What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2017
Well, if at 6’2” and 200 or so pounds, my character is capable of supporting 4 tons already, I’d say he’s already pretty firmly at superhuman levels at 50 physique.

It would certainly make sense if it’s just a somewhat arbitrary reflection of how much fluid you can lug around, but I always thought it was a bit odd, given what it otherwise implies. If it was an actual reflection of strength, stats at 50 would already make Steele the TiTS equivalent of MCU Captain America o_O
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Well, if at 6’2” and 200 or so pounds, my character is capable of supporting 4 tons already, I’d say he’s already pretty firmly at superhuman levels at 50 physique.

It would certainly make sense if it’s just a somewhat arbitrary reflection of how much fluid you can lug around, but I always thought it was a bit odd, given what it otherwise implies. If it was an actual reflection of strength, stats at 50 would already make Steele the TiTS equivalent of MCU Captain America o_O

It's more a measurement of internal carrying capacity, such as your scrotum, breasts, wombs and any other body parts that you can size up.

Like, have you ever been more babby than woman?

* Weight: 969.494 lbs

* Belly, Size Rating, Total: 579 (+579)
* Belly, Weight: 694.8 lbs (14 %)
* Active Pregnancies, Total: 3


  • I still think the Elder Venus Pitcher towards the end of the Deep Jungle should be 1 tile to the left instead of blocking off access to one area where there's a quest. I'll admit that it's a lot harder than I originally thought for players to be unable to reach the quest area without risking a bad end, but it would at least eliminite the potential.
  • Gel Zon can't seem to take a hint if you refuse to fight him and seems to show up fairly often. It would be nice if he had a reduced encounter rate if you refuse to fight him, or better yet: be given a third option after 5 or so refusals in a row that would disable him permanently. He's like the Amber of Uveto, except his content currently doesn't seem to go anywhere...
  • ...Actually, I wouldn't mind having the same option for Amber, honestly. Probably moreso than Gel Zon, in fact, since you could argue that he's a difficult encounter with consequences and the main reason you're given the option to refuse a battle is to ensure players aren't getting into a battle they aren't ready for. Amber just wants somebody to suck her dick, in a forest full of fuck-happy aliens. It doesn't have to be Steele, and I don't think there's any good reason to pester the player if they consistantly refuse her. I mean, I'm glad we get the option to refuse her without a fuss, I don't want to fight her or anything, but the way her encounter rate works, I tend to find her at least once just on my way to and from the probe, and quite often 5 or more times before I've left for Tarkus, and that's when I'm trying to spend as little time as possible on Mhen'ga for speed test purposes. It gets old fast.
  • Essyra Marion doesn't give you any hint as to what she's packing under the hood until you're locked into a sex scene with no exit point. I've read and re-read her scenes, there's no warning as to what you're getting into until you can't back out. Considering it comes in 4 variations, that's really not fair. Unless there's a way to influence what she has that I'm not aware of, I really don't see the point, and I hope it's just an oversight.
  • Please, could the text suggesting that an enemy has an SSTD be bolded and at the top of their introduction text instead of having to scroll to the bottom of text that many players have likely stopped reading after the third repeat encounter at the latest! It's so frustrating having to run all the way back to V-Ko to get a cure, especially when things like Sneezing Tits can effect you as soon as you know something is wrong. I appreciate that we get the warning, but it needs to be more visible. That way the player's time isn't wasted, whether they're trying to avoid it or seeking it out.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2017
Please, could the text suggesting that an enemy has an SSTD be bolded and at the top of their introduction text instead of having to scroll to the bottom of text that many players have likely stopped reading after the third repeat encounter at the latest! It's so frustrating having to run all the way back to V-Ko to get a cure, especially when things like Sneezing Tits can effect you as soon as you know something is wrong. I appreciate that we get the warning, but it needs to be more visible. That way the player's time isn't wasted, whether they're trying to avoid it or seeking it out.
I just went to Dr. Lash to get immunity to SSTD's because I get annoyed by them. Not sure if you knew that was an option, but if you didn't, you do now
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Note: Getting SSTD Immunity from Dr. Lash halves your fertility/virility as a side effect.


I just went to Dr. Lash to get immunity to SSTD's because I get annoyed by them. Not sure if you knew that was an option, but if you didn't, you do now

Note: Getting SSTD Immunity from Dr. Lash halves your fertility/virility as a side effect.

