What kind of Captain are you?


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2015
Hey, guys, nice to meet you all. Thought I'd base my first non-intro post around this idea, seeing as we've already got a bunch of "best NPC/TF" threads.

On a more cerebral level, what kind of person is your Steele?

A kind one, always trying to do right by others?

Or mischievous- too good-natured to be outright nasty, but not above doing something at the expense of others if it's sufficiently amusing?

Maybe you're a hardass, though. Your dad just died, your snotty bastard/bitch of a cousin is trying to steal YOUR inheritance, and almost EVERYTHING is trying to put things in parts of your body where you most definitely do not want them (unless you're in the right kind of mood, perhaps. Or drunk. Drunk works, too.).

Optionally, you could include your favourite combat style in your response, too. Do you prefer to brute-force your problems out of the way with melee, offer spiritual enlightenment by granting them a third eye (created via high-velocity bullets), or are you a more salacious type, preferring to seduce your attackers into submission?

Hope this doesn't come across as too long-winded, and I look forward to hearing back from you guys/girls/others.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
My main is a hard-ass, Ice Cold techie. Smart, "I'm-surrounded-by-idiots" mentality scientists are awesome. In fiction at least. I don't roleplay or conceive backstories more than that.

Combat style is simply "shoot as many lasers per round as I can", since I like rolling the dice for the occasional moment of awesome.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2015
My main is a hard-ass, Ice Cold techie. Smart, "I'm-surrounded-by-idiots" mentality scientists are awesome. In fiction at least. I don't roleplay or conceive backstories more than that.

Combat style is simply "shoot as many lasers per round as I can", since I like rolling the dice for the occasional moment of awesome.


Personally, I try to be a nice guy, at least as far as a bloodthirsty Mercenary (and I mean LITERALLY bloodthirsty, I have the perk and everything) can be, and, as the class suggests, I prefer to sweep my woes under the rug. At high velocity. Using a warhammer/shock blade constructed out of pain and poorly executed metaphors.

Towards Myrellion, though, I start grinding up my tease stats on Mhen'ga in relative safety. Still like a good brawl, now and again, but why set the bad blood boiling when you can just show a little skin to smooth things over?

Besides, this way, when you're both pent up and looking to pass the time with your defeated foe, you still have plenty of stamina, as opposed to being worn out from swinging a sword as big as you around. Plus your partner hasn't just had the shit kicked out of them, they aren't as pissed at you and they're wet from your teasing, so good times all 'round!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
My Steele is a merc who is severely annoyed when someone doesn't get the message, does the right thing but questions himself why on multiple occasions, and why he lets anyone live.

Combat style is different for each thing, but usually a round of carpet grenades does the trick

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
My Steele is an all around nice guy who's usually friendly and easygoing until you piss him off or do something incredibly stupid.  I triy to be a friend to all except the most assholish of indiividuals. My combat style consists of a combination of melee and ranged fighting, only switching to teases when it's REALLY cconvenient. ( I.e Myrellion) 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Pulling all funny tricks Tech that isn't nice nor asshole just somewhere inbetween.

Fight is simple...fight is fun...as long their on the wrong end of your enery weapon of mass destruction/goo shooting googun ^^


Sep 24, 2015
hmm my steele is a Mischievous nice, she will over all try to be nice, however  she is a techie who isn't afraid to put a laser round in ur head. Ontop of if she is in the mood taking every advantage she can.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Pretty much a pillar of virtue who's willing to go out of their way to help everyone he or she meets, whilst still being somewhat of a tease. Generally start off with the mischievous personality. Not above headbutting a stubborn foe into submission, however, then taking advantage of them while the adrenaline's pumping.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
My two mains are:

1)Tech savvy Space Druid/Sex Fairy, friend to all beings. She is too kind for her own good, hell-bent on giving everybody a chance and assuming the best about them. Never does anything against others' wishes.

Bumps her shields up and tries to reason with her foes, then entices them with boobs, then shoots to stun.

2)'Nuki Space Ninja who doesn't really care about her quest, using as an excuse to go have some fun. She likes to imagine that her actions, for the most part, aren't at people's expense, but her perspective on what's best for them somehow blends with the things she finds amusing.

Stealth is the name of the game, and honorable melee is the only proper way to sneak attack the hell out of opponents.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
My two mains are:

1)Tech savvy Space Druid/Sex Fairy, friend to all beings. She is too kind for her own good, hell-bent on giving everybody a chance and assuming the best about them. Never does anything against others' wishes.

Bumps her shields up and tries to reason with her foes, then entices them with boobs, then shoots to stun.

2)'Nuki Space Ninja who doesn't really care about her quest, using as an excuse to go have some fun. She likes to imagine that her actions, for the most part, aren't at people's expense, but her perspective on what's best for them somehow blends with the things she finds amusing.

Stealth is the name of the game, and honorable melee is the only proper way to sneak attack the hell out of opponents.

So you adopted the space druid idea. Perfect! 


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
My Steele is a hardass who does things his way but isn't ever really malicious. He likes to subjugate and dominate, but doesn't tear people down or exploit them, and generally leaves places better than he found them.

In combat he utilizes a massive physique and an equally ridiculous rocket hammer to smash his problems away and never really uses tease, figuring that if they'd wanted the silk gloves they'd not have initiated combat to begin with.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm... kinda out of the loop here, mind clarifying?

Last Time on: Ravioli's TiTS Forum Adventures.

