What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Well now the suspense is killing everyone.

Except me though.

I'm emotionally dead on the inside.
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Jul 1, 2018
Its not so much post-combat rape, as it is consensual of dubious nature.
Look, if you lose a fight, you get jumped on by someone, so they'll expect the same from you if they lose.

However, outright rape would not fit well here and would probably break the terms and conditions of a couple of financing sites like Patreon. But as it is, rape, like watersports, vore and guro are fetishes that are banned for the games. There has to be a line drawn somewhere.
Beating someone up until they can't meaningfully resist and then forcing sex on them is rape. Conversely, being beaten until you can't resist and then being fucked is also rape.

To clarify, I'm not at all against this! I'm not trying to say that makes it wrong to put in the game or to enjoy, but I'm honest enough with myself to call it what it at least is in many/most cases of victory/defeat combat scenes: rape.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Or some people just see it as foreplay.

The Naleen female on Mhen'ga doesn't call you a rapist after you beat her. She sees it as foreplay and considers you a lover, even to the point of sleeping with you if you encounter her during the night.

Gel Zon on Uveto sees it as a superior warrior claiming what is their rightful due, be it on the giving or receiving end. In fact, he finds it more demeaning to be spanked than buttfucked.

Most of the enemies you encounter in TiTS are open to you having sex with them, with many of them seeing it as them challenging you, failing and now you get to claim your just reward. You beat them, you deserve what that entails. No one ever kicks or screams, begging you to let them go. In fact, the worst you see might be someone is a little bored that they lost again.

Seriously though, if there was any kind of actual rape submitted, it would have been rejected so quickly.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
I thought we were waiting for you to make the first move, which would have been after your Korg was done.
That and a certain commish I had to get to >.<


Jul 1, 2018
The Naleen female, as I've just gone through and checked, beats you senseless if you lose to her, holds you down as you struggle and drugs you with a paralytic toxin. Subsequently, she fingerfucks you paralyzed, motionless body before forcing her tail into a female Steele's pussy while you, and I quote, 'whine pathetically.' Soon, as the tail gets thicker and thicker, you're 'screaming incoherently, overwhelmed by the massive tail insertion.' As this goes on, you're described as 'trying madly to find some way to rebel against the assault' or possibly attempting to 'find some way of humping back, thrusting against the naleen’s tail as it pounds your pussy.' There's the first branch where it's possible that you, the player, have been raped until you realized that you liked it.

I could go on, but I think I've made my point. That's one of the first available combat encounters in the game, and it's a very, very clear rape if you happen to lose. And that's okay. I, personally, find that quote sexy. It is, however, absolutely, unambiguously, rape, and trying to pretend otherwise is dishonest at best.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
I have several criticisms of TiTs.
First off its combat can be extremely annoying. A lot of the important statistics regarding your character's overall combat efficiency are put in a really clunky character statistics page and some of the important statistics like total evasion are not even there. Your debuff abilities are much worse than your buffing abilities because a. debuff are usually only just as powerful as a buff, b. has random chance to hit (the percentage to hit is not reveal), and c. several enemies have immunities to debuffs. The sense action is worthless because the information that you would gain is much much less valuable than the 1 action economy you used up. Teasing is incredible inconsistent as enemy fetishes seem to be randomly assigned (I'd have playthrough with the exact character build would be very successful in teasing the zil and naleen and others where I was not). Blindness is the most broken debuff applied to the pc in the entire game since not only does it lower accuracy, it also hard counters teasing; Blindness isn't even really a great debuff to use against the enemy either since in has a fairly high chance to fail, your action economy is generally spent better on attacking, and enemy lust attack are generally phenomenal or drug in nature. Many enemies can easily stun lock the pc. Some buffs and debuffs don't show up as battle icons like the vanae invisibility. Accessories are limited to only 1 and that has the consequence of there being only one right accessory per class.

The game smashes all perks, regardless of their effect or origin, together in one giant list.

Wearing fetish clothing or going naked is basically suicide by the time the third planet rolls around.

SSTDS show up as a one line warning on the combat text which is easily skipped when you are fighting the thousandth ruskval. Some place don't have doctors to cure sstds like tarvos and tarkus (unless you want to lock yourself away from that content).

Several stores have inventories that are very cluttered. You can't buy multiples of an item at once. Several shopkeeps have items that do not make sense for them to have (Why on earth does ellie have clearYu and rubbermade but not bovinium and mino charge?). Some items are locked behind obscure pathways (Skin clear is locked behind clicking the rubbermade codex entry and that entry has to be unlocked by going to the ellie shop on new texas) this can make the game unnecessarily arcane to some newcomers.

