What is planned for kids?


New Member
Dec 21, 2021
Hello! I have been blissfully playing this game via steam for a while now, and am currently wondering:

- Are game developments planned for the kids that have been sired in the nursery?

capture 1000.PNG

What I wish to see in future updates as a supporter:

- The ability to name kids
- Kids = C o m p a n i o n s?


That's pretty much the dream right now,
especially for my current game (playing as female Lupin)

BUT- I would also love to see Garth and Gwyns'
reaction to me birthing new family members with
their lovable oaf of a son. (as per the above picture)

Maybe- just maybe,
the devs will add...
Marriage 4 everyone? (Garrets permanent bitch?) ;)

Nothing against kitsunes, but dude- I want my own family.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
Nothing, most of them are just for numbers go up, Kinu is the exception because through time fuckery shes able to be aged up to 18 which is the requirment to be anything more then a number/button for some dialogue.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2021
Well for starters, there isn't going to be anything for nursery kids (they're just numbers unless someone writes something for them.) Secondly, kids ain't gonna be companions. Ever. Garth and Gwyn have no reaction to getting pregged by Garret, but Gweyr does. As for the marriage thing, that's gonna be a post-game thing odds are.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
As for the marriage thing, that's gonna be a post-game thing odds are.
I thought Cait was one of the only companions(so far) that marriage stuff would be post, or am I dumbass and confusing that with the knocking up. Cause every marriage in game right now is definatly not post.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2021
Yeah cait marriage is post game minimum. The only other one that are very certain is Brint/Brienne marriage and ryn; there's parsers for it and everything. Other companions are up to their writers.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
I don't think that Savin has said whether Cait marriage will be during the course of the game or postgame.

Cait kittens are definitely a postgame (or meme dream) thing, though.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
Nursery kids are mostly numbers, mostly because the game canonically only lasts a few months, so basically, the kids wouldn't even reach a point where they'd be able to speak a word, given that the (non-accelerated) time it takes for any pregnancy aside from eggs, seeds, or Lady Evergreen's accelerated kids is at minimum 5 months, and at maximum a whole year. Within this game's span, the only children you can have which, canonically, would be able to even get close to speaking are the (pre-escape) children of Kiyoko and Evergreen, and that's only because of magical acceleration.
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New Member
Dec 21, 2021
I'm glad you guys are being honest (albeit brutally), but dang- my dreams got crushed hard.
I know fan-fiction exists for a reason, but it never feels like the real thing.

Dry Eye

Speaking of kids, is there a contraceptive item outside of becoming entirely sterile? I want to have kids with some characters but not others.

Mostly because I find it immersion breaking when I have kids outside of my race and they are not half breeds (Kitsune and Harpies are an exception because they are explained in story wise)


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
OH the PC is a fucking genetic null due to the portal energy, they can pass on skills and stuff through the blood but there race is a non-factor.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Speaking of kids, is there a contraceptive item outside of becoming entirely sterile? I want to have kids with some characters but not others.
No, but you can use the appropriate items to flip between fertile and infertile at the drop of a hat (and they're dirt cheap) so it's not terribly hard to make that sort of thing work within the existing mechanics.

Dry Eye

OH the PC is a fucking genetic null due to the portal energy, they can pass on skills and stuff through the blood but there race is a non-factor.
I don't remember that being explained, they don't pass on their DNA?

No, but you can use the appropriate items to flip between fertile and infertile at the drop of a hat (and they're dirt cheap) so it's not terribly hard to make that sort of thing work within the existing mechanics.
Oh ok thanks

And none of them work on Kiyoko so keep that in mind if you do her content.
I don't mind it with them because that is how Kitsune work, it is with the races that are known to produce half breeds.
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Well-Known Member
I don't remember that being explained, they don't pass on their DNA?
I'm not sure if it's explicitly stated anywhere in-game, but Word of God has confirmed that being bathed in the magic of the exploding portal caused the Champion to, among other things, become a recessive breeder. Though they didn't actually use the term "recessive breeder" - I made that up as the opposite/counterpart to "dominant breeder".
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Dry Eye

I'm not sure if it's explicitly stated anywhere in-game, but Word of God has confirmed that being bathed in the magic of the exploding portal caused the Champion to, among other things, become a recessive breeder. Though they didn't actually use the term "recessive breeder" - I made that up as the opposite/counterpart to "dominant breeder".
Would have been nice to have that blurp, like after the first time who wouldn't question something like not passing any of you genes to your child?

