What Content Would You Like Added?


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
I want to be able to impregnate someones tits.

If your giving them fuckable nipple anyway.

Why not boob-wombs?

Oh god! That's too much..... a baby coming out of boob?!

Maybe boob eggs? I could handle that. of course just cuz I don't like it doesn't mean its bad but... That seems way too weird even for this game.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Little goody two shoes, little goody two shoes...
I dunno if a Steele clone would be cliche or awesome, especially considering we are allegedly a bio-horror already.

I dunno, maybe the potential clones could come from the base dna, I mean, don't the microsurgeons keep Captain Steele's dna intact?

I mean, its not a serious idea, its just kind of funny to imagine Steele finding some sort of clone lab, stops the bad guys and alerts the authorities. Bad guys get hauled off and the officer in charge asks Steele to turn off the lab before they leave.

Its just one of those red button scenarios. You know you shouldn't press the button. You really shouldn't. But the temptation is too much.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
As I recall, there was a conversation about wanting the ability to knock oneself up if one had the appropriate equipment.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
I want to be able to impregnate someones tits.

If your giving them fuckable nipple anyway.

Why not boob-wombs?
Oh god! That's too much..... a baby coming out of boob?!

Maybe boob eggs? I could handle that. of course just cuz I don't like it doesn't mean its bad but... That seems way too weird even for this game.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
meh not my cup of tea, I'm accustom to weird fetishes thanks to Japan but some stuff is just

like ear vaginas and boob wombs. I don't mind fuckable nipples but that's about it extreme as I get with tata's


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
meh not my cup of tea, I'm accustom to weird fetishes thanks to Japan but some stuff is just

like ear vaginas and boob wombs. I don't mind fuckable nipples but that's about it extreme as I get with tata's

I feel kinda bad for people with more extreme tastes, since there will definitely be less content out there for them because of their small numbers.

I mean, even for disturbing or taboo tastes like... say, necrophillia, there is enough content for everyone because even though its a really fringe fetish, enough people like it.

Especially with things like dicknipples or mouthginas.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
"somewhere, someone is fapping to the sight and sounds of a smoking factory".
Factorio players everywhere. But to say the truth, i have seen weirder things and i am able to simply swipe over it and forget.

Also, what would Gush do to this poor Creatures?
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Rear Admiral Chimera

Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2017
"somewhere, someone is fapping to the sight and sounds of a smoking factory".
This reminds me of Hexxus sucking off the Leveler's exhaust vent.

Now with that tangent out of the way, I would appreciate barber shop related content. Sure there is the beauty salon created by Couch (Ceria is a lovely character by the way), but it just isn't the same as a barber shop. If I had to choose one type of smut content that I want to see more of, it would be oral erotica. Mouth and tongue upon various body parts just lifts my luggage something fierce. Of course that is just one kind of smut I want to see more of; I'm a greedy fucker and desire more than one.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
I wish Bumpy Road worked on assholes... I mean, why wouldn't it? it would be *amazing* to have your ass be filled with hundreds of tiny clits!


Aug 27, 2015
I wish Bumpy Road worked on assholes... I mean, why wouldn't it? it would be *amazing* to have your ass be filled with hundreds of tiny clits!

Let me tell you about an amazing, magical phenomenon known as haemorrhoids.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

sorry couldn't help myself YOU BAITED ME TO DO IT! :allears::smuggo:

anyways... yeah
Ceria can just have some sexy fairy's and elves working with her, instead of her being by herself.

lol wow I'd say something about a certain birb lady here but I don't want to open that can of worms and incur that persons wrath. There was a character being worked on that would have been added to the salon but the creator canceled her due to reasons we'll not go into. I agree though that there should be more characters. Ceria must be fucking bored out of her skull or even lonely, sure the PC can stop by and bang her and if one is able to fill her up with lots of sticky fluids to the point her belly bloats because of it and basically ahegao her.


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2017
Ninth Hell of the Abyss, BC, Canada
I second the barber shop idea. As far as I know, at the moment the only way to get a beard is to use lots of ManUp, and to get rid of it you have to use a feminizing TF. That's rather a pita, imo. (pita = pain in the ass)

And, I've been kicking around the idea of writing a story where one of my Steele's meets his female alternate universe counterpart. He'd be on Tavros, in a little utilised section when he comes across a shimmering energy barrier. And, of course, just at that moment his alternate comes through. After a second or two of frozen surprise, their Codex's beep simultaneously and say "Greetings, Michael/Michelle Steele." (Just to use two of my current Steele's) The question now is: do they end up fucking, or not? And other than being differently sexed, are they exactly the same? In this case, the answer is a resounding 'NO!' Michael is virtually virgin when it comes to mods, only having the horse cock found on Tarkus. Michelle, on the other hand, has become a hugely pregnant naleen, with 4 giant breasts.


Active Member
Nov 22, 2016
I would like an option to take Celise with me permanently, as in off ship. I realize Nova does functionally the same thing, but that's another character.
Other than Syri/Mirri necessity(Which is irksome), a few one off scenes, and going nuts on Myr; my Steele has an entirely boring monogamous relationship with Celise.
Given the rest of the game, that's really the ultimate perversion available.
While running back to the ship every time lust gets high is the only real challenge in the game; it blatantly contrived, and it would be nice to just take her with me, and get on with whatever.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Depends. A clone of Steele could use the base DNA, aka Steele at the beginning. Just because we have the potential to become a genetic nightmare on par with a Cronenberg film doesn't mean our clone would have to follow us that way.
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