What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
You're assuming the game is balanced around all stats being maxed out. It might be, but I doubt it.

There was somebody who got up to the Zheng Shi intro at Level 1 (couldn't beat Urbolg).

I've gotten through Zheng Shi having invested no points and doing very little Stat Training. (I prefer to not use the Gym until Augment-Weave Armor.)

If using Melee weapons increased Physique & Ranged increased Aim, ect., there would be very little point in granting stat points on level up.
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Dec 2, 2024
You're assuming the game is balanced around all stats being maxed out. It might be, but I doubt it.

Nope. But there is a simple fix for that. If you don't want people to easily max out their stats, then you can adjust the amount of bonus attribute gains you get on level up. This is something you can come at from more than just one angle.

As is, the current inconsistent and arbitrary system of stat gains we have results in a esoteric and unintuitive system that ultimately does nothing to prevent min-maxing. I know how to min-max in TiTS and I will continue to do so. But wouldn't it be nice if the people who didn't min-max also had a game system that actually made sense, offered consistent and intuitive progression, and was straightforward enough to not need a wiki to understand?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
If it's possible to max all stats, it's not min-maxing, it's just maxing. Min-maxing is making the most of your limited points.

The player is directed to New Texas on Day 2. 10K for a Lifetime membership at the Gym is expensive for the first planet or two, but peanuts later.

The unintuitive things about the Gym, in my opinion:
1. It's better to eat at the Bucking Bronco instead of going all the way back to the Ship to sleep.
2. You should Train first, then spend Stat points. In fact, it's possible to bank enough you don't have to Train later.
3. You shouldn't put your Affinity in a stat you plan on raising primarily with Stat points.

I think the developers see Slow Stat Gain as a bonus, not something they expect the player to do.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2023

Grinding stats isn't fun.
Just load up the save editor, and max them when you reach max level.

Although I do like the idea of my attributes improving the more I use my weapons. It just (works) makes sense.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2023
You're assuming the game is balanced around all stats being maxed out. It might be, but I doubt it.
Screenshot from 2024-12-15 18-41-31.png

note that this is for the main dungeons the team puts together for the main story. community written encounters are given a difficulty by their writer and typically only get an initial balance pass. ex. though i never had an issue with them, consider how long people complained about the rat raider difficulty before they got nerfed
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Dec 2, 2024
If it's possible to max all stats, it's not min-maxing, it's just maxing. Min-maxing is making the most of your limited points.

The player is directed to New Texas on Day 2. 10K for a Lifetime membership at the Gym is expensive for the first planet or two, but peanuts later.

The unintuitive things about the Gym, in my opinion:
1. It's better to eat at the Bucking Bronco instead of going all the way back to the Ship to sleep.
2. You should Train first, then spend Stat points. In fact, it's possible to bank enough you don't have to Train later.
3. You shouldn't put your Affinity in a stat you plan on raising primarily with Stat points.

I think the developers see Slow Stat Gain as a bonus, not something they expect the player to do.

I know all of that. Please don't be pedantic with 'min-maxing'. Raising your stats by grinding a lot in the early levels, so that you can cruise on by without needing to train at higher levels; effectively rationing your limited amount of free level-up attribute points? That's literally min-maxing ('...making the most of your limited points') as you defined it, and can result in max stats for the player.

Again, New Texas just isn't a probe location. There aren't any other gyms in the entire game (as opposed to how many different transformative or weapon vendors there are). Heck, there are more places to purchase ships and ship upgrades. You can't even do something as reasonable as purchase an 'at home' gym and slap it inside your ship next to the Dong Designer (which ironically enough, appears on Tarkus with the upgrade is on Zheng Shi, both probe locations).

The current system is janky, inconsistent, and unintuitive. Wanting to get the most out of it requires consulting outside resources like the wiki. What raises your stats is largely arbitrary, and I don't think anyone can honestly argue that is not the case. I think the system as it stands now is a detriment to the current player experience, and would greatly benefit from being expanded with a consistent logic so that new players could actual intuit how the system works from within the game. Ideally a complete overhaul into a usage based system would be the most intuitive and straightforward system from a player's perspective, but I get that might require a more bottom-up rebalance of content and mechanics (e.g. percentile based stat checks).

