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Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2024
Side tangent here, but does PC know how cook? We know alchemy regardless of background so I don’t see why we couldn’t prepare a meal that gave us a specific buff
they do cuz they cooked brint and the fam food, in khorminos
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Active Member
Dec 10, 2024
I'm a simple man/woman/eldritch horror. I see pugilist-related powers like Zo and Jin-Jin teaches and my neurons activate. If there were fist weapons in the game that let me punch demons and ghosts, I'd die happy.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2020
I'm a simple man/woman/eldritch horror. I see pugilist-related powers like Zo and Jin-Jin teaches and my neurons activate. If there were fist weapons in the game that let me punch demons and ghosts, I'd die happy.
No hand-to-hand weapons, from what i understand.


Active Member
Dec 10, 2024
No hand-to-hand weapons, from what i understand.
just giving garret, a guest companion a pair of cestus nearly broke the engine. alas, the rusty knife must stay
What? How? Fuck! I just want funny magic knuckle dusters so can show those demons how real fisting is done! Why must I be denied my calling of the Ancient Arts of the Palooka?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
I really wanna see either an impregnable femboy, or at least a girl in a harem outfit like this. Don't judge me. Gerudo Link is my personal Stupid Sexy Flanders.
I really need to hold a poll/thread on whar people here consider the seperatition border between twink and femboy because to me, what you posted is a twink.

Based desire either way.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Basically yeah. Twinks aren't always femboys but some twinks can also be.
Depends on how far they are with the femboy part to have both intertwine. Link is already canonically a twink with his androgyny, Gerudo Link puts him into femboy-leaning twink territory (hence why he's hot and cute in that outfit. Even the game calls it outright lol)


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2024
maybe not pregnant twinks and femboys, buuut a dominant twink or a femboy with a breeding kink that fucks you like his only purpose on this world is to knock you up, no matter the gender or the hole
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Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
maybe not pregnant twinks and femboys, buuut a dominant twink or a femboy with a breeding kink that fucks you like his only purpose on this world is to knock you up, no matter the gender or the hole
Could probably do an angle with Prince Nyze like this, where he mentions that current events are making it unlikely he'll be sent to another hive soon to breed with that queen and takes out some breeding desires on Champ more. Shame male hornets don't have ovipositors like the females where he could get some eggs and pop them into Champ's buns. He'll just have to put baby vesperans in their womb the old fashioned way.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
To me, there's a line between twinks and femboys. One of them is "handsome lad" and the other one is "dude looks like a lady". I don't know if you know/are a fan of Berserk, but, if you do/are, think of Serpico as oppsed to Griffith. The regular and Gerudo-clad Link example Emerald has given is a good one.


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2024
speaking of Griffith, is he a horrible HORRIBLE man? yes, but like, can we please get a character who is like griffith? not character, at least not the final character he ends up having, which is pure evil, but similar with looks? he is like, my first morally questionable crush in anime
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
Speaking of femboys Moira posted art of a new demon femboy on her twitter, it's pretty glorious.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
They're not the same thing?
They are somewhat to me. I tend to use them interchangebly, though there are characters that are just way more fem then others.
Though most of the time, a lot of 2D twinks could just as easily slide into femboy scale depending on how they are drawn or what kind of clothes they wear. Link from Biste and ToTK being famous example. Or in case of Kesils comparison, the two men are not that much different in my eyes.

Femininity is a spectrum, and we all expirience it differently.

speaking of Griffith, is he a horrible HORRIBLE man? yes, but like, can we please get a character who is like griffith? not character, at least not the final character he ends up having, which is pure evil, but similar with looks? he is like, my first morally questionable crush in anime
YEAH!!! I want to my man do questionable things with my full backing. Not necesarly evil, but more like toned down Yang from Piofore (hugely recommend the game just for him.)

Speaking of femboys Moira posted art of a new demon femboy on her twitter, it's pretty glorious.
I do wish Moira and rest of the artist for CoC2/TiTs would tone down the hips to waist ration just a little bit.
He looks cute, do not get me wrong, but still...
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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2018
I know I just made a post about a week ago about a fan being added like from TITS, but I just had a though about adding more stuff for Mallach, or even becoming his champion? I know there are Dancer silks, but maybe some other dessert related gear or spells, like a sandstorm spell that can blind enemies and do DoT, or a staff that summons dead souls and that could be a random enemy npc that has a chance to be someone like Queen Atheldred, or a fodder centar if you killed one. It could be similar to an anubis build, focusing on summoning and taking life like the actual egyptian god of the dead. Sorry I've been watching old movies and the first Yu-Gi-Oh! movie inspired me to look more into Cait and Jassira, which I believe is the real world equivalent to Egypt.


