about this sub-forum, I mean Sub-Ted pretty much has stickied a post shooting down hopes and I'd like to have consent to make mods and alterations maybe even characters and/or alternate routes but I'd still need help and IDEAS from other people to -spark imagination-. While I understand Sub-Ted's rant I am unsure if this subforum should even exist for the purpose of idea but rather a trash bin for people to pitch ideas for no reason or for the actual modders and fans of the game that like tweaking and altering it. This line is completely blurry for me so can someone go into better detail and explain the difference.

P.S. I do have a hard time understanding tones ((I.E. Sarcasm, snide, humor, seriousness on text chat so bare with me if I misunderstand. This is not a rant but a desperate need to understand what this sub-forum is for. Thank you.))


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
You know, at this stage, I'm just wondering if we should just rename it the WIP forum.
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Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
I'm extremly confused about this sub-forum, I mean Sub-Ted pretty much has stickied a post shooting down hopes and I'd like to have consent to make mods and alterations maybe even characters and/or alternate routes but I'd still need help and IDEAS from other people to -spark imagination-. While I understand Sub-Ted's rant I am unsure if this subforum should even exist for the purpose of idea but rather a trash bin for people to pitch ideas for no reason or for the actual modders and fans of the game that like tweaking and altering it. This line is completely blurry for me so can someone go into better detail and explain the difference.

P.S. I do have a hard time understanding tones ((I.E. Sarcasm, snide, humor, seriousness on text chat so bare with me if I misunderstand. This is not a rant but a desperate need to understand what this sub-forum is for. Thank you.))

a.) sub-ted, what

b.) You are confused because what you want to do is exactly the purpose of this sub-forum. It is for you, someone interesting in creating something, to workshop and item out to then begin working on it. I can tell you in advanced you're not going to really get "consent" to do much of anything, but this is the internet and you don't exactly need a Nintendo Stamp Of Approval for your mod or whatev, unless you mean just writing for a pre-established character to add to the game proper.


Jul 12, 2019
@Kesil Oh, that is mine isn't it. Yeah I just found this sub-forum like a few minutes after posting this. I'm not a good forum navigator so I do not know the typical where-is-what layout.

@Magic Ted Sorry for the mis-type of your name lol. But as for consent, as a modder and content creator I -value- creator consent and honestly I feel bad uploading things without proper consent from the creator, so if I'm not going to get consent as you say then I do not want to upload things ((Course I might forget. Kinda like that unfortunately)). As for the content, I'd like to add to situations and put avenues and prerequisites for more -diplomatically dominant- approaches on enemies I adore but hate the personality. Kinda a love hate feel to them so kinda a Sera situation of training or appealing to their kinder side without bad endings ((Course I'd like to make it challenging and hard to get through.)) But I don't like the idea of uploading and sharing without consent, so I'd ask. And I'm not exactly forum savvy ((I technically avoid forums like the plague most of the time)) so I have no idea where the information of -consent to mods- from fenexo would be.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
@VT2020 Iirc, independant mods are allowed for CoC.
They are not allowed for TiTS and CoCII, but you can submit content (NPCs, quests, items, etc.) for TiTS (see the pinned threads in the Event Submission subforum for details)


Jul 12, 2019
Ah thank you, I will not upload anything then but I think I may tweak things for my own personal preference. Is that ok? Again I just want to be sure. Also, @JustSomeGuy thanks for the link btw. @ShySquare thank you for clearing things up, saves me the trouble from fucking up and doing things accidently.


Feb 9, 2019
I got ideas... not the equipment to fallow up on them which, not lie here, sucks if you live in out the boonies. Got any thing I could use for them on a phone perhaps?


Oct 25, 2016
I think this is a better place to put this idea then the thread I made:

To wit, looking at the announcement of the removal of HumpHard Inc from the game and the parcing of it's products to other corporations an obvious opportunity presents itself. Allow me to quote myself:


TL;DR - The community, if you're planning on writing it.
...and JoyCorp, well, it got me thinking:

Isn't this the perfect opportunity for emergent story telling?

That is to say, the way it got posted here https://www.fenoxo.com/backers-tits-year-of-the-rodenian/ it honestly sounds like the corporations Taminicorp AND Joycorp got together and financially slaughtered HumpHard and took it's lunch money. A ye old hostile corporate take over in essence.

And for this to take place it doesn't need anything beyond a line or two in the codex that teases that things like this happened in this universe. Background building, in essence, by implication Dark Souls style without having to keep the Codex bloat that this move sought to fix.

Now, the problem here is that I am not sure what would be the preferred way to make these changes or really what I would be allowed to do since HumHard it's not really my idea either. I mean, would I have to check with the people in charge of the Tamanicorp and Joycorp inc as well since these products are now part of their group's catalogs or what?

Rear Admiral Chimera

Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2017
That is correct, however you do have major issue with the project you are currently working on. Using a txt file is a bad idea. You can't submit that, and you are unlikely to get feedback. You need to switch to a google document.


Jun 27, 2021
That is correct, however you do have major issue with the project you are currently working on. Using a txt file is a bad idea. You can't submit that, and you are unlikely to get feedback. You need to switch to a google document.
I'm already working on it. Thank you.
Also any ideas for a name, I'm drawing blanks