The game isn't just an erotic text adventure. They put a full-blown RPG and combat system in here. If you're going to put in a progression system, why not put in a good one? Stats can already be raised outside of leveling up; that Pandora's Box has already been opened. So why not make it straightforward, easier to understand, more intuitive, and less grindy to do so? Again, even if a new system or overhaul is over-tuned and makes stat gains far more plentiful and easier to get, you can also adjust the stat points on level up to smooth out the progression speed.

Any game mechanic worth doing, is worth doing well.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2023
That's literally min-maxing
this is a deliberate misenterpretation of Theron's words. you're not min maxing your stats by rationing, you're min maxing your time.
Again, New Texas just isn't a probe location. There aren't any other gyms in the entire game (as opposed to how many different transformative or weapon vendors there are).
this is a writing issue, not a mechanic issue. someone has to be interested in writing/creating another gym, and writing something that's already been written isn't particularly interesting or inspiring. I don't think smut writers are writing things for the purpose of RPG mechanics
Any game mechanic worth doing, is worth doing well.
is it worth doing? final boss dungeons arent balanced around having all stats maxed, in fact theyre balanced around not even having fully optimal stats. as you've stated yourself many players aren't even aware that stat grinding is a thing, yet you don't hear that many complaints about not having good enough stats to clear content. does not having optimal stats require that you pay a little more attention to resistances? probably, but losing to a boss with high fire resist because you only attack it with fire isn't unreasonable.

majority of players I come across that are informed of the ability to stat max found it neat. they had intuited that they wouldn't be able max every stat and that's fine, most people would also intuit that you're probably playing either ranged or melee, rendering either aim or physique less important respectively. the game tells you which stats are important to your class, only listing 2. intuition would tell you that the others aren't as important so don't need to be max


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2023
Kineticist is envisioned as a 'Space Wizard'. And for better or worse, Wizard-type characters generally rely on a better understanding of game mechanics.
I disagree on this being the problem

Kineticist main (and core flaw) is that there is a big scarcity of content which actually justifies being a Kineticist, there isn't a lot of possible fun synergy or weapons and armors compared to the other classes which can branch out more heavily, Kineticist is stuck on being status based yet it's way more grindy to get objects to make your damage look noticeable and to not get one shot because of your dogshit defense.

I am fairly certain the best kineticist armor is the Pumpkin King Plate which is an Halloween exclusive armor only, I don't think i need to state why this is a major problem.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Kineticist main (and core flaw) is that there is a big scarcity of content which actually justifies being a Kineticist, there isn't a lot of possible fun synergy or weapons and armors compared to the other classes which can branch out more heavily, Kineticist is stuck on being status based yet it's way more grindy to get objects to make your damage look noticeable and to not get one shot because of your dogshit defense.
That's because it was added so late.

Have you played the Kineticist post-buffs? I haven't found damage to be too much of a problem. Deep Freeze>Gravity Crush instantly defeats the Train Warbitch, Grenadier & Warmistress.

I am fairly certain the best kineticist armor is the Pumpkin King Plate which is an Halloween exclusive armor only, I don't think i need to state why this is a major problem.
Why? The bonus HP? I think the best is probably the Witch's Robe because you can fairly easily Stun Lock things with Force Darts + Deep Impact.
Otherwise, either Paragon Hazard or one of the high Resistance armors.
Jumper Spacesuit might be good, too. 20 Evasion, 40% Electric, 10% Burning, low enough Defense Psychic Armor makes an appreciable difference.
Maybe Void Plate?
Just because it's not as clear, doesn't mean there aren't good armors.
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Dec 10, 2024
This one's minor but there are a few character portraits that feel really dated and some that are outright still missing despite the content being there for a while. Like, Zil and Naleen still use old portraits. Kiro's, Kally's, and Bimbo Kiro's portraits look like an evolution of Adjatha's art style because the age gap between them is so big. Sera has 4 portraits but only one of them barely has any variants based on her game state. The inconsistency can be a bit jarring.