In another thread, Ravioli and Nik discussed characters where Nik admitted to having a Fairy who loved all forms of life alien, robotic or otherwise. Ravioli then declare Nik's character as a fairy space druid. Nik argued with Ravioli that this wasn't the case, however as evidenced above Nik actually embraced this idea. Ravioli then mocked Nik for this. Nik attempted to argue back, but failed the saving throw against Ravioli's cute anime girl idol powers rendering Nik speechless with no way of counter attacking. Ravioli pressed the advantage and used a level 9 "Dominate Person" spell to attempt to convert Nik into the idol side. Will Ravioli succeed?



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So I assume it will take another 30 episodes for your attack to finish charging?

Yes! With a ton of flash backs, friendship speeches and side character deaths who must then be avenged over the course of the fight but at the end it will turn out they weren't dead at all! 


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
My main is a merc, much like dear old dad he is into old earth classics, but his hobbies are mostly squared on martial arts movies, collecting authentic ancient weapons, and practicing fighting styles. Being a sort of modern day samurai, he takes great joy in taking down any marks that rely too heavily on technology, bonus points if they were piloting an exosuit. While determinedly human to begin with, his first encounter with the Naleen Huntress left him bleeding, half conscious and completely numb from the waist down, which to him was true love at first sight, in his newfound affection he transformed himself into a Naleen. As a character he is polite and reasonable but takes offense rather easily, when someone or something is at stake he will jump into the brunt of the fight unafraid of taking hits; believing that there is nothing more pure than the clash of flesh, bone and metal, he derives a masochistic high on pain and being covered in his own blood. He loves to fight, and to bed recklessly afterwards, but then, who doesn't?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Last Time on: Ravioli's TiTS Forum Adventures.

In another thread, Ravioli and Nik discussed characters where Nik admitted to having a Fairy who loved all forms of life alien, robotic or otherwise. Ravioli then declare Nik's character as a fairy space druid. Nik argued with Ravioli that this wasn't the case, however as evidenced above Nik actually embraced this idea. Ravioli then mocked Nik for this. Nik attempted to argue back, but failed the saving throw against Ravioli's cute anime girl idol powers rendering Nik speechless with no way of counter attacking. Ravioli pressed the advantage and used a level 9 "Dominate Person" spell to attempt to convert Nik into the idol side. Will Ravioli succeed?


Never! I've remembered good old days of anime ultra-violence, and with the help our lord and savior Kenshiro, I'll stand firm on the side of GAR. We will meet again to settle this once and for all.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Mine's a Nice Techie who pew-pews her way until she can get psionics, though combining melee and ranged attacks is not out of the question. Teasing is unless needed. Physically wise, I imagine her being similar to Yu-Gi-Oh!'s Kozmo Farmgirl at least in the beginning of the game, Tot... I mean, Tam-Wolf included.

Star Wars and The Wizard of Oz, what could go wrong?

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
Mine is a kind and just character who does no evil and constantly benefits everyone and saves that day and doesn't rape because he is such a good person and he's covered in people that love him and his armor is gleaming white he is such a hero

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Mine is a kind and just character who does no evil and constantly benefits everyone and saves that day and doesn't rape because he is such a good person and he's covered in people that love him and his armor is gleaming white he is such a hero

Don't take this the wrong way, but I actually think you're bullshitting about how your Steele is.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Mine is a kind and just character who does no evil and constantly benefits everyone and saves that day and doesn't rape because he is such a good person and he's covered in people that love him and his armor is gleaming white he is such a hero

I know that the majority of people here RPing their Steele as nice people may look unconvincing, but it's partially on the dev team. They write characters you don't want to be dick towards, sex or no sex. 

Plus there's no guro so being an evil bastard isn't too fun.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Guys...it's Ted, though.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2015
I know that the majority of people here RPing their Steele as nice people may look unconvincing, but it's partially on the dev team. They write characters you don't want to be dick towards, sex or no sex. 

Plus there's no guro so being an evil bastard isn't too fun.

That's the thing about writing characters well in a game with a morality/personality system. Being a dick's no fun, whereas being Mr. Nice Guy gives you nice, warm and fluffy feels inside.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I always wanted to do a polite villain character just as I wanted to do a hard hero, the way hard was done though... not a fan. And we don't have a lot of dastardly options at the moment apart from mass planetary genocide, which is not my thing. Worst I could do was subjugate Taivra, and that was more a grey decision. Slavery, blackmail, robbery, and mindbreaking rape when?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I've derailed this topic for long enough. I have too many Steeles and I love them all way too much to call any of them my "main" but I don't want to type them all out...

One of them is a cat girl Steele who goes around killing people with a bow old fashioned, and loves some lovin'. Sometimes on top, sometimes on bottom but always on the receiving end. Front, back, whatever! She loves it all. As long as she doesn't get pregnant though. She's not into eggs.

Meanwhile my second Steele to make, is an ultra buff but small fairy Steele who is only into women! And that's about it. She's still a virgin on both holes. Yeeeeep. That's about it.

Long live idol power. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Options to be nice, in middle or mean is to gives us choices. Like dev team can all of them play nice charas but then why anyone of us is well "quite moved" by it? Also hard hero type....isn't it some akin to anti-hero trophy?

Also recent added (well in compare to game age) option to try act like literal romanians in Rome or not seen as grey area? For me not it's local situation so or our PC would act like local tradition kept for hundred years telling or try throw it out of the window (yeah I not see subjogating certain queen as something out of ordinary)