Sure, but if we want them to carry our babies, better to have birthing hips.
Being lean does not forbid someone from having kids, especially in finction. Besides, I am more into idea of cute/feminine men getting me pregnanant.
Orcs or Northern Minotaurs?
Having muscles is not all that is required to be butch. Having combination traits that are usually assigned to men (more stronlgly pronounced facial features, thick eyebrows, prominent muscles/toned frame, manish way of speaking and so on) is what I would clasify as being butch.
I could also be calling for more tomboys, maybe, and I probably should have used it since butch is more tiet to WlW culture, but I feel like the terms are different enough in feel if nothing else. I just want a strong girl to eat me out so bad!
also I agree with kara on this, every feminine dude doesnt have birthing hips, gimme some rectangle shaped feminine dudes as well
Or more lanky men with some tone or none. I am not sure if you have played Virche, but that entier cast is composed of boys so beatifull it made me want to scream into heavens above for blessing me with their presence.
Especially Luca.
Body shape is a matter of taste, but for the in-denial "No homo" crowd or those with one of those fetishes, long hair, make-up and a heart-shaped ass are what make it okay to fuck a guy in this game.
Women have been writing and drawing men with feminine features/manners long before bisexual men in denial found out that men are in fact hot.
And frankly, I am not sure how much I would like to appeal to a crowd that unironically says "it is not gay if (fill it out yourself").