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2021
... All of my saves are gone. I recently cleaned some cookie caches some days ago because of a problem that came up that I no longer remember what it was about. And now that I'm planning on playing TiTs again, I see that all of them are gone since I forgot that clearing that stuff can erase saves on their site. Fenoxo needs to have some kind of account option setting to the game itself (if you're playing on the browser version) that saves and binds saves into a account bound setting instead of cloud or whatever they're currently using that the saves are focused on. Or at least release the game on Steam like they did with CoC2. I still don't know why they haven't done that yet with TiTs. I didn't even have them backed up since I thought they would be secure enough in case something similar happened in the future.

Funnily enough, this is the second time I did this I think.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
... All of my saves are gone. I recently cleaned some cookie caches some days ago because of a problem that came up that I no longer remember what it was about. And now that I'm planning on playing TiTs again, I see that all of them are gone since I forgot that clearing that stuff can erase saves on their site. Fenoxo needs to have some kind of account option setting to the game itself (if you're playing on the browser version) that saves and binds saves into a account bound setting instead of cloud or whatever they're currently using that the saves are focused on. Or at least release the game on Steam like they did with CoC2. I still don't know why they haven't done that yet with TiTs. I didn't even have them backed up since I thought they would be secure enough in case something similar happened in the future.

Funnily enough, this is the second time I did this I think.
How come that you're a member since 2021 on this site and never thought of securing your savefiles? Doesn't the game warn players now to save their files externally? Not blaming you, just curious.


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2021
How come that you're a member since 2021 on this site and never thought of securing your savefiles? Doesn't the game warn players now to save their files externally? Not blaming you, just curious.
Again, I don't normally clear my caches of cookies that much so it's very easy for me to forget that it can erase these types of save files. Especially since the only times I lost my TiTs saves was with what happened recently that I mentioned just now and like I said, this is probably the second time I accidentally erased my TiTs saves like this before. The last time this happened was two or three years ago I think. It might be a little further but I don't remember.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2018
Hate that you are forced to use Tease attacks in the tutorial dungeon for the Gryvains. If I want to play a cutthroat Merc I just can't because of them. At least you can skip the Celise fight so you don't have to use Tease attacks.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2023
Hate that you are forced to use Tease attacks in the tutorial dungeon for the Gryvains. If I want to play a cutthroat Merc I just can't because of them. At least you can skip the Celise fight so you don't have to use Tease attacks.
You can run away from them. It's called a 'Tactical Retreat'.
* The Gryvian's I mean, if it wasn't clear


Active Member
Jan 14, 2025
My current gripe is that the Jumper Interceptor encounter is broken, I went into detail on the changelog page and haven't gotten a reply because it deserves a hotfix


