What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?


New Member
Dec 21, 2019
Map tiles and the layout of many areas. I get that it makes it easier to have the tiles as world placeholders but they make the world feel rather small. Exploration and expansion suffer because there isn't enough room to have another village to explore and no room for new NPCs The sizes of areas are also rather inconsistent is Zheng Shi station supposed to be larger than planet Mhen'ga? Is the Korgone village supposed to be larger than Tavros station? The style of vague placeholder worked fine in CoC because the area was infinite for growth and the world felt large but also didn't have the visual restrictions put on its area. I think that will become a problem in CoC2 as well with its new system and why it will never feel as open as the original. Large empires turned into narrow corridors making them more like theme park rides rather than huge natural feeling cities. It makes me want to do a poll to see how many people actually read the descriptions for each tile in Tavros station that attempt to make it feel alive, and how many keep there eyes glued to the minimap using WSAD to navigate to the unique points of interest.

I think the game also needs to figure out if it wants to be a porn game with no real focus on combat or a porn game with combat focus. It is rather staggering when you coast by running around naked just mindlessly pressing 1 to get by the insane encounter rate making everything trivial up until that point then suddenly it shifts focus and makes the combat super important requiring gear and tactics tuned specifically for that fight.Needing to be clairvoyant about fights is rather off putting since we cant know what resists to bring. Maybe if we had phase adapting armor or shield cores we could adjust in combat. Most rpgs get away with this by having a save spot before boss fights to try a different approach but tits will straight up give you a game over after hours of play if you didn't save religiously.

I also agree with Alayaya on the parts about gearing, progression and combat they wrote above. Currently it feels like there isnt enough level spread to reliably make something slightly harder or slightly easier. You either totally dominate or get owned with very little in between. There is little struggle with a tough fight as you wont have the abilities to do anything different than keep attacking and hope that you damage faster than they do. Steel does not have enough Hps for restorative items to make an effect and especially the first fight with Dane on Mhen'ga its determined by how much you grind before going in.
The gear and tactics you have available are very limited at that level. But it isn't like they progress all that much in strength either. Maybe if transformative items helped in some way to boost stats or allowed for a different path or offered perks like being a 11 foot tall taur would give some significant melee bonus or use of larger weapons. Being a 4 ft tall higher agi build would give evasion and a multiplier to criticals.

Some of the stats used are junk in there current form. Fortification being one of the worst as there isn't enough available on gear, or a build path to double it like there is for tech specialist. Bonuses for merc are tied to physique rather than the life value so wont help there either. On top of that there are no life restore items other than resting while shields pop back to full right after a fight.

Resistances as a percentage is suspect as most attack values are low but come in multiples meaning rounding can take 10-20% of your resistance value out of the equation. Also the best items for that resistance seem to only come after you don't need them any longer. Also these do not scale correctly over time or level of gear thus should be a number of damage reduction rather than percentage (may not make sense at first but if you ever get into a game where you can achieve 100% resistance rather than a set damage number reduction then there will never be room in the future for better gear)

It may not fit with the yank n spank adventure this is turning into. But every encounter does not need to be fuckable Nor do they have to be so unique as to give you a life's backstory. I think going forward the game will stagnate if every single thing added requires a 15 page write up about how you stuff your cock in a grasshopper when really you just needed an enemy to fill the area and make it alive. I think coc2 proves this by having a few things like the wolves in there that not everything has to be lusting for cock to be a good addition to a story.


Aug 27, 2015
Just played through a good chunk of the game, but I wanted to get a criticism rant out of the way because, much as I love so many ideas here, I feel the game suffers a LOT of issues which can make it monotonous.



Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Okay, what fights are people getting into that you feel you need optimized equipment for? Even without easy mode I can completely dominate boss fights, you just determine that spamming your basic attack doesn't work on a boss and actually use your special abilities.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2018
I think the problema is it's too hard sometimes and too easy sometimes (I like the hard times tho)


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2019
Okay, what fights are people getting into that you feel you need optimized equipment for? Even without easy mode I can completely dominate boss fights, you just determine that spamming your basic attack doesn't work on a boss and actually use your special abilities.
right? Flash Grenade FTW! WOOO!


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2017
Well, there is an easy mode for people that just want to see the sex scenes and not bother much with combat.


