What sort of "True" end game are you guys looking for?


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
CEO of Steletech, absolute ruler of a planet or two, with an extensive Harem and significant resources dedicated to genetically engineering the perfect harem sex-slaves.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
i'd like to fuck up a planet on the same scale as a planet cracker/mining vessel, and not feel like a complete douche nozzle.  like an uninhabited planet with almost no redeemable qualities besides a metric shit tonne of valuable ores like plat 190 finally setting my steele on top as a mining conglomerate with sizable control of the market for the foreseeable future


Active Member
Nov 1, 2015
Take over the company and start forging it to be even bigger, add Jill to my harem, use my marriage to Tairvra as an excuse to take over the fucking bug planet and then make that planet my corporate headquarters, marry the rest of my harem, convince as many of the people i bang but don't have on my crew to move to my new palace and marry them, track down any illegitimate children i may have from all the combat rape I've done, and generally make sure the media has a collective seizure when they try to report on my love life.

This is objectively the best idea here, although this

Reform Jill let her take over the company and stay with my mistress as her pet goo girl X3

is very appealing as well! If loved/married or the like, Jill could be standing in the hangar after you hand the reins to her, watching sadly as you fly away. Maybe she could even run after you across the hangar until you leave, whispering a gentle "Come back," with tears in her eyes. 

Maximum heart palpitations.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2015
  • Changing mentalities and making sapient lifeforms recognize that sapient AIs are people and should be treated as such. Bess/Ben executive CEO ftw.
  • Freeing the PC from Victor's shadow (either by choosing their own path, renouncing his legacy and adventuring among the stars for a living, or by becoming so famous/influent/powerful that everyone forgets Victor)
  • Helping their waifus/husbandos/dom(me)s/subs reach their true potential (for example : famous writer Embry, independant Bess/Ben, Reaha, ...)

Also, a bit of variation depending on how nice/asshole you are would be cool.

Oooh i like this one xD