Oh I know, but Dr. Lash is on Tarkus, and you can get SSTDs as early as Mhen'ga. One of your first sexual encounter can (and has for me in one save) lead to an SSTD. Sure, I guess that's technically realistic, but that doesn't seem to have any benefit in terms of the overall gameplay experience. SSTD immunity would still be beneficial if you don't want the warning messege (some people don't want to have to worry about contracting a sexually trasmitted disease in a porn game at all), and you don't want to have to skip out on a sexual encounter because of it. Many players won't even know it's a thing in-game until they get one, and considering how limited your means of making credits are prior to Tarkus (And you can get an SSTD from the "get honey" scene, btw. I dunno if that was a glitch, but it's totally happened to me before. Submitting definitely does, as well), spending 500 credits just to cure them could mean the difference between getting the equipment they need to progress the main story, and having to spend another 30 minutes to an hour grinding - that's if they don't reload and lose whatever progress they just made. Hopefully they were saving frequently and they didn't just lose an hour+ worth of progress. Worst case scenario: they get the message that they contracted Sneezing TitS after they had just saved, they're all the way on the other end of the jungle, and by the time they made it to V-Ko, they've grown 3 cups and now need to either deal with it, or find a way to shrink them, which means even more credits are siphoned away from whatever they may have been working towards, or may need in the near-future (like, you know, recruiting crew members). Combine that with Lash's procedure reducing stats that you may then want to increase, which may mean having to buy or obtain even more items....there's just a lot more potential for a player to feel like they've wasted their time over something that's just a little too easy to miss.

I know this comes across as a rant, but it's something that's come up in most of my playthroughs, and I definitely think putting the message in a way that's clearly visible would solve most these issues without having much impact on what I think is the intended experience.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Scenes that support both the nuki nuts and cum cascade perks, as of now I think there is only the one scene on canadia station.


New Member
Feb 21, 2018
People have mentioned the game's tone and how it sometimes swings pretty widely. That's gotta be one of my bigger (but not biggest) problems too. Grimdark death etc. just seems so out of place in what is otherwise a pretty light sex romp adventure.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
  • I still think the Elder Venus Pitcher towards the end of the Deep Jungle should be 1 tile to the left instead of blocking off access to one area where there's a quest. I'll admit that it's a lot harder than I originally thought for players to be unable to reach the quest area without risking a bad end, but it would at least eliminite the potential.
  • Gel Zon can't seem to take a hint if you refuse to fight him and seems to show up fairly often. It would be nice if he had a reduced encounter rate if you refuse to fight him, or better yet: be given a third option after 5 or so refusals in a row that would disable him permanently. He's like the Amber of Uveto, except his content currently doesn't seem to go anywhere...
  • ...Actually, I wouldn't mind having the same option for Amber, honestly. Probably moreso than Gel Zon, in fact, since you could argue that he's a difficult encounter with consequences and the main reason you're given the option to refuse a battle is to ensure players aren't getting into a battle they aren't ready for. Amber just wants somebody to suck her dick, in a forest full of fuck-happy aliens. It doesn't have to be Steele, and I don't think there's any good reason to pester the player if they consistantly refuse her. I mean, I'm glad we get the option to refuse her without a fuss, I don't want to fight her or anything, but the way her encounter rate works, I tend to find her at least once just on my way to and from the probe, and quite often 5 or more times before I've left for Tarkus, and that's when I'm trying to spend as little time as possible on Mhen'ga for speed test purposes. It gets old fast.
  • Essyra Marion doesn't give you any hint as to what she's packing under the hood until you're locked into a sex scene with no exit point. I've read and re-read her scenes, there's no warning as to what you're getting into until you can't back out. Considering it comes in 4 variations, that's really not fair. Unless there's a way to influence what she has that I'm not aware of, I really don't see the point, and I hope it's just an oversight.
  • Please, could the text suggesting that an enemy has an SSTD be bolded and at the top of their introduction text instead of having to scroll to the bottom of text that many players have likely stopped reading after the third repeat encounter at the latest! It's so frustrating having to run all the way back to V-Ko to get a cure, especially when things like Sneezing Tits can effect you as soon as you know something is wrong. I appreciate that we get the warning, but it needs to be more visible. That way the player's time isn't wasted, whether they're trying to avoid it or seeking it out.

