What Content Would You Like Added?


Active Member
Nov 17, 2015
I'd like to see more content for some of the NPC's like Beatrice Reasner, the mountee chick on Canadia, and some more done with the conflict with the Myrs.

Mad Dog

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2018
An easy way to raise the hard or "asshole" personality type. Something like kicking puppies. Or trolling people on the internet.
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Rare Pleasure

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2016
An easy way to raise the hard or "asshole" personality type. Something like kicking puppies. Or trolling people on the internet.
There are actually many more ways to move your personality type towards hard then there is to nice, many of them are prety huge jumps of 15 or 20 points, throbbing up penny alone is over 40 total. https://wiki.smutosaur.us/TiTS/Alignment

I would like The Treatment to interact with other TFs, spesifically throbb/gush/soak. So for example if you take a dose of throbb when under the treatment it causes the TFs to error and turn you into a hyper-dicked amazon, or something to that effect.
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Active Member
Jul 18, 2019
I would like to see a bit more content for the milodan priestess and the combat siegwulfe. I would also like to see a female daynar, as far as I know lane is the only daynar in game and I am not a big fan of mind manipulation such as hypnotysim.

Mad Dog

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2018
There are actually many more ways to move your personality type towards hard then there is to nice, many of them are prety huge jumps of 15 or 20 points, throbbing up penny alone is over 40 total. https://wiki.smutosaur.us/TiTS/Alignment

I would like The Treatment to interact with other TFs, spesifically throbb/gush/soak. So for example if you take a dose of throbb when under the treatment it causes the TFs to error and turn you into a hyper-dicked amazon, or something to that effect.

A lot of those scenes are a one time thing. I'm looking for something that can be spammed. Like I do [blank] and my personality goes up(hard) I donate to Fadil, my personality goes down (nice).


May 20, 2019
Sexy version of slot machines in the Casino! A different descriptor to gracefully leave the shuttle for flight gifted PCs. Selfpats or hedpats for our hairy, wooly, feathery PCs. (though I guess that's not really needed since we've got our very own Siegwulfe who can provide). More ways to get non parasitic genital tails so you can have 9 of those things on a more nine-tailed Steele.

Also I was thinking it'd be swell if gooey steeles could influence their masculinity/femininity. But then I thought "I don't recall there ever being mention of a single masculine galotian, like ever". Is that even a thing for any Galotian?


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2019
But then I thought "I don't recall there ever being mention of a single masculine galotian, like ever". Is that even a thing for any Galotian?
From Codex: "... and shaping themselves into ludicrously endowed female forms, the better to procure semen. Vaginal secretions are far less nutritionally dense, though some galotians have taken on male appearances and demeanors to pursue races with abundant lactation or more useful secretions."


May 20, 2019
From Codex: "... and shaping themselves into ludicrously endowed female forms, the better to procure semen. Vaginal secretions are far less nutritionally dense, though some galotians have taken on male appearances and demeanors to pursue races with abundant lactation or more useful secretions."
Far out. Given the number of times I've read that entry I'm ashamed to say that slipped my mind. Thanks my friend
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New Member
Aug 13, 2019
Hello!!! Something interesting that I would like you to add would be the possibility of being able to "involve" a tamed Varmint to turn it into a super varmint once you had the dialogue of these by Big T or maybe a rare encounter with one of these, such Once talking to Dr. Lash once, once he dosmedicated a varmint through Natalie and paying him a GREAT sum of money or making him a rather difficult errand, although it could also be with any other available scientist except Badger (for obvious reasons), thus increasing its statistics in combat and perhaps having some friendly extra interactions (NOTHING SEXUAL) due to the increase in intelligence.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
bizzy dedicated butt expansion to top off the boobs.
i really appreciate being able to tf npcs for once
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The ability to have multiple tail parasites. I think it would be cool to have both a tail cock and a tail cunt. I would also like content similar to Exgartuan and Shouldra.


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
I think it would be cool to see some kind of underwater level or something. I guess I just like the idea of visiting an underwater kingdom. ^_^

Next planet maybe? :rolleyes:

What if instead of a planet its a quest or something, and like a mini area.

For example a deep sea station on some planet that you take a shuttle to as part of a quest, à la Syriquest?

Solus White

Oct 11, 2017
More monogamous/loyal romance content like Fisianna =D.
More Fisi story and interactions with her AI.
Fisi pregnancy... Seriously, is she infertile? lol.
Continue Azra's content.
The ability to upgrade Celise and goo armour with the goo crystal and more content.
Busts for Bess/Ben that change based on customisation choices (Even if it's just colour swaps, clothes and wings).
Wings/jetpack option to return to town.
Owned ships explorable. Like the Sidewinder before you steal it and other characters ships.
Oooh also more Brendt content? Love me some firey reptilian!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2019
An expansion for Kelly written by William.


I remember mentioning a couple times that a "Buttslut mode" like the one in CoC2 would be a great addition. After spending some time looking on github so I could see how scenes are set up, I'm really doubting it'd be worth the effort to implement. It seems like most scenes actually give you a choice for vaginal or anal, and those that don't are often written in a specific way that it would require a fair bit of rewriting to add the option for anal scenes regardless of Steele's genitalia. And honestly, I prefer having the option to choose which hole the dick goes in whenever possible. What I should be asking for are new penetrative scenes for older NPCs that are either anal-specific or give the option. Kase, Liamme, the Zil Male, etc. Characters where who either don't mind where they stick it or are often put in positions where Steele would be dominant, yet most or all of their existing penetrative scenes for females were written to be vaginal-centric.

Granted, I mostly wanted Buttslut mode for lose scenes, but I guess combat is treated as glorified power-play, so it can be argued that the choice should be with the winner, even for the few cases where it could work. If you want to choose, don't lose...

With that said, maybe a lose scene that requires the Buttslut perk would be neat? Considering the perk allows Steele to heal through buttsex, I could see it potentially leading to Steele regaining their strength and turning the tables, riding them until their opponent until they're thoroughly drained.
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A scene for Tetra & Mica where a Biped Steele with either two dicks, or a dick & a strap-on can fuck Mica doggystyle while Tetra rides cowgirl.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
A scene for Tetra & Mica where a Biped Steele with either two dicks, or a dick & a strap-on can fuck Mica doggystyle while Tetra rides cowgirl.
this is one of the most creative threesomes i've ever heard of
i like it


Aug 16, 2019
I kinda feel that there should be more of npc's noticing the PC's specie, especially since many conversation exist in the game that ignore the PC being a member of a mentioned specie.
Like for example the Galotian chat with Kiro and Kally and the Laquines not noticing that you are a member of their specie.

Azra is another good mention

Rare Pleasure

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2016
I kinda feel that there should be more of npc's noticing the PC's specie, especially since many conversation exist in the game that ignore the PC being a member of a mentioned specie.
Like for example the Galotian chat with Kiro and Kally and the Laquines not noticing that you are a member of their specie.

Azra is another good mention
You with one of the trade ships Kaithrit? Your kind always seams to get into trouble.

Ok but seriously, yeah I agree this should be a thing that pops up more.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
What do you know of the Khajiit?