Feb 5, 2020
i would say i wasnt pleased with the sex scene for Geoff, firts time you flirt with him you can take his v but the second time without asking about top or bottom he takes your v like makes no sennse since then you get the option afterwards like i want to keep my v


Feb 5, 2020
Reciprocity, bro. Also you can just use the save editor and give yourself whatever virginity you lost back, it is literally a checkbox

Aww, need to look that up. Still is there lovers in this like people you can take back to the the ship to live with or atleast visit all the time


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2017
Anyway, as I said, love the game, but it's not perfect and these were the things that really nagged at me.
A lot of people pointed the same criticisms as you several times, but it ends up totally ignored or with some people making dumb jokes and defending it with "then dont play the game " or "Thats what the writers want"
and No i dont mean to force a writer to write what they don't like or enjoy, but i bet it would not be hard to find a worth creator/writer to create such content for the game.
When the same things are pointed over and over and over again, ignoring should not be the answer
In the end, despite being an adult game it seems that there's not really a mature audience, specially in the forums, judging the response that a lot of users post.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
A lot of people pointed the same criticisms as you several times, but it ends up totally ignored or with some people making dumb jokes and defending it with "then dont play the game " or "Thats what the writers want"
and No i dont mean to force a writer to write what they don't like or enjoy, but i bet it would not be hard to find a worth creator/writer to create such content for the game.
When the same things are pointed over and over and over again, ignoring should not be the answer
In the end, despite being an adult game it seems that there's not really a mature audience, specially in the forums, judging the response that a lot of users post.

That's because people often have a superficial understanding of the game mechanics but deem worthy to comment on them. Outside of development there's probably less than a dozen people on this forum worth reading when they post about combat. Everyone else in my experience is going to waste your time. Here I can even make a template to save everyone time:

New Member:

but i bet it would not be hard to find a worth creator/writer to create such content for the game.

You actually typed that out and posted it. lol
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
The thing is, people who make those complaints are kinda missing the point of the game.

At the end of the day, its not meant to be a shooter, or an adventure game. That's not the focus. Its a sex game. Pure and simple. The combat is only a vehicle to get you to the next point of sex.

"Equipment system is underdeveloped" - Good! We're barely halfway through the story of the game, and my Captain Steele is armed with a railgun and wears armour made from the hide of a dragon. I don't want gear to be more developed yet because that's going to be military grade equipment that leaves enemies a fine mist, the colour of which is dependant on their blood.

"The combat is unbalanced" - Again, good! I think the fact that my Steele carries a fuckin' railgun and can still fuck someone after a fight is a great thing. Because if the combat really was balanced, there'd be a lot less sexual encounters and a lot more graves being dug.

"Progression feels artificial" - probably because you're being thrown in at the deep end, where if you fuck up, you get fucked. But here's the thing, you're not a rookie. You're someone who has spent most of their life preparing for the adventure you're on. You're a trained soldier/smuggler/tech expert. The only reason you start off with crappy gear is because you've literally just come from a funeral. Once you start working on your abilities of course things are going to get easier.

"More geared towards submissives" - have....have people actually played the game? Because there's a great deal of dominant content. People point at Zephyr as her treating you as a cow, but they're quick to forget that you're one who can make her moo and spray milk, if you beat her at arm wrestling.

"Writers just care about their own content" - well, yeah. Because writers are going to write the content they want to see. And the fact that there is a small number of people who actively contribute to the game, of course you're going to see pages of stuff. Its stuff they've wanted to see. People want to see something different? Stop bitching, open up a text document and start fucking writing.

"Transformations - skin deep and boring" - That's kinda the point. People see transformatives as something to give them an edge and don't realise that its more akin to getting your ear pierced. They're fashion statements, that's all they are. They're personal touches to make your Steele more unique. Of course they're skin deep.

"I can't get into Steele's story" - You mean you can't get into the classic hero's story, where they have a goal they have to achieve (CEO of SteeleTech), have a task set before them (become a Rusher and earn that title by being daring, courageous, bold and willing to try new things, all traits that serve a CEO well. They even have a rival vying for the same prize. The fact that they get to bang new aliens is a bonus. But at the end of the day, Steele's story is the classic story of the hero. It just has more fucking in it than the usual story (slightly less than Greek Mythology).

People tend to ignore those criticisms not because they aren't valid, but as Null_Blank pointed out, they don't understand the point of the game, throwing out a mountain of text and offering no suggestions as to how to help the game. So basically the whole thing reads as "Wah, this isn't CoD and I don't like that."


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
My favorite is when they completely misunderstand how to play the game and post misinformation as fact in the blog comments. o_O

"Transformations - skin deep and boring" - That's kinda the point. People see transformatives as something to give them an edge and don't realise that its more akin to getting your ear pierced. They're fashion statements, that's all they are. They're personal touches to make your Steele more unique. Of course they're skin deep.
Instant vs slow burn transformations are a kink preference. But like I said before, sometimes people post not even understanding how biased they are.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2017
That's because people often have a superficial understanding of the game mechanics but deem worthy to comment on them. Outside of development there's probably less than a dozen people on this forum worth reading when they post about combat. Everyone else in my experience is going to waste your time. Here I can even make a template to save everyone time:
sorry, but you don't need to be a specialist to comment on things or to show your opinion about how you feel about something.
and in this case? it a constant occuring thing, the same kinds of complaints over and over.
So only people who actually deal with coding or worked on somekind of development are worth ? that's a really bad excuse, also are u the one to judge how well a person knows something?
or should we just add it to profiles, or links and files comproving how well you understand something along with the posts?
You actually typed that out and posted it. lol
i'm totally lost here, like what? what do you mean at all?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
sorry, but you don't need to be a specialist to comment on things or to show your opinion about how you feel about something.
Relax. Bear in mind I'm only speaking about combat mechanics. Other things like the aesthetics of transformation items are purely personal preference and I can't comment on personal preferences except remind others that they are just that: personal. By and large these complaints break down into two things:

Combat is too hard.
Have you turned on Easy Mode?