Aug 26, 2015
My current gripe is that the Jumper Interceptor encounter is broken, I went into detail on the changelog page and haven't gotten a reply because it deserves a hotfix
Bug reports should go in the Bug Reports section of the forum, not the changelog page. That's purely for discussion, anything you report as a bug there isn't going to be tracked.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2018
You can run away from them. It's called a 'Tactical Retreat'.
* The Gryvian's I mean, if it wasn't clear
Yes but they are super hard to get away from. I had to headbutt them over and over till it worked then run. Then wait until I got Arc Sledgehammer to drop then I could beat them.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2018
Also another gripe I have is that trying to become full minotaur is impossible without taking feminine TF items according to the wiki at least. Only way to get bovine tongue is from Holstaria or Bimbo Treatment. I got bull treatment then used 20 Mino Charge before looking it up and realizing you can't get it. So forever stuck at 89% Minotaur. Edit: not sure if you can get treatment twice and get other versions. Like could you even get treated with Bimbo then get treated again and get Bull? I guess could just get Bimbo treatment then take 20 Mino Charges.
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Well-Known Member
not sure if you can get treatment twice and get other versions. Like could you even get treated with Bimbo then get treated again and get Bull?
Nope; you can only get Treated once. Also, if you want to avoid femininity as much as possible, I'd recommend Holstaria instead of the Bimbo Treatment even if you weren't already Treated. The former makes you a large, muscular minotaur girl like its inventor, Cynthia, and like most TFs is fully reversible; the latter gives you the very feminine-coded Ditz Speech perk, which is permanent and I'm guessing you don't want on your Steele.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Only way to get bovine tongue is from Holstaria or Bimbo Treatment.
Holstaria's Tongue TF only requires Bovine Ears, and it causes 1 change at a time. With a bit of save-scumming, you won't even get any side-effects.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2018
Nope; you can only get Treated once. Also, if you want to avoid femininity as much as possible, I'd recommend Holstaria instead of the Bimbo Treatment even if you weren't already Treated. The former makes you a large, muscular minotaur girl like its inventor, Cynthia, and like most TFs is fully reversible; the latter gives you the very feminine-coded Ditz Speech perk, which is permanent and I'm guessing you don't want on your Steele.
Was mainly put off by the black color lips and stuff which I don't know how to reverse. Other stuff I can just take more Mino Charge to counteract. If it only does one thing at a time though should be fine. Although idk how rng is rolled in this game. If you just reload and to the exact same thing does the number change or do you need to like move first or what?
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Active Member
Jan 14, 2025
Bug reports should go in the Bug Reports section of the forum, not the changelog page. That's purely for discussion, anything you report as a bug there isn't going to be tracked.
It wasn't so much a bug report as it was alerting them to missing/poor syntax throughout the postcombat scenes.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Was mainly put off by the black color lips and stuff which I don't know how to reverse.
Lip Tease (though you also have to choose to enlarge/shrink lips.). Pickmentation for Skin. Ceria on Tavros can change Fur color.
Although idk how rng is rolled in this game. If you just reload and to the exact same thing does the number change or do you need to like move first or what?
Just reloading will work.

It wasn't so much a bug report as it was alerting them to missing/poor syntax throughout the postcombat scenes.
The Devs read the Blog comments sometimes, but it's not something you can rely on. If you report it to the Forum, you can bump it if it hasn't been fixed in a while.


Active Member
Jan 14, 2025
Lip Tease (though you also have to choose to enlarge/shrink lips.). Pickmentation for Skin. Ceria on Tavros can change Fur color.

Just reloading will work.

The Devs read the Blog comments sometimes, but it's not something you can rely on. If you report it to the Forum, you can bump it if it hasn't been fixed in a while.
Someone else did today, so I just added onto that. I only just made an account for these forums recently so I can do that in the future. I've just never seen something so glaring and out in the open as this.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
Well, you definitely started playing the right game then to see more of it in the future.
Mar 25, 2023
*Too much hermaphrodite,i was talking to some female looking npc (no bulgein her pants) at the bar, invited her to ship only to realize she is packing 10 inch canine cock when she undressed.
*not enough preg content, at least compared to coc2.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
*Too much hermaphrodite,i was talking to some female looking npc (no bulgein her pants) at the bar, invited her to ship only to realize she is packing 10 inch canine cock when she undressed.
*not enough preg content, at least compared to coc2
tits has quality preg content while coc has quantity, by that I mean unique pregnancies with unique npcs, like the kids are separated by individual unique npcs like Sam, tam tam, etc.
Mar 25, 2023
tits has quality preg content while coc has quantity, by that I mean unique pregnancies with unique npcs, like the kids are separated by individual unique npcs like Sam, tam tam, etc.
i agree, thing is it's bit lacking compares to how many herms are in this TiTs universe, it's also a wasted potential that anno, that sporty blonde cat lady, and few others don't have preg expansion