So because of the portal the champion is basically a tool so others can have children that are a 100% genetic match to them, while the champion isn't technically related to their own children because of the wonky magic energy. Damn that adds a tragic depth to all I suppose, wish it were narratively relevant.

Also utility wise, what was the purpose of giving the Kitsune as a race both the ability to choose if they conceive and the dominant genes then? If the champion can't produce half breeds anyway, and normally the Kitsune can choose not to procreate with their food, the dominant gene seems a bit superfluous.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
The "we don't take Champ's race/original race into account when s/he has kids" is literally just a convenience that exists so we don't have to have to do an pc.ora check for all of their kids when they or their partners have them. It makes pregnancy content relatively simple to write. Even if we said that races Champ TFs into don't count for baby stuff, that's still five different variants for whether Champ started life as a human, elf, orc, catto, or doggo, plus potentially kitsune/valkyrie/astrida depending on how that stuff was adjudicated. That amount of work would be prohibitive, so it's not happening. Instead, portal magic!

With Kinu and the rest of Kiyoko's potential children, i.e. the only ones who can actually do a little growing up over the course of the game, Tobs has inserted the idea that they inherit things from Champ other than their race.
So because of the portal the champion is basically a tool so others can have children that are a 100% genetic match to them, while the champion isn't technically related to their own children because of the wonky magic energy.
If having children is literally just a matter of passing down genes to you, I worry for the well-being of any children you might eventually have.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
With Kinu and the rest of Kiyoko's potential children, i.e. the only ones who can actually do a little growing up over the course of the game, Tobs has inserted the idea that they inherit things from Champ other than their race.
Yeah and its does make it interesting, that the champ cant pass on much in the way of race genetics but can pass on the useful skills they have. And considering the stuff the champ has is quite the unfair advantage lol.
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Dry Eye

The "we don't take Champ's race/original race into account when s/he has kids" is literally just a convenience that exists so we don't have to have to do an pc.ora check for all of their kids when they or their partners have them. It makes pregnancy content relatively simple to write. Even if we said that races Champ TFs into don't count for baby stuff, that's still five different variants for whether Champ started life as a human, elf, orc, catto, or doggo, plus potentially kitsune/valkyrie/astrida depending on how that stuff was adjudicated. That amount of work would be prohibitive, so it's not happening. Instead, portal magic!
Oh ok, that makes more sense now.

If having children is literally just a matter of passing down genes to you, I worry for the well-being of any children you might eventually have.
Bit of a detour just to take a personal jab at me here. I mean, you already explained the genetic quirk was one of convenience and not rooted in narrative substance, so why even take this stance in opposition of something I've never even suggested?

Especially considering the character in question is far from an exemplary standard in any facet of parenting, being just as much a domestic stranger to their children as they are a biological one.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
If having children is literally just a matter of passing down genes to you, I worry for the well-being of any children you might eventually have
I feel that you are taking unnecessary jabs here. Especially since we are talking about something that game allows and encourages. To not think of your children as anything more than a fetish and of letting go of all unpleasant implications and just watch numbers go by.

And I mean, in context, Dry Eye was obviously talking about his theory that your children are not related to you on genetic level. Which can be argued as true. Argued, not that it is.

And finally, using in game actions as a derogatory factor of someones real life character is not really something that I agree with.
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2020
The "we don't take Champ's race/original race into account when s/he has kids" is literally just a convenience that exists so we don't have to have to do an pc.ora check for all of their kids when they or their partners have them. It makes pregnancy content relatively simple to write. Even if we said that races Champ TFs into don't count for baby stuff, that's still five different variants for whether Champ started life as a human, elf, orc, catto, or doggo, plus potentially kitsune/valkyrie/astrida depending on how that stuff was adjudicated. That amount of work would be prohibitive, so it's not happening. Instead, portal magic!
makes sense overall but it does kind of break the lore when the champ exchanges their soul for fluffy tails. Since they're supposed to become a fullblooded kitsune all of their kids from that point on should be kitsune as well.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
Nah, that is nit how it works. You are not full fledged Kitsune. Basically, Keros made you look like one with some benefits but you are not entirely there. And one of the bumps on your road to full fledged Kitsunification is that your genes are still a submissive bundle of genetic failure.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
Yeah, he didnt fullblood you(bot for the afformention reason stated above) and because of kitsune being dominate breeders, cant have the champ dropping foxes on everyone. That and im pretty sure he left you with a fragment of your soul to use as a fake.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2020
Ohh that lying, scumbag, con-artist Keros. doesn't surprise me really. I'm fine with that being for writers convenience if it ultimately means more women I can make into milfs and milfs I can make milfy-er. That said I would looooove if we could just have some small interactions with the babies. at least show that we have something of an interest in their lives.

