What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2023
it's also a wasted potential that anno, that sporty blonde cat lady, and few others don't have preg expansion
i dont know about who i assume is ramis, but for anno, savin is not even remotely into preg. i dont like the phrase "wasted potential" because almost every character has infinite potential, but this is a smut game for people who want to write the smut they are into.
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
i agree, thing is it's bit lacking compares to how many herms are in this TiTs universe, it's also a wasted potential that anno, that sporty blonde cat lady, and few others don't have preg expansion
I’m not complaining that there’s too much futa/herms, i was just stating that tits has better pregnancy content, and it’s already been stated as to why anno doesn’t have pregnancy, by blond cat lady you mean Cait?


Active Member
Jan 28, 2025
Mobile performance kinda sucks, though I suspect that's an issue more to do with mobile browsers/electron than anything else.

Orange Juice Jones

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2017
It has been a while since I've last played, because every time I load up the site to see what's been added, I'm bombarded with a bunch of gonzo character sprites that are just not sexy at all. I can't fuck these goofy characters.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2023
It's a positive feedback loop: extreme characters attract people who like them and turn off everybody else, the people who like them commission more like that, those characters drive out more mainstream characters, thus attracting more people with that fetish.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I guess that having Adjatha as the main bust creator as the game progressed didn't help matters, what with turning every character into blowdoll versions of Palaeolithic "Venus" figurines. Even applying it to more "moderate" characters. Not that artists always cared about text descriptions, mind you. There was a thread back in the day discussing such.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
I do feel like Adjatha's artstyle has gotten more absurd as time goes on... i don't expect a strict adherence to realism, but i haven't seen anything that actually attracted me for year or two now... the way he draws pussy lips like they're two taped on lumps has always bothered me, but it feels like every person drawn these days has as much packed under their skin as can fit, be it muscle or fat, they're kinda... tightly bound? Like they're about to pop like a balloon...

Different strokes for different folks, but i get it, what @Orange Juice Jones is getting at.
The pussy lips are supposed represent camel toe
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Jul 23, 2024
I'm fairly neutral on Adjatha's art, but I do think some of it is too much, or deviates too far from the description of a character. The previously-mentioned comment on how he draws labias is the foremost example, imo; it's not a cameltoe when they aren't wearing anything! It's not like he can't or won't draw less extreme characters, either.

I just think it could be dialed back a little, that's all.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
I meant in real life, I was comparing real life to the game, but I agree some are better than others in the game


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
The dockmaster scene where the panties are shoved into the players mouth was therapeutic. I copied the written behavior with 80% of a shirt in my mouth. I had my wisdom teeth pulled, and had physical behavioral trauma from the teeth removal. Biting down on a large shirt helped to massage the abused muscles and teeth. I found that if the person keeps shoving the shirt down their mouth that the saliva will block all oxygen----- the teeth will automatically bite down as hard as possible on the shirt in order to achieve oxygen. Anyways, Jesus is our Lord and savior.
If anno is recruited, then she is removed from tarkus. Aurora is in a shop close by while their parents are dead. My hope is that they have an adoption of aurora with Anno Dorna & Kaede Entara as guardians. Morally speaking, the Novahome doesn't have the best of role models.
The only Moral actions the player can do for an Orphan especially if they have cheats active is to keep on buying Aurora the Orphans Merchandise and selling it to Anno in the shop nearby. God, please help Aurora to be adopted by Anno Dorna. The speech with the Pale Woman seems to be a mix of of whether the player has adult understanding of suffering and circumstance. The Pale Woman says the player is a Kid, this is a hint to whether or not maturity is active in the play through. Victor Steeles Trial is for the Orphan to be saved. Of course they hidden it under the Anno Quest with Gray Goo Prime.
The Player has to input their real name in order to have a moral feel. Otherwise this game is just a shallow fantasy or a setup for the future suffering of the player without a reason why. Daily Bible Reading has helped me come to this conclusion. @Savin @Fenoxo @Gedan @William. @B @TheInfamousImmortal
With all due respect dude, I'm not sure why you're bringing Christianity and the Bible into this. Its a porn game.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2022
Gripes, eh?

I kind of wish planets had level caps, as in, Steele can't gain any additional exp if they farm said area. This idea arises from the fact I lose interest in my character (a me problem) when I hit level 13. I wanted to get a drop on Zeng Shi. The random gods were against me. I was looking for Augment Weave Armor (a 10% drop from punk security guards). I defeated 26 of them before it dropped. I don't know how many mice and big bad black bunnies I defeated--a lot. I arrived on Zeng Shi at 8th level. I left Zeng Shi less than a million exp from Max Exp. I sometimes have the same frustration on FIRS T-14 I tend to like the Steele Industries Armor drop. I can be third level before I find it.

EDIT: I guess this is another gripe. The Aim based Merc has a really hard time escaping grapples unless they train Physique like crazy. That's why I was looking for the aug weave armor so I could spend less "real time" training Physique. I was dumping my "non-Aim" leveling points into Willpower.

