What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?


Aug 27, 2015
Mighty interesting read, friend. I hadn't thought about most of the points you brought up.
If we could delve even deeper, I would say the games still allow for the very primal, standard heterosexual male fantasy. You are rich, famous, leader of a crew, physically imposing, doing dangerous shit by your own damn self against all kinds of foes, all the while able to fuck basically any woman and knock many of them up left and right.
And again, I am an optimist, so I could just be seeing my lawn greener than my neighbors, but I would say top content is notably more abundant than bottom content in the games.
Would you agree with these statements?
In the end, the grasp of the community I now have: drawn by the futa femdom and similar niche aspects there is a SIGNIFICANT part of the whole (players and backers), but still not the majority, as the content split would suggest to me, those are the usual presumed porn consumer brand of straight men. Still, drawn they are, and exist they do, they found a gold mine and want more, thus they enter in force in the commission department, resulting in a comfortable majority of 70 to 30 on that front.
Spot on? Or am I way off?

Pretty much. Heterosexual guy focus is still overwhelmingly popular - and almost all of TiTS' writers past and present are heterosexual guys - so that type of content is always going to be well represented. And we can see the essential playboy fantasy in the story Fen concocted.

It's just that because that audience is very well catered to more generally, they aren't possessed by the same urge to commission authors to get more of it. It's not unheard of by any means! The last random commission I took was to produce a bunch of male-top scenes for Bizzy. It's just not as common.


Apr 5, 2017
Am I the only one who thinks that the most recent character maybe took a little too much inspiration from Sly Cooper? Carmelita shares not just her name with Inspector Carmelita Fox, but also her hairstyle, necklace, and entire top half of her body really. I don't know anything about her personality, as I haven't played it, but I can say it's very distracting and I hope she isn't an officer as well.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2016
It's Cold Here, Midwestern US
Am I the only one who thinks that the most recent character maybe took a little too much inspiration from Sly Cooper? Carmelita shares not just her name with Inspector Carmelita Fox, but also her hairstyle, necklace, and entire top half of her body really. I don't know anything about her personality, as I haven't played it, but I can say it's very distracting and I hope she isn't an officer as well.
did you miss how lorelei is just rouge the bat? expies allowed


Apr 5, 2017
But Lorelei isn't a bat, and her name isn't rouge. The love stars aren't named bubbles, buttercup and blossom. I also know the Ruskaval (might be misspelled) are a reference to the Lombax of Ratchet & Clank, but they aren't named Lombaxes. Their designs have callbacks to to what they are referencing, but Carmelita is literally a pallet swap from the waist up. I don't mind obvious references, but copying the exact name of the inspiration and making the model look this close is just...a bit too far IMO.


Apr 5, 2017
Because I'm thinking about it, I'm going to offer my advice on how to fix this issue as easily and unobtrusively as possible. I am not asking for an overhaul, and I don't want people thinking that references are the issue. I think it's a simple 2 step fix.

1. Change the names. Carmelita can be Carmen if you really need to keep it close, and if the Coopers are referenced you can even just use "Sylvester, Benjamin, and Mickey." You could just not play it this close either, Lorelei sounds nothing like Rouge, but if you want to keep it close even a small change goes a long way.

2. Change the design a little more. It doesn't need to be drastic, but color swaps aren't quite enough. Maybe her ponytail is shorter, or maybe she has two instead of one. Her necklace was originally a reference to her occupation, so perhaps you swap the star with the peacekeeper logo. I get Carmelita wasn't a complex design to begin with, and making her a taur helps keep her from feeling like a carbon copy, but their are other subtle ways to make it less distracting.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
Ja, I think it would be better if the turret was itself buffed or made customisable, i.e. you could swap its weapons to suit the enemy you were facing, kinda like the Engineer in TF2.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2023
Maybe have the turret require Steele to aquire replacement parts to build another - e.g. Steele has to defeat N enemies to build a turret. Thus, the player can still spam turrets in a hard battle, but will then use up Steele's store of parts and won't be able to spam them again until a few battles have been won.