Taint is extremely slow to tick down with no options to lower it but wait. It arbitrarily punishes some tf builds over other (like making a ruskval-galbani hybrid over a kitsune-dryad).

The game almost immediately gives up and calls you an alien morph when you try to make a half non-human half other non-human. Skin, scale, and fur share the same space which can lead to weird effects like having thick skin, and this also partially locks out cool half-fur half-scale builds.

Sir Mixalot:
This game has a severe tits over ass bias. Size 20 hip/ass is where the game basically calls it "freakish" but your but weight considerable less to something modest like a K-cup (this goes back way into early CoC).

These are some the complaints I have. Some of my complaints are already mentioned in previous posts. This doesn't mean I hate TiTs or think the devs are boneheads or lazy. It's just that a like TiTs a lot and wish for it to be the best game it can possibly be.

Captain Kiera

Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2017
I can't really gripe about the game as a whole, but one thing that does constantly itch at me when playing the game is that (and this is no fault of anyone's, but moreso the way that TiTS is structured and with some writers coming/going in the process) most characters just... kind of live in their own bubbles, so to say. It's definitely improved nowadays from when I first started playing TiTS, especially on the crew member front, but there are a lot of times where I wonder, "How would X character react/interact with Y character if they ever met each other on some planet, on the crew, etc. Especially those written by different authors." I am aware such things would require a good deal more writing and corroboration with other fellow writers, but stuff like that would generally be more fun to explore in my opinion, and definitely enhance on world-building!
I do have multiple ideas for commissions with Fisi interacting with other characters, i've just been to busy to take the time to write them down(and eventually contact the authors). I did also have flitting thoughts about a PaigexFisi commission, but B was already working on other things I wanted to see more. Though I will say the idea of Fisi in a tank-top and spandex is really tempting.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
This is a question for EVERYONE, player, coder, writer, dev team. What's your criticism?

The one thing that I'm pretty sure that I can speak for everyone on is that the story is moving at a snail's pace.

That would be my chief complaint, but moreso is that the updates, even the monthly ones a pleb like me gets feel a mile wide and an inch deep. It always feels like I'm flying all around the known universe and, even with the new much-improved interface compared to CoC, spending more time looking at menus than smut.

There has been some change to this, like the recent Shekka expansion, but mostly it feels a lot like CoC where you just have to collect all the Waifumon and every update is just more slightly different big titted futas and if you really liked the last big-titted futa too bad because she's never going to be addressed again.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
I do have multiple ideas for commissions with Fisi interacting with other characters, i've just been to busy to take the time to write them down(and eventually contact the authors). I did also have flitting thoughts about a PaigexFisi commission, but B was already working on other things I wanted to see more. Though I will say the idea of Fisi in a tank-top and spandex is really tempting.
While I'd love any new Fisi content, the next thing in has to be her pregnancy stuff. It is cruel that she has a double breeder's bliss sex scene but can't get pregnant. It is cruel I say!

I volunteer to do the coding if no one else wants to do it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I suppose my other, most important, complaint would be that Fen is dependent on crowd funding to keep going, and that means he can't, for example, set aside a month to really get space combat well and truly done. Instead we get the crowdpleasers, waifus and TFs, that seem to take up all the time, pushing back all of the non-smut related things. That's something that can't last indefinitely.

Also the prevalence of dickgirls all over the damn place.

Also starting a new game when this one isn't even out of alpha jfc smh.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I suppose my other, most important, complaint would be that Fen is dependent on crowd funding to keep going, and that means he can't, for example, set aside a month to really get space combat well and truly done. Instead we get the crowdpleasers, waifus and TFs, that seem to take up all the time, pushing back all of the non-smut related things. That's something that can't last indefinitely.

Also the prevalence of dickgirls all over the damn place.

Also starting a new game when this one isn't even out of alpha jfc smh.
To be fair, Savin is the one doing CoC2. Fen has more or less nothing to do with it.
Sep 15, 2016
The Naleen female, as I've just gone through and checked, beats you senseless if you lose to her, holds you down as you struggle and drugs you with a paralytic toxin. Subsequently, she fingerfucks you paralyzed, motionless body before forcing her tail into a female Steele's pussy while you, and I quote, 'whine pathetically.' Soon, as the tail gets thicker and thicker, you're 'screaming incoherently, overwhelmed by the massive tail insertion.' As this goes on, you're described as 'trying madly to find some way to rebel against the assault' or possibly attempting to 'find some way of humping back, thrusting against the naleen’s tail as it pounds your pussy.' There's the first branch where it's possible that you, the player, have been raped until you realized that you liked it.
The general idea behind the fetish is that it's the "sex she didn't know she wanted to have until she got it" fantasy, as opposed to a realistic depiction of non-consensual sex.

