What content would you like added?

Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
In any case, the druids seems a pretty closed group who follow old traditions and seems to be only composed of boreal elves. It would be weird for them the tell the secrets of their century/millenia old profession to the champion who's hasn't time to learn about it in detail and whom's specie can change from simply eating a random leaf.
Yeah, especially true when the group is trying to rejoin the Winter City and, if not give up, at least temper their philosophies. The wyld trees themselves commanded them to turn away in some methods. Would take a real good story and reason for one of them to train a new druid. Though I think some druidish type powers could still be attained.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
New classes are explicitly Not Happening just like starting races, but adding some more druid-type Powers and letting you play your Champ that way would be pretty easy.
So it would only be possible with a new project?
I'm pretty sure that there's no interest in classifying scenes even in a new project when it could be done from the start, because it would still be a huge amount of ongoing work, because of the potential for edge cases that Drake mentions and because coming up with a system that would make everybody happy is a fool's errand. Bear in mind that the post I linked to was written when this game was new and had barely any content so it's not just a question of retroactive work but the entire premise of trying to filter sex scenes in a game like this.

There are things I could see them adding that people have requested in a new project (like some form of language filtering a la what got added to TiTS) but I doubt that a global content filter is one of them.


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2018
Also related to her and to many other NPCs, but I wish there was more appreciations towards champs with modest/subtle busts. Like, it made my newly formed fem PC develop a breast envy with how everyone seems to only focus on large cups.
Honestly the only thing that comes to my mind is Hethia's peaceful sex scene from Dog Days and she's already suffering from breast envy to begin with.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2023
Right above the center of your Dreams
I'm pretty sure that there's no interest in classifying scenes even in a new project when it could be done from the start, because it would still be a huge amount of ongoing work, because of the potential for edge cases that Drake mentions and because coming up with a system that would make everybody happy is a fool's errand. Bear in mind that the post I linked to was written when this game was new and had barely any content so it's not just a question of retroactive work but the entire premise of trying to filter sex scenes in a game like this.

There are things I could see them adding that people have requested in a new project (like some form of language filtering a la what got added to TiTS) but I doubt that a global content filter is one of them.

Really? Why wouldn't it be possible and the little research I did reading the convo you pointed had to be with some ppl not reading the text present. There's many ppl would want this change; just look at steam and the forum.
I don't know, I'm not a coder but having something in the Parsers work with them as Perks and act like keys should work and not be too hard, eg:
PC selects at start > Homoerotic Perk (allows for same sex scenes, because every Npcs sex is kept track off, we all know this)
PC ecounters character of same sex > selects sex (checks for perk)

Or the writers could just keep the PC from thirsting after a character until after they've selected a flirting scene that establishes they are interested then they can procede with the sex scene, would save a lot of trouble.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
There's many ppl would want this change; just look at steam and the forum.
A lot of people have also asked for Cait pregnancy and for Ryn to be given a vagina no matter how many times Savin has said that neither is happening. Just because an arbitrary number of people want something doesn't mean that it's feasible or that they're going to get it.
I don't know, I'm not a coder but having something in the Parsers work with them as Perks and act like keys should work and not be too hard, eg:
PC selects at start > Homoerotic Perk (allows for same sex scenes, because every Npcs sex is kept track off, we all know this)
At this point you run into all of those edge cases that Drake mentions as well as running into the fact that the game just isn't written that way. For example, lets say there's a 'heterosexual' tag and the Champ is male. Does that tag then only proc scenes for NPCs who have a vagina and no penis? What about females with a penis and no vagina, or with both? Because either way you're going to run into people who will complain that they've either been locked out of content they wanted to see or were 'made' to see scenes with ew penis and they didn't like that. Homosexual tag and the Champ is female, same thing. Apply as needed to all other cases. How about the degree to which an NPC is furry and filtering based on that? You'd need lots of interlocking tags to cover all the possible angles and that is much much more work than what the devs for CoC2 and TiTS have said repeatedly: If you're not into it, don't click on it. Y'know, like Drake said in that post; The needs of a vocal minority of people who don't want to see X is not something the devs are interested in catering to in a deviant porn game.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2021
An option to bring the female Hellhound to the Wayfort by building a new Fire Temple (or a similar area) so you don't have to walk all the way to her for some snu snu. Also could add new options for Agni to live there since it's closer to Hawkthorne and some threesome with Pyro Brienne and the Hellhound, a foursome with Pyro Brienne, Hellhound and Agni and a fivesome with Pyro Brienne, Hellhound, Agni and Aileh for the most hottest and fiery sex marathon. (I can see this kind of event getting really hot for the player character). Would also be nice to have a few unique scenes during those events that involves a PC that has either fire-based forms like the Cinderscale Salamanders or a Dragon to boast and be able to handle the heat better or ice-based forms like a Frostscale Salamander or a Artic Vulpine to offset the heat somewhat and have some nice contrast with the fire-based women involved.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
An option to bring the female Hellhound to the Wayfort by building a new Fire Temple (or a similar area) so you don't have to walk all the way to her for some snu snu. Also could add new options for Agni to live there since it's closer to Hawkthorne and some threesome with Pyro Brienne and the Hellhound, a foursome with Pyro Brienne, Hellhound and Agni and a fivesome with Pyro Brienne, Hellhound, Agni and Aileh for the most hottest and fiery sex marathon. (I can see this kind of event getting really hot for the player character). Would also be nice to have a few unique scenes during those events that involves a PC that has either fire-based forms like the Cinderscale Salamanders or a Dragon to boast and be able to handle the heat better or ice-based forms like a Frostscale Salamander or a Artic Vulpine to offset the heat somewhat and have some nice contrast with the fire-based women involved.
Good news on this one. (Content Warning: light mode)


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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
Honestly the only thing that comes to my mind is Hethia's peaceful sex scene from Dog Days and she's already suffering from breast envy to begin with.
Now that is sweet from Hethia, even if it comes from the fact that she is aware of the struggle.