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2024
I know I just made a post about a week ago about a fan being added like from TITS, but I just had a though about adding more stuff for Mallach, or even becoming his champion? I know there are Dancer silks, but maybe some other dessert related gear or spells, like a sandstorm spell that can blind enemies and do DoT, or a staff that summons dead souls and that could be a random enemy npc that has a chance to be someone like Queen Atheldred, or a fodder centar if you killed one. It could be similar to an anubis build, focusing on summoning and taking life like the actual egyptian god of the dead. Sorry I've been watching old movies and the first Yu-Gi-Oh! movie inspired me to look more into Cait and Jassira, which I believe is the real world equivalent to Egypt.
Mallach doesn't have champions all together, but everything else i back completely up, please can we have it
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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2018
Mallach doesn't have champions all together, but everything else i back completely up, please can we have it
Didn't know that Mallach doesn't do champions, but maybe he has some special gear out there in the wilds for people of his faith, that could be stupid useful. I'm trying classes I usually don't use, that being charmer and white mage so i'm just spitballing ideas I get.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
They are somewhat to me. I tend to use them interchangebly, though there are characters that are just way more fem then others.
Though most of the time, a lot of 2D twinks could just as easily slide into femboy scale depending on how they are drawn or what kind of clothes they wear. Link from Biste and ToTK being famous example. Or in case of Kesils comparison, the two men are not that much different in my eyes.

Femininity is a spectrum, and we all expirience it differently.
Yeah, it's the "I'm literally dressing as a woman to get into a females-only town" thing that makes Gerudo Link cross into full-on femboy for me. Otherwise, he's just a pretty boy.
I do wish Moira and rest of the artist for CoC2/TiTs would tone down the hips to waist ration just a little bit.
View attachment 37903
He looks cute, do not get me wrong, but still...
Hey, wide hips are the the mark of femboys in this game, especially the ones that bottom. Those who want to take men like ladyman Dracula here and make him cum like a girl definitely want to know if, by some miracle, they could knock up femboys, that he could carry their baby to term. (Pfft, probably not. They just want cheeks that clap well.)


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
Hey, wide hips are the the mark of femboys in this game, especially the ones that bottom. Those who want to take men like ladyman Dracula here and make him cum like a girl definitely want to know if, by some miracle, they could knock up femboys, that he could carry their baby to term. (Pfft, probably not. They just want cheeks that clap well.)
Oh I do not mind it time for time -- emphesizing certain features for sake of titillation is how smut is made. It is just that I would prefer if the femboys, from time to time, would look more slender without going overboard with hip to ass ratio. Kind of like what Morino Bambi draws, Leo from Promare and so on. Slender boys are just as fertile, in my opinion.

As a straight man, the difference for me is clear as day. They're femboys if I'd like to fuck them, which is therefore not gay, obviously. They're twinks if I would not fuck'em, and doing so would default back to being gay, naturally.
Some people unironically believe this, smh.


Oct 6, 2024
I still want a fox mask to boost magic or a custom sword for the Champion idk… but the mask would be amazing (considering I’m still waiting for tetsuya to give me the kimono while being friends)
A custom sword might actually be fairly fitting, either for the champion to go on a quest to find or to make.

There's a famous noh play about it:

Maybe Keros (or a previous Keros champion?) helped make the sword ages ago, and somehow the Champion needs to go on a quest to retrieve it.
Or maybe Keros recruits the PC to make a new one, or reforge an old one.

Something like that.

Completely unrelatedly, call me old but I'd like to see Kinu get married and have kits with her chosen beloved (not necessarily in that order), and maybe the shared experience of pregnancy can help her mend her relationship with her mother.

What's the phrase...? "I want grandkids, damn it!"


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
Would really like more Alissa scenes and maybe some modification on the current catching scenes to show more of her affection for the champ as she becomes more submissive. I think the whole BDSM focus on her makes sense but some more light and affectionate scenes would be great for the submissive side of Alissa. With "reward" paths to show her how much of a good girl she's being. Pitch anal and dom riding that demonic cock scenes would be amazing as well.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2018
I'm just waiting for the part where we get to either have a threesome with her and Etheryn, or leave her locked in chastity in her cell while we give 'Ryn the gentle lovemaking she deserves.
I'd be more for the second one. I don't care if the power balance is reversed, I'm not super into an abusive victim having sex with their abuser. It feels gross.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
I'd be more for the second one. I don't care if the power balance is reversed, I'm not super into an abusive victim having sex with their abuser. It feels gross.
I get that. I only mention it because they have mentioned a potential threesome as part of the plan since the earliest days of the game.


Oct 27, 2024
Possibly a bit of a common ask, but some more for Shar. Maybe burying the hatchet with Zhara (and the champion getting their end away) if she's at the wayfort. As we learnt with Nina, the best way to stop siblings bickering is shag them into catatonia. Its basic science.


Oct 27, 2024
It's a minor want, but I'd love an expansion to the end of the pure path in 'Land of Milky Honey' where, after being purified, Nyzerrah declares you an honorary Hive Knight, and you get a Hive Knight title.
So actually something related to that. I think it’d be great if we got (for lack of a better term) some minor soulbinding options. I say minor because you wouldn’t literally hand over your soul, but you do fundamentally link it to something. Like actually taking Nyzerrah up on her joking offer. It’d offer some weaker buffs than Lumia and Keros but could be interesting. Like binding yourself to the Terrestrial Fire given we know that to some extent it exists, or actually becoming a hornet hive-wife/queen.
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