My other gripe. The exponential curve for prices, weapon specs and even exp. I often arrive on Myrillion at 5th level. One loop around the Weaxle(sp?) den can sometimes vault me all the way to 7th level. The only thing that doesn't seem to get massive spec enhancements from planet to planet is armor. Perhaps I just don't understand the defense specs well enough to notice how much better one armor is from another? I mean, I keep wondering why Steele would buy hardlight armor on Dhaal that costs 250,000c when they can buy armor with other, seemingly (to me) as good specs, on Uveto that for 33,000c. Comparing armor in this game makes me scratch my head and I "thought"I had an okay brain.

Perhaps that's my third gripe, not my brain, but armor that seems to only make a modest difference in Steele's success without one armor being obviously better in some situations, than another...and, yes, I know how to max out my evasion or build my defense and what differences they make...except they don't seem to make a big difference to Steele's success or failure in combat...even on a pure combat, rare to no tease, builds. Although, honestly, I could complain about my brain too, like how it never fucking shuts up--even when I'm trying to sleep.

Yes, these are me problems, but this is the gripes thread and those are my gripes. Great game. Thank you to all the creators, supporters, et all.
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Active Member
Jan 28, 2025
Come to think of it, it makes no sense that there's almost no armor or clothing that offers more sexiness than just stripping. Hell, it's hard enough to find items that even meet that threshold.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
Adjite piercings can drop off enemies now, but there was no mention of it in the patchnotes.


Jan 17, 2020
Not enough features get enough content to justify their existence. Take Snakebyte, for example. It turns your throat into an erogenous zone and lets you do super deepthroats easy. Is there ever a dick you can't normally suck? Not really. On top of that you only have, as of writing this, two variant scenes. The Bimbo/Brute perks feel like they should be considerably more expansive since they completely rewrite your mentality. There's more but these are the ones that get me the most because "cool idea, but fuckall for implementation". Lots of features are really shallow in how they're implemented. Considering this game is nearly a decade old, iirc, feels a bit lazy. I get the desire to add new and shiny things, but please add more depth to what's already there.
On a related note, some characters are clearly dev favorites and get way more attention than others. Kiro has a gorillion things, but the mutated rusher and stalker dzaan have very little by comparison even though you'll likely run into them more often while out in the danger zones.

Transformations should give abilities if you go all-in. As of now, there isn't really much for transformations aside from a few aesthetic chances and the rare scene where being a certain thing gets you a few more lines of dialogue. Some, like the new (for public) behemoth TF, give perks that...might have a benefit, but others don't. You mean I have this nice centaur body and can't kick with it? Being a dragon doesn't give me a breath attack? Being a frostwyrm doesn't enhance my psionics?
On a related note, being corrupted just means you're hornier, which isn't exactly a bad thing. I don't know if there's supposed to be a penalty like a bad end or the probes now a needing a minigame to activate because you have to convince them that you are, in fact, still victor's kid, but considering taking two Soaks too soon will lead to a bad end, this feels like it should DEFINITELY fuck the player up more than "you can be lustier".

There really should be a save editor or some manner of aesthetic fixing. I mentioned it in the bug report, but the behemoth tf makes your dicks uselessly huge. There's ways to fix that, in game, but the RNG and grind are...un-good for how much you need. Being exact would be cool.


Jul 19, 2024
The Bimbo/Brute perks feel like they should be considerably more expansive since they completely rewrite your mentality.
Bimbo actually has a decent amount of flavor text to it; it's the brute/bro/whatever its supposed to be version that barely ever gets any dialog or scene changes. The simplest reason (beyond the fact that it's not really that hot to most people, I don't think) is because no one seems to know what it's actually supposed to entail. For the TF I'm writing I kind of split the difference between the description and the 'bro' idea from CoC classic, but the dialog that's actually in-game is usually more 'douchebag' than 'himbo'.

A lot of the reason various TFs aren't acknowledged in scenes is that they didn't exist when those scenes were made, simple as. You're almost certainly going to be told you can and should get approval from the writer to add in those variants yourself if it bugs you. It's not hard so much as it is a pain.
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Shgon Dunstan

Active Member
Feb 10, 2025
As far as Bimbo/Brute goes, I find it best to just think of them differently then one would typically with such things since the very nature of the game means they ain't never going to be fully represented in 100%(or even like 25%, lets get real) of scenes. Taken as a whole, the MC is always going to be able to slap on their serious and/or thinking cap at a moments notice. Thus I tend to see them(well Bimbo, never really touched the other)in Tits and CoC2 as more just a mixture of sex obsessed and just being really carefree, like totally zen'd the fuck out, then anything more substantial then that. With the occasional bout of your more typical bimbo behavior being more just them playing it up for the audience in the moment then anything.

I mean... about the only other answer, is the MC actually is suffering from multiple personality disorder. lol


New Member
Feb 7, 2025
That you can't leave Dame Xhani's party without clicking "sex". There's nothing in the text before you go that says you are definitely going to have sex there and that part makes it look like an important part of the story. I had to search the bugs section to be sure because people on another forum couldn't believe it wasn't a bug or oversight. "thinly veiled" implies there's anything at all. What is there implies a choice, like what's in most of the rest of the game. Before you say "just one scene" how many more times are you going to do this kind of thing? It seemed like you weren't doing it anymore for a while.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
The diminishing returns on minimum lust are brutal and it's basically impossible for corrupted Steele's to run around with a permanent boner. (100 Lust)

I do not like that.