Combat is too easy.
The combat system is simple and straightforward. People with experience in basic RPGs shouldn't have much problem figuring out how to git gud.

I can't empathize with the 'too hard' crowd because I myself also find combat too easy (to a point). After over almost 18000 combat encounters on a single character it doesn't matter how well it's written, I'm going to stop reading combat spam, full-stop. There is nothing you can do make it interesting again except by introducing new combat encounters. But win/loss scenes I'll gladly read over and over again.

i'm totally lost here, like what? what do you mean at all?
So your suggestion is for Fen to hire someone, train them in TiTs parser, get them up to snuff on the lore and then pay them to write content he doesn't care about?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
"Writers just care about their own content" - well, yeah. Because writers are going to write the content they want to see. And the fact that there is a small number of people who actively contribute to the game, of course you're going to see pages of stuff. Its stuff they've wanted to see. People want to see something different? Stop bitching, open up a text document and start fucking writing.
Reading one line of the criticism isn't a good way to get a handle on what it says.

What they were getting at was that very few of the many characters you can bump into are written with any purpose in mind and so they fall into an easy character-writing trap: thinking that giving them an extensive backstory is what they should be focusing on to distinguish them. The best characters in the game don't narrate their backstories in talk scenes, you find them out and about and their content links into an adventure of some kind. That's what they're getting at here; it's not an issue of people writing what they like so toss off, it's an issue of many superfluous characters belching exposition at you as their only means of interaction besides sex.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2015
I have no idea where you get that from, the public source was last updated early November.
"The source code hasn't been updated in time with a public release since March or April of last year."
Read that again. It usually drops a week or two after the binaries are posted, if it gets pushed at all that month.
Apologies for the lateness, I don't come here too often these days.
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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
I wish somebody would make a patch where we can recruit Dane after he gets fired by our Rival/Cousin.

Or FINALLY make a patch that lets us put that AI from Tartrus in our ship(s), if we didn't destroy her or hand her over to Colenso.
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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
Okay, what fights are people getting into that you feel you need optimized equipment for? Even without easy mode I can completely dominate boss fights, you just determine that spamming your basic attack doesn't work on a boss and actually use your special abilities.
How about the Frostwyrm and Juggernaut? I've never been able to beat them no matter what I do.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2018
Well I would like our rivel/cousin to have some relevance outside of the 3 scenes (s)he appears. Like idk, a little more presence and annoyance, being there not only in the final fight of each planet but also at the begining and middlepoint.

EDIT: I would also like to have some sex scenes with the rival. So far the only one i can think of is the pet play in Uveto and only if you get lucky.


Well-Known Member
I wish somebody would make a patch where we can recruit Dane after he gets fired by our Rival/Cousin.
That's been planned by the devs for a while, so it's guaranteed to get in eventually.
Or FINALLY make a patch that lets us put that AI from Tartrus in our ship(s), if we didn't destroy her or hand her over to Colenso.
Also been planned for a while (by Nonesuch, for over 5 years IIRC), but it's been put on hold until the implementation of proper ship mechanics (not the current placeholder). The plan was that she'd improve various ship systems, with a fine balancing act between how many she could improve at once and how much control she'd take from Steele. It's probably more complicated than that, but if you'd like to know more, Iannan from Cloud 10 is pretty close to what Nonesuch intended.
How about the Frostwyrm and Juggernaut? I've never been able to beat them no matter what I do.
For the Frostwyrm, it's important that you take out her shields quickly. She's significantly less powerful without them.
The Black Void Juggernaut is not immune to lust attacks, and if you think he's difficult to defeat, his boss (Amara) is even harder. She's not immune to lust attacks, either.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2017
Also been planned for a while (by Nonesuch, for over 5 years IIRC), but it's been put on hold until the implementation of proper ship mechanics (not the current placeholder). The plan was that she'd improve various ship systems, with a fine balancing act between how many she could improve at once and how much control she'd take from Steele. It's probably more complicated than that, but if you'd like to know more, Iannan from Cloud 10 is pretty close to what Nonesuch intended..

Pretty sure that doesnt apply anymore - Nonesuch is the lead writer for Cloud 10 and as you allready noticed, many of the ideas for Hand So have been used for Iannan over there. So if Hand So ever gets an expansion, its likely going to be something very different.
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