I fully agree with all of this and I'd even go so far as to say that it'd just be nice to have a "skip to the sex" on certain encounters that don't have such which deal with a singular npc that comes around over and over again instead of a bunch of potentially different ones. Maybe you like the sex but you get tired of the need to fight before hand, especially if you're particularly submissive or you've kicked their butt going on 100 times without a single loss.

Like, sure, maybe it's not in their personality to ever give up or w/e, yet one would think that if you start a dozen dozen fights with someone and that someone goes on and beats the metaphorical snot out of you every single time you do so then you'd either leave them alone or just go and ask for whatever you're really after, wouldn't you? Heck, most would do so way sooner than that. Yet some of these NPCs seem to have the same int stat as every over-aggressive lvl 1 wolf in every game/mmo ever. "Is move? RAWR-FIGHT!"

But, as long as such encounters are at least disableable, as they have been so far, then it isn't so bad, even if the way of doing that is kinda a dick move; which is why this is just a gripe and not a real problem.


@criticAlls To be fair, a lot of the enemies early on do have "skip to sex options" of some form or another. Especially on Mhen'Ga (where you're practically rewarded for skipping the fight) and Tarkus (where you'll almost always lose credits, but save time). Starting from Myrellion, however, gaining the option often requires more effort (i.e. a reflex check for the Cockvines, multiple fights with deserters in a landmine-riddled zone, or a complex addiction/submission mechanic), and by Uveto and Zheng Shi, it almost always involves set characters, while losing multiple times to generic NPC in a row can lead to bad ends. So the lack of "skip to the Sex" options as we progress could arguably be seen as a natural escalation - we're headed into increasingly dangerous territory, and we're not always going to be able to fuck our way out of danger.

....I just realized you were specifically meaning hostile NPCs like Gel Zon, Roz, the Corona Lord Pilot, maybe some others that I'm forgetting. Okay, yeah, most of those kind of encounters do tend to have mechanics where you can skip the battles, such as beating them multiple times in a row. Hopefully the other characters get a similar treatment. I was under the impression even Gel Zon was supposed to have further content, which, you know. I wouldn't mind being a thing, if it means making a character I currently dislike potentially more likeable.

Rare Pleasure

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2016
One thing that greatly bugs me is any event that requires a particular amount of cum to activate (for example, makeing a small cum-bubble to give to Mitzi) can sometimes become effectivly impossable if your balls are a little too productive. Its just frustraiting to mod up my nuts and then find something that I cant do because I simply have too much cum.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
One thing that greatly bugs me is any event that requires a particular amount of cum to activate (for example, makeing a small cum-bubble to give to Mitzi) can sometimes become effectivly impossable if your balls are a little too productive. Its just frustraiting to mod up my nuts and then find something that I cant do because I simply have too much cum.

When I need to nut for a small Bubble Buddy, I find its best to either drink from Ellie, Sally or Red Venom, then sex every crew member, then jack off to the Bubble Buddy. And if I trigger an Anno and Kase random event where she teases him, I might end up with large bubble.

It is kind of a pain in the ass.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
...I find its best to either drink from Ellie, Sally or Red Venom...

It is kind of a pain in the ass.
If you need to raise minimum Lust, you can use the Savicite Cockring sold by Kiona (the Jeweler in Korg'ii Hold, across the hall from Tuuva).


One thing I don't like about the tease descriptions is that Steele eats their own cum during one of the crotch teases if you have a penis. I'm pretty sure there's nothing that can be done about it, since the game doesn't seem to have a way to track whether or not Steele has ever been orally cumflated (actually, a cumflation tracker would be kind of neat...), yet I can't help but roll my eyes whenever I read that bit of text, especially since the dialogue posits them as something of an expert on the taste of cum (or at least their own) regardless of their experience. I'm always left thinking, "Steele, honey, you're a virgin. Stop talking like a connoisseur. You're embarassing yourself.:rolleyes:"
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
One thing I don't like about the tease descriptions is that Steele eats their own cum during one of the crotch teases if you have a penis. I'm pretty sure there's nothing that can be done about it, since the game doesn't seem to have a way to track whether or not Steele has ever been orally cumflated (actually, a cumflation tracker would be kind of neat...), yet I can't help but roll my eyes whenever I read that bit of text, especially since the dialogue posits them as something of an expert on the taste of cum (or at least their own) regardless of their experience. "Steele, honey, you're a virgin. Stop talking like a connoisseur. You're embarassing yourself.:rolleyes:"

I've always wondered why that one showed up for Steeles with 0 out of 10 sexiness, 0-100 or maybe 30-100 tease experience and no sexing, not even oral.
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Oct 7, 2017
Given the sheer range of possibilities in the game, it is difficult to write content for the game such that every edge case is covered.