Dry Eye

@Alypia @wery12345 I make all statements without any intention to offend, so I'd appreciate it if we didn't have to insult each other.

Even if we said that races Champ TFs into don't count for baby stuff, that's still five different variants for whether Champ started life as a human, elf, orc, catto, or doggo, plus potentially kitsune/valkyrie/astrida depending on how that stuff was adjudicated. That amount of work would be prohibitive, so it's not happening. Instead, portal magic!

I understand Alypia's explanation and I am sympathetic to the idea behind it, accounting for that many variations is time consuming. However, I disagree that the only alternative is to write 5 different variants for each of the champions starting races. Really you'd only need to account for one additional variant; if the champion is the same race as the other parent. If not, just having the default be 'half' before the race of the child without needing to account for what the champion is.

Now just because I said that, I am not requesting changes or anything, just stating an alternative that maybe wasn't considered at the time.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
However, I disagree that the only alternative is to write 5 different variants for each of the champions starting races. Really you'd only need to account for one additional variant; if the champion is the same race as the other parent. If not, just having the default be 'half' before the race of the child without needing to account for what the champion is.
That is a neat solution, however it only covers the issue of race, and leaves unchanged the idea that none of the Champ's children will share any of their other external, appearance-based characteristics, other than by pure chance. Which is honestly something that bothered me personally much more than the inability to influence the race of my Champ's progeny.

TiTS side steps both issues by mandating that the protagonist is a half-human hybrid (with the human half being dominant and influencing any future offspring) and by preserving the at-birth appearance of Captain Steele, creating a separate entity in the save file just for that purpose (explaining this effect in-universe as a minor function of the microbots Steele injects). I honestly can't figure out why CoC2 doesn't have a similar system, with the possible exception made for races like kitsune or happier, where breeding true is a staple feature.

Just like you, I don't expect or demand the devs to change the current system since it works just fine and seems to only bother a small minority of players. But I'd love to see it anyway, ngl.
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Dry Eye

That is a neat solution, however it only covers the issue of race, and leaves unchanged the idea that none of the Champ's children will share any of their other external, appearance-based characteristics, other than by pure chance. Which is honestly something that bothered me personally much more than the inability to influence the race of my Champ's progeny.

Just like you, I don't expect or demand the devs to change the current system since it works just fine and seems to only bother a small minority of players.
Yeah but none of those children really have extended scenes anyway. In games like these with this much customization, most readers don't expect writers to account for everything you give your character at all times. Just the illusion, and I always appreciate when writers try to help maintain the masquerade, but don't expect or demand it. It is just a part of the customization fetish.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
Bit of a detour just to take a personal jab at me here. I mean, you already explained the genetic quirk was one of convenience and not rooted in narrative substance, so why even take this stance in opposition of something I've never even suggested?

Especially considering the character in question is far from an exemplary standard in any facet of parenting, being just as much a domestic stranger to their children as they are a biological one.
I'm fine with not last-wording what I said.
I understand Alypia's explanation and I am sympathetic to the idea behind it, accounting for that many variations is time consuming. However, I disagree that the only alternative is to write 5 different variants for each of the champions starting races. Really you'd only need to account for one additional variant; if the champion is the same race as the other parent. If not, just having the default be 'half' before the race of the child without needing to account for what the champion is.

Now just because I said that, I am not requesting changes or anything, just stating an alternative that maybe wasn't considered at the time.
That was certainly an alternative, with its own benefits and drawbacks, and it was rejected.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
Wait so whatever brat MC births or Sires technically isn't the MCs then?