What exactly does libido do?


Active Member
Jun 23, 2020
I scoured the wiki, but all I can find is that it affects "sense" option in combat. I think it also gets you blue balled if libido is too high. Anything else?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
You always get blue balled when going for too long without a wank. I believe it changes how long. It significantly affects lust damage, both how much you deal, and how much you take. (Heh)

Idk what else it does.
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Active Member
Jun 23, 2020
Ah.. I was under the impression that sexiness was for tease damage, but looking at it again, it's for the accuracy. So Libido = tease dmg, sexiness = accuracy, temptation = penetration.

That clears it up. I kind of drank a bunch of libido potions to get higher chance of sensing enemies skill set.. but maybe it wasn't such a good idea if I take more resolve damage lol.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Per the Combat Math Document (many useful links here including this doc) having Libido <=20 increases 'Lust Resistance', Libido>35 penalizes your Focus (ie, causes you to take more Mental/Lust damage) but increases the accuracy of Tease attacks and Libido >=70 penalizes 'Lust Resistance'. I assume that Lust Resistance in that doc means what the wiki and game calls Mental Resistance (essentially your evasion stat for mental/lust damage) based on the other ways the doc uses the term and how it compares to stuff in the game like the Focusing Performance effect that Charmers get.

The exact figures may have been tweaked at some point so the above may or may not be completely accurate to the game. Ask a dev for that one.
You always get blue balled when going for too long without a wank.
Per the wiki, characters with Libido below 10 aren't normally affected by Blue-Balled. I can confirm this because I've got a very low-Libido Champion and she's never gotten the condition no matter how long she goes without getting any. Ryn's a special case where she can be afflicted by it and her Libido is used to calculate how long it takes, but she'll be hit with it no matter how low you get her Libido due to the whole 'magical chastity cage' thing.