What Content Would You Like Added?


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2017
So a cool idea that came to my head out of the blue. After we finish the main story on Mhenga our dear cousin usually sends us a a email with a picture of them naked on the bed with some zil "worshipping them like some god" by the quote from our steel. So the idea i had is a new challenge that our Steele decides to throw their cousin by challenging them to *1up me biatch * of naked sexy pics that become more demanding with each one. And the final leads to a picture of all the Steele's crew members sitting on the floor (maybe even have varmint in there sucking from somebodies tit?(bess-13/ben-14 if they are lactating cause varmints eat silicone and bess/ben can produce other fluids except medmilk?)) participating in nudist crew photoshoot?

As a side a idea somewhere much further down the main story steele maybe can find out that Jill/Jack didnt delete all those photos and was secretly masturbating to all those images of Steele and their crew having fun?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Being able to reply with lewds to your cousin's lewds has been an idea that's been brought up before.

Most everything about expanding the Rival has been brought up before. As for a primary antagonist they're all but not a character at all, have fuckall content, and get updated almost never because of how the development goes.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2017
How about healing properties in milk? like a mod or a blurb
For what purpose? I think don't you drink your own milk under most circumstances, unless you mean to gather it as a consumable


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Y'know what? I think all races should have the option of starting as a 'herm'. It's not like it doesn't happen naturally sometimes, and it's clearly not impossible to force it when you're Victor Steele, and what better way to ensure your successor has tons of children? I just think it's silly that only races without 'pure' males or females(Gryvain and Kui-Tan) have the option to start with both. And, as far as I recall, Kaithrit have a decent percent population of 'herms' and they don't get the option either.

I don't even play herm characters, though.


Active Member
Dec 24, 2017
Faux cow treatment variant.
More non-female/shemale/fem herm characters, as well as being more inclusive for unusual PCs like male herms, cunt boys, and naga/taur/goo PCs.
5th dose of Galomax being available WITHOUT cheating.
More hardcore degradation (think Erika, only NOT locked behind vaginas).
Anything sexual with Mabbs.
Sex with freed male Del.
Literally ANY male prisoners at Gastigoth.
moar silly mode exclusive stuff
moar ways to get back at those damn gold myrs REDS 4 LYFE
Aurora species questamajigger

And uh, that's really it. Pretty much everything else has already been added to the game, especially my biggest desire of another male crew member now that Kase is here.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2017
Y'know what? I think all races should have the option of starting as a 'herm'. It's not like it doesn't happen naturally sometimes, and it's clearly not impossible to force it when you're Victor Steele, and what better way to ensure your successor has tons of children? I just think it's silly that only races without 'pure' males or females(Gryvain and Kui-Tan) have the option to start with both. And, as far as I recall, Kaithrit have a decent percent population of 'herms' and they don't get the option either.

I don't even play herm characters, though.
Hermaphrodites in species where it isn't natural have one or both pairs of genitals defective, because it's a mutation, You can't really science it any way other than just straight up grafting both on for no reason.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2017
Faux cow treatment variant.
More non-female/shemale/fem herm characters, as well as being more inclusive for unusual PCs like male herms, cunt boys, and naga/taur/goo PCs.
5th dose of Galomax being available WITHOUT cheating.
More hardcore degradation (think Erika, only NOT locked behind vaginas).
Anything sexual with Mabbs.
Sex with freed male Del.
Literally ANY male prisoners at Gastigoth.
moar silly mode exclusive stuff
moar ways to get back at those damn gold myrs REDS 4 LYFE
Aurora species questamajigger

And uh, that's really it. Pretty much everything else has already been added to the game, especially my biggest desire of another male crew member now that Kase is here.
Nonesuch is adding Lah to Gastigoth, Zaalt is expected to end up there, in the very far future I plan to add 3 if I can.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
I suppose maybe some military grade combat armour.

I'm not talking power armour or a space suit. I mean like a ballistic vest or something like the combat armour from the Fallout series.

Maybe some more actual Kaithrit characters to bang.
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Active Member
Dec 24, 2017
Only as a girl though :{

...By girl, do you mean fully female, or just needing a vagina? If you just need a vagina, then there's still hope for male herms and cunt boys. I KNOW IT'S A LONG SHOT BUT STILL.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2017

...By girl, do you mean fully female, or just needing a vagina? If you just need a vagina, then there's still hope for male herms and cunt boys. I KNOW IT'S A LONG SHOT BUT STILL.
I think it just requires a vag, lemme check


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2017

...By girl, do you mean fully female, or just needing a vagina? If you just need a vagina, then there's still hope for male herms and cunt boys. I KNOW IT'S A LONG SHOT BUT STILL.
upload_2018-5-23_22-59-16.png There's that at least.
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Active Member
May 28, 2018
Not Earth
This probably been said already, but how about New Game+?

Not as in, Steele gets sent back to the beginning of his/her journey with the knowledge of his/her decisions, but just equipment and exp and stuff.

No tweaks in enemy stats.

This prompts when you get a bad end or get a good end (for example the upcoming Akane path at the time of this typing).

I just dislike that whenever you lose and get a bad end, it just tells you to go back to the main menu or reload a previous save.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
I don’t know, that kinda sounds like a fate worse than a bad end.
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Active Member
May 28, 2018
Not Earth
Eh, what I meant was that you have a choice to go back to the beginning of the game with all your equipment, exp, and mutations.

The story basically resets but your Steele gets to steamroll early game, like buff boi Dane here. Bleugh.

I'll also add that you can reset your Steele to the one you made in character creation. A clean slate.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
But it doesn’t really do anything save make for an easy mode.

Bad ends are completely avoidable if you’re a little smart about how you deal with the content leading up to them.

Save often. Reload if you need to.

New Game+ should be a reward for completing the game, not to serve as a crutch because someone activates a bad ending they don’t want.


Active Member
May 28, 2018
Not Earth

I guess this idea is a no-go.


What about that previous idea where Steele has the knowledge already?

Would that make for a good New Game+? Just like Chrono Trigger.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Eh, what I meant was that you have a choice to go back to the beginning of the game with all your equipment, exp, and mutations.

The story basically resets but your Steele gets to steamroll early game, like buff boi Dane here. Bleugh.

I'll also add that you can reset your Steele to the one you made in character creation. A clean slate.

Man I tried asking for New Game+ ages ago, but got shut down cause apparently "the game is too short to need a new game+ mode yet!".

I just want to be able to restart with my bodyparts and stats already the way I want them to be like I could back on CoC, part of the reason new game+ wasn't added immediately to TiTs was because it was forgotten and then inertia set in and now no one wants to change it.

Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
Piercings and tattoos. It's a degenerate, seedy sci fi world and you can't even get those? What the fk man.
There's already a piercing system in the game, though there's no content for it outside of something with Lund. Not sure when it's going to be fully implemented. As for tattoos, I don't know. I think there was some issue with them, but I'm not sure.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I wonder how tattoos would work with furred/feathered/scaled players, of if they would be flat out unavailable. Verusha has tattoos, after all. Maybe, if they're implemented someday, players with furred/feathered skin would pay a lot more, since the dying would be more expensive. I think that goo or latex-skinned players should have them unavaliable, due the nature of their skin surface.

All of this, is speaking hypotetically, if they make it into the game.

Also, adding to the wishlist, I'd like to have scenes where Shekka and Azra fuck the player as a male. Currently, only vagina-wielders get the chance of being on the receiving end.
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