Personally, I do enjoy the straight-laced, all-business (or virtuous-on-the-surface) protagonist who is corrupted and turned on to the pleasures of the flesh against her will through these sorts of scenarios, though the game mostly avoids that sort of thing. It'd be fun if encounters like loosing to Dane meant Jack/Jill would slip Steele some Dumbfuck or the "treatment" to get her/him so sex-obsessed that chasing down the probes won't seem so important anymore.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
I agree with you about expanded Nursery content though. Let me fuck the milf-droid, Savin.

I was going to say that someone was working on it, but the doc hasn't been touched in like a month. Might be dead in the water.

My biggest gripe.... forcing square pegs into round holes, ie Taurs triggering scenes that... they probably shouldn't get. Cowgirl with Saendra, Cunttail with Shade and any of the shower scenes in the Ten Ton Gym.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Wearing fetish clothing or going naked is basically suicide by the time the third planet rolls around.
lol wat, I don't even wear armor dude, combat is too easy so I have give myself limits like 'no armor' to make it even remotely interesting. At this current stage of levels and gear, the PC completely out-DPSes even formerly devastating bosses like Dr. Lash.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
People who forbid naga from getting scenes that don't reference your feet. That really grinds my gears.
I need to second that.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
God damn.... that's a real fucking shame! I mean getting all snugly with a big tail wrapped around you sounds super hot. How is no one writing for this?! I Mean I would but I'm nowhere near good enough.
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Active Member
Jun 6, 2018
God damn.... that's a real fucking shame! I mean getting all snugly with a big tail wrapped around you sounds super hot. How is no one writing for this?! I Mean I would but I'm nowhere near good enough.
There's one proper scene like that (not counting the minor changes to the Lessau and Naleen scenes where their wrapping becomes mutual twirling) ... but it's with Ramis so it's one of the few scenes only Real Manly Men can get - sigh.
Oh, and another thing!

People who forbid naga from getting scenes that don't reference your feet. That really grinds my gears.

Okay I'm done.
Really, I can think of very, very few things that a proper snake based naga couldn't do with at most a little bit of awkwardness, hell I'll even imagine the awkwardness myself, just don't lock the scenes pls?
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Dec 30, 2016
I've been trying to write a male naga character for a couple of months now, but I've hit something of a brick wall when it comes to the sex scenes on account of my own relative lack of "experience".

How seemingly everyone who writes for the game can conjure up an entire page (or two) of people doing the horizontal tango is beyond me, at least for the moment.


Jun 4, 2018
My only real gripes would be the limit on accessories, limited storage space on the ship, and no storage at your apartment in the nursery. Especially concerning items that you only have one chance to get, and if you just keep them in your inventory (especially after upgrading it) things can get a bit messy. I can imagine this problem only growing as new areas and new limited quantity items are obtained. The conversation with Carl on Mhen'ga that mentioned Victor being a collector of things had me hoping we'd be able to do the same.

Some accessories seem like you'd be able to equip them simultaneously because they aren't physically worn in the same location on you, though I can understand that it would require new tags for each new body location as well as changing the inventory screen and probably the appearance screen to mention the extra things you have equipped. I know it would mess with balance a bit as well because the items weren't meant to be worn together, and I don't really have an idea as to how to re-balance things, or if they'd actually need to be re-balanced. The strongest accessories would actually take up the same slot and thus couldn't be worn at the same time.

Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
I've I'm gonna throw my hat in: I don't really do naga specific scenes but I always try to fit them in. Much easier to work with than taurs.
Same here. I don't forbid naga, and I try not to write stuff that would be impossible with a snake tail. Though a naga in a sex swing would probably be difficult. I don't forbid taurs either, but you're kinda on your own on figuring out how to fit one in a bath or a ship's shower. :D


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
One leg at a time!
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Active Member
Jun 6, 2018
I've not played much as naga, is there some kinda hand-wave where Naga PCs have a thigh gap before the tail? It's kind of weird to imagine but otherwise it seems like it would rule out way more potential positions.
Yeah, they do. It's not immediately obvious but the feature is clearly present in (and seems to be inherited from) the Naleen as well, so not just a 'cheating' PC.