For example,

You land a hit on Kane with your rock! The attack directly impacts Kane! (H: -110)

Kane barks in shock and anger as your shot hits the target. Gusting back on his wings, he focuses his tar-like eyes with fierce intent on your rock...
You raise your weapon - but before you can fire it the zil flings himself forward, taking advantage of your lack of guard to smash both of his fists into your face, practically horizontal as he hits you. You gasp in shock and pain as you stagger away, hands to your face. Your nose, your beautiful nose!

“You rely on your metal blowpipes, and all you know is how to witlessly pull the trigger,” calls the harsh, buzzing voice tauntingly. “Once your victims know how to get past them, you are as nothing against true warriors. So says the word-wolf, and his words ring true!”


Sep 13, 2019
The biggest complaint I have is the general lack of satisfaction and reward for playing.
Games provide the player with motivation by offering them rewards for their efforts. But I find that the rewards offered here fall short, and really kill my motivation. Considering each possibility individually:

- overcoming challenge: good at first, but quickly becomes unsatisfying when gameplay allows for effectively infinite money and max stats
- transformations/character customization: also good at first, but also becomes very unsatisfying when it becomes clear how little the changes are actually reflected in the content. In 90% of cases, the game will barely even acknowledge that extra rack of boobs you have or the cluster of equine cocks you grew. It's a real bummer to go through all that effort for nothing.
- new content: honestly, after the first literally 200 sex scenes you read in a row, it becomes a little difficult to care too much about #201
- narrative: not a great motivator, especially with the knowledge that the main story (such as it is) is incomplete

There comes a point where the game begins to feel like a chore. And honestly, I've played this game multiple times over the years but never actually made it all the way to the end.

Oh, and while I'm here, griping, there were also two other things that constantly bugged me:

2) Everyone is too "interesting." Primarily seen where characters were added through submissions or commissions, it always bothered me how it seemed like everyone in the Universe had some wild or tragic backstory. When a giant, super-mutated, genetically modified, nanotech-infused professional badass adventurer and heir to a megacorporation walks into a backwater bar, they should not be the least interesting person in the room.

3) Rodney Dangerfield syndrome - no respect. You could be the aforementioned giant professional badass, and yet every nobody you meet treats you like a little bitch. It's like, hey, do you not realize the person you're talking down to might remember this in a few years and literally destroy the planet you live on? I guess some people have an excuse, but most people you meet really should know better. I wish you had an option to Fight every person you meet, like in an actual open world game. Teach them some manners.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
- new content: honestly, after the first literally 200 sex scenes you read in a row, it becomes a little difficult to care too much about #201

You realize the entire point of this game is porn, right? Indeed, the game itself is just an excuse for the conveyance of porn. If you aren't here for the porn, there's probably no point playing!


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2018
I only agree with the last point. It is true when you are such a powerful person and heir to such an important company people should start to acknowledge you. Maybe not at first in Mhenga but the more you advance through the game and you go saving planets you should start being more and more famous.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
I only agree with the last point. It is true when you are such a powerful person and heir to such an important company people should start to acknowledge you. Maybe not at first in Mhenga but the more you advance through the game and you go saving planets you should start being more and more famous.

A lot of the quests have a distinct 'greatest story never told' vibe though. You kicked the crap out of a Black Void Admiral? Who's going to talk about it? Amara? Not bloodly likely. Kara and Logan? Given their profession, it would be ill advised. And Steele is probably street smart enough to know that bragging about it might bring down some unwanted heat. The Kashima rescue? Dude, do you want more people poking at that rock with those freaky alien parasites?