Still, I would like for future scenes not to be locked behind having certain breast sizes if we could help it. Or at least for them to have variation for the C-cups and bellow.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2023
Right above the center of your Dreams
At this point you run into all of those edge cases that Drake mentions as well as running into the fact that the game just isn't written that way. For example, lets say there's a 'heterosexual' tag and the Champ is male. Does that tag then only proc scenes for NPCs who have a vagina and no penis? What about females with a penis and no vagina, or with both? Because either way you're going to run into people who will complain that they've either been locked out of content they wanted to see or were 'made' to see scenes with ew penis and they didn't like that. Homosexual tag and the Champ is female, same thing. Apply as needed to all other cases. How about the degree to which an NPC is furry and filtering based on that? You'd need lots of interlocking tags to cover all the possible angles and that is much much more work than what the devs for CoC2 and TiTS have said repeatedly: If you're not into it, don't click on it. Y'know, like Drake said in that post; The needs of a vocal minority of people who don't want to see X is not something the devs are interested in catering to in a deviant porn game.
I'd would agree with the sentiment of "if you don't like, it don't click" if the writers didn't feel the need to have the PC thirst after ther character regardless of whether or not you've ever choosen to indulge with that demograph or not. If Devs want to control the PC's sexuality, then create an actual character for us to follow, because the PC is the blancest of slates.
Having them locked behind a perk in a similar way like locking a sexy scene that requires a vagina or "x" sized cock.
Or like I said earlier the writers should have a proper flirting scene before sex is even in the question so the player knows what they're in for and don't have the PC thirsting the character until they say YES.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
I'd would agree with the sentiment of "if you don't like, it don't click" if the writers didn't feel the need to have the PC thirst after ther character regardless of whether or not you've ever choosen to indulge with that demograph or not. If Devs want to control the PC's sexuality, then create an actual character for us to follow, because the PC is the blancest of slates.
They did, the devs have been quite clear that the Champ is not you, mostly blank slate or no they're a character albeit one you have a lot of control over. The Champ (and Captain Steele) are canonically pan because it's so much easier for the writers that way.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2023
Right above the center of your Dreams
They did, the devs have been quite clear that the Champ is not you, mostly blank slate or no they're a character albeit one you have a lot of control over. The Champ (and Captain Steele) are canonically pan because it's so much easier for the writers that way.
They're not characters, shells that can be filled to fit a scene maybe but not characters. I get it being easier but honestly, they should've just gone with making a character, you know, with wants, an arc or two, a motivation for being.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
I would like some "Kitsune" Kanji Tattoos.
Additionally, I would like some more hairstyles such as a Ringlets, Crown Braids, and Hime cut.

Also, Komari preg when?
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Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2018
I would like some "Kitsune" Kanji Tattoos.
If possible, there should be a separate set of them for when champ is low intelligence or bimbo/himbo. With result being something like:



Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
It'd be nice to see the ol' Mirror Magic get an overhaul. As it's described during the convocation, it's basically a "Duelist's Stance" for spells. It'd be more interesting if it was that sort of thing, nullifying an enemy spell and then immediately using it as a free action. From a more mechanical perspective, Mirror Stance being a stance makes it basically a nonstarter for magic-focused builds, which can usually afford to give up an at-will, but have extremely compelling encounter slot "stances". To say nothing of it being a tank-oriented ability - without the defensive utility this usually entails.
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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2022
It'd be nice to see the ol' Mirror Magic get an overhaul. As it's described during the convocation, it's basically a "Duelist's Stance" for spells. It'd be more interesting if it was that sort of thing, nullifying an enemy spell and then immediately using it as a free action.
There is a planned Astrida power that works exactly like that but it will be behind Nareva Soulbind. Although it is in the game right now, it is only used by Thalia I think. It's name is Obsidian Aegis so if you really want it you can Save Edit it in.
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Jul 4, 2022
i back on CoC2 and start a new game i hope see many character develop but the one who i hope see a devellopment is
  • Gytha and Melara i hope can do anything with Melara exemple a redemption quest or a desir to repay her fault to take an oath to you to become her new leige like Gytha with Etheryn after all you defeat her and Jael'yn for exemple explain she like serve you when you become queen, well an idea like that. for exemple like Gytha, she protect the wayfort and you can interact with her for exemple if you not slay them.
I think that be interresting because let her in a jail when we offer a chance with other is a little awfull.


New Member
May 1, 2024
I would like after the fight with Jael'yn. Depending on where you send her maybe.
She could gain control like she did before, causing a bad ending.
After each time depending on the sex scene you pick she will either gain a more submissive or dominant change like with Berwyn.
If she starts to become more dominant the scenes would change and her attitude would change, just a list of different type of things would be different.
How you would talk to her/approach her/even when it comes to asking for a sex scene.
Asking for your character to sit/kneel or such depending on how much has changed.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2021
a second way to get the whitewood bow besides defeating hethia
An ideal option would be sexing her so hard that she either enjoyed it so much that she gives it to us or being sexed so hard that she's literally, physically unable to stop our MC from picking it up from the ground near her. We be like "I'm taking this as payment"
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