I actually like the notion of keeping some Steele sperm on reserve somewhere for reasons.
Oh god i just had the wierdest idea about a quest of stopping a heist for your stored semen. like someone tying to make an heir thats under their control then planning to blow up the nursery up to remove the other heirs.
the rats can steal your sperm if they don't like you. since you're a CEO that must mean your seed will sell for a lot.
the fate of your jizz is yet to be written, if that scene happens to you![]()
It feels like we should be able to visit her if we parted on good terms. Maybe be able to purchase your choice of Fuck Doll Sentry for on ship security.I feel like it'd be something of a headache for balance purposes, but I'm still a little disappointed we can't totally commandeer Dr. Po's freighter.
I just realized the ejaculating hardlight dildo thing is even less far fetched than i thought. Dr. Badger already made one when she modifies Siegwulf. its just a matter of making a smaller one and replacing the synthetic semen with real semen
I was gonna write one, but had the foresight to ask Fenoxo about it first. The issue I found is that while you could get one...it'd just be another dick type, so you'd be a herm with a cyber-dick, and I'm not sure what they're planning for actual cybernetics in the future. And that's if you want it to be compatible with existing scenes. Unless I missed something, it would probably be better saved for NPCs like Siegwulfe where it's an intrinsic part of their scenes rather than something the player would wear all the time.
Scene-wise i would imagine the hardlight being written such that it can almost perfectly imitate the real thing so it would either be like other hardlight scenes but adding ejaculation or just using the same dick scenes just adding the hardlight modifier here and there and not being able to use certain perks like the stinger tips or bases.
That'd be a lot of content that would have to be altered in order to accommodate it, no? I mean, if you just make it a penis type, the parser could handle the rest. You could still tie it to an item that adds an appearance menu section like goo dicks, you can't equip it if you have a penis, and it should block penis transformation if equipped. Add in extra flavor text like injecting nanites to give you an artificial prostate that connects with your existing nanobots to calibrate a "sperm converter" for a refillable sperm tank, or otherwise the player gains the "firing blanks" perk and gains "virtual cum", which would be short-lived superfluid of rainbow-colored virtual particles. As for equipping it, it could be undergarments, which might also allow it to feature the HL_strap-on flag, further extending its usefulness.
Hell, now that I think about it, you could probably give the Anti-Grave HL Thong equipped with the HL Upgrade to Anno or Badger, and they'd upgrade it further with the cum tank, meaning it would also effect the dildos penetrating you.
...therefore eliminating the main issue of it just being another dick and providing something that you'd expect out of a cybernetic enhancement. Why didn't I think of that sooner?!
That idea sounds freaking awesome. Honestly i mainly just wanted to pitch some sort of ejaculating strap on or dildo that allowed pure females to impregnate, i honestly didnt care what form it came in, just whatever form could make it easiest to implement and your idea sounds great!!
I do like the idea of the sperm converter, though i also am still for the sperm bank thing just because you could pick different races to load into the strap on each time to diversify your progeny even more. or if the sperm bank let you see other traits of the different donors. Then again your thing would make it easier to implement as it requires less writing due to not making the sperm bank
Yeah, this goes back to what I had asked Fenoxo about: You're going to be considered a Herm while wearing it, and there's not really anything that could be done about it, apparently. Personally, I didn't think that made it worthwhile as a strap-on, but as a sex toy that you can also use on other characters because the game treats it like a dick? That certainly sounds unique, yeah? That also might not take too long to write up unless it needs some sort of sex scenes to accompany it? I actually have a similar device for hardlight wings (in fact, it's literally the same idea sans the cum tanks) that I'm working on that just needs TF text and a public masturbation scene. Maybe I could try to submit them together?
I know this isn't the idea thread, but I'll just field one more important question while I think of it:
Should it be Anno who facilitates it? I think that'd help balance it a little (requiring a specific crew member and two items from a level 6+ planet, and then another upfront cost), while also having it make sense as to why you don't see it anywhere else. Like, you could show her it, and she'd remember some equipment she saw on the extranet that she thought would go nicely with a strap-on, but hers doesn't have enough juice or whatever? That'd be easier for me to write, at least...
It seems like a ton of work for no real reason, which is why a lot of cis women in-universe just got a real dick instead.
I guess one point of if is for those who arent as big on a herm taking a dick. Personally it just not something im as into, i just try to ignore that they have a dick too unless its ramming into someone else as well.
Yeah, I figure it'd be pretty niche, and most people will get more out of having a pair of dildos pumping them full of cum during variants of its masturbation scenes.
...Oh shit, I forgot to write that before. That's where I got too excited. Anyways, I'll try and get to it once I've cleared something else off my schedule during the week.
As one of those people: Yeah, that's point for me, to a degree.
honestly if those dildos are using viable cum, im all for it, and if it could end up expanding to working with other characters, id take that too.
Can the cumming dildo impregnate you? If not, then I may have to fall back on the virtual cum idea. If it can, I'll see about expanding the sperm converter so you can choose from a variety of species and/or a random generic species, depending on what's easier to code. As for othercharacters: That's why there's the sperm converter - it's your genes added to viable sperm, so it's literally just normal cum. It'll work with any character that could get pregnant simply by fucking them. Otherwise, you'd just...use the existing cumming dildo, I guess? Like really, I never got a chance to try that, does it get you pregnant?
THe cumming hardlight attachment on siegwulf domme can impregnate since Badger made synthetic Ovi-cum using Ovilium or whatever so it can lay fertilized eggs.
So in your idea of the cumming dildo are you trying to write it such that its meant for just getting the player pregnant? or that it works on certain other characters? Like i get the idea that it wouldn't work with all characters, and would only impregnate characters that already can be impregnated if its written for them. Or maybe im off the mark entirely. Whats your thought process on how it would all work. EDIT just re-read your post that answered my question i think.
P.S. i do like the cum selector thing though the one making it synthetically your own works too
If it can edit it to be your own, why not simply randomize it based on known genomes? It would require the same technology and knowhow, at least in-universe. The real question is just: how much effort would it be to implement? I'm perfectly fine going without the impregnation part, I could care less about that, but it would make it similar to something in CoC's gym if it could work. I'm not sure how to go about expanding the choices if that becomes an option, though, and it might throw off some of the dialogue if the father is...a dildo?
I guess I got more to look into than I orginally thought. I'll see what I can do when I'm fully ready to work on it.
THe easiest way i could think to implement is to create an item that counts the player as a herm if they are penetrating and a female if they are not. In which case it just uses the same scenes the normal dick (or dick variants) does meaning virtually no writing, just having the character's sex be dependent on the scene or soemthing else that provides similar effect.
Maybe the item really just changes the flag representing your sex depending on the scene
If it can edit it to be your own, why not simply randomize it based on known genomes? It would require the same technology and knowhow, at least in-universe. The real question is just: how much effort would it be to implement? I'm perfectly fine going without the impregnation part, I could care less about that, but it would make it similar to something in CoC's gym if it could work. I'm not sure how to go about expanding the choices if that becomes an option, though, and it might throw off some of the dialogue if the father is...a dildo?
I guess I got more to look into than I orginally thought. I'll see what I can do when I'm fully ready to work on it.
Then maybe the item turns on and off having penis based on scene. like it counts as having a penis except for select scenes where a person wanting this niche would rather not have one.
That's facilitated by turning the dick off manually. I realized that I need it to check for the presense of a penis, so I'll make the Holo-cock options as additions to the HL Thong's interact menu.