The Nyrea village, Ara Kei, Quinn and Shep Darnock are quite respectful of you depending on how you finish the associated quests with them. Steele needs to rescue a colony ship from terrorists to get some attention or the like from the galaxy at large.


I moved this here from a bug report because it was off-topic:


Sadly, that's just how they work. Unless you have very low libido and very high willpower, there's a random chance that you'll forced to watch. I mean, looking at the numbers, it'd be great if the number it was checking against was lowered so there was less of a chance of getting railroaded into a scene. I mean, it's pretty much just a landmine for new players at this point, and you kind of need to go through one of them to complete a quest that lets you recruit what has for a very long time been the only male crewmate that wasn't just a sexbot. I know that's not how it was originally intended, Kase was just a one-off character someone expanded upon, and I think the pitchers might pre-date the quest even, so it really does seem like content that needs an update.

I've found 3 Libido and 3 Willpower to be sufficient to reliably avoid the Venus Pitchers. Even 3 Will and 4 Libido seems to work. Defeating the Zil Males in Esbeth's jail decreases Libido by 1, as well.

If you want to get Kase, there's a workaround:
The fixed location Venus Pitchers in the lower Jungle don't appear until you've seen one of the Venus Pitcher random encounters in the upper Jungle.

Reaching the Crashed Satellite from the Abandoned Xenogen Camp doesn't pass through a Venus Pitcher square, so you can potentially get there before enabling the Venus Pitchers, enable the Taxi service, then come back for the Satellite later. Or get the Satellite Hard Drive before enabling the Venus Pitchers and hold on to it until you're ready to recruit Kase.

My issue is more that it railroads players into a scene with little warning, and you kind of have to know in advance how to avoid it. I was hoping that at least lowering the number it's checked against would make it easier to deal with (currently, 3 willpower and 4 libido would make it more of a coin-toss, I even double-checked in a new save). I really think something could be done so it takes less work to avoid it. Whether it's moving them, making them more obvious (signpost or marked straight away) so you know to look out for them or seek them out, depending on your tastes. This game is usually pretty good at not forcing players into sex scenes unless they want them. Even as far as mind control content, stuff like Lane and the Rodenian female are either out of the way or clearly marked. I'm trying not to kink shame, even if it was normal vanilla sex, I'd have a problem with it when it's held up against the rest of the game. Especially if it still came with transformation changes, pregnancy, and an increased chance of it happening after each encounter. You know, if it was like many other encounter on planets after Mhen'ga, but with an instant pass or fail that you needed to look on the Wiki to know about.

...actually, that's more or less what they are. I even got an SSTD from the Elder pitcher during my testing (because of course I did). Maybe they should just be an actual combat encounter? I know I'd prefer the option to fight back, at least.
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
From my experience it seems like a dick that's 10.4 inches long and 2.6 inches thick is the perfect size where you get the minimum amount of "HAHA, UR SMOL" while having the maximum amount of holes that you can fit into. Any smaller or larger in length or width and you start getting into that special territory where you're *just* too small to not have them comment that your dick is small or *just* too big for them to fit you in.

This goes off the fact that the total size is important as well as the length and width individually. I have found, however, that if you switch it around where you take some size from length and put it in width you still run into more "too big" or "haha smol" with more characters than you do with the sweet spot size of 10.4x2.6. Of course some characters are just outright size queens like that annoying cat girl who wants hyper tits and a job in porn, and will make fun of you unless you're hyper, too, and others are just made small to the point where fitting them will make you small for most other encounters. Yet those are definitely not the majority. The majority of characters have a "biggest dong size" and "smallest "good" dong size" at the sweet spot or somewhere that puts the sweet spot between those two sizes.

This is just what I've found from tinkering around in game, stuff I've read here, and stuff I've read on the wiki. Certainly don't take any of it as cold hard facts.
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Aug 27, 2015

Looked their doc up on a whim and 9 inches is exactly on the border between whether you get regular sex or cock worship. Writing 'medium' dick blurbs is the worst thing in the world so I sometimes don't bother. Sorry about that.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
10.4 inches long and 2.6 inches thick is the perfect size where you get the minimum amount of "HAHA, UR SMOL" while having the maximum amount of holes that you can fit into
thanks, i was getting tired of my 9 inch micropenis and my sometimes too big penis. theres a weird amount of scenes you cant access with around 13 inches, i expect much more of space sluts